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Everything posted by lead_psychopath

  1. Thanks Boom! This site really is epic though! I love how no response to a post is stupid, everyone is so calm. It's just a really nice place! Thanks again for the warm welcome guys!
  2. Thanks man. I've been a member since September, but have only just downloaded the tapatalk app onto my phone, it's now way easier to post!
  3. Hi peeps. My names lead_psychopath, real name larry, loza, or loz and I'm 24 years old. The story of how I got my username is a bit random. A friend created a new account (he couldn't get shotties), which was LEAD_PSYCHO. He joked that I should do the same and have a LEAD account too, so that's exactly what I did. As I used the account more and more I realised that I'd gotten loads of trophies, that took a good few hours to get, so I decided to keep LEAD_PSYCHOPATH as my main account! I've been a zombies fan since the beginning, beating the WaW campaign and thinking 'wtf is this?!' But I never used to buy DLCs, so didn't really get the bug until Bo2, where I bought the season pass. Nuketown blew me away (I found it so challenging to get past R15 on co-op), and through sheer determination, I've gotten a lot better. I now have all the DLC for Bo1 and Bo2. Anyone who wants to Hit me up, fire away, add me on PSN: LEAD_PSYCHOPATH ps. the LEAD in my name is like the kind in a bullet, not like a leader.
  4. I see why you sent me here mocking, my threads quite similar for the ranking aspects. I do love that part of it. But I still wouldn't mind seeing the bank go or stay, I'm not convinced that you should have your rank go down from using it, but I totally get where you're coming from. Would a hugely lower cap on the bank work, like you could only store a max of 20000 points in it? Also, you can lose a lot more ticks than gain them, what if you had the challenges that you've made (which are totally epic, love that idea) and for every one you get a tick, but if you complete 10 challenges you get an extra 10 ticks? Just if it's only one tick per game (I'm not that gone on vs), I'd have say 3-5 games a night, so that's a max of 5 ticks a day. 5 days a week I'd play, so that's 25 ticks a week. That's 46 weeks before I get to max rank? I'm not anti that, just seems a long time for players to get to max rank. I mean it could be even longer if I have long games. PS. That sounds like a direct quote from Samuel, it's brilliant.
  5. No, more like the CoDz awards on this site. I don't like the idea of having the millions of multiplayer medals either. If you went into gamer channel, there could be a section of 'awards'. Remembered the names I had for some of the awards too. So >50% headshots: 'Marksman' Carry your team: 'Crutch' The whole team goes down <round 10: 'Failure' Get past round 65: 'OAP' Play more than 5 days in a row: 'Addicted' Play more that 10 days in a row: 'Rehab required!' Quit a few games in a row: 'Quitter' You could have map specific ones too, with challenges, like 100+ on NML. And mocking me, just going to check out that thread now.
  6. I had an idea a while back, but didn't post it on codz. Does anyone remember Timesplitters 2? For anyone who doesn't, it was a really really good fps, made by part of the team that made Goldeneye for the N64. At the end of each game, you used to get trophies, they were mostly comical, 'cowardly' for someone who kept running away, 'hypochondriac' for someone who would keep picking up health, even if they weren't that injured etc. Then there were normal ones too, 'most deadly' for the person with the most kills and 'most headshots' for the obvious. What if in the next zombies game there was something similar. A selection of awards/trophies/medals for things you'd done. There could be round ones, and headshot percentage ones, but cool ones too, like if you carried a team through a few games 'crutch' (maybe with a neat little picture of a guy carrying 3 people on stretchers) or if you were constantly the last remaining guy up 'survivor'. You could have negative ones too, like if you left several games in a row, 'quitter'. What do you guys think?
  7. I'm with DBZ on this one, I find that zombies are way easier to kite on Bo2. I've gotten out of crazy situations on Bo2, but very few on Bo1. They really do feel unforgiving on Bo1. But I also wonder wether its because of double tap2 on Bo2
  8. Nevermind, I didn't realise it was part of the moon leaderboards.its been counting all along. Derp.
  9. I'm pretty sure that's what we all want. Another Bo1. Just with new things in it.
  10. So I feel like a bit of a lemon here, but I'll ask anyway. How exactly do you get onto the leaderboards of NML? I load up a game of solo moon, and just don't get into the teleporters, that should still count though right? Or how do I get into a game of NML? I can't even find the solo leaderboards for NML. Its killing me. Any reply would be awesome, as I've googled it, youtubed it, and still can't find an answer. :-(
  11. I like that idea of a tactical! Might be op in a way, like if you were about to get cornered you could throw it, and teleport away from trouble. But like throwing monkeys last minute, it could be risky, making it less op. I'd love to see a teleport perk, where if someone went down, you could choose to teleport near them. The risk being any zombies would lose their grouping, so you'd need to kite or kill them pretty quick.
  12. That was exactly what I meant with different weapons, more wonderweapons than anything. I totally get that the lsat and rpd, and other weapons are so similar that it really doesn't matter which one you get. But imagine if they had micro dlc for tacticals, or the hell's retriever? It'd be chaos.
  13. Defo agree not to bring micro dlc for zombies. But would treyarch really bring in micro dlc of weapons/classes/etc? The only reason I think they wouldn't bring it in is because of the leaderboards. It wouldn't be fair if you could pay for better guns to use. Having said that, who knows what they might do.
  14. You know that annoying twitch you get now and again? That's me. You on PS3 or XBOX?
  15. For me, I find the re-playability of Bo2 to be lower than Bo because of time. NTZ is probably my favourite map on Bo2, but its because it doesn't take me hours to get past r30. I don't know how many times I've decided to spend my day off playing zombies, trying to beat my records. I get to round 25ish, go down stupidly, game over. But because I spent so much time building everything, I really lose interest. My best on Origins is 36 solo. It took like 5 hours to get that far. But I went from round 25-35 in about half an hour (maybe slightly longer, but it felt like that). Every time I go back to do it again, I'll get to round 20, have everything built, die stupidly, and give up for the day. I can jump on a game of NTZ and get to round 30 in about 1.5 hours, and I don't mind playing it over and over and over again. Black Ops Zombies is straight forward, its just about survival, no building random things, just earning points as you go, killing zombies. Games still take long after r30, but I don't mind so much, because I haven't gotten bored trying to set everything up by a ridiculously early round. I'm in agreement with DBZ and Chopper though, I've gotten so disappointed in the last year, I'm not really sure how Treyarch are going to redeem themselves. What I really don't understand is, why was black ops zombies not rushed? They had the same amount of development time between WaW and Bo1, how can Bo2 feel so much more rushed?
  16. I quite like the idea of a zombies pass (I'm really not sure where the apostrophe should go in zombie's, or even if there should be one, the pass doesn't belong to the zombies, it belongs to us, would it be plural? Arrgagrggargrhh brain dissolving!) Anyway, especially with the longer time period now, it'd be awesome to see two dlc styles from treyarch. One multiplayer, the second for zombies. So there would be 8 DLCs. I'd happily pay the same price as a season pass for zombie only content (assuming that you'd get two maps at a time, or a few different game modes), or just one EPIC zombie map.
  17. Thanks for the response man. Never knew that it was Syndicate that came up with that. Amazed that it took off so much! Kiting from now on though!
  18. A little bit off topic, and I don't really want to sound like a numpty here, especially as this is my first post, but is kiting the same as training? and if it is, why is it called kiting?? I really like origins, but it's a love hate relationship. But I will say I used to hate MOTD because it took so long to get to round 30 (1.5h vs 30-40 mins on Town or NTZ), but Origins take it to a whole new level. I was playing a game a few days ago, we were playing for about an hour, and were still on r11, waiting for the robots to come past for all the wind staff parts. For me, Origins would be great if you could just buy Double Tap from a perk machine. I'd never get the staffs unless I was going for a high round if DT was easy to get. Oh, and the wonderfizz always seems to give me deadshot or mule kick, I rarely get dt from it.
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