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Black Hand Smith

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Status Updates posted by Black Hand Smith


    1. Flammenwerfer


      They seemed weird at first, but the anime didn't have a super large focus on them. 5Ds was fantastic.

    2. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      Currently rewatching the first series of Yugioh. I remember in Yugioh GX there were zombies ....fucking zombikkes

  2. Carnival of the Dead Welcome to the greatest carnival on earth! Spend some time on the rides, or play some our games and win cool prizes! Be sure to try our Snow cones with special flavors just for you. End your day by visiting the Circus ! A massive tent filled with clowns….clowns….clowns….and more Clowns…..the show is to DIE FOR! So step right up for a Night of Thrills, Chills and Stilts? Carnival of the Dead coming soon! Ask your parents and get your tickets today! We guarantee you will have so much fun you will NEVER want to leave!

  3. College started today. Yay.

    1. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      take me with you! cherish it! stay forever!

    2. ZombieOfTheDead


      The monotone in the way you write it is exactly how I feel. College is pretty overrated so far.

  4. Coming soon! Zombies arcade 3! Very soon!

  5. Coming up with some new things for my storyline

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Things to include that are amazing:

      Sleeper agents (preferably activated through music/sounds)


      Demonic twists

  6. Completely reworking Der Riese. One of the more important characters will play a less important role in my storyline. We just have to wait and see. I will see you all at Destination 935

  7. Control 2300 has been altered from its original premise which technically was exo zombies before it was a thing. I'm taking the brain control to a whole new level and adding in some Interesting enemies. Also merging another map concept with it.

  8. Control 2300 is almost ready for Posting. If I'm lucky it will be posted this afternoon

    1. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      The maps are going to go backwards and forwards pretty much at random the first map released being Omega and te final map being Alpha. No map with the number 0. However that's here might be map called zero

  9. Control 2300 is finally out. That was a long ride

  10. Currently adventuring inside the Abandoned Temple of PlaytheGame. If I am right my map concept should be somewhere around here.......

  11. Currently looking at some Old Docs which may have some info on treyarch 2015. Some similarities have been linked together with current information. The investigation is Pending

    1. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      The Name Dr. Salim is part of an old document we received a while back. During the great Purge. Private investigation is still ongoing as we try to link things together. Do we think Solaris is going to be involved? Probably not specifically but due to the connections we can't quite say for sure how much info we have. Currently in the filtering process. Trying to separate Gems from Dirt. We think there might be more flashbacks or a dual time period. Still digging...

    2. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      can't link it here on Codz due to the Leaked information Laws. However the concept about Flashbacks is intriguing

  12. Currently Remaking Every other Map. Minor changes the older the map is while Major changes will occure as time progresses. A new Hidden storyline continueing from Origins revisitred. I have hidden clues in each Remake starting in Origins. So look around and try to Piece the story together because I will not spoon feed it to anyone

  13. Currently rewriting Mob of te Dead. The story is now a Hybrid exploring The Flesh, Richtofen and keeping some of the plots from the Original. Turning on the power can help you in some ways but not all.

  14. Currently still deciding on what the Halloween Special Map for this year will be.

    Current Ideas 

    Carnival of Evil Sequel

    Release Dynasty of the Dead

    The Space Map I wanted to do

    or that one concept I have yet to announce involving Magic and Wizards




  15. currently trying to figure out more about the 32 clues for 2015. Have all the images taped to a board on my wall. Might not make a post for a few days.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Speak to me Zilenski... Speak to me....

  16. Currently working in collaboration with a youtuber to bring you a Huge Theory that may change the way we look at zombies forever. I will be making a post and this youtuber will be making a video and we will release both of them on monday. I need to make sure this is very well written because when you actually think about it, it makes sense. Especially since The events of Shadows of evil take place in the 1940's. 

    Before I came up with this theory I believed MOTD was a waste of time. However only now do I realize it might be the most important map in Black Ops 2 and in fact the most important map in the entire storyline. Well, shadows of evil might be more important since it will be the one to confirm or debunk this theory. However until then we can only hope for a confirmation because it would fit perfectly and would answer so many questions.

  17. Currently working on a Brand new Map concept. It's not legacy 4. It's not Dynasty of the Dead. Something new I did not expect to be writing but I just got so excited after coming up with it at work that I just couldn't resist putting all my effort into it. If anythig this will be a 3 part storyline but for now I'm only working on the first map. 

  18. Currently working on a few Main Concepts and finishing work on Alpha-Omega season 2. 5 new maps for A-O as well as some more Oracle Updates coming soon. Just got 2 new ideas I want to try out later

    A superhero Map concept in which you use phone booths to transform for a limited time 

    A map involving a Mummy searching for the book of the dead in order to bring back his army. 

    A map involving Alchemy in some form. Still haven't figured out how yet but Alchemy is something that would definitely be in zombies

  19. currently working on a few New things. Motd Revisited which is almost done. A few Parodies for Next Month. Some concepts for Exo Zombies. Return of the Extinction ideas. That will be a breath of fresh air. and a few things which may or may not be posted soon

  20. currently working on a secret map concept....which will be released in 2 months.....

  21. Currently Working on Songs..... I know what nikolai would do in a Willy wonka style Zombie factory, I know what dempsey would do, and I know what richtofen would do. 3 Songs down but Takeo is the Hardest. He wants Honor so How to get him eliminated from the group....Hmmmm

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tattoo247


      Well lots of candy can be credited to either Chinese or Japanese...perhaps he could view them as he does the 115 rocks, stolen from his heritage?

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      I think takeo would be like nikolai's father or mother or caretaker or something.

    4. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      I think the song I've had the most fun Reworking so Far is Mike Teavee's Song. I think it fits perfect with Richtofens Fate.

  22. Cyptids gave my attack dog.....A BEARD!!!!!

  23. Day 10 Naughty or Nice has now been posted..... So what comes for Day 11? Samanther and the Zombie Factory Chapter 3

  24. Day 11 Samanther and the Zombie Factory Chapter 3 has now been Posted

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