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welsh skipper88

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Everything posted by welsh skipper88

  1. Yeah I've had the turbine just vanish when I pull them out a few times, then Richtofen laughs like you've just pulled the teddy bear in the box.
  2. Lol I love roundin them all up and then BOOM bye bye zombies with 1 tiny claymore :mrgreen:
  3. Actually I'd love a Clay-MORE perk that doubles your claymore capacity, there my best friend on high rounds especially low on ammo :)
  4. Well whether its a glitch or not I really doubt he edited it to be a troll like some people think... But at the same time doubt its anything to do with EE. Hope I'm wrong though :)
  5. So what's the update on this? Did he upload the whole vid?
  6. You just done it for me basically the actual map for TRANZIT mode Is the main map in this case DIE RISE like green run is the main MAP and the rest are just part of it that you can play other game modes on
  7. How bout JET FUEL COLA? Makes the jet gun last much longer and cool down quicker!
  8. Well I'm thinking that Die Rise is gonna be the same as Green Run. One big map for TRANZIT mode and parts of this map for Survival/ Grief, and there's gonna be another pylon we have to power up on the Die Rise TRANZIT Map too If not I can just imagine how annoyed everyone's gonna be if its just a survival map and doesn't have anything to do with Green run Easter egg lol after all the "it's going to carry on in future DLC"
  9. So apparently JZ didn't make the new year since he got hit by a meteor or something. https://twitter.com/zielinskijimmy/stat ... 8569713664 guess we'll never know if there was more to Green Run lol :D
  10. Looks legit and easy enough to try ....
  11. The only way you will convince anybody on these forums anymore is with a short vid clip mate, but GL hope your right and it is something new :)
  12. Fair enough, but am I right saying u can't go back from a skull to bones or has someone had this happen too And ye as I said you can lose blue eyes whichever rank you are if you don't play for a day. :)
  13. Lol he's never giving anything to us :)
  14. Lol good one not really bothered if nothing happens just think it would be pretty clever on 3arcs part if something did
  15. Loved zombies since WAW keeps gettin better anyone want a game I'm on XBL always high rounds and EE hunting. Gamertag - Welsh Skipper88
  16. That kind of impossible to answer per round since it keeps increasing ? Which rounds ? 1? 20? 30? All I know is 24 zombies max are on the map at one time whether it's 1,2,3 or 4 player...
  17. Sorry mate, my bad I meant you can't be deranked untill you lose all your tally marks :)
  18. Ok so maybe most of you know this already... But here goes First off we all know you start with one bone then two then the skull.... But then... You have to play five days/nights in a row each day/night = 1 tally mark. This Is what shows your COMMITMENT! Therefore play five days/nights in a row you get the five tally marks, and the blue eyes on your skull (5 tally marks = blue eyes, they are the same!) Then for each day/night you don't play zombies you lose a tally mark, simple you miss a day/night you lose your blue eyes, miss another you go to 3 tally marks then 2, 1, 0 tally marks again simple However for those of you with either a skull, skull and knife, skull and shotguns. You cannot be deranked from that once you have achieved it you will only lose the blue eyes / tally marks As for gaining the knife and shotguns I'm not sure of this part all I know is that you have to have your COMMITMENT (blue eyes) to rank up. In my experience the only way I could get the knife was playing a solo game and getting over 1000 kills with only 1 down, in other words its impossible on solo if you buy quick revive which would explain why a lot of really good high round players are having trouble getting ranked up. As for the shotguns I still haven't achieved them but am trying a few things and will let you know how I get on! :D
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