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Zombapault Trap


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So I was browsing the game code and came across what appear to be mentions of unused traps. The code was in this file _zombiemode_traps.gsc

include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

// See trap_init for trap trigger setup info.
// Make sure you precache the trap effects for your level.
// Also, start a trap monitor thread for each unique trap in your clientscripts
// (see zombie_cosmodrome for examples)

// All traps are trigger_multiples that will be used to determine if the
// zombie is within the trap zone.
level.trap_kills = 0;

traps = GetEntArray( "zombie_trap", "targetname" );

if( level.mutators["mutator_noTraps"] )
disable_traps( traps );

array_thread( traps, ::trap_init );

level.burning_zombies = []; //JV max number of zombies that can be on fire
level.elec_trap_time = 40;
level.elec_trap_cooldown_time = 60;

disable_traps( traps )
for( i = 0; i {
if( isDefined( traps[i].target ) )
components = GetEntArray( traps[i].target, "targetname" );
for( j = 0; j {
if( components[j].classname == "trigger_use" )
components[j] disable_trigger();

traps[i] disable_trigger();

// This gets information from the trap trigger and then loops through its targets
// to identify and sets up each component.
// target
// Trap components including use_triggers, switches and lights
// script_noteworthy
// The type of trap it is, such as "fire" or "electric"
// script_string
// Two character unique ID (used for clientnotify messages, which should
// be max 3 characters long. The first character should not be a number.
// The extra character will have "1" for on and "0" for off
// Alternatively, this could be a number which will be used to fire off an exploder.
// script_flag_wait
// Set if you want it to wait for a flag like "power_on" before being usable
//Setup ent flag
self ent_flag_init( "flag_active" );
self ent_flag_init( "flag_cooldown" );

self._trap_type = "";
// Figure out what kind of trap we are.
if ( IsDefined(self.script_noteworthy) )
self._trap_type = self.script_noteworthy;

// Note make sure you define your own _trap_activate_func!!
if ( IsDefined( level._zombiemode_trap_activate_funcs ) &&
IsDefined( level._zombiemode_trap_activate_funcs[ self._trap_type ] ) )
self._trap_activate_func = level._zombiemode_trap_activate_funcs[ self._trap_type ];
switch( self.script_noteworthy )
case "rotating":
self._trap_activate_func = ::trap_activate_rotating;
case "electric":
self._trap_activate_func = ::trap_activate_electric;
case "flipper":
self._trap_activate_func = ::trap_activate_flipper;
case "fire":
self._trap_activate_func = ::trap_activate_fire;

// Note make sure you define your own _trap_use_func!!
if ( IsDefined( level._zombiemode_trap_use_funcs ) &&
IsDefined( level._zombiemode_trap_use_funcs[ self._trap_type ] ) )
self._trap_use_func = level._zombiemode_trap_use_funcs[ self._trap_type ];
self._trap_use_func = ::trap_use_think;

// WW: adding function to issue which models switch based on trigger script_parameters
self trap_model_type_init();

// Okay sort through the targets
self._trap_use_trigs = []; // What the player needs to use to activate the trap
self._trap_lights = []; // Indicates if the trap is available
self._trap_movers = []; // Physical part of the trap that moves
self._trap_switches = []; // Move when trap turned on/off

components = GetEntArray( self.target, "targetname" );
for ( i=0; i {
if ( IsDefined( components[i].script_noteworthy ) )
switch ( components[i].script_noteworthy )
case "counter_1s":
self.counter_1s = components[i];

case "counter_10s":
self.counter_10s = components[i];

case "counter_100s":
self.counter_100s = components[i];

case "mover":
self._trap_movers[ self._trap_movers.size ] = components[i];
case "switch":
self._trap_switches[ self._trap_switches.size ] = components[i];
case "light":
self._trap_lightes[ self._trap_lightes.size ] = components[i];
if( IsDefined( components[i].script_string ) ) // If a script noteworthy is defined
switch ( components[i].script_string )
case "flipper1":
self.flipper1 = components[i];
case "flipper2":
self.flipper2 = components[i];
case "flipper1_radius_check":
self.flipper1_radius_check = components[i];
case "flipper2_radius_check":
self.flipper2_radius_check = components[i];
case "target1":
self.target1 = components[i];
case "target2":
self.target2 = components[i];
case "target3":
self.target3 = components[i];

switch ( components[i].classname )
case "trigger_use":
self._trap_use_trigs[ self._trap_use_trigs.size ] = components[i];
case "script_model":
if ( components[i].model == self._trap_light_model_off )
self._trap_lights[ self._trap_lights.size ] = components[i];
else if ( components[i].model == self._trap_switch_model ) // "zombie_zapper_handle"
self._trap_switches[ self._trap_switches.size ] = components[i];

// self.use_this_angle = getstruct ("use_this_angle", "script_string");

self._trap_fx_structs = [];
components = GetStructArray( self.target, "targetname" );

for ( i=0; i {
if ( IsDefined( components[i].script_string ) && components[i].script_string == "use_this_angle" )
self.use_this_angle = components[i];
self._trap_fx_structs[ self._trap_fx_structs.size ] = components[i];

assertEx( self._trap_use_trigs.size > 0, "_zombiemode_traps::init no use triggers found for "+self.target );

if ( !IsDefined( self.zombie_cost ) )
self.zombie_cost = 1000;
self._trap_in_use = 0;
self._trap_cooling_down = 0;

self thread trap_dialog();

flag_wait( "all_players_connected" );

self trap_lights_red();
// Setup Use triggers
for ( i=0; i {
self._trap_use_trigs[i] SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );

// Wait for activation flag if necessary
if ( !IsDefined( self.script_flag_wait ) )
self trap_set_string( &"ZOMBIE_NEED_POWER" );

flag_wait( "power_on" );
// Make sure to "setcursorhint" on the use trig for the initial deactivated state.

if ( !isdefined( level.flag[ self.script_flag_wait ] ) )
flag_init( self.script_flag_wait );
flag_wait( self.script_flag_wait );

// Set buy string
self trap_set_string( &"ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_TRAP", self.zombie_cost );

// Open for business!
self trap_lights_green();

for ( i=0; i {
self._trap_use_trigs[i] thread [[ self._trap_use_func ]]( self );

// This controls the electric traps in the level
// self = use trigger associated with the trap
// trap = trap trigger entity
trap_use_think( trap )
//wait until someone uses the valve
self waittill("trigger",who);

if( who in_revive_trigger() )

if( is_player_valid( who ) && !trap._trap_in_use )
// See if they can afford it
players = get_players();
if ( players.size == 1 && who.score >= trap.zombie_cost )
// Solo buy
who maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( trap.zombie_cost );
else if( level.team_pool[who.team_num].score >= trap.zombie_cost )
// Team buy
who maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_team_score( trap.zombie_cost );
else if( level.team_pool[ who.team_num ].score + who.score >= trap.zombie_cost )
// team funds + player funds
team_points = level.team_pool[ who.team_num ].score;
who maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( trap.zombie_cost - team_points );
who maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_team_score( team_points );

trap._trap_in_use = 1;
trap trap_set_string( &"ZOMBIE_TRAP_ACTIVE" );

play_sound_at_pos( "purchase", who.origin );

if ( trap._trap_switches.size )
trap thread trap_move_switches();
//need to play a 'woosh' sound here, like a gas furnace starting up
trap waittill("switch_activated");

//this trigger detects zombies who need to be smacked
trap trigger_on();

//start the movement
trap thread [[ trap._trap_activate_func ]]();
//wait until done and then clean up and cool down
trap waittill("trap_done");

//turn the damage detection trigger off until the trap is used again
trap trigger_off();

trap._trap_cooling_down = 1;
trap trap_set_string( &"ZOMBIE_TRAP_COOLDOWN" );
if ( GetDvarInt( #"zombie_cheat" ) >= 1 )
trap._trap_cooldown_time = 5;
wait( trap._trap_cooldown_time );
trap._trap_cooling_down = 0;

//COLLIN: Play the 'alarm' sound to alert players that the traps are available again (playing on a temp ent in case the PA is already in use.
//speakerA = getstruct("loudspeaker", "targetname");
//playsoundatposition("warning", speakera.origin);
trap notify("available");

trap._trap_in_use = 0;
trap trap_set_string( &"ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_TRAP", trap.zombie_cost );

// Swaps the cage light models to the red one.
// self is a trap damage trigger
if( level.mutators["mutator_noTraps"] )
for(i=0;i {
light = self._trap_lights[i];
light setmodel( self._trap_light_model_red );

light.fx delete();

light.fx = maps\_zombiemode_net::network_safe_spawn( "trap_lights_red", 2, "script_model", light.origin );
light.fx setmodel("tag_origin");
light.fx.angles = light.angles;

// Swaps the cage light models to the green one.
// self is a trap damage trigger
if( level.mutators["mutator_noTraps"] )
for(i=0;i {
light = self._trap_lights[i];
light setmodel( self._trap_light_model_green );

light.fx delete();

light.fx = maps\_zombiemode_net::network_safe_spawn( "trap_lights_green", 2, "script_model", light.origin );
light.fx setmodel("tag_origin");
light.fx.angles = light.angles;

// Set the hintstrings for all associated use triggers
// self should be the trap entity
trap_set_string( string, param1, param2 )
// Set buy string
for ( i=0; i {
if ( !IsDefined(param1) )
self._trap_use_trigs[i] SetHintString( string );
else if ( !IsDefined(param2) )
self._trap_use_trigs[i] SetHintString( string, param1 );
self._trap_use_trigs[i] SetHintString( string, param1, param2 );

// It's a throw switch
// self should be the trap entity
if( level.mutators["mutator_noTraps"] )
self trap_lights_red();
for ( i=0; i {
// Rotate switch model "on"
self._trap_switches[i] rotatepitch( 180, .5 );
self._trap_switches[i] playsound( "amb_sparks_l_b" );
self._trap_switches[0] waittill( "rotatedone" );

// When "available" notify hit, bring back the level
self notify( "switch_activated" );

self waittill( "available" );
for ( i=0; i {
// Rotate switch model "off"
self._trap_switches[i] rotatepitch( -180, .5 );
self._trap_switches[0] waittill( "rotatedone" );
self trap_lights_green();

// Generic Trap-specific functions
// Level-specific traps should be defined in the level.gsc


self._trap_duration = 40;
self._trap_cooldown_time = 60;

self notify("trap_activate");

// Kick off the client side FX structs
if ( IsDefined( self.script_string ) )
number = Int( self.script_string );
if ( number != 0 )
Exploder( number );
clientnotify( self.script_string+"1" );

// Kick off audio
fx_points = getstructarray( self.target,"targetname" );
for( i=0; i {
fx_points[i] thread trap_audio_fx(self);

// Do the damage
self thread trap_damage();
wait( self._trap_duration );

// Shut down
self notify ("trap_done");

if ( IsDefined( self.script_string ) )
clientnotify(self.script_string +"0"); // turn off FX


self._trap_duration = 40;
self._trap_cooldown_time = 60;

// Kick off the client side FX structs
clientnotify( self.script_string+"1" );
clientnotify( self.script_parameters );

// Kick off audio
fx_points = getstructarray( self.target,"targetname" );
for( i=0; i {
fx_points[i] thread trap_audio_fx(self);

// Do the damage
self thread trap_damage();
wait( self._trap_duration );

// Shut down
self notify ("trap_done");
clientnotify(self.script_string +"0"); // turn off FX
clientnotify( self.script_parameters );

// Any traps that spin and cause damage from colliding

self endon( "trap_done" ); // used to end the trap early

self._trap_duration = 30;
self._trap_cooldown_time = 60;

// Kick off the client side FX structs
// clientnotify( self.script_string+"1" );

// Kick off audio
// fx_points = getstructarray( self.target,"targetname" );
// for( i=0; i // {
// wait_network_frame();
// fx_points[i] thread trap_audio_fx(self);
// }

// Do the damage
self thread trap_damage();
self thread trig_update( self._trap_movers[0] );
old_angles = self._trap_movers[0].angles;

//Shawn J Sound - power up sound for centrifuge
// self playsound ("evt_centrifuge_rise");

for ( i=0; i {
self._trap_movers[i] RotateYaw( 360, 5.0, 4.5 );
wait( 5.0 );
step = 1.5;

//Shawn J Sound - loop sound for centrifuge
// self playloopsound ("evt_centrifuge_loop", .6);

for (t=0; t {
for ( i=0; i {
self._trap_movers[i] RotateYaw( 360, step );
wait( step );

//Shawn J Sound - power down sound for centrifuge
// self stoploopsound (2);
// self playsound ("evt_centrifuge_fall");

for ( i=0; i {
self._trap_movers[i] RotateYaw( 360, 5.0, 0.0, 4.5 );
wait( 5.0 );
for ( i=0; i {
self._trap_movers[i].angles = old_angles;

// Shut down
self notify ("trap_done");
// clientnotify(self.script_string +"0"); // turn off FX3/16/2010 3:44:13 PM

// Any traps that spin and cause damage from colliding

// New zombapult or flipper traps

{ // basics of the trap are setup
// IPrintLnBold("trap is almost working...");

// self endon( "trap_done" ); // Used to end the trap early

// wait( 4 );
// self._trap_duration = 3;
// self._trap_cooldown_time = 0;

// self notify ("trap_done");

//I need to communicate from here to the actual funcion


trap_audio_fx( trap )
if( level.mutators["mutator_noTraps"] )

sound_origin = undefined;

if( trap.script_noteworthy == "electric" )
sound_origin = spawn( "script_origin", self.origin );
sound_origin playsound( "zmb_elec_start" );
sound_origin playloopsound( "zmb_elec_loop" );
self thread play_electrical_sound( trap );
else if( trap.script_noteworthy == "fire" )
sound_origin = spawn( "script_origin", self.origin );
sound_origin playsound( "zmb_firetrap_start" );
sound_origin playloopsound( "zmb_firetrap_loop" );

trap waittill_any_or_timeout( trap._trap_duration, "trap_done");

if( trap.script_noteworthy == "fire" )
playsoundatposition( "zmb_firetrap_end", sound_origin.origin );

sound_origin stoploopsound();
sound_origin delete();


// Shawn J Sound - commenting out alias call so spark sound won't play on the rocket trap - and there are currently no electrical traps
play_electrical_sound( trap )
trap endon ("trap_done");
while( 1 )
wait( randomfloatrange(0.1, 0.5) );
playsoundatposition( "zmb_elec_arc", self.origin );


self endon( "trap_done" );

self waittill( "trigger", ent );

// Is player standing in the electricity?
if( isplayer(ent) )
switch ( self._trap_type )
case "electric":
ent thread player_elec_damage();
case "fire":
case "rocket":
ent thread player_fire_damage();
case "rotating":
if ( ent GetStance() == "stand" )
ent dodamage( 50, ent.origin+(0,0,20) );
ent SetStance( "crouch" );
switch ( self._trap_type )
case "rocket":
ent thread zombie_trap_death( self, 100 );
case "rotating":
ent thread zombie_trap_death( self, 200 );
case "electric":
case "fire":
ent thread zombie_trap_death( self, randomint(100) );

// Updates the position of a trigger. MoveTo and RotateTo do not support triggers
//TODO This is unneeded. Should be able to Enable Linkto on the trigger.
trig_update( parent )
if( level.mutators["mutator_noTraps"] )
self endon( "trap_done" );
// start_origin = self.origin;
start_angles = self.angles;

while (1)
self.angles = parent.angles;

// segment = self.origin + vector_scale( AnglesToForward(self.angles), 300);
// draw_line_for_time( self.origin, segment, 1, 1, 1, 0.1 );

wait( 0.05 );


self endon("death");
self endon("disconnect");

if( !IsDefined(level.elec_loop) )
level.elec_loop = 0;

if( !isDefined(self.is_burning) && !self maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
self.is_burning = 1;
self setelectrified(1.25);
shocktime = 2.5;

//Changed Shellshock to Electrocution so we can have different bus volumes.
self shellshock("electrocution", shocktime);

if(level.elec_loop == 0)
elec_loop = 1;
//self playloopsound ("electrocution");
self playsound("zmb_zombie_arc");
if(!self hasperk("specialty_armorvest") /*|| !self hasperk("specialty_armorvest_upgrade")*/ || self.health - 100 {
radiusdamage(self.origin,10,self.health + 100,self.health + 100);
self.is_burning = undefined;

self dodamage(50, self.origin);
//self playsound("zmb_zombie_arc");
self.is_burning = undefined;


self endon("death");
self endon("disconnect");

if( !isDefined(self.is_burning) && !self maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
self.is_burning = 1;
self setburn(1.25);

if(!self hasperk("specialty_armorvest") /*|| !self hasperk("specialty_armorvest_upgrade")*/ || self.health - 100 {
radiusdamage(self.origin,10,self.health + 100,self.health + 100);
self.is_burning = undefined;
self dodamage(50, self.origin);
//self playsound("zmb_zombie_arc");
self.is_burning = undefined;

// trap is the parent trap entity
// param is a multi-purpose paramater. The exact use is described by trap type
zombie_trap_death( trap, param )
if( level.mutators["mutator_noTraps"] )
self endon("death");

self.marked_for_death = true;

switch (trap._trap_type)
case "fire":
case "electric":
case "rocket":
// Param is used as a random chance number

if ( IsDefined( self.animname ) && self.animname != "zombie_dog" )
// 10% chance the zombie will burn, a max of 6 burning zombs can be going at once
// otherwise the zombie just gibs and dies
if( (param > 90) && (level.burning_zombies.size {
level.burning_zombies[level.burning_zombies.size] = self;
self thread zombie_flame_watch();
self playsound("ignite");
self thread animscripts\zombie_death::flame_death_fx();
wait( randomfloat(1.25) );
refs[0] = "guts";
refs[1] = "right_arm";
refs[2] = "left_arm";
refs[3] = "right_leg";
refs[4] = "left_leg";
refs[5] = "no_legs";
refs[6] = "head";
self.a.gib_ref = refs[randomint(refs.size)];

playsoundatposition("zmb_zombie_arc", self.origin);

if( trap._trap_type == "electric" )
if(randomint(100) > 50 )
self thread electroctute_death_fx();
self thread play_elec_vocals();

self playsound("zmb_zombie_arc");

// custom damage
if ( IsDefined( self.fire_damage_func ) )
self [[ self.fire_damage_func ]]( trap );
self dodamage(self.health + 666, self.origin, trap);

// iprintlnbold("should be damaged");

case "rotating":
case "centrifuge":
// Param is used as a magnitude for the physics push

// Get a vector for the force to be applied. It needs to be perpendicular to the
// bar
ang = VectorToAngles( trap.origin - self.origin );
// eliminate height difference factors
// calculate the right angle and increase intensity
direction_vec = vector_scale( AnglesToRight( ang ), param);

// custom reaction
if ( IsDefined( self.trap_reaction_func ) )
self [[ self.trap_reaction_func ]]( trap );

self StartRagdoll();
self launchragdoll(direction_vec);

// Make sure they're dead...physics launch didn't kill them.
self.a.gib_ref = "head";
self dodamage(self.health, self.origin, trap);



if( level.mutators["mutator_noTraps"] )
self waittill("death");
self stoploopsound();
level.burning_zombies = array_remove_nokeys(level.burning_zombies,self);


if( IsDefined (self) )
org = self.origin;
playsoundatposition("zmb_elec_vocals", org);
playsoundatposition("zmb_zombie_arc", org);
playsoundatposition("zmb_exp_jib_zombie", org);


self endon( "death" );

if (isdefined(self.is_electrocuted) && self.is_electrocuted )

self.is_electrocuted = true;

self thread electrocute_timeout();

// JamesS - this will darken the burning body
//self StartTanning();
if(self.team == "axis")
level.bcOnFireTime = gettime();
level.bcOnFireOrg = self.origin;

PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["elec_torso"], self, "J_SpineLower" );
self playsound ("zmb_elec_jib_zombie");
wait 1;

tagArray = [];
tagArray[0] = "J_Elbow_LE";
tagArray[1] = "J_Elbow_RI";
tagArray[2] = "J_Knee_RI";
tagArray[3] = "J_Knee_LE";
tagArray = array_randomize( tagArray );

PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["elec_md"], self, tagArray[0] );
self playsound ("zmb_elec_jib_zombie");

wait 1;
self playsound ("zmb_elec_jib_zombie");

tagArray[0] = "J_Wrist_RI";
tagArray[1] = "J_Wrist_LE";
if( !IsDefined( self.a.gib_ref ) || self.a.gib_ref != "no_legs" )
tagArray[2] = "J_Ankle_RI";
tagArray[3] = "J_Ankle_LE";
tagArray = array_randomize( tagArray );

PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["elec_sm"], self, tagArray[0] );
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["elec_sm"], self, tagArray[1] );


self endon ("death");
self playloopsound("fire_manager_0");
// about the length of the flame fx
wait 12;
self stoploopsound();
if (isdefined(self) && isalive(self))
self.is_electrocuted = false;
self notify ("stop_flame_damage");




self endon ("warning_dialog");
level endon("switch_flipped");
timer =0;
players = get_players();
for(i = 0; i {
dist = distancesquared(players[i].origin, self.origin );
if(dist > 70*70)
timer = 0;
if(dist {
timer ++;
if(dist {

index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index(players[i]);
plr = "plr_" + index + "_";
//players[i] create_and_play_dialog( plr, "vox_level_start", 0.25 );
self notify ("warning_dialog");

// Find Trap triggers
get_trap_array( trap_type )
ents = GetEntArray( "zombie_trap", "targetname" );
traps = [];
for ( i=0; i {
if ( ents[i].script_noteworthy == trap_type )
traps[ traps.size ] = ents[i];

return traps;

cooldown = self._trap_cooldown_time;

if ( self._trap_in_use )
self notify( "trap_done" );
self._trap_cooldown_time = 0.05;
self waittill( "available" );

array_thread( self._trap_use_trigs, ::trigger_off );
self trap_lights_red();
self._trap_cooldown_time = cooldown;

array_thread( self._trap_use_trigs, ::trigger_on );
self trap_lights_green();

// WWilliams: checks the trigger script parameters and then assigns which models
// should be used for swapping
// this depends on the trap trigger to have the script_parameters
// to chose which models to use
if( !IsDefined( self.script_parameters ) )
self.script_parameters = "default";

// new models should be added here for updated trap
switch( self.script_parameters )
self._trap_light_model_off = "zombie_trap_switch_light";
self._trap_light_model_green = "zombie_trap_switch_light_on_green";
self._trap_light_model_red = "zombie_trap_switch_light_on_red";
self._trap_switch_model = "zombie_trap_switch_handle";

case "default":
self._trap_light_model_off = "zombie_zapper_cagelight";
self._trap_light_model_green = "zombie_zapper_cagelight_green";
self._trap_light_model_red = "zombie_zapper_cagelight_red";
self._trap_switch_model = "zombie_zapper_handle";
The interesting parts that refer to new/ unused traps are Rocket trap

// Shawn J Sound - commenting out alias call so spark sound won't play on the rocket trap - and there are currently no electrical traps
play_electrical_sound( trap )
trap endon ("trap_done");
while( 1 )
wait( randomfloatrange(0.1, 0.5) );
playsoundatposition( "zmb_elec_arc", self.origin );

Zombapault or Flipper Trap
// New zombapult or flipper traps

{ // basics of the trap are setup
// IPrintLnBold("trap is almost working...");

// self endon( "trap_done" ); // Used to end the trap early

// wait( 4 );
// self._trap_duration = 3;
// self._trap_cooldown_time = 0;

// self notify ("trap_done");

//I need to communicate from here to the actual funcion


Would be nice to see some more inventive traps in future games, I wonder what they had intended with these ideas.

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Yes that sounds about right... That would be a gas...

These clues in the code remind me of the saw blade picture found in the Der Riese files...

Maybe we will see them in future maps...

I love the traps in Nazis zombies, my all time favorite is still the flogger...

Regards Snake... [brains] for the OP...

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The rocket would have been a pretty cool one time use trap i suppose. But i can't imagine what a zombapault is.

yes but you dont shoot cats off on catapault's you shoot rocks, so maybe you didnt shoot zombies off the zombapault you shoot PEOPLE

The hell did you get cats from outta this??

CATapult! Look at the word, CATapulting a cat. ZOMBIEpulting a zombie...

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Yes that sounds about right... That would be a gas...

These clues in the code remind me of the saw blade picture found in the Der Riese files...

Maybe we will see them in future maps...

I love the traps in Nazis zombies, my all time favorite is still the flogger...

Regards Snake... [brains] for the OP...

But there was no saw blade trap in Der Reise, other than a single texture in the PC files and a feeble representation on the pin boards. Is your keyboard broken? ... ... ... ... ...

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Zombapault could be their nickname for the centrifuge, so they didnt get mixed up when referring to the still one, and the spinning, "trap"

Then flippers are most likely just the electrical switches that you have to flip to turn on fire or electric traps..

Possibly, though I think they are mentioned as seperate entities at one point in the code. What I dont think people have realised is that these files are not from Ascension, they are from "5" / Pentagon. The first file I posted clearly mentions Zombie_Cosmodrome. So pretty much goes to show that Treyarch have been working on this zombie map longer than they would have you believe. Infact they must have been working on it before the game was even sent to the factory for the disks to be printed.

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