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Everything posted by thegoldenspork115

  1. Thats basically the only thing I do in Buried anymore. Is just play in the maze. (Without the Paralyzer of course.)
  2. I've always considered campaign and even multiplayer to be in a different Universe than zombies. Therefore I wouldn't think that 2025 would have anything to do with zombies. But idk. That's just what I've always thought. I mean we do see a lot of zombies things in the campaign. And some even say that the BO2 multiplayer map Studio has zombies guns in it.
  3. You said earlier that the M1 on Buried is different than the M1 on other maps? Is that true? Because I've never noticed.
  4. I love Black ops 1 zombies and Black Ops 2 zombies. Zombies wise- I like BO2 the most. I love the complex maps. However I still enjoy going back to old school maps just for the simplicity. They should make another full game (like another black ops) that includes zombies. I would love to see a standalone zombies game, but it would spoil us. Which would be bad. Favorite map from BO1-Kino Favorite map from BO2- MotD And I completely agree that quickscopers need to be banished from multiplayer. It seriously takes the fun and realism out of the gameplay. I actually prefer BO1 multiplayer more simply because the maps felt more realistic to play in. Best maps ever- Cracked and Radiation
  5. Looking at the picture again... Parts of the M2 look EXACTLY like the M1. Just certain parts are placed upside down or stretched out. Almost like the mark 2 IS the mark 1. Except someone just reassembled it in a different fashion. Maybe they didn't even need to get new parts for it.
  6. Oh, can't remember. :/ tell ya what though. Later tonight if I have time, I'm gonna play Buried and listen to the reactions of the characters when the get the M2. I would do other maps as well but it takes forever to get the M2 on other maps.
  7. Mocking, looking at the pic right now. It reminds me of the Buried reveal. Wasn't Marlton using it in the reveal? Maybe he's behind it in some way? Who knows what he was doing inside the bunker at Nuketown.
  8. I get that. But what would be the difference between round 30 and round 50? If the zombies health gets weaker/our guns get stronger, it would feel exactly the same.
  9. They might not require 115. But I think it'd be fair to say they should have had some involvement with Group 935 and the Wonder Weapon program. The term "wonder" can be different to anybody. Hell, someone could "wonder" about the M1911. Does that make it a wonder weapon? I think not.
  10. Whoa. Whoa, whoa. Mob happens to be thegoldenspork115's favorite map. Whatchu talkin' bout?
  11. It would definitely make sense that Group 935 had some involvement in this town. After all, this place was chosen for endgame. Certainly deserves some pointers for that. And I get your thinking, Nightmare. That the Paralyzer and Time Bomb exist in Buried only through the box, so people assume it came from there. That's true. But, unlike the M2, they both are only in Buried. If the M2 was exclusively in Buried, then it'd make more sense. But it's in every map.
  12. Agreed. Let's look at it this way. If I ever encounter a monkey wearing a speedo, I will look at that primate and say "my, he must be intelligent". How many monkeys has anyone seen wearing clothes? How bout a speedo? That's true innovation right there. Just saying
  13. Well absolutely. But let's be honest, how many "new players" have you played with that actually want to learn? Every new player I play with gets pissed when they go down, cuss me out, then rage quit. I'd love to mentor some people and train them into super slayers. As long as they're willing to anyway. Which is almost never. :(
  14. Wait what?! You're saying that if someone calls themselves "ult1mateSwagmonkii" that means they're immature?! What?!
  15. That's spot on, brother. Noobs are all over those maps. My theory on why that is, is because non regular zombie players won't bother buying DLC. So typically, the more complex maps noobs won't even bother with because it would overwhelm them. That's what I've noticed anyway. This has been a noobery update, thank you all.
  16. My mistake Mocking. I forgot that one quote by Sam. "The staffs if the ancients were lost". But didn't she go on to say that "my father made copies"? Maxis is Sam's father, not Richtofen. Idk I'll have to listen to these radios(praise The Lord) And I stand corrected. EMP's certainly do act differently than normal EMP's on real life. Most noticeably with the zombies. And @NotoriousPIG the Paralyzer is most likely a wonder weapon. But, like everything else on Buried, there's no proof. Maybe it was made by Chuck Norris. Just saying.
  17. Bro I think you're getting your posts mixed up. No where in this thread has Nightmare suggested that his theory is fact.
  18. Ascension is the easiest to train in. So many open spaces. But Buried has so many overpowered elements. The Paralyzer. The Time Bomb to correct mistakes you've made like going down. Unlimited max ammos. Camping spots are everywhere. 7 perks at the same time. Free PHD Flopper. Unlimited Quick Revives for solo. Once you get used to the layout of the map and where zombies spawn at, it becomes so easy.
  19. I believe I, along with others on here have told him that there isn't any proof in what he's saying. You're not alone. But no one is whining and moaning. This is just a mature debate here with some misunderstandings. That's all. Anyways. I still don't understand your theory. It seems plausible but I just don't get how the upgraded M2 is a mutation of the upgraded M1. Never do we need to obtain the upgraded m1 to obtain the upgraded m2. I understand how you used the V Withering to help clear this up, but I don't see how that relates to what the M2.
  20. 90% of the games I've played with randoms on Origins turned out pretty well. Idk that's just what I've noticed :/ Tranzit on the on the other hand is a definite no for randoms.
  21. Buried is easiest IMO. And the Paralyzer kills all the way up to at least 76. Haven't seen past that
  22. The EMP's are wonder weapons? You realize that EMP's are real things that exist in the real world, right? If those are wonder weapons, then real-world militaries must also have a wonder weapon program. However, it is supposed to only shut down electrically powered things. But don't EMP's shut down the mystery box too? Can't remember. But if it does then that would be it's only evidence to be considered a wonder weapon. Because it shuts down something that is not electrically powered. Well...we see in Origins that the box IS powered by the generators... So who knows really. And I agree with you about the Blunderat and acid gats not being WW's. But not for the same reasons. I don't see MotD as being canon. Therefore I don't think anything from that map is a wonder weapon. Yet we see the ray guns there. So idk what to say about that. The stuff on Buried? Further study is needed there. Treyarch really doesn't give story the way they used to The staffs are really interesting though...first off though, you said good ol' Ricky made them? I don't think so. Didn't Sam call them "the staffs of the ancients"? Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that make them made by the ancients? Idk. But if they were made with E115 then maybe they could be considered WW's. If they were indeed made by Richtofen, then they'd definitely be WW's.
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