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Black Hand Smith

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Status Updates posted by Black Hand Smith

  1. Since I'm done with the 25 posts I think I will take a break before posting last chapter.

  2. Sneak peak : In this site..we call home....everyone hail to the cyan robes...

  3. So a video showing leaked Black ops 3 stuff was just posted. Well....time to get to work....#Destroychannel

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stop Mocking Me0
    3. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      To report a False leak press 1.

      To report someone forming an army of idiots Press 2.

      To Seek guidance on the zombies storyline Press 3

      To Enlist in the Army to prevent stupidity Press 4.

      To repeat these options dial 115 Pound symbol

    4. TheNathanNS


      Nowadays, 90% of videos about upcoming DLC/games is complete horse shit.

      Someone photoshops something a big YT'er gets a hold of it, claims it as real, fanbase thinks so until the real game/DLC is released when they all moan about it.

  4. So excited! Getting an Xbox One bundle tomorrow. I have a choice between An assassins creed bundle or the Master chief Bundle. Also Grabbing A copy of Dead rising 3. HYPE!!

  5. So far I have enough completed Content to last me for the 13 days of December. Have some drafts for the other 13. i think I'm on schedual

  6. So far I've uncovered the same stuff everyone else has from the clues. Might have found something new I don't think anyone else has mentioned it yet but I'll keep that under wraps for now. Not enough information yet to actually make the claim and I dare not theorize it either. Gonna keep looking and if it seems possible then I'l definitely bring it up and if I deem it not plausable I'll just chuck it out the window and never mention it

    1. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      Once I'm done with these clues I think i'll make a post with any information I may have gotten. The Good and the Bad. The impossible and the improbable. Scribbles and notes. Just a Mess or information and words that don't connect

    2. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      Cause I don't want people looking for something that isn't there. Like when people found the tally marks on the console controller it spiraled out of control and people began to see things everywhere. If I have reason to believe it might actually be something then I'll pair it up with possible evidence but if I only have the thought with nothing to back it up then I wont mention it. It is also possible someone else might find it before or if I reveal it. The smallest detail can send the entire community into a frenzy. Even if it is worthless.

  7. So far the Year old document for Solaris has proved to eerily be similar to some of the Virals we have gotten recently. I am still a nonbeliever but mostly due to the fact that we outcasted the Ptg Member who brought it up a year ago. Damn it Syphon.

  8. So I decided to start Writing Lord of the Bling: The Brotherhood of the Bling and so far i've written 2 full Pages. I still have Yet to Reach Bilbo's Departure. If this goes on This Post will almost be as long as the Movie itself

    1. Inconcievable


      One bling to rule them all...

  9. So I ended up getting Ace attorney 5. I think it's pretty good so far. In other news Hoping to have a major concept ready by the 15th. Hopefully if I don't get lazy

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Damn… Was hoping alien isolation would inspire a good read… Oh well..

  10. So I ripped Syphone a new asshole today for spreading misinformation within the zombies community. Lol

  11. So tomorrow will be day 12.... we are at the Halfway marker now. 12 more Posts Left ...well.....13 actually....

    1. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      Soon.. But I won't say when....

  12. So. There are still 1 more maps in the A-O storyline that will be part of series one. To organize myself I am going to have them into 5 different series which contain a couple of Map Concepts each. While the Forum Fixes itself due to the transition to the new site I will be coming up with Basic premises for Series 2. 

    Season 1 : Beginnings





    and the Finale for this Season


    I have season 2 Planned already. Half the Concepts are done. Empire will be released when all the New forum Bugs are Fixed. Until then. I will be in my office Writing Away

    Season 2: 


    Blue Frontier

    Muere las Vegas




  13. Something once belonged to Germany, Which was later given to the Russians......until America got a hold of it.....until it was stolen during a Hack...


  14. Soon I will reveal some important information on Zombies.Eddy's Turn. Prepare to be blown away, #Premenstruations 

  15. Spent my whole weekend watching old movies. The omega man, escape from new york, night of the comet.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Any show without a demonic butler, top hats, eye-patches and chronologically displaced chainsaws isn't worth its' salt!

    3. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      I remember seeing the first season although vaguely.. I watched it 3 years ago...i might rewatch it once I'm done re watching the Office

    4. ZombieOfTheDead


      That's a good idea. I actually haven't finished the show myself, but I've got a huge backlog of others to finish first

  16. Spooky scary skeletons send shivers down your spine......

  17. Thats a very festive Perk indeed. how did I not think of this Last Christmas. Time to write it down in my notes

  18. The Archangel will soon arrive. Return to Groom lake as you fed off against the undead as you set the stage for the final countdown. The clock is ticking.....

  19. The critical point comes before Nacht, Wake up and smell the Ashes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFCCXeZeSjA

  20. The Dead Have Risen.....and so has the Sleeping Giant....

  21. The Electric Eel is our lord and saviour. All praise the Electric Eel, or messiah.

  22. The Electric Eel is our lord and saviour. All praise the Electric Eel, or messiah.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0
    2. Electric Jesus

      Electric Jesus

      every time I read electric eel I think you're talking about me. Especially since you said messiah.

  23. The Epic conclusion.... The Hobbit: Conspiracy of the Five Guys. Coming real Soon

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