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kingsly zzissou

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Everything posted by kingsly zzissou

  1. perhaps a time. EVERYONE SET YOUR ALARMS TO 1:15AM :lol:
  2. wow - from the bone structure, to the crescent moon scar, to even his large circular collar. From the First Strike Poster From the Zombie Labs Trailer the thing is... Richtofen wears the same collar this blank portrait DOES have quite the exaggerated collar. i'm not sure if we can say whether the silhouette is bald or not... EDIT: sorry didn't realize these bottom pictures weren't coming through.
  3. hey i found a free digital copy of the book (probably the student edition, the cover from the tweet is an edition that came out may of this year including 8 oil paintings - but there is an older 50pg version that i believe is what i have found) link: http://beyondbirthanddeath.com/d.php?g=156432 read up!!
  4. Ipa I for India, maybe? I don't just want to throw out a p & a.
  5. 3arc wears their own brands all the time. at gamescom, vahn wore "i trip cap for codis die" - nothing came of it.
  6. hola codz it may seem far fetched, but - aren't we allowed to delve deeper, even if only to pass the time until we know the truth? thank you in advance for taking the time to read through the information i'm about to present. There is only one possible anagram for nuketown - "Ntounkwe", a village located in the Togolese Republic or Togo (a country in Western Africa). Togo was also known as "Togoland" (or "Schutzgebiet Togo") from 1884 to 1914 when it was under German protectorate / occupancy. Far view (dark blue sliver) Close View From the 16th to 18th century Togo was known for it's rich agriculture, bountiful seasons, and it's abundance of slaves (so much it's region was nicknamed "The Slave Coast") In 1884, Gustav Nachtigal (German explorer, medical doctor, imperial consul and commissioner for West Africa) singed a treaty with the local chief, Mlapa III, in which he declared a German Empire protectorate over a stretch of territory along the Slave Coast. It would be known as the Togoland Protectorate, or Schutzgebiet Togo. Schutzgebiet Togo Coat of Arms Germany gradually extended its control inland. Colonial administrators and settlers brought scientific cultivation to the country's main export crops. Because it was one of Germany's two self-supporting African colonies, Togoland was acknowledged as a small but treasured possession. This would last until the eruption of World War I. On August 7th, 1914, French & British troops invaded Togoland. The troops occupied the capital, Lome - and then were sent to destroy a "powerful and new radio station" located in South West Togoland. The troops arrived on August 26th, only to find the colony had destroyed this "powerful and new radio station" in the days prior upon hearing of the occupancy. France & England divided Togoland, and it would not come under it's own rule until the 1960's when it became the Togolese Republic. so... not much info on Ntounkwe, but very interesting stuff about Togoland - or Schutzgebiet Togo. I wonder what kind of scientific technology was brought in terms of transmitting & agriculture, and why were they so keen on destroying it before the troops found it? Matter of fact, why were the forces sent from the capital of Togoland to a remote South Western village famed for it's radio station? I'm sure there were radio stations in the capital, Lome - so why the big fuss? Safe to say, it was worth destroying over loosing technology to the enemy. I'm making some assumptions here, I am aware of the possibility that this remote village could have housed the only transmitter in Togoland - and I'm aware that the colony would have destroyed it solely to not aide the invaders. But I'm also aware that Africa being the "cradle of man", Germany's "Togoland" protectorate, Gustav Nachtigal, and the "scientific/powerful" technology brought to Togoland all could be used to create some sort of zombies theory (as well as a diatribe). The right-off-the-toppa-my-head theory: A meteor of 115 could have crashed into the region known as Togo - this created an abundance of agriculture, and also turned the people stronger/kept them always healthy (I believe I remember reading on a thread here that unradiated 115 isn't cancerous, but indeed may improve an individual - I might be wrong). In a time of slavery, these Togo beings were prided on their abilities and Togo became an epicenter of slave capture, thus the region was nicknamed "The Slave Coast". Germany got wind of the "super slaves" and went about sending Gustav Nachtigal to propose a occupancy (disguised as a protectorate). Once agreed, the Germans brought advanced agricultural technology to search through the ground to find what had made the Togolese so fertile. Once they discovered the 115, they started experimenting with it. Upon countless experiments, they were able to harness a powerful technology that was used for communications transmitting. With this new found ability, they were able to communicate/transmit through different time, space & dimensions using a remote outpost in SouthWestern Togoland. Their operations remained "under the radar" from 1884 - 1913, when a powerful radio signature was accidently picked up by England or France. It was clearly futuristic in it's power, and warranted investigation. They discovered the German's experiments, and quest to unlock the 115 - so they sent in troops to take over Togoland and harness the technology for themselves. After hearing of the invaders capturing Lome (the capital), the German scientists & technicians were forced to destroy the powerful transmitting station and all the 115 - only to hope that another meteor would eventually fall into their hands. Thanks for reading!
  7. Fated & I were talking online - could the "01" be signifying the number of rounds? That would be rad if it went up in real time. Def going to be spend a bit of time pouring over ye olde nuketowne today. also LOVE the idea of the nuke being from Griffen station.
  8. Yes it was very misleading. Only 100 people get headsets : ( - out of HOW many?
  9. lol oh you know, that girl at GameStop and "Jimmy" - they go WAY back. This is very exciting though.
  10. I wasn't sold on pre-ordering until Nuketown 2025 was announced - but when I went in, they had an extra poster! lucky me :D
  11. hey there, was looking at the countdown and realized it's one day later then what you have listed... for US: wave 3 will be Monday, August 27th - 10am P, 11am MT, 1pm E - which is also 2 days before the GameStop Expo. I'm not too informed on UK times, but it should be a good 7 hour difference.
  12. I think that it's also safe to say this could be just Jimmy trolling... do keep in mind that Jimmy was responding to "how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" woodchucks CAN chuck wood mind you, but the question presumes that they can't. Jimmy may be just stoking the fire.
  13. I wonder if he wrote it in German because of Gamescom... or just because it's nazi zombies. reasons to not sleep: * excited * anxious Now this probably isn't a reveal at Gamescom becaue A) Jimmy isn't at Gamescom, and the fact it involves nazis - Germany wouldn't allow it. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's viewed as nazi propaganda even though it's satire. On a side note, "kann nicht schlafen. Zombies" or "Can't sleep. Zombies" would make a great song name lol. I will certainly be watching the feeds come 12 hours.
  14. Time zones, wow, didn't think of that. Could be very so, but as you said, why would it dramatically effect the minutes to all be 59? Perhaps we should all do some test runs, see what numbers we come up with, put them together and see if we can decipher any coordinates, dates, biblical passages, or anything significant? I'm going to do another test run right now. I'm in the USA, mountain time.
  15. Time zones, wow, didn't think of that. Could be very so, but as you said, why would it dramatically effect the minutes to all be 59? Perhaps we should all do some test runs, see what numbers we come up with, put them together and see if we can decipher any coordinates, dates, biblical passages, or anything significant? I'm going to do another test run right now. I'm in the USA, mountain time.
  16. OH very true, thank you for the insight! I believe this is what you speak of: 19382406 9:21 19382406 = Chicora event 9:21 = Bible verse Jeremiah 9:21 "For death is come up into our windows, and is entered into our palaces, to cut off the children from without, and the young men from the streets" OR Romans 9:21 "A potter has the right to do what he wants to with his clay, doesn't he? He can make something for a special occasion or something for ordinary use from the same lump of clay."
  17. OH very true, thank you for the insight! I believe this is what you speak of: 19382406 9:21 19382406 = Chicora event 9:21 = Bible verse Jeremiah 9:21 "For death is come up into our windows, and is entered into our palaces, to cut off the children from without, and the young men from the streets" OR Romans 9:21 "A potter has the right to do what he wants to with his clay, doesn't he? He can make something for a special occasion or something for ordinary use from the same lump of clay."
  18. Hey I just did it, and got different times: 2:59 5:59 8:59 hm...
  19. Hey I just did it, and got different times: 2:59 5:59 8:59 hm...
  20. UPDATE: added different versions of 1 Corinthians 15, bible reference key, and several relevant cross references. NEXT UP: Introspective analysis on how these quotes relate/could relate to the storyline.
  21. UPDATE: added different versions of 1 Corinthians 15, bible reference key, and several relevant cross references. NEXT UP: Introspective analysis on how these quotes relate/could relate to the storyline.
  22. I love the idea of a starter map that happens further on down the story involving the double sided poster woman, with the DLC eventually filling in the gap. I also love playing as Sam - with the exception perhaps of her quotes on crack. When their bodies switched, that was truly an "oh sh*t" moment for me - and I can't say any other games have delivered such a juicy cliffhanger. "BUT I WANT MY BODY BACK! AND I WILL DESTROY THAT EVIL RICHTOFEN FOR TAKING DADDY AWAY!" - Samantha, in Moon, after completing the Big Bang Theory. So in response to OP, the above quote from Sam demonstrates that indeed there are no "rumors" surrounding Sam's appearance as a playable character, for rumors can be false. It is indeed true, and yes I look forward to it - just so long as there are no quotes along the lines of "They Don't call me SMG for nothing".
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