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Verruckt Co-Op Strategy guide

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xFaTaLx RaMpAgE's Verrückt Co-op Strategy Guide

Starting the game

If you playing with 2 players then make sure you spawn on the side of the map with quick revive. This is crucial for the success of your game.

Rounds 1-3

On these rounds try to get the max points you can by staying in the first room. Here is what I do to get the most points as I can. (I ALWAYS have the most points leaving the first room)

The first 3 rounds apply to people on both sides of the spawn

Always let your zombies in to get max ammo/ double points.

The people spawned at jugg just need to survive for the first 6 rounds without opening any doors.

Round 1- shoot the zombies 8 times each in the legs. Try to line them up to get max points. If they are lined up shoot the 2nd one 4 times in the legs. Then knife.

Round 2- Shoot each zombie 10 times in the lower chest, then knife and hope for an ammo.

Round 3- Shoot each zombie 15 times in the lower chest, then knife.

For the people at Quick Revive here is what you do-

Round 4- Open the door and go buy the thompson. Camp here for the round.

Rounds 5-6

-Camp at mule kick with the thompson. Leave a crawler at round 6 and open the all the doors to the power and turn it on. All players should buy jugg and quick revive. Now open the couch on the jugg side and buy the mp40.

Rounds 7-12

- Hold off at the double tap area with just the mp40. Have 1 person get the window in the back. The other players will stand up near the stone wall window ON THE DOUBLE TAP SIDE. It is crucial to stand here; if you get into trouble you can just hit the trap and you'll be fine. More on this later. Do NOT buy double tap and NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER open the door that leads to the stg. Leave a crawler at the end of the round. Each player should buy mule kick and speed cola, as these are essential for good camping. Now have everyone hit the box until they get decent guns. I would recommend getting rid of your mp40 for a better weapon, such as an assault rifle, for strength purposes.

Rounds 13-30

- Camp at the double tap area. Have all the players line up in a row; the player in front will crouch and the others will stand. Use your weaker guns first, so that if you run out of ammo the stronger guns will still have ammo for the later rounds. At around round 20 leave a crawler and go rape the box. Everyone needs to get a ray gun and monkeys. The winter's howl can actually be an effective camping weapon into the late 20s, so if you get it take it. You will want anyone who is not at the window to take the winter's howl. Quick tip-always go for headshots because it will save you much needed ammos. Only use the winters howl and ray guns if you are close to being overrun. The winters howl will not kill them in the later rounds but will slow them down, giving you time to finish them off. Throughout these rounds leave a crawler to get weapons and buy perks if necessary. Eventually you will begin to get overrun no matter what gun you use and you will begin to rely on the trap.

Guarding the window

This will work on any map, and could be especially useful on five, nacht, and other camping maps. The key to holding back a window is rebuilding. You can rebuild your window safely even if zombies are at it. Zombies will not come through unless there are no boards up. That means you only need to rebuild one barrier at a time Stand back from the window when shooting the zombies so you are out of their reach. Run in when the barriers are about to be gone and repair it one time. Walk back away from the window so you don't get hit too many times. Only fully rebuild the barrier if all the zombies are dead. If you run out of ammo at the window don't worry about it. You can always keep rebuilding and letting the zombies pile up at the window. There are also grenade very close to the window by the door that you can use to kill some of them off. If you know you are about to run out of ammo try to make 3 crawlers at the window. If there are 3 crawlers you can sit there and rebuild the barrier all day, because crawlers do not hit through the window. Whenever your team has time they can come help you finish off the zombies if you need it.

Using the trap in camping

When you are going to use the trap communication is key. Make sure that all players retreat behind the door at the same time. Hit the trap right away so that no zombies get through. Now before you relax, run up towards the fron trap door and stand there until the trap turns off. Use the time the trap is on to reload all your guns. When the trap turns off sprint from the front door back through the back door and all the way back up to the front where you were camping before. This uses up some time while the trap recharges and saves your window guy from being side-swiped.

Reviving a downed player (camping)

In a 3 or 4 player game if someone covering the main area goes down the other players simply run back and use the trap. The downed player will crawl through the trap and get revived. If the window player gets downed, run back and use the trap immediately. Have the first person to run back cover the window while he is downed and the other revives him.

In a 2 player game you will most likely have to throw a monkey to get the revive. You will also need to hit the trap to get time to re-board the window. In both games if you throw an additional monkey you will likely have time to go buy jug so you don't have to worry about getting downed a bunch.

Rounds 31+

At around here you will likely be unable to camp any longer, you maybe might even have to have stopped earlier if you were unlucky with max ammos. In this situation I would throw a monkey and begin to start running. On verruckt there is really only 1 solid looping spot, the rest are iffy. The safest, easiest, and fastest way is to run full map loops. The first round you loop on will likely have to run in a clockwise direction, but after that it's up to you which way you want to run- they both work fine. The first round will be the toughest, since you have been camping the whole game looping will be a big change. By round 30 there only the ray gun and the winter's howl (somewhat) will still kill zombies. So if you are looking for the rounds to go by quickly then use the traps. You should have plenty of points by now to use traps for a very long time. It is possible to use both traps to complete rounds surprisingly quickly, although it is risky to use both. I will explain both here.

*Running Perks*- The perks you want to use when running are Jugg, Quick Revive, Double Tap and Speed Cola. Get these if you get downed or you wish to down yourself.

Tips for running-Up to about round 40 run with your ray gun out (if you have one), with double tap it can be used to kill a zombie or make it a crawler if it is blocking your way, just remember that the ray gun will hurt you and you might go down if you shoot a zombie that is close to you too many times. If you don't have a ray gun try to get a pistol from the box, as you run faster with it which is useful for dodging zombies and reviving. If you get especially lucky you'll get a ballistic knife. You run faster with a ballistic knife than with any other weapon, and I can't tell you how useful it can be. Also don't walk backwards- a zombie could come up from behind and kill you. The last tip is to always sprint up or down stairs. Stairs are death traps, where a single zombie could be your demise, and with no power weapon to save you, you will die.

Single trap Strategy

This is the strategy that is safer but less efficient in terms of killing zombies. This is a pretty simple strategy. At the beginning of the round start walking in a certain direction. Don't sprint (except for up stairs or dodging zombies) because that will make zombies spawn in front of you. Continue walking until all the zombies have spawned. Before you use the trap, make sure the zombies are in a tight horde. Have one person stop in an open area, like the thompson to make sure they are tightly grouped. The other players should just walk a little ahead and wait for him there. Your team is now ready to use the trap. The trap to use in this strategy is the one at double tap. Walk the zombies into the side hall with the window. All the players but one should leave the room after the zombies enter it. Have the player inside turn on the trap and run through it before it turns on. All the zombies should be dead and spawning now. Run for a little bit to ensure that you aren't trapped by spawing zombies. By the next time you get to the trap, it will likely be done recharging. I suggest a clockwise loop for this strategy. Lather, rinse, and repeat.

Two trap strategy

This strategy should only be used by the highly experienced players. It is very risky but essentially cuts the round times in half. I recommend a counter-clockwise loop for this strategy. Start by doing a full loop to gather the zombies. Use the tips in the above strategy, which you should already know, to gather the zombies into a tight group. For the trap by speed cola, have all but 1 person stand all the way in the back of the trap. Have 1 player group the zombies together at the bottom of the steps in the thompson areat. Once the zombies are grouped and everyone is inside turn it on. IMMEDIATELY after the zombies are killed you will have to leave the trap by jumping through it. Make sure this is perfectly timed otherwise you'll end up killing yourself. Now walk towards the double tap trap. Once you get there the zombies should pretty much be done spawning. Again have everyone run into the trap and have 1 player group the zombies, this time in the section by the stg. Run into the trap and turn it on, wait for the zombies to die, and jump through. Now you walk towards the speed cola trap again. Have one player group them in either the thompson room if they are done spawning or in upstairs by the steps if they are not. The upstairs part can be tricky so don't mess up! Use the trap. If done correctly this will halve the round times and add an extra challenge to the game.

Reviving during looping

The first thing to do if someone goes down is, like on all other maps, stop killing zombies and to not use any traps. In a 3 player game it is extremely easy to revive a downed comrade. All you have to do is have 1 person walk the zombie horde slowly forward while the other person sprints around the map to revive the teammate. Also note that this map is smaller than the map loop on kino, so you will likely have time to spare when getting them. So if you need to buy Jugg or Quick Revive on your way by don't be afraid to do so. In a 2 player game you have 2 options. Option 1 is to walk the zombies slowly for about 5 seconds and then sprint to revive your partner. Option 2 is to wait until you are at a good spot and throw a monkey ahead of where you are so that all the zombies run past you and you can easily revive your partner. Depending on where your partner gets downed, it might be possible to get Jugg and/or Quick Revive. Either way you need to wait for the person with all the zombies to catch up before you go any where so you might as well do something. Another note on reviving-If you are downed do not crawl, it will decrease the amount of time your team has to revive you. Stay perfectly still until you are revived.

As you can see Verruckt is not so hard of a map. Follow this strategy and you will be getting to 30 or 40 in no time!

Leave feedback so I can update this for the master zombies guide. :)

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Nice job, but I've seen something similar to this before at NextGenTactics.Check out their four player strategy for Verruckt, It's pretty similar to yours. only they camp on the other side of the wall, next to the double-barrel. I think that's because if he gets overrun, it could be a good idea to run through the door and turn on the barrier so he doesn't get the people up front trapped. Here's the link to the first part of the series. Watch the rest of the videos for the strategy, too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkjMp0Onbxo

Also, his solo strategy is how I got to round 33. Check it out if you want to.

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Hey Piep, I see you haven't been here too long but I don't think it's cool to post a link to someone else's strategy who is nothing to do with the site on a guide that a good member has worked hard on. He may have seen the other guide, but I doubt it. This guide would have come from his own experiences on the game, maybe some help from other players.

There is a push to develop a massive guide to zombies, entirely by the CODZ community. Please feel free to provide ideas like you did, but try not to link to other guides.

Cool guide Fatal.

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