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Everything posted by anonymous

  1. I think she is a normal german girl, or well, was. The Acient Gods never tried to capture her, till she was teleported into the MPD. That device did something to her, gave her a special power, and when Maxis or Richthofen toke her place in the MPD and kicked her out, the Acient gods immediate tried to emprison her. They wanted that special power that was given from the MPD to Samantha.
  2. And why do the Acoent God want to capture Samantha and Eddie? Or is that still a mystery
  3. That part of what happened between Origins and SoE/The Giant and that house with chrildren I never understood. Thanks for the explaination.
  4. All my friends who are good in CoDZ don't like the raygun either, but I don't understand that. I admit, you don't earn many points of it, and you can get self damage. But if you are carefull and pack a punch it, I think its a very nice weapon on high rounds.
  5. The ancient gods? I never heard of them before. Is it them who emprison Samantha? Are they the residents of Agartha, the hollow earth? Are they the Vrill Ya?
  6. But what happened to his brain. The drone flew into the light at the end of Origins, and if this led to Agartha, his brain has to be still in the drone. I mean, there isn't someone in the agartha who can put his brain in a body and put it back alive, right? Only crazy doctors like Richthofen and Maxis himself can do such things. Or did some supernatural power gave him a body? Great theory by the way
  7. Yeah, without admins and staff, this site would be full of spam and off topic conversations.
  8. Sorry if i am not following the rules. I am just a month or something new. I haven't read the codes of conduct, I even didn't know of their existence. I will read them and I will follow them. Again, my apology
  9. Yeah, it would be pretty cool with the gravity being different, just like on the zombie map Moon. This could be outside, while the normal "earth" gravity is inside a spacebase.
  10. Thanks, if I have ideas for a future space themed Call of Duty? Well, personally I think that a cold war in space would be better than a big war like ww2 and ww1 in space. Like you said, a spacerace would be cool, America, Europe and Russia are building spacebases though our solar system, and at the other side China and India. It would be a sneaky war, from which the most people on earth very less know, like the Cold War. And yes, there could be independent "pirates" who are at nobody's side but who still cause a lot of chaos. And very important, don't make it too sci-fi like star wars. The spacecrafts should look like in this century, without lasers, super fast engines and stuff. Still large, slow, vulnerable spacecrafts. (with some smaller things like spaceshuttles)
  11. I was playing Nacht today, when I remarked something. While I was shooting a group of zombies at the bottom of the help room stairs, where the words "SALVATION LAYS ABOVE" or something are, a zombie left some sort of explosion behind. Like the burning zombies in Green Run or the Nova 6 crawlers in bo1, but this explosion was grey/orange/brown like dust and didn't gave me damage. It also looked a bit like the chest filling souls in origins. First I thought I imagined it or it was a glitch, but when we died and I started a new game, the same happened on the exact same spot. Nobody had a flamethrower or raygun, so it wasn't fire or a ray from a weapon. Things that were simular in both games: -I killed the zombie with a deployable light machine gun. -The zombie I killed was in a group -It was right under the help room stairs. -(I believe) in both cases one teammate was down. Has anyone an explaination for this? Or is it just a glitch which happened multiple times?
  12. I took a look on WaW today, but on Xbox 360 it didn't updated (yet). Or maybe it updated while I was playing black ops, however, i'm not sure if that's possible.
  13. I like a ww1, ww2 or cold war COD the most, but IF Call of Duty will go further in the future next game, I would like a space-themed game more than a future-earth-themed CoD like AW and BO3.
  14. Maybe something in WaW first didn't fit in the continuation of the zombie story in black ops 3. They had to change something because the story in a future zombie map is different than in World at War, and the real die hard zombie fans could see:"Hey, that isn't right, in WaW we saw it different". Just something like....like adding a dr. Monty trademark on all the perk machines (just a example). I am gonna take a look at Nacht der Untoten (since thats the only map I've got).
  15. I searched on google "black ops illuminati ice cave" and I found many things about something in Shangri La and Der Eisendrache. No pictures, only videos and sites, but maybe you find the thing you search.
  16. Eisenwralt....... Reminds me of Eisendrachen. But I guess you remarked that too
  17. Uhm... Off topic too, but how do I follow people (is there a follow button on their follow page?)
  18. Sounds interesting, I don't know what you mean, but if anyone has this I also would like to see it. With God VS God they maybe mean Richthofen VS Maxis? They both could create life (like a god). Well, undead life.
  19. So the MotD airplane in SoE means we are gonna have a map with a potatoe zombie boss. YAY!!! No serious, one of the first things I thought of about a pirate map on sea was: 'if the map is only a ship, it would be too small, so you have to go in the water'. And thats how I got to Atlantis, and I thought I heard once the Vrill Ya had to do something with Atlantis, but I couldn't remember what. Maybe I am completely wrong, but it's just a thought.
  20. I mean the pirate ships are in the sea, and in the sea is also Atlantis (which has connections with the Vrill-ya).
  21. I agree that it is strange and has nothing to do with zombies, but with Treyarch you never know. Who could ever image a zombie map taking place in an old western town, and I wasn't disappointed when burried was released. Maybe the pirate map is just something like that: Something old is teleported to the current world. Or maybe it has to do something with Atlantis and the Vrill-ya.....
  22. Samuel isn't at that picture. IF this is true, and it will become a map, I don't think Samuel is still in the N4. Remember Richthofen taking over Samuels body at the end of Burried? Maybe Richthofen will be the 4th person in this map, forming a new team including Russman, Misty and Marlton.
  23. Next time I play Kino or Die rise, I will look different to these creepy, but intelligent creatures. Great story!
  24. Nice found. Its good to know there are still unfound EE's in WaWZ
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