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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. What am I?! WHAT AM I!?!?! Actually admitting one's own mockery is actually a very mature thing to do… Unless I'm talking about madness… are mad people mature?
  2. I think stulinger had it first actually… But yeah marleton was using it.
  3. yeah GS's right in this case, you had a good idea, but the way the system is set up the ability to make your guns better only gets you so far. Plus what happens if one bleeds out? What if they lose their triple upgraded guns? They're screwed. VERY screwed.
  4. I disagree with that. Black ops 1 MP was clunky and somewhat uninteresting. Also, you are describing most weapons as OP, but to have OP shotguns, OP pistols, and OP snipers, that's everything being OP… Which means they're about even. I really liked the DLC maps too. ESPECIALLY uprising, encore was my favorite.
  5. @The Meh I have been a respected member of codz for two years. I have made numerous threads across the years, many good, many bad. The amount of effort I have put in other threads doesn't always get notified either. It's a lottery. And it has nothing to do with this. You are making distractions and false arguments. I am not an asshole. Every single one of those approving a voyager has ASSUMED that I have "attacked" his thread. WHERE have I attacked him? Huh? He's going around disclaiming other theories to make way for his own. Clearly you are not listening to a word I'm saying because if you did you would understand why I disapprove of this. I do not care about my theory being any worse or better then his. I never have, I never will. What I will say for the last time, right now, is I am NOT ok with anyone spitting on other theories due to their own self-proclaimed "evidence". ESPECIALLY if the other theory works around said evidence. And as a last note: Respect is EARNED not given. As for Voyager: You can not claim your theories any more reasoned then anyone else's do not act like you have been trying to end this feud: So I agreed with you and you called me cancer. You blatantly dont like me as you discredited your own theory. Genius! To instigate things and accuse me of calling you cancer is not letting something go. (I'd give more examples but I'd need to move off this page and lose what i've written.) No one comment about this petty fight anymore, If anyone does I will ask a moderator to lock this thread, or delete your post. I've had enough, and it ends now. Back on topic, perhaps we can examine the build of the ray gun to see if that uproots anything… :
  6. In the map origins one of it's most unique features is it's totally revolutionized weaponry, weapons like the scorpion evo, the scar, and many other weapons seem to be mostly from the futuristic time period, with the exception of: -The m14 -The MP40 -The STG -The python -The type 25 -The galil -the FAL and -the m1927 Every other weapon is either presumed to be built in origins or crafted from the far future. (I did not look into every gun, sue me if I miss one or two) Now look at this quote from maxis's radio: Ludvig Maxis: When 115 is channeled towards the ancient stones, an energy field appears to drag unknown objects into our reality. Is it possible that Element 115 is disrupting the space time continuum itself? How else could an ancient box, created eons ago bring forth weapons from different eras? Perhaps including even our own future! Further study is needed to understand these powerful and unpredictable forces. Now, the point I would like to highlight is that the ancient box is bringing forth weapons from maxis's future. My idea is that in the current reality's future these weapons are built as they are in multiplayer and campaign. However, many of these weapons don't appear in the same future as buried, die rise, and tranzit. My THEORY is that these weapons are here because in this reality, they do become built, as the world doesn't end to stop production. Of course there are some issues with this idea: -If the production for the weapons stopped, then wouldn't guns like the 5-7 never appear in buried or other maps? (To which I respond with: Maybe these weapons were produced before the other ones, and then the world ended between) -What if the box is just taking the guns from other realities, like the multiplayer one? I apologize if this offends anyone who believes that moon takes place in the 1960s or that origins is in the same universe as the others. This is just a theory i'd like to discuss and in no way should be taken as proof or fact.
  7. Ludvig Maxis: The ancient texts describe an artifact known to them as the Amplification Rod. It is my firm belief this item is instrumental to harnessing the energy of the elemental stones. Unfortunately, neither the rod nor the stones have been recovered from any of our dig sites. I feel we must push forward regardless. As such, I have drawn up plans to create replica rods based on the descriptions from the main chamber. I will instruct Richtofen to begin fabrication immediately.
  8. No… I didn't.. The argument is becoming cancer. Stop thinking everything is about you. Also that doesn't discredit my own theory. My theory is still just as was yesterday.
  9. Uhm either way his theories should not be hated on, as neither you nor him know what next game could bring. We should all respect each others theories as that's all they are. Loving this guy.
  10. I'd like to take a moment to thank goldenspork for staying on topic, thank you it means a lot. I'm done with this argument voyager… It's becoming cancerous to my topic. The main issue with this topic is that there is nothing that define's it's origins.
  11. Whoops! Sorry, I am actually getting my post a bit mixed up here upon review! My apologies, although he has yet to call his bit a theory. My bad, but one of the points I'm making here still stands: Saying the O4 were sent to Northern France does not depict that the events of origins is in the same reality. It states that the O4 were in france. No more, no less. Everything else is assumption, just like the entirety of my first post.
  12. Well survival mode is in there too. Well I guess I can't change your mind, but what I can say is that your thought process is likely not the same as the majority of codz.
  13. Actually the most noobs can be found on the maps: Kino Tranzit Tranzit subdivisions Five and Nact Can anyone tell me why? Now Unlike Spork there I know the pain of complex maps and randoms. Believe me, back when I first joined here all I had were randoms to play with. It was hell. FOUR months to do the shangri la easter-egg. TORE ME TO PEICES! Madness…. But I did it. The key to randoms is finding full mic lobbies. Communication is the best way to survive. Period.
  14. Too much DLC can be a bad thing,but here's how I wished BO2 dlc was spread: -Disc -Micro transaction nuketown survival -DLC 1 -DLC 2 -DLC 3 -DLC 4 -DLC 5: No new maps just game mode maps.
  15. BO2 could release a 5th map pack for just before or after advanced warfare's launch. It shouldn't contain any new storyline or maps, however, it should contain a plethora of new zombie game-mode maps: Turned die rise, grief origins, Survival docks. Six new game maps, two of which are a whole new game mode "Team undeath match", which players run around able to kill both their enemies and the zombies. Lasts 6 minutes, and when one dies they return to their spawn with all their weapons back.
  16. That's just it, he's highlighting it as more then a theory. I don't care how accurate a theory is. He is waltzing around speaking that his story "IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU", and that it's correct. Meaning no, I can't say his theory is wrong, not once have I even mentioned it is, what I am saying is that he can't claim his as fact until he has… ---Drumroll----line-dancers----show number---encore---- PROOF!
  17. Richtofen made the replica staffs you use. The actual staff pieces were lost and never found, apart from their 115 stones used by the ancients. -I can prove this through radios 'WHAT I CAN PROVE SOMETHING IN BO2 THROUGH RADIOS! WTF PRAISE THE LORD!" We see the ray guns from the box. We already know the MOTD realm can suck perks out of their time lines, why not the RG too? Yes I know EMPS are real things. But like you said, these EMPS are special, they can turn off richtofen's signal to the zombies, they can disrupt the box, and most perplexing of all, a perk machine miles away from a player can be turned off and turn off the effect of the perk being carried by the player too. These EMPS are also capable of turning off 115 by my eyes. Something we are unsure of being a feature of a normal EMP. As for the blundergat. It is just a shotgun. A POWERFUL shotgun but a shotgun none the less. I stand by my statement.
  18. Ok… Let's reflect this with the Blundergat-->V. withering process. The mark 1 is the simple blunder gat. The porter's mark 1 is the sweeper. The acid gat is the mark 2 The V. Withering is the mark 2 upgraded. The gun to upgrade gun is process one… Like getting the sweeper from the blunder gat. The box is the acid kit, making the M1 into the M2. This is just a more fixed process that must go: BG--->AG---->VW The ray gun mutates to the mark 2. The upgraded ray gun mutates to the upgraded mark 2, but instead of the box this mutation happens within the PAP. Porter still created the upgraded M1, so when it mutates his name still stays on the bace device because it's still his invention just mutated. You are both speculating here. I take in favor of Voyager, considering he's given actually LOTS of information. You DID look into the things he said, right? You say you don't like false information, yet your theory is the least likely of them all. You say you don't like the abolishment of other ideas without solid proof that the idea is right, yet he provided many leads to what he said. If you can't accept the fact that you caused a meaningless argument over this because he had more leads to his theory than you, then you are just a sad, sad excuse for a man, and just WANTED to start an argument over this. You are not looking at the bace problem here. The issue he wants you to believe is that I have an issue with him and his ideas, when the fact of the matter is I could careless. What I have an issue with is HE is taking what he says as fact. But take a long look at what he's given. There is little to no actual PROOF that his theory provides. Sure there are some random facts pertaining to the subject but when you get down to it, you can build a house of bricks all you want, it will fall apart without adhesive. His "proof" is useless gibberish and facts that when one examines, has nothing to do with the issue at hand. It's red herring. Look at his words: He is stating that porter must have been in buried correct? That's a wonderful theory, but when he complains that his "facts" are correct, and that other theories are wrong that's when he wronged. Also, I did not start anything, he's the guy who whined and moaned until he got the attention. i want nothing to do with this, but if no one else is going to put their foot down and tell him that he can't just say what he wants and take it as fact, then there's no hope for CODZ.
  19. I don't like false information. I do not like the abolishment of other ideas without solid proof that yours is right. I think there was a very similar battle like this with catholics before…
  20. It is zombies, but you must understand. While nact was a great map, trayarch can't just sell off maps like it used to. Some hook is needed to capture the audience. Story is needed (not in BO2), epic new things are needed, new perks, and all sorts of things. Also, you know very well MOTD does not suck. It's a clever and fun addition to the zombies franchise. Purhaps it and buried were a bit easy, but who cares? Most of this site will agree that MOTD, or any BO2 map is an innovation, it's fun and new. It's like marriage, if you don't do something new and exciting now and again your whole relationship sinks into the ground and falls apart.
  21. It comes from interchanging staffs as well, trayarch added this as a buffer to keep people from obtaining multiple staffs. The two best solutions: -NEVER swap staffs with another staff, keep to your staff only. - If you do need to acquire another person's staff, purchase a weapon off the wall first to swap out your staff for a regular gun, should keep the staffs from vanishing. But for zen's reasons, you should never even bother with another's staff.
  22. Could have been the founder of 935 for all we know… Good chance he worked with time travel, after all the time-bombs and whatnot.. And at voyager: your rude nature towards me is very off putting, but this still does not mean that my anger revolves around you. You just continue to make the mistake that what you have stated is fact. And that the story is "right in front of us" and "we refuse to see it". Cause and effect, not effect then cause.
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