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Everything posted by TheBSZombie

  1. It does serve a point. It looks foreskin awesome. Bottom line. Nothing else. If you have a better idea go make your own damn game and stop bitchin @ birdman
  2. I don't believe anything about a stamina perk or knife perk till I see a video of someone getting it.
  3. You also forgot the kap40 Correction BS. TranZit/Die Rise have 23 weapons, Buried has 19. So the Mark II is definitely more 'harder' to get in TranZit/DR than in Buried. (probability theory wise) Well I did miscount, but your correction is wrong also. Die Rise does have 23 guns not counting the sliquifier but I don't count that because I don't build it till afterwards. And Buried has 22 guns in it. So one gun difference doesn't even matter. I could go get mule kick and get three total box guns and I still probably wouldn't get the rgm2 for a long time on die rise....
  4. I can see it now, mustang and sally is gone but guess what, we got phd trololololol.
  5. People are still going to bitch about the weather though....
  6. You forgot the chicom and smr on all three lists. The emp is not in die rise. The three guns in tranzit/die rise that are not in buried are rpd and the m8a1 and the type 25. So buried and die rise both have 21 weapons in the box yet I get the rgm2 a lot more often on Buried then i do on die rise. So that kind of disproves the whole ''its only rare in tranzit because there are more guns in the box''
  7. The fog in tranzit was fun. I always felt I mastered the map because I knew how to navigate through the fog.
  8. Yea I loved cotd. one of my favorite maps. The map got me into zombies. I guess thats why I don't mind the fog.
  9. So we have it again and I wanted to point it out to people that haven't actually picked up on it yet. We have fog, we have snow, and I think there was one more weather type thing the narrator told us about the map. So look forward to it. I could care less about the fog, I just hate hearing people complain about it. So please don't.
  10. This is exactly why im like blahhhh.. If they hyped buried up like they are doing origins and made it feel like the final map of the series, then I would be a-ok. but no they put origins before buried. Its like reading a book and the ending happens. But there are 5 more chapters just explaining how character a met character b, c, and d.
  11. Thtas what people on the activision forum told me. But I don't buy it. When someone spends over 400k on the box, I doubt its the same probability. and quick question. what guns are in tranzit's box that are not in buried's box?
  12. Nah I see origins as being my downfall school wise. I see myself staying up all night and just completely f**king up my sleep schedule again. At least this time I have a truck and I will have enough time to start the download before I go to school. Motd and Die Rise I was only able to play for a couple hours due to a complicated housing issue.
  13. I saw some idiot saying that the robot's steps open up the pack a punch. And that there is a 1 in 1000 chance of him stepping in the right spot to open up the PaP. lmao. But yea I think the pack a punch will be in this game. It will show the origins of the pack a punch. Maybe we will see the pap for the first time and then are characters say some quote like wtf is this. And then you see germany take it or something. And thats how it got to Der Reise.
  14. I spent over 400k on tranzit and haven't seen the dang rgm2. on buried I can got it 3 times out of 5 consecutive hits of the box. (got it first hit, didn't want it so hit it again, then hit the box a 3rd time got rgm2 again, then hit a 4th and returned it, then got it on the 5th roll for a third time). On survival though for town and farm, I have gotten both times I have tried. But I have yet to get it on die Rise and Tranzit. Im 100% sure its harder to get on tranzit and die rise then any other map.
  15. I don't think that is a zombie inside the robot. I think its an alien. Maybe the vril society I always hear tied to shangri la?
  16. So the Mauser is our new starting pistol, so will we see the M&S return? probably not exactly. Maybe some different version of the M&S. Hopefullly the same damage output without the splash damage. All I know is that Im going to to not let go of that pistol. A second thing. I wonder if it will have the same damage output/clip size and stuff. If not then im going to have to retrain myself. I have been using that m1911 for a couple years and point whoring is something I do on a regular basis.
  17. Yep I was wrong. Well not technically. I only said be suspicious of what treyarch says. But yes like birdman said we are playing as the o4 in their younger state.
  18. I have been messing around with some persistent upgarades a lot lately and have found out multiple things about the upgrade. Some you would probably know, but others may not know. Lets get started :!: How do I obtain this Persistent Upgrade? To obtain this upgrade you need to get a very long shot with a sniper multiple times. One zombie is not enough. You also need to be accurate. You can kill about 5 zombies from a distance but if you are missing shots in between each kill, you probably will not get the upgrade. Now that I know how to gain the upgrade, how do I lose it? Well there is an easy answer to that question. Do not miss 3 shots in a row. If you miss 3 shots in a row you will instantly lose the Persistent Upgrade. It doesn't matter if you get up close shots. It doesn't matter if you don't get headshots. All that matters is that you are accurate. So what does it actually do? Well the first thing you will notice is that your points will increase after killing zombies. It will increase in increments of 30, 60, 90, or 120. The total amount of points that you will gain is 300 per zombie. So during the lower rounds when zombies have low health and one shot can kill them, you will gain 360 points per zombie. Why do my points increase by 30 sometimes and 120 other times? It all depends on how many zombies you kill with one shot. If you kill one zombie with one shot your points will increase by increments of 30. If you killed 2, it would be 60. If you killed 3, it would be 90. If you killed 4 zombies with one shot, you would receive 120 point increments. It doesn't matter though, you will still gain 300 points per zombie. I haven't loss this Persistent Upgrade, but I don't get the extra points during an insta-kill. In the higher rounds, zombies will take more then one shot to kill. So during an insta-kill, you will not actually kill the zombie, the insta-kill does. So since the sniper isn't the one killing the zombies, the game decides not to give you the 300 points. Soooo, does this Persistent Upgrade carry over to other games? Yes. If you do not lose the Persistent Upgrade, you will still be able to keep it during your next game of zombies. As long as you are playing Tranzit, Die Rise, or Buried. Since those are the only three maps with persistent upgrades on them. If its on Tranzit and Die Rise also, how would I get it on those maps? Tranzit you would think would be easy to get this upgrade on. But by yourself its hard to keep zombies far enough away to get longshots on. If you are playing co-op, then go to the tunnel and have a buddy train on side and then let him line them up and you fire into his horde. You can do this on other spots of the map also but that is where I like to do it. If you are playing solo, you will need an emp to keep the zombies still so you can kill the zombies. (video below) In Die Rise it is actually pretty difficult to get enough longshots to get the Persistent Upgrade. Especially solo. In coop an easy way to do this is for someone to train them in the upside down skyscraper near the original box location. Have the second player stand by the Semtex and just snipe them. If you want to do this solo, you will need monkeys and a trample steam. Train them in the area next to the original box location then throw a monkey down and quickly trample steam across to the other skyscraper. Quickly fire into the horde and you should be able to get enough kills fast enough to get the Persistent Upgrade. (video below) Other Tips -Combine this with phd on Buried to get massive points by dolphin diving while holding a sniper. -Going straight for the svu on Die Rise or Buried can rack your points up very quickly. Netting you 360 points per kill is almost 3x better then just knfiging. -Don't spray with the svu :!: :!: 3 shots and you lost it. -Utilize vulture aid in buried to help get it will help.
  19. There is a cliffhanger. What happens to Richtofen. What does he do with his control. Does maxis get to Agartha and what happens to the Earth. I should have put more thought into the diction I used. I just thought that the towers were going to play some huge role in the final map. But I don't think they will. I only think they will play a part in the next cod with zombies.
  20. I have a strong feeling since we are going back in time that these towers had no purpose at all. Or had no purpose in this map. I think that the buried was the end all of easter eggs with the button and we will see something entirely unrelated in the final dlc as the easter egg. Think about it, we had an "awesome" reward in buried. we had two maps leading up to it. Both of these can be related to moon. Moon had cotd and shangri la that lead up to its grand finale. And then they left us with a cliffhanger by blowing up the damn earth. Now fast forward to buried. Buried had Tranzit and Die Rise that led up to its grand finale. And then then they left us with a cliffhanger by giving power to one of the two evil forces. So I think that we are done with the whole Richtofen vs Maxis. And then we will see the continuation in bo3. This is all speculation. And I would actually hate if this was true. Made me feel like I wasted my time kind of.
  21. The title basically says it all. Before motd I would have said all the maps would have it. But since motd didn't have the upgrades, I really doubt that origins will have these new features that we have grown to love/hate. These features make me feel like every game counts and will help me in the next game. But im getting off topic here.,.. so what do you guys think. Will there or will there not be any of these three items?
  22. but for the first part, they do say 4 original heroes but afterwards say and i quote that isn't very ambiguous I think we are debating two different things. I'm 100% positive that Nikolai and the others will be in this map. Im just not sure we will be playing as them.
  23. not sure what that last part was about. but when it comes straight from the horses mouth it's 100% clear we will be playing as Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Eddy. they were in the origins trailer, they were specifically mentioned by name by treyarch in the press release which is official. No word play here just straight up facts We always think its straight up facts. then something happens and everyone cries saying that they lied to us. Then someone looks back and says that they just fooled us. It happens a lot. That news press says that we "encounter the return of the four original heroes." Encountering doesn't necessarily mean that we are going to play as them. We "encountered" richtofen and the others in call of the dead. And about the last part I said in my original post, the community manager said in an interview/press conference, "Fuck you last stand." This was refering to the last stand perk perk that EVERYBODY hates. He said this to gain supporters and then the game was released and yep, last stand was gone. But what do you know, they introduced final stand which was a death streak that was arguably worse then the original last stand.
  24. Remember how we met the original characters in call of the dead? yea.... Remember how they worded the season pass as giving us the 4 dlcs. And then they hand out micro-dlcs? Yea these people are the masters at tricking us with their wordplay. So like mmx said, we will not know till August 27th, or maybe earlier if we see some leaked footage or a trailer. also if the season pass thing wasn't good "evidence" of their play on words, remember "fuck you last stand" from mw3...
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