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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. I don't have to try to do anything. It is what it is, a theory, you can't claim it to be "The actual story that's RIGHT in front of you all!" Otherwise we'd have over 30 different zombie story lines branching from tranzit alone.
  2. It's probable, if maxis did kill himself, there's a good chance it was one of the nazis…That he was sick from 115 poisoning.. If that's the case richtofen and Co's 115 treatment may be the only things keeping them alive…
  3. mutation suggests it has DNA so that makes your theory flawed from the start. Dude, sod off, my theory is just as sound as yours is, mutated was a word used for simple understanding. It's been modified in the aether is what I'm getting at. The way I see it, the ray gun has been present in every zombies map sense the beginning, it has been pulled from the box more then any other weapon. The amount of 115 exposure could have changed it's general format into something different. ENTIRELY possible.
  4. Yeah that is another point I think we should discuss at some point: HOW is all this technology built in buried? It's a haunted mining town beneath a quarry. It's only resident is inaudible and a drunk with a sweet tooth. How is not only the M2, but the paralyzer, the time bomb, and "The button" built into here? The fact the tin was never broken suggests that no one has ventured beneath the ground in a while. So how has all of this tech. been created?
  5. That's not proof of origin's canon, that's SUGGESTED EVIDENCE that the events PRIOR to origins is canon. Now you "chill".
  6. I'm not stating your correct because I don't believe that's true. And that's not evidence. That may be a fact that both ray guns upgraded are called porters, however there is little evidence that proves the M2 is not a mutated porter's M1. Likewise there is little evidence that shows the M2 un-paped to be of porter's build either. MY THEORY is The Mark 2 is a mutated mark 1. The upgraded M2 is a mutated upgraded mark 1. Due to the fact it's still porter's build but a different gun it keeps the name. Is that any less likely then your THEORY?
  7. I did some research on that a long time ago actually and there's a big chance that the goo from a seliquifier may just be concentrated benzene. The jet gun is 100% not a wonder weapon. It's what I call a power weapon as it deals infinite damage. However it contains 0 evidence of 115 or even advanced tech. The real wonder weapon on that map is likely the EMPS, as they are fully capable of stoping zombies, buses, perks, not only from dispensing perks but from allowing a player to use the perk's effects at all, and other things. The blundergat is just a shotgun mind you, a quad-barrel flint-lock-converted-hand-made-single-shot-boom-stick with a reloader assist shaft. The acid gat is also a debatable weapon. I personally believe the super-acidic liquid could be infused with 115… but it's more likely to just be acidic as it is because satan said so… The paralyzer has no evidence of working with 115 either, despite it's more obvious designs… Sigh.. Trayarch just doesn't give out back-story like it used to… Same for the time bombs… Now what jostles MY gears is when people say the STAFFS aren't wonder weapons. They use concentrated-115 crystals and the staffs themselves were build by richtofen, and therefor, 935. Out of all the wonder weapons in BO2, the staffs are the MOST likely to be wonder weapons.
  8. ….maybe… lol, jk.. I just get a bit of a thorn in my side when people "trounce" other's ideas to make way for their own. Especially in these situations where no matter the theory, the lack of proof makes the whole thing inoperable.
  9. BINGO, now I'm done talking about the subject.
  10. Not true, much of the zombie community praised the idea of buildables, the bus, and LOTS of features in BO2. Also, compair nact to Mob of the dead. Which one, honestly, is more entertaining to play? Three rooms, maybe one perk, a mystery box and that's it. Or an extensive map filled with mystery, traps, demonic skulls, planes, electric chairs, perks, giant guard zombies.
  11. HE can't make his opinions fact either. THAT is the bridge I'm trying to get him to understand here. Why are you all looking at me like I'm some communist/nazi that rejects other ideas? He can come up with whatever he wants, the issue I have is him claiming others are wrong and he's right because he like's his idea better. Truth is there is no facts to prove either! So get off my case! And voyager, you are not a decider of proof either. That's all I am going to say on the subject because I KNOW where these conversations lead.
  12. You need proof Voyager… Don't claim your theory as fact without proof, no matter how much sense it makes.
  13. What about have tomahawks as a variation of the ballistics knifes but upgraded once they become the hell's retriever and twice to the hell's retriever.
  14. Jesus, you want ANOTHER wonder weapon? Greedy… -Matruskas -Monkeys -VR11 -Scavenger -Wunderwaffe DG2
  15. I'm offering other solutions. Just as feeble as everyone else's. We've been discussing this sense the week after origins was released half a year ago. The map can exist as an alternate universe, yet cannon, or it can't exist cannon at all. The fact's don't add up. MANY people have brought this to everyone's attention. And remember the so called "campaign" team made this map. It's possible it's messed things up trayarch wouldn't have approved of. And until someone brings forth any rock hard evidence that this IS the same universe or an alternate one, everyone's talk is going to be completely useless. I don't have the right to use my ideas against his, but he doesn't have the right either to state that his idea that origins is in the same universe IS correct either without proof. This is not proof.
  16. Most of the people on this site back up the idea of origins being in an alternate reality, otherwise most of the story falls apart.
  17. What you pull and don't pull from the box can depict what you receive. For instance, in shangri-la, players who received the crossbow, must pick it up and put it back in the box before they can receive the JGB shrink gun. As for me I 9/10 pull the blundergat from the box, but for some reason I always pull the executioner from it beforehand. Never get the death machine…
  18. The difference is I'm not trying to prove anything, other then the point that what you have stated is not pure fact.
  19. Oh… Like when the, what was it yellow? Lever didn't spawn?
  20. What… The… Hell… What does it do?
  21. This in no way proves the confirmed cannon of origins to the main storyline, what you have brought to our attention is the events BEFORE origins were cannon. Alternate realities generally focus on one thing. Ever see back to the future? Remember old biff giving young biff the almanac? It drastically changed the future due to one small change in the past. In the normal reality the O4 were sent to the camp but did not discover richtofen, this is due to the fact that maxis never grew ill, because the ancient zombies weren't provoked by his findings, because in the normal reality samantha was not born or in argartha yet to influence maxis. After the events of moon, or some other map, samantha somehow branched out into an alternate world, where she took to influencing her father, which led to his illness, which led to richtofen performing emergency surgery, which led to his capture. HOWEVER we know this can not be true because without richtofen the MTD would have never been build, the MPD would have never been found and samantha never came into power. This causes a paradox. This paradox is resolved by maxis and the O4 entering argartha. How it is resolved I do not know, my best hunch is that the universe with samantha in control fell apart, or perhaps became our reality where zombies don't exist and the world wasn't destroyed. This could explain the cutscene at the end as well, samantha and richtofen were reincarnated as children, with maxis as their father. Takeo, tank, and nikolai got their "reward" by joining a universe that never fell to the zombie plague. Richtofen never went mad from MPD exposure. And maxis regained a body. Truly the end to the story yeah? WRONG! My hunch is that the "plan" samantha mentions at the end is samantha and maxis's way of saying "We need to return to our original time line". In which case the O4, samantha, and maxis will escape back into the world preceding the events of buried. Or at least that's what I'm getting from it.
  22. Well that's very nice, but that's over 10 suggestions a person, I'm not a computer, i can't average that much info at once...
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