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Everything posted by captinslog

  1. If anyone has any experience in morse code lend me a hand I have no clue how to look at this, you guys are the best cryptos out there as far as im concerned. Tell me what you find I'll give it a full hearted effort after I post this. Cheers ! :shock: :idea: Lets say the lightbulbs are dashes and blackspots are dots UPDATE:I've spent a little over an hour and a half toying with this using my current formula this is what I've started I have a whole page of scribbles but I finally started getting something that made sense and again I have no idea what im doing I could be out of my freakin mind but who knows.. :?: I remember the Zombies guys at treyarch priding themselves with teaching people morse. And even though I didnt post it, I know the town stop light says a couple different things like power is knowledge(is that saying reversed)? perhaps they've added a lil twist to that method. Happy Hunting!
  2. I did a search for the downed mustang sallys keywords and couldnt find specifically what i was looking for so i posted it thanks for not flaming guys :oops:
  3. Well I've noticed on PC when I play with randoms,FYI (I have not completed any of the EE's for tranzit or die rise),It's not for a lack of trying. If im playing with someone who has completed TOB the spire has the streams of electric current rising to the top and the sparkling orb is at the top of it. But it does not appear there say if im with others who have not completed it, that being an educated guess. I believe they have a system setup to acknowledge your choices you've made. As whoever it was in this game with me completed richto's instructions given its blue and not orange. When i asked who had completed the EE only two responded they had not, so process of elimination told me only 1 person did.
  4. ok thank you... lol i feel so fooly
  5. Hey has anybody else been in possession in solo play of a M1911 and B23R and Quick Revive was downed and suddenly had mustang sally's ?? plz say yes otherwise im like wtf mate ....
  6. I'm beginning to think we may be playing out a campaign version of zombies right now with each new DLC. Think about once every DLC has been made available, we'll have a labryinth of a Z-campaign to guide us to our Multiple Ending outcomes just like BO2 campaign was(Re-play value increases 100x fold then) depending on how we align ourselves and who we listen to. With 4 endings possible "Death being the most common" :arrow: , A maxis victory , or A richtofen victory, or a thought to be gone master race Vril-ya victory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vril(beware how deep the rabbit hole goes) I'd like to see it end in a 8-player battle VS _____(insert zombie conspiracy) for the finish and thank you again.
  7. Wow a million thanks, you guys are the smartest bunch of lads I know. You feed my brain with awesome Z-knowledge.
  8. Whats his name zilinsky* or something from twitter was it him that said commitment was the key ? That could be the difference between hearing 1 or 2 spires . whats the point of helping both maxis and richtofen if they are both fighting for the same power?
  9. Nice Ok thanks for the ideas, with a little more hunting I'm taking in to consideration also the BAR sign in town is RED, the OPEN sign on the same building is GREEN, and the B_WLING sign is BLUE-ish and the laundr-O-mat sign just sticks out to me, cause of the seperation of the "O" with dashes and its way bigger than the rest of the letters. Compiling data and screenshots to make some sense out of this. If someone can tell me how to add attachments to my post I could probably be more effective in my posts at show and tell but I digress happy hunting !
  10. nice read ! i had the same thoughts . I love CODZ
  11. I originally posted this in another thread but deleted and started a new topic Hi guys, I dont know how to post my screenshots cause if I did I would show you the panels inside the powerstation, If you have pictures please help post. The computer terminals with the funny screens , one of the screens on each terminal looks to have a reversed question mark on top of some grid picture. Well below those screens seems to be a simon says or instructions of some sort. A series of buttons : 3 black buttons with the word( ON )on them . Then in this order First Letter of Each color (B)Blue (G)Green ® Red now here is the order (FIRSTLINE)/ON-ON-ON-B-R-R-R (NEXTLINE)/B-G-R-B-R-R-B-G-R (LASTLINE)MAIN/ALT -G-R- MAIN/ALT -OFF/FAN -OVHT(should mean OVERHEAT)* -B-G-R Could this be the clue we need to continue ? 3 black buttons that say ON, perhaps it could pertain to the 3 downed pylons(the more ideas the better). Now I've heard people talking of the color differences of buildings in town or something like that, perhaps the colors of the perk machines could correspond(Like how the perk machines in Ascension had hidden objects by them activated only during monkey rounds) Now in what way I have no idea, the debris clearing sounds we been mentioning could be part of the process when looked at as a whole. I only found this last night while in theatre mode so im just starting to try things , mainly get a ray gun PAP'd and the ballistics maybe the Sniper next since i think the DAY X/2 ME is referring to the Porter X2 as someone else had mentioned. I wont continue to speculate I just wanna see what you guys might think. Again sorry for the long post Happy Hunting !!!
  12. Maybe that's why GRIEF is a game mode, it's a small controlled test to lead up to true 8-player zombies with the original 4 and the new 4 pawns to be thrown to the zombs !
  13. on dimensions ,alternate realities and rifts, I've always thought when your in tranzit at town staring at the bank doors, if you walk up to the glass in front of the 18 wheeler (looks the same from both sides)(go inside the bank and look through the glass) it is clear blue skies and shadows of a building that has two levels it does not match any building around . My only problem is , it is not the shadow of the 18 wheeler nor any other buildings around it,you might say its a play on lighting but this im not sure , it doesnt change according to where your looking its like a looking glass of sorts. Final note the office above the bank has a light on, Nothing or something important or not , no clue I've taken screenshots of such things but do not know how to post them if you can tell me how i will post my screenshots of this Thanks
  14. there is another plate at diner that reads i believe (03-AB005) or zeros could be O's
  15. Thanks for the link I appreciate it, DAY X/2 ME is the biggest thing yet to be unraveled and the guys talking about tranzit map being a big clock also is intriguing with the metal pylons that have fallen being second, minute, hour hands, aaaaah the complex webs we weave. I thought perhaps the most powerful thing in tranzit being avagrado perhaps he has another purpose than just being in the cornfield to power the spire what if you could redirect his attacks to power something else, like line him up with an object or something and sidestep his attack and he triggers something idk really but im inspired to wonder and shall continue thanks
  16. its 2013 in march.......and this is a piece of work llolololololololololol :lol:
  17. Its gotta be the Zombie Labs man Zombie Labs !!! :twisted: 8-)
  18. Anymore info to this thread ? im enthralled ! :geek: :ugeek:
  19. I was watching some youtube videos of zombies Call Of The Dead and Acension*. And I couldnt help but think about the clock under the rocket in Acension*. We all know in Tranzit the clock in the diner stands out for its difference from the others. It was just insane in my opinion to even figure that out, you all four sit under that rocket pad and the clock would go backwards FYI I never did EE's for that map. And my mind was blown with the secret buttons in the wall by the four perk machines.(coincidence there are 4 computers in the power station) Was that where the dimensional rift was that richtofen mentioned I mean its possible by looking at the complexity of the steps needed for even Call of the Dead that you see tranzit pales in comparison of the wild steps required to complete the EE for that pack. This is what stood out for me, Hidden switches in walls, and the ridiculousness of the EE steps for COTD ...Tranzit needs more attention im sure, so much still unexplained. In conclusion I believe the key to the future lies in the past, I've seen alot of great theories here in CODZ forums i love coming here and reading everybody's in depth knowledge. I wish I had a group of PC players to explore the world of tranzit , but woe is me. The techniques we've used in the past zombies could shed some light on new projects the only problem being without the power of 4 nothing is really possible 4 different places at the same time seems to be a reoccuring technique. And my steam name is captinslog if it fancies you Thanks guys :oops:
  20. I wish i had proof, it definately was not coming from any of our present heroes, it was coming from the bus driver , no unique pattern either , sometimes during my tranzit games takeo comes thru driver and says in Takeo's Accent and all his old quote "something something something for world domination"I remember that from the old zombies it's the only quote thats not in the drivers voice from the driver. Another time it was dempsey doing his trash talking but once only for him multiple times for takeo. Ive heard the stulinger "one hit one kill". *theory Die Rise DLC is opening more of pandora's box , cause i also had not heard this before the updated content
  21. sorry let me ask my real question. why would their quotes be coming out like that in Tranzit whats the purpose?? and why can we hear them now? where are they ? I have downloaded der rise ..
  22. hi guys , first post , 4 times now I've heard takeo qoutes coming out of the bus driver or from inside the bus I've heard Dempsey only once. Any response to this is welcome :oops: Never heard them before I updated have'nt had net for 3 wks
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