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Space Race trophie/achievement in SOLO guide


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Welcome by my ‘how to get the Space Race trophie/achievement in solo ’guide.

This is a trophie/achievement for the DLC 1 map Ascension.

It requires you to pack-a-punch BEFORE round 8.

Now to stop talking about things we already know, lets go start the guide.

You can find general tips at the bottom of this post or halfway.

All you need here is a lot of points, so I will give a lot of tips on that!

Round 1:

The way of killing zombies is up you.

Shoot 6 and knife or knife them straight away.

If you want to use more ammo in round 2 use the second way, if not use the first way.

Don’t buy quickrevive! You need those 500 points!

From now on try to repair as many window boards as you can! You need those points! If you want, you can even make a crawler at round 4 (before round 4 a crawler is really hard to make) and repair all window boards for maximum points.

Round 2:

You could let a zombie out of the window board to hopefully get a max ammo, since you will be shooting 8 times per zombie here and knife them or knife them twice. Your ammo will run out during this round.

Round 3-4

If you get a max ammo, stay here as long as you can, if you don’t open the UPPER door. Why the upper door? For two reason, this way to PAP is 1 door less and so cheaper. And it’s an easier way. If you would open the lower door, you would have to open one more door, the one up from juggernog, and you want to buy juggernog!

Buy the mp5k and stay at the bottom of the PHD flopper area and camp there for 1-2 rounds, till you get overunned. Why? You can easy buy ammo there. If you happen to get a max ammo, try to use up as much ammo as you can, to save up points. Always try to lineup the zombies, since bullet penertration = more points = less ammo using = save up more points!

The same is for your pistol, those 88 bullets are points you will always need! Try lining up the zombies and use up your pistol ammo!

Round 5-6:

Now head over to the PhD Flopper area and run rapetrains there. Lining up and pistol ammo is still important! During rounds 3-6 you can open a few doors already. At the end of round 6 leave a crawler and go open up all the doors and go with all the lunar landers, you should be able to do that with your points! And then launch the rocket. Remember to knife the crawler(s) for more points.

Round 7:

Same area, same trains, same important things. But leave a crawler at the end of the round, a go pap your weapon! Your pistol or your mp5k, whatever you want! If you don’t have enough points (which you mostly will) repair all the window boards. If you have more than 1 crawler kill them, but don’t take any risks on the last crawler!

General tips:

Always lineup the zombies for maximum points and use up all your pistol ammo when you get a max ammo.

DON’T buy any perks! Also don’t use the random box! You need those points! And surviving 7 rounds isn’t that hard.

If you get a instakill, knife the zombies! 140 points!

When the round is over and the last or one of them last zombies dropped a insta-kill or double points, wait till it is almost gone (it will flash rapidly) and take it so you will make the most profit from it during the round! A double points on 2 zombies is useless. If you get a nuke DON’T take it UNLESS: The round is over, you need those 400 points! Or there is 1 or 2 zombies left and it is flashing, you will still make profit.

If you turn on the power at round 6 or 7 you will not get a monkey round before round 8 or 9, so don’t worry about that!

I’m not sure if you get more points with headshots, I think you do. But when I run a rapetrain I will miss half of my bullets when aiming for the head, so try making headset till around 4 or 5. You can also shoot a few times in the chest and hit the last bullet(s) in the head. Might be more points, not sure about that.

Good luck with getting the trophie/achievement! With this guide it should be a lot easier, and without any friends it’s still pretty easy.

Of course co-op is easier, but now you know it is possible in solo, since I did it to.

Good luck and I’m looking forward for some feedback!


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You had some luck

Yes, but lets call it forced luck. It didnt work the first few attempts, because as I mentioned, you really need the right power up the right moment.

2x at the beginning of 4 or 5, maxammo just when your ammo goes out, nuke at the end of any round, and so on.

I restarted quite often, just because I got a 2x at the end of a round, didnt get a max ammo at all, or a nuke at the beginning of a round :)

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