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Everything posted by shirtlesservice

  1. So let me set the scene. I'm on round 32 after using one of my 2 perkaholics. No downs up to this point, running trains downstairs. I've got the Ray gun for margwas, the wonder weapon, and the vesper for instakills. I'm doing awesome but I'm starting to lose ammo In the apothicon, so rather than just getting blast furnace on the vesper (which I should have done, don't get me wrong) I go and try to trade out the wonder weapon from the box. Fast forward to round 35. I've accidentally ended the round a few times. I've farmed every single pod in hopes of a max ammo. I spent 60 THOUSAND in three rounds on the box. Still no wonder weapon. So I make a mistake while running a train in the rift, turn at the wrong moment, zombie breaks my shield then I get 6-tapped and go down. First down round 35. Not horrible. But I still have no wonder weapon. So I inevitably get trapped trying to get jug after downing mid round, and there goes my flawless game. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the wonder weapon has become a panic weapon at the higher rounds, a shotgun or the Ray gun is necessary for taking out the margwa in any reasonable amount of time, and you have to use a weapon with blast furnace (the best augment for training IMO) or the traps to actually kill the zombies. It's just unfortunate what's happened because of the patch to the wonder weapon, and the map in general, and I wanted to put up a thread to see who agrees or disagrees and why. So have at it. Am I being a bit too uppity about it? (Or more than a bit) or am in the majority here?
  2. I'm with you, it's like that with a few of these. I'm really not a fan of this patch :/
  3. No problem, good luck with all your endeavors :D I hope it works out
  4. I haven't really looked into it, that's why I said that's what it seemed like, it could be possible
  5. Up until the last step, no. But the last step, after the giant worm is summoned, it seems like four players are needed to do everything you have to in the time you have to do it. It's unfortunate, but it's how it is.
  6. Maybe we have to kill zombies in a certain location or something? That would make sense
  7. It's entirely possible yeah, but it would be a really unfortunate circumstance. Like, why make one? Why leave the files in? Why scrap it, what about it was unfair to the game? A bunch of questions pop up
  8. Its just annoying. My problem with the Margwa is two fold, and dies in with the Apothicon Servant problem. I don't want to have to leave the spot I'm training in, or camping, every round to go and kill this monster that, past round 30, takes FOREVER to kill. Or, as another option, be forced to buy a perk, either double tap 2.0 or mule kick (for the ray gun) in order to deal with him effectively. Especially now that the wonder weapon is now unpackapunchable, so now I'm restricted to 10 bullets, should I get into a panic. I can always go replace the gun... So none of this really made the map any harder. Just more frustrating, and less smooth of an experience over all. I enjoy this map, alot, its just these little things that add up to make it tedious, and make me not really want to play to the higher rounds. Not to mention, half of the strategies in my guide are ineffective due to the shots not lasting as long, and there not being enough of them now. This, in conjunction with the incredible health the margwa eventually acquires, just makes higher rounds exceedingly frustrating, and there needs to be some solution put forth. Personally I think a Margwa every 5 rounds, or maybe every time we have a max ammo round (or both, to make it a bit more difficult) is fair. Its few and far between, and dealing with every 5 rounds is no where near as bad as dealing with every 2 or 3. It's half as many times. In addition, the health needs to be capped lower. In exchange for this make him run faster, or open his mouth less, I don't really care, but I shouldn't be forced to buy a perk to kill him in less than 5 minutes at round 40. Also, bring the PaP version of the wonder weapon back treyarch. Nerf the ammo amount, make it 20 instead of 25, but let it keep the sort of longer lasting effect that it has now. If you need to have some Easter egg to activate it that's fine, as long as you can also accomplish it in solo. I'm ticked and annoyed at how this map is starting to feel. I've done a round 50 gameplay, and I would love to do another, or higher, if the barrier to entry and the amount of tediousness there is involving the Margwa. But that might just be me.
  9. Ugh I thought you might be on to something. Oh well, maybe it's purely cosmetic.... Maybe there's no way to get rid of him. Maybe we can never PaP legit... Woe is me
  10. Also, Olympic champions. They are few and far between, but that would be an awesome banner I think
  11. You can't leave us hanging like that man? What happened?
  12. Well the patch finally came through for me. And just as I got to play on my account too.... Let's figure this out guys. I like my pack-a-punched black hole machine :(
  13. UOTM? Perhaps something that's obnoxiously noticeable?
  14. Been playing tonight, saw the spot you're talking about.... It isn't half bad, but I cant find any good high round footage of it anywhere unfortunately :( I'll have wait until the powers that be put out decent video of it.
  15. @83457 I'll look into it when I get the chance, thanks for pointing something new out!
  16. Yeah right? This might be the hardest one so far ?
  17. When you find out why they didn't put them in let us know. I think its just lazy honestly, given the 3 years of development... But we would probably complain about how the upgrade progress was the same no matter what so they would have had to develop that too. Its weighing the options, I think overall having all the swords be the same thing was an okay decision, because it allows them to homogenize the upgrade process.
  18. I don't think so, I'm pretty sure the effect is always lightning or the ghost sword.
  19. Each of the swords might have different engravings on it, you would need multiple people to really check and see, but the effect of the swords is always the same depending on the model (upgraded or not). Just the name changes, potentially some of the symbols on it.
  20. I just look forward to seeing how far stuff like this can actually go. Like if a really good camping strategy is found, lmgs only could end up being really op, especially with like double pap available... like 40+ op, with just regular guns.... Has Treyarch gone to far?
  21. shotguns only snipers only lmgs only (harder than you might think) no pap challenge, with no wonder weapon or swords only knife (a classic) going to any of the districts with the train and camping in the like entrance (without opening the entrance door from the junction) good with like 4 players camping in the canals: get your weapons and camp in the canals on the canal district Camping in the burlesque: get to the burlesque. camp. Camp on the high street: get to any of the three highstreets and camp there without opening the beastmode stair door These are off the top of my head, get after it :D
  22. I feel like most good camping strategies with 4 people is like this though. On shadows of evil it's just easier because of double pap and widows wine and such, not even taking into account the wonder weapon.
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