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Everything posted by GRILL

  1. I didn't even notice you bumped this, Alpha. Thanks a lot mate! Wow we really did have a lot of it figured out - AND THIS WAS IN SEPTEMBER. Pretty rad to go back and sort through this.
  2. typically you have to go through an experience to appreciate it. TranZit was more or less, an experience (to put it nicely) - and having gone through it... yeah I feel a lot closer to the T4. on the 8 player note - I think it'd be so awesome... but I'm skeptical... skeptical of 3arc, and the amount of work that would have to be put in for something like that (considering the layoffs as well). I don't like being negative, so yeah - prove me wrong 3arc!
  3. hey - at least they aren't OUTSOURCING the DLC... (cough cough GEARBOX cough cough) plus, I'm pretty sure they have their strategies planned out in terms of content. it's not like they haven't been planning this game for years.
  4. @Buscus: thanks bud! I don't know if we will ever fully nail down what the deal is with that mountain, we'll have to see how future maps play out. @Infest: AAHHH good sir. thank you. This has been something on my mind for the better part of a year, so I'm glad that I finally got it out there for others to reciprocate. Now onto what you said - and yes I wrote you like an 6 paragraph response - DUDE I have never heard of AUTEC. Good lord, perched on the cusp of the Bermuda Triangle? ...I'll say it again... HOW HAVE I NOT HEARD OF THIS PLACE? I'm going to include this in my information above is that's okay with you. (PINNAZ, if and when you read this, - have you heard of AUTEC? also - isn't time traveling fun? Being that I'm addressing you in the future from the past. TIME TRAVELERS!) Alright... I like the points you bring up - let me nerd out for a second... So to get Shangri-La outside of Area 51, the USA would have had to basically crack the code in terms of the Alien technology. Going with the Shared Mountain theory, the USA figured out a way to move Shangri-La only by location... not by time (or perhaps it was by time, but they figured how to do "same day" travel - if you will). I'm guessing that the Alien technology would run deep under the core structure - think of the actual Shangri-La temples we play in as the tip of the iceburg; this would explain how a whole mountain with trees, streams, etc. could literally move locations. In regards to location based time travel, It's kind of a cop out and not an accurate metaphor - but think of Back to the Future. When Marty goes back in time, it's the vessel (car) that brings him. I'd go back to saying that the Vril technology probably runs deep underneath Shangri-La. Also totally just taking a stab in the dark, but perhaps the hydro electric system helps conduct whatever source of power needed for travel - thus aiding in keeping the whole structure intact when traveling. One issue I did not think of in regards to the USA acquiring Shangri-La would be - Brock and Gary. They obviously would have heard Brock and Gary calling for help when activating the transportation... so perhaps it has something to do with Richtofen specifically having the Vril device? Perhaps there was a certain time/place needed for Brock and Gary - and the only way to achieve that time/place was to have the Vril device while activating the pillars. So the long answer I'd say is that - the perimeter of Shangri-La would be the only actual aspect traveling in time, space, or location. It's not like it just flies up into the air while calender pages rip off the wall in reverse order - it creates a new time line in which Shangri-La existed somewhere else. Shangri-La will always have a timeline in the Himalayas, outside Area 51, on Mars - but they are separate from one another. The only thing that remains constant is the perimeter - which is probably how Brock and Gary got lost in a loop - they went outside of the perimeter before traveling back to their timeline of origin. (MMX - does that all sound right? It was, after all, MMX's brilliant timeline graph that got me thinking on such a level. Check it out here if you haven't seen it.) The eclipse - hm, I really don't have answer for this one. Perhaps it's in the eye of the beholder - if you will? That's a cop out, though. What do you think, friendo ? Thanks for the input again. @Bagel: thanks muchacho! I strive to blow minds. @Zombo: I love that you love reading threads like this, and even more love reading threads like this myself. Those are all great points that you bring up, especially about revisiting old material with new eyes. @Tasty: yeah, "best kept secret" is a phrase that doesn't get thrown around a lot. As I said in the OP, Tac's thread this summer was what got us all thinking REALLY outside of the box. This is just another attempt to think outside the box, and I'm for sure not claiming this is the secret or anything. @Charries: hey thanks man! Yes maybe the temple being sucked up was a metaphor for it's ability to travel through time/place/location.
  5. THE SHARED MOUNTAIN THEORY This is an old topic that I swore I would bring to justice. Back before I was l GRILL l, I was "kingsly zzissou". (old topic = viewtopic.php?f=72&t=23884) The reason I'm including this in ASYLUM is because, I feel it's still very much unsolved. and if solved, could greatly aid to the canon and overall storyline. I'm aware that in the description for ASYLUM it says "speculation concerning Black Ops II zombies"... but unsolved mysteries like this could aid towards speculation of Black Ops II (think along the lines of "are we really where we think we are?" "and if so, why the hell is Nacht here?" etc.) So during the whole "shangri-la mountain" craze this summer Click here if you forgot or do not know what I'm talking about, there was a lot of speculation going around. Tac says Mars, MMX says Earth - until it's all said and done there really is no way to tell... so that means we have to go back to universal truths to fully understand. Before I delve in, let me go ahead and say that the research done this summer was what prompted me to create a username for this site. It is with the utmost respect that I cite the "shangri la is on mars" thread, and I mean no disrespect or deterring towards the tireless theories represented in that fantastic thread - I'm just building on my own. So here we go - off to slaughter another sacred cow. First off let's have a loot at the wobbling pack a punch itself, and the comparison between the grates at NML & Shangri-La. STiBT1jKgkk Let's take a look at RADAUSTINS27's excellent noclip of Shangri-La: (fast forward to 08:35) iFGNqe8DNQs After the watching the video, it's clear that the water source runs down from the waterfall to the "Shangri La Mountain" by the way of stream. + water flows downhill to follow the path of least resistance + asides from there being natural waterfalls in shangri la, we cannot deny the fact that there are irrigation systems. in fact one of the steps of the EE is to apply pressure to one of the grates above the irrigation channel. + following the water leads us directly to the "Shangri La Mountain" that was referred to as zombie's "best kept secret" + when we arrive at NML, we are standing directly next to a grate with the PaP wobbling on top of the grate + if we look off in the distance, we can see mountains on the horizon in NML SO - if we were to say that Shangri-La & NML shared a mountain, then it'd be possible to say they could have shared a water source. Excellent question, I especially liked the part about me being a fool. In Tac's thread on Shangri-La being on Mars - there were strong points made to the fact that activating the 4 stones in Shangri-La not only leads to time travel, but location-based travel as well. With the support of this theory, it's safe to say that Shangri-La could be anywhere at anytime... and thus I bring to you: "The Shared Mountain theory" + when richtofen first was teleported to Shangri-la, it was in the himalayas. + he was treated as a god, and thus the gifts (focusing stone & skulls) were left for him + in the time between richtofen's first arrival at Shangri-La & the O4's arrival at Shangri-La the physical location of Shangri-La had changed. + also during the time lapse between Richtofen's first arrival and the O4, the USA had figured out how to transport Shangri-La to where they could properly conduct research on the acient alien technoly & REE (115). + the USA had no idea the focusing stone was right under their noses, or even existed + when the O4 are transported to Shangri-La, Richtofen is able to carry out his plan regardless of the location. His focusing stone is still in tact. + upon retrieving his prize, Richtofen uses COMMON SENSE (or perhaps the voices tell him) to follow the water. He knows water leads downhill, if he was in the Himalayas he'd have to go downhill (if they didn't teleport). + If it was Richtofen's common sense: once following the stream down to the mountain range - Richtofen would find the grate and naturally deduce that things were not as they seem. He's not in the Himalayas, and his best chance is following the pipe system. + If it was the voices telling Richtofen: he would know that the USA had found how to control the location of Shangri-La, and he would know that following the pipeline would lead him to exactly where he needs to be. + Regardless: they use the pipe system to go from Shangri-La to NML, they lift up the grate and that is why the PaP is wobbling. When we (the gamer) take hold of the O4 in NML, it is moments after setting the grate down. + Either we climb the grate, or we are propelled upwards in a geyser. This would explain all the random water pools in NML. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like I said, this is an old topic - but a new idea. If I'm missing anything, or if there's anything I should know - please let me know in the comments below! Thanks for reading! :mrgreen:
  6. @madhatter: nice findings bud! Typically I'm inclined to go on more than just a significance in names, but it certainly doesn't hurt to explore all possibilities. I'll have to look into General Briarton & Vlad Belinski. Thanks! @KAZ: ... and yes I am feeling better! @PINNAZ: As always, thanks for the kind words!!! To me, Operation ECLIPSE is not super significant - it's operation Paperclip that really shines... and anything we can do to flesh out Paperclip is work well spent. I will continue to provide quality information as long as it exists ATM I have tons of work. I own an LLC that has just adopted several new clients, and things are really picking up.
  7. @Rissole: none taken, good sir. You & Lenne both made extremely valid points. @undead: done and done. I don't want it to be a source of confusion, and if it seems that way we'll just get rid of it :mrgreen:
  8. nothing taken, Lenne. a wise question indeed. to be perfectly honest, i kind of posted this is as an experiment in determining whether we need this Future Zombies section. if it's only going to attract information in this regard - should it even exist? and yes, the map names are terrible. I think they are a total give away of the fake-ness. ALSO for the zombie map, the background is pretty much identical to Die Rise's background from it's promotional poster. like i said, if this is detrimental to the well being of the site then please take it down. the last thing I want is to cater leaks - but I'm hoping this will open up a larger conversation regarding the "need" for a Future Zombies section (which is what I was hinting at in the OP):
  9. yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a fake as well now that I look more into it. It's pretty similar to the Revolution poster. Take with a giant grain of salt.
  10. so I was really unsure as whether to post this or not. we have a future zombies section. some possible information towards a future zombies map has made itself apparent. perhaps this is all an exercise in whether we should have a future zombies section. regardless, I'm going to present the information I've seen. I love this site, and if this in anyway viewed as harming the sites integrity please take care of it. DEAD HIGH Possible Significance: 1. the overall color theme is blue. including the brackets around the map name. this could be an allusion to water, and thus - MAYBE - an Atlantis map. 2. there is a map called "water" - vague name, but could indeed be a nod towards Atlantis. 3. Orientation - now this can have several tie in's to our story a. orientation can refer to a function of the mind. perhaps playing into Samuel. b. orientation can refer to the architectural style of facing or "orienting" churches towards the east. b1. also orientation can refer to the position of a building with respect to the sun c. orientation can also be seen as "navigation" - which could be used as a nautical term nothing too groundbreaking. regardless, just trying to get the future zombies section talking about future zombies rather then "what we'd like to see from future zombies".
  11. @ Zombo: thanks for the sources, bud! I'll let you know if I can draw some relations, and indeed - give credit where due. @ KAZ: dude, my bad! I think for some reason I just saw your avatar and my head was like "skeleton = death", and yes it was deathb4 I was thinking of. Thanks for understanding, and the kind words! Getting kudos to keep it up from such respected members is what keeps us new members striving to achieve what brought us here in the first place: theories amidst history in the context of fantasy. I've come down with a cold so I was unable to update this week. As soon as this fog in my head clears ill be back researching.
  12. aw no that would be EPIC if I got that from Die Rise. I will have to check it out and see for myself. *edit* i just jumped in and looked high and low, can't find what you were talking about. Is it the dragon picture in the cafe? Let me know if you get a chance to look for it, hit me up with a picture if I'm not seeing it!! I got it from this wwII/history forum - about the 5th post down. i'm guessing he got it from one of the specific books written from first accounts involving Operation ECLIPSE: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=39855
  13. @infest: much appreciated my man. my favorite threads are Asylum threads, and I simply strive to achieve the greatness I've seen. pictures, sources, spoilers, and a little TLC. @death: ahhh nice that's a much better tutorial. yes yes that's what originally peaked my interest - plus eclipse is just an awesome word to begin with! @way: haha yeah - honestly I'm still getting a grasp on all of this information, I'm totally not going to sit here and act like this is all common knowledge or easily attainable - it's still all very much stewing (and going over the top of) my mind. Given all that, I really appreciate the kind words - thanks! once I get some super clear connections I'm hoping to add a theory section at the end of the thread. regardless: I'm going to update the "menace to security" section with more Paperclip scientists, along with adding a whole section regarding an elite British army group known as "T Force" who were to be in direct correlation with Operation ECLIPSE.
  14. @buscus: thanks buddy. the spoilers can be tough to figure out at first, but if you want to know how to make a correct spoiler - just quote me "in the upper right corner" and it'll show you how I made this: @bagel: thank you verrruuuuhh much. yeah this is just kind of a skeleton at the moment, but eventually I'd like to bring in some theories, more supporting evidence from "in game", and anything else to help. At the moment, everyone is pretty pre-occupied with the new maps and what not... but we still have a lot to learn in regards to the storyline (we're all pretty sure operation paperclip was a huge part of the 115 technology coming to America - but i thought it would be cool to research the events/projects/operations leading up to Paperclip) PLUUUUUUS when this game first got leaked back in the spring of '12, all the promotional posters said "ECLIPSE"... so naturally seeing Project ECLIPSE and how it relates to Paperclip made me quite interested.
  15. This thread is to provide information on operations involving securing Germany & it's top personnel during & after WWII. I'm sure most members have heard and read about Operation Paperclip, heck it's where I first heard of it - but this thread more so serves to flesh out the events leading up to Operation Paperclip. Massive thanks to Shooter for bringing the Manhattan Project, Operation Paperclip, and the Alsos Mission to my attention (http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/view ... 00&t=25172) Map of Operation Eclipse オラニエンブルク飛行場 - Oranienburg airfield   ガトウ飛行場 - Gatow airfield テンペルルホーフ飛行場 - Tempelhof airfield "The Mind is the Key to Victory" Essentially, this was the plan for an AMERICAN OCCUPATION of Germany. However, it was abandoned due to logistical reasons Operation Eclipse's entire intelligence plan was unclassified and released to the general public: click here to read the intelligence plan Operation ECLIPSE can be devised into 3 segments Operation Paperclip was coordinated by the JIOA (Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency) For immediate information on Wernher von Braun, Arthur Rudolph, and Hubertus Strughold - please refer to the "Menace to Security" spoiler below. More on Operation Paperclip: Some important "paperclip" scientists: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This thread is a work in progress. Please feel free to tell me (in a polite manner IF POSSIBLE) if I'm wrong, what I'm missing, or anything else. Thanks for reading! :mrgreen:
  16. thanks Liam. I'll add that in. I couldn't find concrete evidence for PC so I didn't want to include it until it was official.
  17. can't we just call it a "grape train"? sorry, couldn't resist.
  18. this indeed is the ultimate NTZ loading screen thread. wow is all I can say. I need to go through this moar, but... just... wow. so awesome to see all this info in one place, all corresponding to each other.
  19. just figured i'd give a little update to all those zombstation 3 & perzombnal computer (okay, that last one was a stretch) codzster's out there... YOU WILL BE DIE RISE-ING IT UP COME FEBRUARY 28TH, 2013 PS3 Announcement http://blog.us.playstation.com/2013/02/12/call-of-duty-black-ops-ii-revolution-dlc-coming-to-psn-feb-28/ PC Announcement http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-02-12-black-ops-2s-revolution-dlc-dated-for-ps3-and-pc-this-month NOW IF THEY ONLY WOULD ALLOW CROSS PLATFORM GAMING!!!!! :cry:
  20. Richtofen can be heard anywhere, as long as the player is Stuhlinger. You may thinking more of Maxis, of whom can be very hard to hear clearly in certain areas. I'm no artist, but I'm pretty sure red and blue make purple. Perhaps orange creates a slightly lighter shade of purple (like magenta almost). you are correct, sir.
  21. Also - something to note, Sam's voice changes when he says "they'd kill me if they knew...". It goes from really panicky to suddenly clear headed and controlled, back to panicky "AW SHIT!!" As said before, I believe he's hearing the same voices that drove Richtofen towards the Aether to begin with. Richtofen started off as a seemingly intelligent nazi pyscho-path and then grew into a delusional flamboyant monster hearing voices in his head. Richtofen's transformation from Der Riese to Moon is most apparent in the audio files. I can't find the thread, but some elder member had an absolutely fantastic thread detailing quotes from Richtofen in which he could pinpoint when he was "original Richtofen" and "hearing voices Richtofen". @00:25 jck0cR7CR2I I guess what I'm trying to say is that, Richtofen was a puppet for a higher power's influence. Who's to say that higher power didn't take complete control of Richtofen when he entered the Aether? What Sam hears as "begin anew" may sound like Richtofen's voice - but indeed, who is the puppet?
  22. might I also add that we have heard Richtofen use a demonic voice before... like when he was getting used to ze Aether q6Rm1yUV2Hs link for mobile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6Rm1yUV2Hs it's not exactly the same as the Die Rise intro, but similar enough... jck0cR7CR2I link for mobile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jck0cR7CR2I I'm glad that we're getting a tangible story, rather then a bunch of random conspiracy theories regurgitated by a driving robot. Really interested to see what becomes of the flesh, and where the N4 are going.
  23. Love this. And yes, quite a few people are offended by those words as well. Why do you think so many people play multiplayer without a headset? They don't want to hear all that garbage. -Whiskey gar-cias. I play with a headset, but often just go into a party - hence no gamechat. SUPERCRUNCH and you're good to go.
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