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Everything posted by NaBrZHunter

  1. I'll admit I don't want to accept the theory that they aren't where they've always been. But to say that 'all the wrong places' means he knows of all the old locations is a massive assumption. And same, to assume yet that he is the child Eddy. Samantha is still a child. Time traveling doesn't age you respective of your destination, as shown multiple times by the O4, so the age gap is a major problem here.
  2. LOL! Your "poke" is pointless. Get it? Pointless? Right. Bahaha. The thing that has killed CoDZ story discussion for me is how some folks either don't bother to research, don't care to research, or simply don't give a damn about how we got here, and instead revert to unfounded claims and assertions that they swear by will stubbornly use to annihilate the productivity of a thread. Research made this place great. Members who did and still do pour hard work into their threads, making historical, scientific, and storyline-based connections, and making logical progressive predictions based on the past, real history, the radios and notes we are given, and the commentary from the game itself. There is far too much blatant outside influence on Zombies now-and don't tell me it was there before because back in the day, zombies was very much its own story, not a bunch of new characters for an HP Lovecraft spinoff fan fiction setting its feet carefully to avoid copyright infringement. At this point, BO3 is looking very bleak in comparison to its roots. I pray I am wrong. However, @Nightmare Voyager, to say you have it all figgered out and that DE will make it a wrap for you is nothing short of arrogant, my friend. I mean, don't take me wrong, very often, I have much respect for your research, your support for canon, and plausible foresight. But Treyarch will stop at nothing to make this new installment as convoluted as they can. Even if it means just deliberately teasing information that never would have been this exposed in the past, i.e., "No time to explain" "Pictures, Dempsey, Pictures, or it didn't happen." Not to mention that some of the greatest minds in the community are still uncertain about so much of this. I want to see more evidence, less speculation. More fact-based discussion and analysis. But sadly, that doesn't seem to be popular on CoDZ anymore. Mostly now, just seeing far-fetched theories and new members who don't read archives and make new theories about 'discoveries' of WAW-era evidence. That's my rant. Hope someday I won't have to feel that way anymore. I miss good ol' CoDZ. There's a reason I avoid Reddit.
  3. There is actually no evidence that he knows all the locations.
  4. He may actually not; however, on the other hand, even if he does, he won't tell the others and will stop at nothing to keep them from knowing.
  5. The test subjects are the original 3, and are kept at the Siberia Base, AKA, Call of the Dead. Dempsey confirms that freeing the test subjects cannot be achieved as they do not know where they are located, since the only remaining person who knows their location was just summarily executed by NRichtofen. They themselves do not know, as they have not lived to this point in time yet.
  6. @Nightmare Voyager Knight of Truth. :applause:
  7. Of course! I just designed it as a resource for folks interested in having an in-depth knowledge of the story. Carry on.
  8. Ahm tahrd, Palmah. Been fun. Going dark for reasons. Talk later!

  9. Haha! Technically, yes. Occupied Austria. :tips hat: And yes again-space age is right. Which, yeah, it is true we're outta that, and I can understand that. I didn't think of Wolfenstein...you pretty much nailed it. Nothing more needs to be said. Signing off!
  10. @DrVonstool I must disagree. I just want to see a weapon. Not a dragon. Like I said. A practical design. What you're describing sounds like something out of a steampunk pirate game. This is Nazi Germany. We're talking something to wow the Reich and scare the allies. And a weapon that communicates? Sorry, eugh. It's just, what has become of us since Black Ops? Great, retrospective tech like the DG-2, Ray Gun, Thundergun, Gersche Device, Shrinkray, VR-11, Winter's Howl, Wave Gun, and now...a tentacle monster covered in eyes that shoots black holes and you're suggesting a fire breathing dragon. I'm not trying to be confrontational, just...it's so far down from where we used to be.
  11. Well, with the Multiverse confirmed, it would seem that the WAW/BO Universe's wonder weapons weren't impacted by the staves. But I know what you're saying, and even in the Multiverse, the background of the original Maxis and Richtofen and their experience in WW1 is still uncertain. Even so, the Staves may have been fantastical, but they actually had a pretty balanced practical design. The same could be said for the good ol' Babymaker. It had a dragon's head for an ironsight. Tasteful mythical integration.
  12. I actually like the flamethrower idea. But I'd much prefer they stick to a practical, Dieselpunk design that would make sense if designed by a Nazi waffenfabrik. The mythical designs are...cheezy, just IMO.
  13. I could go with that, myself, among other options, but-no expectations-I'll send you the video I made on it 'cause it was truly a messy bunch of research.
  14. Acceptance is not canon. A lot of people 'accept' the theory that the hanging man of Shi No Numa is Peter, but there isn't enough evidence to prove it. Nothing is accepted as 'canon' unless it is canon. Look up the definition. You contradict yourself.
  15. The question is...did I claim to KNOW either of those to be the car? The answer is no. Anyone can go to any of my theories and anytime and point out where it strays from canon, and I will happily acknowledge. I theorize because I can. But at the end of the day, canon is #1, and as I theorize, I judge my theory by the amount of fact available to support it. Same goes for you. I appreciate it when someone checks my facts, and if I'm wrong, provide correction. in order to do that, you have to be able to provide concrete game evidence or prove that I have none. Example: In my Hot Plasma Weaponization theory, someone reminded me that the Ray Gun uses cold cell batteries. Therefore, I would never tell anyone that my theory was fact.
  16. Got the first part right. Second part was putting words in my mouth and displaying your inability to validate your claims. So while we're talking wonder weapons, and now in an applicable thread, feel free to give me canon references proving the use of 115 in every perk and every wonder weapon. I didn't say the don't use 115, I said that some WW absolutely do, others we don't know, while perks have not yet been proven (not to say that we won't find out someday. And if they have some form of 115, I will be the last one surprised. All I stated was that you cannot currently prove it, so don't claim it is canon.
  17. I'm just saying that the odds of them findinh in a scientific explanation for meatballs and the Apothicon Servant seem pretty slim.
  18. @Stop Mocking Me0 Sorry, I can't watch that now. But you'll find that 'because Cthulhu' is what @Kill_All_Monkeys said to explain it all. So now that we're switching tactics...let's just say 'because the Ancient Evil' or 'because the Shadow Man' or 'because The Overlords.' My point is, excusing everything 'because all-powerful being' has the same result regardless.
  19. @Kill_All_Monkeys I understand liking the challenge; like you said, they missed a golden opportunity, an opportunity which would have allowed them to be comparable in terms of difficulty. Though...it doesn't really matter to me. I love the ol' puppies. I guess the thing is, if we want scary, there are horror games out there designed to make you freak out. While zombies is best when it's spooky, I can't say that a rolling, exploding, burning ball of blood and guts is really....scary. They're slow, and literally act just like the R.A.P.S., which don't hold a candle to the good ol' attack dogs. And frankly...the backstory of explosive meatballs controlled by a magical octopus is...so meh to me. So it all comes down to preference, and I hope to see more terrestrial threats. Just makes it more believable IMO. The whole "there is a force beyond our control" is an overdone theme in sci-fi and paranormal, and stems from human morbid fascination and phobia. The story used to be fueled by the idea that we are capable of causing problems that spin out of control. But with SoE, it's like they got tired of coming up with their own pseudoscience and just decided to say "because Cthulhu," like you said. So in the end, nothing really matters. Because Cthulhu has all power. Who knows why he even attacks a world with margwas and such when he could just "because Cthulhu" the whole universe into oblivion because, well, he's Cthulhu. With Cthulhu as the driving force behind zombies, all mystery is lost. I think Lovecraft would be disappointed, as he was fascinated with the "fear of the unknown," and in zombies, we may now have ciphers and weird monsters and incomplete backstories, but in the end, they're all there...because Cthulhu.
  20. The blueprint itself in The Giant is essentially the same as the WAW one. Presumably, the question marks meant nothing then, and as they are in the same places now, likely mean nothing now. Black Ops lost the severed finger, as well as removal of two or the question marks. The Giant has slight differences, having Richtofen's name added, the 935 logo losing the SS runes in place of three tallies reminiscent of BO3, one question mark was nudged slightly, the finger re-added, sharpened, enhanced, with a vignette added on a different background.
  21. It's not a problem, I genuinely got confused. Keeping threads on topic should be more emphasized. I just dropped it over on the weapon thread, and mentioned Monkeys, so if the discussion continues, it should hopefully do so from the appropriate thread now. Reveeting to proper discussion.
  22. UIt began with more practical explanations for things. Moon wasn't 'fantastical' the way MotD and SoE are. @Kill_All_Monkeys, at least we could explain the monkeys and the Hellhounds because we had backstory and 'pseudoscience' to make sense of it. Burning meatballs falling from the sky? Surely you cannot tell me you prefer that over Hellhounds. Question: Why Hellhounds? Answer: In 1945, Nazi scientist Dr. Ludvig Maxis...Group 935...an experiment...teleporter...electrical force...Aether.... Question: Why meatballs? Answer: Say what? lol good talk. And I much prefer a wonder weapon with backstory: Question: Why Wunderwaffe DG-2? Answer: During WWII, Nazi Germany...inventing wonder weapons (wunderwaffes)...Die Glocke...Element 115...Dr. Richtofen...Dr Maxisn lied. Question: Why the Apothicon Servant? Because...it's made from the body parts of a three-headed teleporting land octopus. Yes. BTW, wonder weapons reduce income and drop frequency, negatively affecting the whole team.
  23. Heard. My bad, I got confused, thought I was on the WW thread. Removing...
  24. I'm still more of a fan of BO1, and if it weren't for the stupid inconsistencies, I couldn't care less about Tranzit.
  25. I figgered maybe that universe actually split off from ours back at some point. But it'll take a damn good explanation to make me happy with Tranzit's inconsistencies. What do you suggest? Like I emphasized, the above was simply the best theory I have heard so far.
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