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Everything posted by ibiii

  1. These bubs are very unusual. They seem to (titan)fall from the zeppelin and make themselves your Big Daddy with their rotating mechanical claws. Another interesting thing to note is that they die instantaneously whenever the glass of their masks is broken. Are they the result of 935's further testing to make the zombies even greater war machines? What is it in the exoskeletons that keeps them alive?
  2. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the Black Ops 2 engine incompatible with the Wunderwaffe?
  3. I like it. Fog, rain, and snow with a storm raging and a dieselpunk style seems like the closest we are going to get to "scary" zombies.
  4. MotD is the only map to take place in it's own little Universe. The rest all exist in the same universe. and who's to say they don't remember them? Government cover ups etc. can easily keep the public from knowing. That's a bad, improbable excuse, and the "etc" shows that there is no other reason. Samantha only made zombies when Element 115 was present. Who...who is disagreeing with you here? Are you replying to someone else? That is what makes alternate timelines.
  5. um....when did this become an alternate universe? It's pretty obvious. Why do the MoTD gangsters not remember the Zombie/Robot Invasion of 1917 occurring? The Marines? President Kennedy and his associates? The CoTD group? The N4? Group 935? Hell, the O4 doesn't remember it after nor even before their memory loss. All of these events occur in multiple tangled timelines.
  6. Remember that this is an alternate universe. It could be an earlier born Samantha, it could be Ludwig's wife, it could be another person with the same eye color, it could be Sam's alternative in this universe, etc.
  7. Good point, so we are getting the Classic maps to play as well I suppose Origins is unplayable, too. In fact, the entire trailer has nothing to do with the next zombies map, and we are getting a re-skinned Five that is played by the N4.
  8. ibiii

    Not all zombie DLC

    If you want to play the old maps, play the old games.
  9. It is extremely improbable that we will not be playing as the O4. Not only does the map description refer to all of them by name but also their detailed character models are being shown for half of the trailer. Are they just going to be NPCs? If so, why would they be shown long before the playable characters (random, characterless, development-less Marines) ? Treyarch does not work for surprising players; they benefit from profits, which are obtained by pleasing the fanbase. If you are correct, however, then fuck Treyarch for making such an unintelligent decision.
  10. There is no way they would release the DLC that late into the game's lifespan. I'm thinking sometime this month. Moon was released in November. Also, Buried just came out for PS3.
  11. A trailer will most likely come in September or October. Expect more hype-blasters like the Letters from the Field and the Vine video for the rest of August and (early) October.
  12. This community is so imaginative that they will spend hours designing multiple theories over a picture of a few wooden planks.
  13. Slow down, guys. These "Letters from the Field" extend the canon in anticipation for DLC4, but why do you all expect that they describe the next map? Treat these letters independently until we have complete confirmation. Now, let's get back on-topic. This is an alternate universe. These are the known differences: the O4 are going to meet during WWI instead of WWII, and 935's operations in Breslau and Griffin Station are now being performed before its conception and in German-occupied Northern France. We know that there is testing with 115 by an unknown organization (935, Illuminati, Germany, etc), that organization has made technology with or without 115 that appears like lights in the sky and metal men, Richtofen is leading the 115 excavation, and Maxis has obtained a pistol two years prior to the other letters. Speculation: The first letter is Richtofen writing in third-person (like he sometimes speaks). Element 115 is affecting Maxis's sanity, and the man now plans to assassinate Richtofen with his Mauser from a distance (attachment scope). If any of this is related to the story, the last map might be the outcome of this switcharoo alternate universe.
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