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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Or they're already dead...oooooohhhhh spoooookkkkyyyyyy. All in all I doubt this is the final map for these guys. I mean come on, the story right now revolves around them. I'm not saying there won't be something EPICALLY CATASTROPHIC to the guys to the point they'll need a stand in come DLC 2... But.... with the dreams of children, the artifact, the need to stop the war machine, maxis, and several other things... I doubt they're "Dead"-dead in this map. Now the real questions: Who's singing the song for this map? I'm not sure if I would want a remix of "Coming home". I didn't like that particular song to begin with... Remixing it could go either way... Also the gravity spikes AND the sparrow are both specialist weapons... Does this mean we get two this map? Or is one a regular weapon?
  2. Actually I should clarify. THIS IS NOT A LEAK. This was properly released in the dutchlands on their playstation channel, and will likely be released for everywhere else later. But yeah, LOTS of cool things returning: -Bouncy pads. -Wall hellhounds. -The sparrow makes an appearance. -Gravity spikes are also here. -DEATH MACHINE -Panzer soldats with new technology. -Zero-grav electric traps. - HOLY SHIT WE HAVE PROPER NAMES FOR THE OTHER 3 CHARACTERS! Sargent, Captain, and Corporal. -Also... I'm concerned how much Tank says "Suicide mission"... Given we have hell-heads back... Is it possible.... We're in hell again? It'd make since after all, if THIS was griffen station in another universe, then that was the last chronological place we saw the O4. If that's the case, THIS might be where the O4 went after Moon: They died. Obviously via the infinite power of the multiverse they're not staying dead, no sir. It could just be coincidence however, nothing solid yet... Just putting the thought out there.
  3. Leaked a little early for the dutch. Oh well, the IMPORTANT parts are in english!
  4. They remake the box with fancy new graphics each year, it's nothing special.
  5. An average shipping container is labeled with similar text. And yes, this text only appeared in the giant, but it's always been there.
  6. If you're not used to the new system though, get jug first THEN bowie. Or skip bowie all together.
  7. We've always just chalked that up to being a thing about loading crates.
  8. I wouldn't say jug OR speed cola, jug is pretty essential to have on any round after 7.
  9. Tips: -Always go right when you start out. It costs the same to open up both sides, but the right path will also bring you by another possible location for what could be a vital perk: Quick Revive, or Jug. -Use weak weapons while you can, when your back is against the fence bring out the big guns. -Crouch in front of some perk machines to gain an extra 100 points. Not vital but fun. -Others might tell you the wonderwaffe is a bad weapon, they're wrong. it's a good weapon but it's not as good as it was. I still wouldn't use it early rounds however, as it's not good for points. -You can camp VERY well until about round 35 where things become risky. Don't bother running trains until at least round 15 when you have Jug. It just wastes revives. Also, NOW I see why you opened the left door, which could have it's advantages, but you've gotten ahead of yourself. -In online mode, you can only get perks from the teleporters if you have either the "Feeling lucky" or "On the house" gums in your pack when you start the game. Any player can have it, and you don't have to use it. Just equip it so sometimes the teleporter will give you a free perk. -Sliding makes you MUCH faster in this game, use it profusely. -DON'T bother pack-a-punching until you can DOUBLE pack-a-punch you're wasting precious Alternate Ammo otherwise. -Gobble gums can be VERY useful in higher rounds. Here is the ideal set up (to me) On the house: Don't ever actually use this gum unless you want or need to, otherwise it's just there to spawn perk drops from the teleporters. Sword Flay: Useful on early rounds for more melee kills. Get the bowie knife, and that goes even FARTHER. The one that makes you invisible: For obvious reasons, this is helpful on ANY round. It's like an extra pair of monkeys. Alchemical Antithesis: This is practically unlimited ammo for 60 seconds, and a max ammo at the end. And you get TWO uses from it. Stock Option: IS SOOOOO USEFUL. Try it out with a rocket launcher too! -You can get all 6 perks somewhat easily with perk bottle drops. -Oh wow... You need to understand the POWER of double pack-a-punching now. It gives you abilities that outweigh the power of the wonder waffe by far. That Dingo (or dire wolf) you had would have been perfect. There are 5 diffrent ammo types as of right now: -Thunder wall- which is basically a mini-thundergun blast. -Blast furnace- Causes zombies to burst into flames and harm zombies arround them. -Dead wire- Electricutes zombies where they stand NOTE: this one has been known to screw up the wonder waffe. -Turned: Gives you a super-powerful zombie minion of your own. -Fire-works: Spawns a weapon that will shoot zombies all around you, even through walls.
  10. There was the 50/50 perk that didn't appear in SOE. But other then that we just saw a fuzzy image of possibly one of the new gumballs. No solid info.
  11. I'd hate that. After all, you can bring gums into any game like the giant.... OH THE GLITCH LOCATIONS WE WOULD FIND...... Although... It would be cool to access some new hidden areas in the giant and SOE this way. HOWEVER, I'm still against it. I think designated walls are a great idea. Besides, once custom modding gets launched, there can be a WHOLE DAMN MAP OF RUNNABLE WALLS!
  12. I'm not convinced the map will be divided, after all it's meant to be just ever so larger then the giant, and we've yet to see any footage of the village other then that first initial gondola ride. And considering SOE had wall-running surfaces, I'd like to think that's what allows us to wall run.
  13. It could work in co-op just fine, just limit the teleporters to only be usable once.
  14. Sorry, drunk and reflective personality disorder. I don't know how my original point of Origins being before MOTD evolved into THAT.
  15. I'm going to apologize in advance for this because I've been binge watching house of cards. Mr. Voyager I am fully capable of sitting here and arguing a finer point, but this is rather ridiculous, the facts of the maters show that the perk machine wasn't accidentally left un-fabricated and every other perk machine, was. Now we can argue all day that the perk machine is or isn't fluctuating because it doesn't have a jingle, or you can accept the fact that electric cherry has yet to appear but two times, once in a perk machine where it held undoubtedly strange circumstances apart from the other machines and the other time it was in the wonderfizz which pulls perks from across time. Now I don't know who or what controls all the crazy shit in Mob of the Dead and I don't think I ever will. What I can tell you is that the box changes depending on the strongest force in the area. Thats why fire sales exist, thats why the origins box is different from the box from nact, or shadows of evil, or mob of the dead. Every time the zombies change masters, the box changes too. The box in MOTD is different to the point it's the only map in history to not have a teddy bear within it. These details arn't left for show Voyager, they're there to show meaning and progression, whatever is calling the shots in MOTD it's got incredible power and could easily create it's own perks. You want me to think that electric cherry has it's own song, bring me proof. Not evidence. Evidence goes in the "I will use this evidence when MORE evidence arrives" pile.
  16. Unless the same evil being that controls the box on MOTD also made Electric Cherry and pulled Dr.Monty's perks from their original universe?
  17. When it's given power, it doesn't change to a monochrome version of it's self for brief periods. It's not shifting as EVERY other perk, and the PAP, does that on the map when given power. The electric cherry perk is from MOTD and does not have a jingle. Maybe it doesn't have one because it was created during prohibition and thus perks would be illegal? Edit: also in MOTD greif, both PHD and Mule kick have the same phasing effect as the regular perks.
  18. Well there is an actual story already, as there is a traitor in the group after the unknown man hires them for their services. If you mean easter egg steps, I don't see the harm. They won't alter regular gameplay anymore then the nuketown easter egg, and this way if you have a group of friends you can have fun easter-egging the place up.
  19. I've actually seen this game and I highly approve. An idea: What if to access certain parts of the map you NEED to teleport, but when you reach the other side, you no longer have the guns and perks you did before leaving, later you can return to your first body to find it ravaged by zombies and pick up the perks and guns on it. It would really give insight to the "You are not the original you" theme to the game.
  20. Guys... The topic is multiplayer easter eggs. I was thinking something along the lines of using different specialist weapons to accomplish certain tasks. It starts off in splash, you need to destroy a specific thing off-map, but no grenade can get that far. SO, you bring in war machine, to which destroys the thing and activates a gallery. Only this is no ordinary gallery, it's designed with outrider's bow in mind. Shoot all the targets and you get a key. That key can be used on a specific computer terminal in "skyjacked". You will then need to bring in fire-break to burn down an area in the hull to expose a secret storage area on the map. Inside there will be a computer terminal you need spectre to hack, and only him. Any player playing as reaper at this point needs to hold onto the power cell in the door, as the electrisity will fry any normal human and take that cell to the far point in the map for evac. Moving onto Rise you need 3 players as ruin to smash a specific part of the building at the same time so the power cell will fall through some pipes and into a specific machine. To power the machine you can use stun grenades galore, but prophet's tempest will give it the largest shocks it needs. Last thing here to do is have nomade be killed by the recently opened electric chamber. Instead of re-jacking, he'll download a program. Take that program over to Gauntlet and you'll be given a timed challenge upon a player playing as nomad insert it into one of the computers. You might want multiple players playing as Seraph and have fully charged weapons for this, as you'll be given 2 minutes to shoot down 4 of each target: Monkeys, polar bears, and pidgeons. With your annihilator pistols. Doing this will spawn in the final step: Kill the P.A.W.W.S that spawn in. Upon completion you unlock a dark-ops mission and a special gear load-out for all 9 characters: Dark Ops Helm and Dark Ops body. Likewise, new audiologs appear for each character as well depicting the events of how each character reacted to the mission and how suspicious Spectre has been... Beware.... One of those 9 are a traitor....But which one....
  21. My going theory right now is that it will never have a jingle because it's a perk built in what amounts to hell, AKA Mob of the Dead. What we are certain of is that EC is the ONLY perk in MOTD that doesn't shift in and out of reality. I think those perks are forced into the map by something and that electric cherry is from MOTD. In origins it was pulled from hell or MOTD by the wonderfizz, and I think that's the ONLY way we'll ever see the actual perk again: Through the wonder fizz, or if the perk's in a realm it does not belong to. I'd actually PREFER it never get a jingle. Makes it more mysterious.
  22. Personally I'd be fine if there was NO new perk and they just brought back some fan favorites like the wonder fizz, electric Cherry and PHD flopper.
  23. Ok, so unlike ANY multiplayer experience before BO3, this time, we have characters with story that you unlock by getting kills. Now what if... The story continues via DLC maps with tiny tiny easter eggs in them? We've seen easter eggs in nuketown, but what about continuing that feature in some of the upcoming maps that takes the story further in the MP? Would anyone be against this?
  24. I think Dr. Monty might be a bit like "willy wonka" where he doesn't ACTUALLY exist but his name sells products.
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