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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Oh god no… Not everyone needs to pull out a different idea for EVERY one of the inspirational words. It's fine that you did it, but I really do NOT need to look for the top 30 out of that many… The words are there for inspiration, not as a requirement of any kind….
  2. The levers are very tricky but there is a formula for making it in a maximum of 10 tries. Start with a random combo, for instance: Red, green, yellow, blue. Nothing sparked. The spark (NOT a sound, a VISUAL effect) will depict if the lever was pulled in the correct order, however this ONLY apples to one or two levers. You try again, Blue, Yellow, Red, Green: It's important THIS combination shares NONE of the same color-to-numbers as the first one to cover the MOST ground You try yet again, Green, Red, blue, yellow and this is yet again wrong. There is only one more combo available to receive the spark. Yellow, blue, green, Red. THIS time, the red lever sparks, meaning the RED lever is pulled last. There are only 6 possible combinations with the red lever last: Yellow, blue, green, red ---- Already done. Yellow, green,blue, red ----- Yellow is not first Green, yellow, blue, red Green, blue, yellow, red ----- Green is not first, meaning blue must be first and red must be last Blue, green, yellow red --- Only one combo left Blue, yellow, green, red And this is all worst-case scenario, chances are you'll solve it before hitting all 9 turns (totally spazzed on the fact you don't have to put in the same code again, that makes this 10 step process only 9 steps!)
  3. Ok, need LOCATIONS… I only see two in there EJ: City and Plane.
  4. This new game mode I'm bringing to the table is called psycho: How this works in Multiplayer is: One person out of a 12 person lobby is chosen to be the psycho. The psycho looks just like everyone else, with the same issue: Only one clip of amo in their revolver. That's not enough to kill all 11 players. So once the psyco has used his 6 shots, he must resort to knifing. The other players can't knife. Meaning he has to be even more stealthy. The 11 others win if the psycho is killed or the 6 minute time limit is reached, the psycho wins if the other players are killed. Oh and I should mention, if you're killed by the psycho, your dropped from the communication system. Meaning once you're dead, you're muted and can't be unmuted. Likewise, the killer has a 30 second recharge on his 10 second communication barrier, that turns off player' ability to hear each other. In zombies this works a bit differently and it's called "Flesh". Here you are an average person. You survive against the hordes as usual. The only difference is, ONE of your 7 companions want's your flesh. Take cell block grief for an example. You come in with average weapons chosen before hand (each player takes a specific weapon: Crossbow, 5-7, S-12, executioner, kap 40, ray gun, DSR, or ballistics knife. The zombies don't' stop coming in and can range anywhere in difficulty from round 1-10. The zombies can get the average player down, and leaving them to be revived. The same can happen to the killer. Only, the killer, while being revived has the opportunity to "Takedown" their reviver. The downed killer still gets up, but this is taken at risk of other players knowing the killer's identity. To kill a player the psycho needs to either get behind another's back and hold X or get them from beneath with takedown. As well, like in multiplayer, the killer has a "silence" ability that turns off all communication systems for 10 seconds, during which time the killer will take down who he can and in any order without anyone's knowledge. It would be a game of cunning and skill against a murderer or perhaps just your friends.
  5. Alright, so come 2015, what are we getting right off the bat? Are we going to a desert, a carnival, a beach? The dimensional void? Gallifrey? Truth is no one knows for sure… What I'm going to do is take EVERYONE's favorite locations, and form a list of the top 30 places. The top 7 locations I'm going to make map predictions for… Bout time I got back into that saddle… NOW! How this will work is everyone can suggest any type of map. Two people suggest the same map it's added to the list. The more people vote or suggest for that kind of map the higher up the list it goes. Once we reach 30 maps I will give 10 days before voting stops, then create my map predictions for the top 7, starting with #7 and working to #1.
  6. Really? Who has confirmed this? Although it would explain a lot...
  7. Really? I'm sure there are other maps with the ability for multiple people to get it…. Could have sworn it's possible...
  8. I'll say, trayarch has been banking off that phrase for three games now!
  9. Lol, remember when that "die rise" leak came out and it has TEDD in a cowboy costume and a wagon?
  10. And emps… Don't (Please) forget those… I can see it now: Players have the option to start off with three frags (5 max), 1 C4 (1 max with detonator) or 1 tac. Insertion (1 max) The tac insertion works just like you said, and isn't available in solo. Now depending on what grenade type you went in with changes the upgraded version: Frags---250----> Semtex Tac. Insertions---2500----> Fixated spawners: As well as spawning players at the beginning of the round, this device causes any spawn locations in it's radius to warp the zombies to where one placed it, offering a whole new level of training possibilities. C4-----1000----> Tripple amo and as well, if one holds the C4 detonator, a small red light will appear when zombies are within blast radius.
  11. Because it's over exposure to both the ray gun M1, and porter's original ray gun, the upgraded gun is exposed to the exact same, if not more, 115 so it would evolve too…
  12. I've always wanted a zombie map that gives the player the ability to use C4 in place of grenades. THAT would be worth the extra 250 points.. SO what do you think? Good idea?
  13. @JuggerWicho this would be right up your ally: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/177212-next-ranking-system-tree-of-tears/
  14. "Wha…Why do i need to punch trees?"

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      "Ya punch da trees tag get da wood, you get da wood tah build da cabin!"

    2. ZombieOfTheDead


      "Cool story, bro."

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      It's south park.

  15. Nonsense lets wait until people start saying something REALLY embarrassing…
  16. Oh yeah, go back and look at the Shangri la trailer!
  17. samantha says blue, red, green, red, blue!
  18. Look, once advanced warfare launches it's first DLC that's trayarch's official start time! That's when their main focus becomes COD 2015 (IDK what number it is… Damn… Let's see…BO2 was 9…Ghosts is 10…) Cod 12 yeah… Once that first map pack is released trayarch isn't going to have time to build another BS DLC of old map packs. Honestly If anyone TRUELY needs to play old zombie maps they should just get BO1… Also, as for your formula you must understand that the population today expects more things to do then 10 electric traps and a power switch for the O4 perks only. It needs a LOT of new features: Buildables, new perks, new gimics, mechanisms, wonder weapons, and things to keep us PLENTY occupied until the next DLC, and if that means elemental staffs, which BTW are actually very cool and have helped us understand 115 even more-so then before, then so be it… This overworked trayarch with the old engine, hopefully the next engine will work easier for them.
  19. I think that only apples to the upgraded version… I still think even more-so then my last theory that it has to do with exposure to 115. That would mean the regular ray gun would transform into the M2 and the porter's mark 1 would also upgrade it's self, so it's still porter's original weapon, just changed. This would account for the fact that porter is long dead.
  20. Wait until other people buy it and rate it.. That's normally my deciding factor (unless it comes to a franchise I know and like) got me arse handed to me with arkham origins… Pity… Good franchise, bad prequel…
  21. He's bored, he wants better minions, he's able to do these things, and whom else want's to and is able to, build a mark 2 who still has the power?
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