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Everything posted by optimus555

  1. your theory is wrong but you may be on to something with the theory of time displacement. let me blow a huge hole in your theory - the zombies do in fact run between areas in the fog. next time ur on the bus look out the back window lol. anyway, clocks in bus station show different times so there may be time displacement on the map...
  2. Every single one, I believe. I looked in game earlier today and I think they all have the same image. The teleporter in the bottom right. BUT, what is the diagram of? It seems to be a jet gun ? But what about the diagram above it?
  3. Do all the blueprints have the teleporter on them or JUST the jet gun?
  4. "The other sites" refer to the other locations where they've powered up an antenna similar to this one. I believe one of the quotes from the TV in farm mentions the antenna, and jackass flats is known to have a big ass antenna if i recall. I don't know, this was a lot of writing and not a lot of aim or purpose. But what I do agree with you on is the clocks. They are symmetrical times which don't make a lot of sense. I mean if anything it's Treyarch leaving us a HINT. The only explanation for clocks at symmetrical times is a parallel universe theory but that makes no sense. Also, the clock in Bank has no hands... I mean people say the ee is over but the clocks make it OBVIOUS that it's not So maybe we need to semtex certain clocks at the same time? Missing clock hands hmmmm I have a feeling after doing certain steps the clock hands will appear 1 by 1 in the bank....clock hands...hmmm... Holy fuck i just took a few minutes of thinking.. Remember that fucking number down In Power Station written on the wall? WHAT IF THAT IS A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX NUMBER THAT WE HAVE TO LIKE OPEN IN THE BANK? (left side when you walk in ) ????????? Also, somebody Help whats the number on the notepad underneath the bus driver???
  5. Lets just hope we get a hint on Christmas lol.....MAYBE....somebody should go to the Activision forums and start a Petition for a Christmas Hint. I'm blocked from posting there due to raging on tards so... not it :P
  6. nope just been trying to put it in the nah card reader under the pylon then went in a solo game and only realised that I had it half way through lol and like I said I haven't completed any EE wen ya look at it on ny tv its like a blue and white with a gold bar at the top ??? Need video please
  7. Where is your proof that the commitment tweet was about the ranking? Because it is absolutely retarded to think commitment is about "sticking to richtofen or maxis" The proof is in the pudding. Play 4 player with people who've completed both sides and the tower glows both colors. You're not meant to "commit" to one side. The characters are designed so that you can follow both story lines in game. Commitment refers to blue eyes / rank man. To see all these theories about committing to rich/maxis is just absurd
  8. Good theory. Some how you may be able to activate the mystery box in a way that gets your the hacker. And people whether you admit it or not you still believe in more to the Easter Egg. Thats the reason you visit these forums even if you write "no more until dlc" that dosen't change the fact.
  9. Commitment was about RANK, For the god damn 100th time.
  10. It's just easier to give up. But finding things on the map like the church sign, with the "COS" device on it. EMP stickers on the generators. Still don't even know what that word in Arabic means on the lamppost in bus station. What about the beams from laundromat door? The computers in the power station? The red valves connected to the Avagadro prison (miniature nuclear reactor) Those two towers outside the map everyone refers to as "spaceship" or water towers are actually used for Uranium processing...the list goes on The answer is there is more, but the next step is not logical. It's going to be hinted or discovered by accident if nobody keeps trying
  11. A loading screen ? You dont say? Haha, there happens to be a Moon loading screen in the black ops 2 files
  12. Yeah lately ive been looking on the rooftops of all the buildings, and off the map for things to nade. The generators on diner have a sticker with a "no emp" symbol so maybe we have to emp all the generators at same time...i dont know. But there is more to tranzit... those who gave up find it easier just to "wait until dlc" (cognitive dissonance)
  13. Well im not ruling out a hacking device on tranzit. I have a feeling there's a way to get one. But, another possibility would be to teleport from Tranzit to Moon and bring items back from Moon... There is a "moon" sign after all... And in theater mode when I use the free roam cam in town and go up high along the fence at Bowling ally, there are small patches of light coming from underneath the road (beyond the fence down the street that you can't go down) that suggest there may be a bunker underneath there...possibly a teleporter?
  14. I dont believe so. The reason being, look at the way you had to nade those two plates on moon and then use QED on them just to spawn the Golden Rod. It could be a similar process perhaps
  15. I'm referring to a certain few lines in the Black ops 2 code: Zero Point Wind Turbine Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 to take Turbine Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 to pick up Turbine Press ^3[{+actionslot 1}]^7 to use Turbine Hacker Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 to trade equipment for Hacker Press ^3[{+actionslot 1}]^7 to use Hacker Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 to Hack Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 to Hack [Cost] Hacking Now, If we learned anything from moon it's that we have to hack those small computer terminals with the lit up buttons on them. Here's a video with the Unit shown @ 1:14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NywzmQWhp5M Hmmm those look a little similar to the Tranzit keypads down in the pack a punch room next to the windows, don't they? I mean HOW obvious do they need to make it Lol. I'll bet you need a person with the Hacker down in Pap Room, and 3 others in the Power Plant at the computer terminals to work together in same way to activate these keypads.. Which brings me to my next point... I think there is a Hacker hidden somewhere in the Tranzit map. You can either galvaknuckle a safety deposit box or after certain process you have access to it, but take a look at the Code! It's in the code so it's out there somewhere. Just a little note as well - You know how the mores code talks about staying close to the light, and how once you complete the EE you get those drops from the tower? I think you may have to stay underneath the tower after you do the EE. Why else would those drops come down in the field of all places? Maybe you have to make it a certain number of rounds or kill a certain number of zombies. Anyway, hacker on tranzit. Used in same way as hacker on moon. The Computer keypads look almost identical. Obvious give away
  16. Nade all 4 sedans in the diner/town/bus/power at same time.....see for yourself what happens....
  17. nah theres 1 train in particular with the symbol right side up just the same as the turbines i hate when people who "scower" the map shut down a theory that could still have hope
  18. Edited in a new idea. Hope people got around to trying anything from here... Just a note about the Church sign saying COS underneath on the electrical box. I think that may either refer to triginomitry SOH CAH TOA.... Cos = adjacent / hypotneuse...right triangles anybody? Or a unit called a Code Operated Switch used in computing. Also, picture of the Hammer on the streetlight outside of bus terminal. sorry power pole. Isin't that a little obvious? PAP the hamr(may require more than 1 person) once you have the JackHamr shoot the shit out of that wooden power pole.
  19. People need to try this stuff, stop obsessing over pictures and beams lets get to work! UP!
  20. I pointed this out Days ago & know one listened to me, I said it looks like a No Smoking Sign but it has an EMP in it, As well as above it Is the exact same symbol thats on the Turbine. But dont get your hopes up Because Ive already EMPd tha S**t out of this roof!!! you may have empd that one roof, but there are more generators on more roofs throughout the map. and it may take a team effort to emp them all.
  21. If you have a team of 4 guys that are any good, try these.... EDIT: Man Holes In town there are 5 Man holes. 1 is out in the fog towards bridge. MAYBE THEY ARE PRESSURE PLATES? Try experimenting with different combos of 4 people standing on them. Might have to stand on them for a while or press the action button. EDIT^^^^ Turbines: 4 Turbines at all 4 turbine- able doors - also try at farm/town/diner and 1 at power door - also try at farm/town/diner and 1 at low hanging wire at bus station (across from bus on the sielski side) - At the last step of Maxis EE, 4 people put 4 turbines spaced equally apart around the perimeter of the Church Valves: (If you are standing across from the Avogadro prison and look down underneath the railing and walkway, there are valves attached to the cylinder. Specifically, 4 valves attached to the cylindrical prison. There ARE OTHERS, but they are on the outer cylinder with like vents connected all around the perimeter.) - 4 people semtexing the valves at same time - 4 people destroying valves with mustang/sally at same time - Test RPG pap'd / War machine Papd / executioner Pap'd on valves Church : - Somebody go down, and Tombstone at the church EMP : Look at the generators on top of diner the one of far side has a "No EMP" sticker on it if you look close. Its not a no smoking sign, compare the no smoking sign from the diner wall near pumps to it and you will understand. - Emp all generators on top of the buildings, at the same time. (I know there's 1 at Bus Stop and A few at Diner...not sure where else)
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