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Impressive gameplay

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I had a fantastic game last night. Got to round 30 with my favorite players and impressed them. I had over 3000 kills and 400 thousand points with no downs. All this while sitting in the jacuzzi with Christina Aguilera and Taylor Swift. This morning I was told I was smiling and talking in my sleep.

The truth is, if I were to be in a situation where I want to impress, I look crappy. I have been in a few games with high profile people on this forum and under achieved. There were many games with good quality randoms where I try to do too much and fall flat. Maybe I worry my kill total is too low, or down too often. There were games with friends I try to be too funny and lose focus. When you leave your comfort zone you often lose.

At some point we were all in situations where we want to bring the A game. At some point we were all in games where we want to look impressive. The million dollar question is what is most impressive in gameplay? What does a random do to earn your trust and your respect?

1. Most kills.

2. Most revives.

3. Leadership and knowledge.

4. Least downs.

5. Attitude on the microphone, funny or nice.

6. Know the lyrics to "poker face" and sing along with you.

7. Other

If you were invited to play with superhand, tom, and chopper what would you do to earn their respect?

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Not much to be honest.

Here's what you need to do to lose my respect, I think that list is more relevant.

Scream on round 4 that you need help at a single window, when you have a 4 bar connection.

Ask me where the box is before round, I don't know, say 11.

Need a crawler at the end of every round past 11.

Follow me like a lost sheep.

Don't have a mic (big one for me).

Shoot any zombies with a ray gun or M&S the second you go down.

Shoot any zombies with just your pistol when you go down on round 20. Are you trying to tickle them? This is made 4 times as bad when you are shooting at George.

Tell me that I have to revive you as you have XYZ guns. I will get you if I can, what guns you have has no relevance to the situation.

Kill a crawler at the end of a round when you have been asked nicely not to as someone is taking a piss or something.

Be a kill whore in early rounds when insta kill is on, shooting all zombies to bump up your kills. We need those early points, so knife the fucking zombies. If we get to round 30 do you think those extra 10 kills will really matter.

Take a nuke before round 10.

I don't care how good a player you are, you will have my respect if you do not do these things. Just communicate well and we will be fine.

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Well If I was invited to play with superhand, tom, and chopper, I would try and be a good teammate and reach the goal we set in reasonable time. Based on our target if it is 0 downs or a specific round, I work with them to figure out what the best strategy would be if we want to camp or split out in different rooms and kill as they come. Game basics are very important to communicate little things like Max ammo calls, save a crawler and etcetera. Overall keep myself calm and collected and always plan ahead what the revive strategy is when things start to go south.

Anther great topic Jay.

This is what I would expect from a random.

Call Max ammo's and all other important drops.

Communicate strategy for 15-30 and after.

Tell me the exact position when they are down (perk machine or gun or a certain landmark easy to identify)

Not kill any zombies after down.

Not try too hard to gain lot of points instead try and get through the rounds faster. Don't get me wrong farming points is crucial but shooting a horde continuously for hours with wall gun at Round 35 when you already have 200 grand is dumb.

One that does not tell stories and focus on the game bit more. At the same time communicates and make sure the other player has not fallen asleep. Short off topic discussions are fine.

Not leave a game right after the GAME OVER screen pops up. That's bad attitude.

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Good posts guys.

My general thoughts are that the scoreboard doesn't always tell the right story.

For example, in some co-op strategies, you'll have one guy running at the frontline gathering all the zombs, and another guy sitting at the back with a wonder weapon, waiting for their partner to collect a hoard before moving in for the kill. Obviously the runner takes a lot more risk and may get downed several times. So the back guy gets all the kills, all the revives and has minimal downs, yet he's only in that situation since his teammate more or less acted as a decoy.

Though, in general play with each guy gathering their own groups, low amounts of downs are always somewhat impressve.

I think the only real examples of impressive gameplay happen in-game. Revives from tricky situations are always one of the most impressive things, as well as a problem solved due to smart thinking and fast acting.

Also someone that I generally like as a person, i.e. was friendly, co-operative and considerate in our game is always gonna leave me wanting to play with them again. I'd much rather play with an averagely-skilled player who I have fun with as opposed to one of the world's greatest players who happens to be a bit of a dick.

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I'd much rather play with an averagely-skilled player who I have fun with as opposed to one of the world's greatest players who happens to be a bit of a dick.


Yeah I'm adding a +1 to this. I only play with people who I have fun with.....and everyone from here I play with, we have fun. Me and Way again had a lot of fun last night....me and Super without mics and kinda failing on Kino had a lot of fun.

Again, we will be having fun tonight. It counts for a lot.

Super made the best point - in game tough revives are the true test of a players skill really.

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