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Everything posted by MNM1995

  1. MNM1995


    Perhaps it creates a slick that the zombies tripup in, and then when they land on it they are liquifyed (spelt wrong)? Or something like that. S
  2. Yeah actually think that this coukd be the way they're doing it. Either this or real-life events.
  3. Well zombo, my theory that the four silent marines in Nacht are the same marines from Veruckt gives some linkage to the story line. If the four survivors plane crashed outside Nacht, it may have attracted the attention from nearby zombies in Veruckt who came charging down and found the survivors. The four marines defeated them and made their way to Veruckt, led by Dempsey. This way, Nacht at least links to the story.
  4. TranZit is the story based game mode. The actual map they advertise (i.e. TranZit, Die Rise so far) will be the story based game mode, and will further the storyline. Then there'll be other game modes (Survival, Grief, Turned so far) will be additional things for fun, and won't further the storyline.
  5. Was about to say "There's no new transport in Die Rise, just the elevator" but then I saw your litte comment in the end and now I completely agree with your post 100% Jason.
  6. I dn't think you understand. The map names are Green Run, Nuketown and Great Leap Forward. The game modes are TranZit, Survival, Grief and now Turned. Note there is only one gamemode under Great Leap Forward, which is Die Rise. Die Rise is the new story related mode that will advance the story and feature things like a major easter egg, all perks, buildables, wonder weapons etc. All the other game modes are just twists of the areas in TranZit, that's it. Also, my last post didn't work so well but I was quoting you.
  7. I disagree green run is the map which is broken into parts i.e. the bus depot, the diner, farm and town. the modes that can be played in green run are survival grief and tranzit (and turned with the dlc). "tranzit" per say may not return but I think there will be a story based mode or an easter egg to encompass all parts of the die rise map. Why would they stop the story anyway? If our characters move on doesn't it stand to reason that the story behind their actions will too? The zombies story line is too deep for them to just move on without cause or reason. If they did the fans would go crazy. every dlc up until now has added something to the story why should this one be any different? I don't think you understood what I meant. I meant that TranZit wasn't a gamemode, it was a one-off thing. I don't think we'll see a map like that again and that they will probably return to the old way of doing them, survival style. I never said they would end the story abrubtly- that would be absurd. You should look more closely at what I said.
  8. TranZit is the name of the story-related map in Green Run, not a mode. They're won't be other maps in 'TranZit' mode because that doesn't exist. So you won't ever be playing Die Rise in TranZit mode.
  9. I think the names are based on real life events. We all know (thanks to Pinnaz) that the Great Leap Forward was a real-life event in China, and I remeber reading on here somewhere(again, probably by Pinnaz) that Green Run was a realife project involving Hanford (or whatever the name of the area TranZit is set in). There's a thought for you!
  10. I think some people may be misinterpreting the whole 'TranZit' map thing. What they mean is TranZit was a large, open map with plenty of places to visit and a vehicle to use and get the players around faster and safer. What they mean is that Die Rise will NOT have these features, as evidenced by the trailers which appear to show it as a far more close-quarters map. So basically, TranZit was a one-off map and Die Rise likely will be too. They will add something brand new into Die Rise that's a game changer, much like TranZit was (well, still is).
  11. Well, hasn't it been since about Shi No that they started making unique zombie maps (as in weren't based almost entirely off multiplayer maps, but may have had some similar aspects)?
  12. Do it! I could do with an interesting read :D
  13. Maybe even after this new special round?
  14. Ah that actually makes a lot of sense, feel like an idiot now haha Thanks anyway for clearing that up Liam!
  15. Okay, so like many others I did the update today and checked out the 'Great Leap Forward' leaderboard and everything. But, oddly enough, when I went to play a game online it says I've unlocked something 'new' in the Green Run section of the Earth. Has anyone else had this message and if so could you please elaborate on it for me? Sorry if this is just something everyone has experienced, but I didn't see a topic on it so decided I should do it. I have Nuketown Zombies too if that is of any relevance.
  16. I agree with InfestLithium's very first comment, I also think Nacht is only in Green Run as nostalgia for the players. However, I think it's existence is canon to the map. However, Nacht serves a different purpose- perhaps it is just a warehouse which looks eerily similar to the first map, for example.
  17. Yeah it was a laugh, and John Abruzzi off Prison Break, ace show! :D
  18. I know that, and that's what I meant as in storyline purpose. But, seeing as Veruckt is in Germany I highly doubt Dempsey and his marines walked to Japan.
  19. I always believed that you are playing as the same group of marines that are present in Veruckt (WaW version, the group led by Dempsey). They flew in but were shot down and crashed just near Nacht. They then pushed on to the Beruckt asylum where all except Dempsey were killed trying to find Peter McCain. The reason they are speechless in Nacht is because, in my opinion anyway, they are so shcoked (sounds kinda cheesy, I know but it's a fairly decent thought).
  20. Exactly Liam, it's pretty easy for them to do this.
  21. Really, they just place a camera, record the stuff they want then edit it into a video. Like I said before, their has been multiple times in other trailers where the 4 characters are seen together, that's it.
  22. Actually Electric, most of the trailers feature at least one scene where the four survivors are together in action (Der Riese, Call of The Dead, Shangri-La and I think Moon and TranZit too) and this wasn't a devote zombies trailer, so it's likely that if they do release one then it'll be shot in a similair style.
  23. I was going to do a topic on 'The Replacer' trailer, but I saw you had it covered so instead i'll say this. You won. You know who you are. You are those that chose not to believe us. You who learnt well from the 'Takeo' incident not so long back. You who sat there and laughed as we all made fools of ourselves with our theories and justifications of them. What angers me the most is how after all this, you were still right. I apologise to anyone I may have told to "Shutup and listen to me!" Because in the end, you were the ones that shut me up. To some extent, I envy you for this. I envy the fact you could remain there, still talking away after I hurled now-false theories at you, and just laugh it off. So again, I apologise because you were right- Marlton is annoyingly back.
  24. Although the one problem with those ideas were the unwilling co-op partners. If you weren't playing with people who you knew/ had mic's, then chances are you wouldn't be pack-a-punching in that game. It's not so bad in TranZit because you can do it by yourself, however I do completely agree that there is some fun to be had in completing whatever task needed to be completed in order to unlock the pack-a-punch machine, and having pap'ed weapons from the box would take away some of that fun.
  25. Holy s**t dude. Calm down with the damned theories! The bloody map isn't even out yet. I just keep coming up with theories and I like to put them up here and discuss them with a community as passiknate about it as me, that's all And to brett, whilst I am fully aware of the story arc of zombies thus far, it doesn't mean Treyarch won't spice it up a little this time... TranZit was hardly another survival map (the individual parts of it however were).
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