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just a small topic about kino's comic page

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This goes for what I said above. Comparing the Der Riese LS with the KDT LS. If this needs to move to a separate thread, just let me know without screaming your head off.

This is nothing really important, just something I guess Vallkure wanted to know. So, I decided to look at it for myself at first, and then let all of you guys take a look. DR loading s. similar to the background of KDT loading s. ? It's up for you to decide. I'm not about to state my opinion.

You must also realize that the lighting is going to be different on the 'map', due to the fact, that if it was/IS underneath the KDT map, it would be darker, due to shadow. From the looks of it, now, It doesn't hold many similarities. But as stated above, I am not going to give out a full blown opinion. It's up to you, 100%.

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I also noticed that there seems to be no true line in the middle of the kino comic, otherwise its barely there. It also seems to be placed on top of something (maybe some form of cloth, could be resting on someones legs?)

I was thinking it is resting on another comic book. Maybe this is our answer to another zombie map or not? I highly doubt this will solve anything, but still... I also came to a conclusion that Samantha might in fact be reading an interactive book. Ie, go to page 123 for random box, or 124 for mp40 off the wall kind of thing. So maybe thats how she controls the box moving and such. Although it is very unique to anything I have seen so far, I still think it is wrong. I am just trying to get your mind going.

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ok so i have a idea too here it goes. This is my first time so be gentle. the first outbreak was Verruckt but it didnt start there It all started at kino. my reason for this is cuz on the radio and film reels it only dr. maxis no Richtofen. also at the end of one of the films the transmission ends with knocks at the door i think thats when they found the 115. because in Kino maxis was talking about using different types of film to brainwash no 115 was said. Richtofen never knew about Kino cuz he was never there maxis had him in Antarctica(CoTD). after they found 115 group 935 began be sent it out to all the stations and thats when Richtofen started to play with. at first he killed the mexican but the russin (Nickoli) and the quite one on the floor(Takio) started to making head room in the project. Dimsey was a spy and he did get caught but he did not take to the testing like the others he was more hard headed. Because Dimsey was so hard headed Richtofen had no choice but go back to Verruckt so he could fix Dimsey. Richtofen did lobotomy on Dimsey there. proof for this is in the game goto verruckt and in the first room with the chair there's is drill hold the action key and it will work. Dimsey would scream daily and was able to be heard all over Verruckt. there at Verruckt were two others a Peter McCain ( the hang man on SNN) and Harvey Yena (he invented the Hyena-infra dead and he is also the Pentagon thief. he takes your gun cuz he wants to make it....better but still a bad guy. he was stealing form group 935 and taking it back to the Pentagon thats why there the old MF in one of the rooms.) Well Peter being Dimsey"s friend couldn't hear him scream day in and day out so he shut off the power but the switch was so hot that his hand burned onto the switch he had to cute it off to live. when peter hit the switch Richtofen got his team(Dimsey, Nikoli, Takio) and got out of there. Richtofen took them to SNN and then shortly left to DR(the Giant) alone. once there he put his evil plan to work trying to kill off all the other projects he had goin. That why he tryed killing the little girl cuz he was testing all kinds of things on her which why she didnt die and the same goes for the dogs and the Dr.Maxis. after all that was done he returned to SNN just to find hordes of the undead rushing the station. the team then was taken to the giant where Richtofen thought it would be safe, but it was over ran by another horde of undead. the MF was messed up by the DG-2 and it made the MF into a time machine. this said time machine then sent them to the future KINO(where we play at). after awhile the team finds away out and escapes. they headed to space station so that Richtofen could make another MF so they cant teleport again but instead they found something esle the Gersch device with this they were all sent to CoTD.and well if u did the easter egg then you know that you send the team to paradise which is just another name for Shangri la.

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