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Treyarch please don't make BLOPS2 like WAW2.

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I've been noticing more and more posts regarding things found in WAW being put into BLOPS2. I for one think this is rediculous and would like to state my opinions on such topic. It almost seems like half the people never bought BLOPS, they just played WAW until now.

WaW was a testing ground in many ways. The things that Black Ops doesn't have from WaW, are taken out for a reason. Vehicles are too OP for COD gaming. I don't know if they could even manuever well enough in today's maps. The maps in WaW were wide open fields and rather plain. Todays maps include alot of tunnels/buildings/hallways. The majority of the time, you would prolly just be sitting still in a tank and spinning the turret, hoping someone makes it back there.

As far as WaW guns go, PLAY WAW! The only reason the gun you like from WaW is soooo good is because it hasn't been nerfed. I guarantee you, you could bring me any gun from that era, and I will find one from a newer era that is better ten fold. Also if and only IF they did bring the guns back, you think they wouldn't be nerfed? Its a new game. We need new weapons.

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I dont think anyone on this site has been mentioning any of that for black ops 2 that was in world at war. I think im the only one on this site who even mentioned anything about WaW and how they NEED to bring the GORE back, I also mentioned taking the best out of both games WaW and BO. And i strongly disagree with you about maps being to big which is only 3 of them and ive been playing WaW recently so i would know, and the maps in WaW have more things that are climbable and they have more hallways,houses, tunnels and underground passages than black ops does which i dont even think they really have any underground tunnels at all and certainly not as many as WaW. And of course vehicles wouldnt maneuver well on todays maps because todays maps aren't designed for vehicles hence theres none on the map. Thats why the 3 huge maps on WaW have vehicles... And the things that werent in BO from WaW is because Treyarch seen IW's Mw2 out sell them again like they both do to each other and practically made a duplicate of that game, rather to looking at their own game and building off what they started.. And of course comparing weapons from different eras would be a no brainer that the newer weapon would out date the old.. Thats why we dont have a STG44 from WaW in Mw3.. thats why we dont have a Galil from BO in Mw3.. I loved WaW I loved BO I love all the CoD games EXCEPT Mw3, WaW has alot of climbable things,houses,hallways and underground passages rather than BO and also has GORE,LIMB EXPLOSION an actual real war death that should have been in BO.

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First off, I appreciate you explaining yourself instead of just saying NO YOU'RE WRONG!-(end post).

I still disagree with you, however. WaW was bland. The maps might have had more things to climb on, but personally I'm not thinking about climbing anything when I am 20-0 runnin and gunnin.

Today's gamer has been playing COD for a while now. We have grown keen in the ways of misleading and flanking. Call of Duty has grown as well. It seperates itself from the other games through being a high FPS(frames per second) FPS(first person shooter). It adds to this a sense of imediate gratification with the killstreaks. Bringing in vehicles would take away from the killstreak aspect MAJORLY. I'm not going back to WAW era killstreaks. Ever again.

I'll also hand it to you that the BO maps can't handle vehicles because they didn't have vehicles. This is a good point but I stick with my opinion. As for taking the best of both and making BO2. Nein.

We don't need World at Black War Ops. Just one of them.

As for Treyarch copying IW, EVER. THAT my friend is crazy IMO. All of the MW's are the same. Pretty much what you see is what you get. Treyarch always gives there fans room for imagination and theories. Thats why we are discussing this. Do you think I would be caught dead on a IW dedicated site? What would they even talk about?

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Man, there's more things that I disagree with than I can count, so I'm just going to agree to disagree here. WaW was my favorite CoD, and if there's one awesome thing about it, it's the maps. They are, in no way, bland. Even the bigger maps, which were more fun than some of the smaller maps because it changed up things.

Telling me to go play WaW for WaW guns... wow, that argument is overused. Guess what? Not everyone either has WaW, or can play WaW due to hackers, (referring to Xbox). Enough on that part, though. I don't particularly want a WaW2 anyways, we need progression.

As for Treyarch copying IW, EVER. THAT my friend is crazy IMO. All of the MW's are the same. Pretty much what you see is what you get. Treyarch always gives there fans room for imagination and theories. Thats why we are discussing this. Do you think I would be caught dead on a IW dedicated site? What would they even talk about?

Hate to break it to ya, but WaW was basically WWII CoD4 with a new campaign, weapons, gore, and zombies. Treyarch generally takes the good ideas from IW, and adds their own awesome ideas. Also, only MW2 & 3 are similar, the things added to MW2 totally changed CoD.

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