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Everything posted by BlindBusDrivr

  1. Perhaps. Maybe it was the English? The Brits and USA have been close Allies since WW II, so maybe it was a large English company doing this and selling it to the Americans. Because all the major powers in WW II have appeared in the zombies story except Britian and France. Japan, Germany, Russian, and USA have all been involved, maybe they decided to incorporate one of them in a way we never would have expected.
  2. Nice theory, but I believe that the writing was to hint to people first playing the map that by linking the 3 teleporters, they would unlock access to the Pack a Punch.
  3. This title got me more excited than a 12 year old reading a Playboy magazine, then it kicked me in the nuts when he just linked the video :cry:
  4. Thanks. Maybe the guy who turned off the power could be stuck somewhere in hiding and we have to set him free, like we've been doing with the Easter Eggs. And to BlackOpsTiger: I was going to say that, but in the new Shi No Numa radio, it says they got to Kino because the Wunderwaffes 115 teleported them to the wrong location, so teleporting pure 115 would be a disaster. and idk about the crawlers, it's still unconfirmed where they're from.
  5. You may want to read this topic for better understanding or more info: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=15577 So after the Apollo moon missions with bringing back rocks and stuff, they discovered that Helium 3 was on the moon, because it is repelled by earth's atmosphere and collects on the moon. It can be used as a fuel or even in Nuclear Fusion. Since something so valuable could be there, a private enterprise decided to begin missions to the moon to begin collecting this from under the surface. But in time they soon discovered something else. A coal black rock with glowing veins of red streaming through it. Now after the events of Group 935's failure the government stopped/slowed it's experiments with 115 at Area 51, also because their supply was running low. But now we are still at war at Vietnam and there is still tension between the USA and the Russia, so they bring back these experiments at Area 51 since it has not been compromised such as the Pentagon was. Likely because MJ12 keeps it's top secret outpost even more secure. The government pays a lot in return for recieving the element to help continue the mining. The government, uses this abundance of the element, to create new weapons. Including the WAVE GUN and the QED. They also recreate the Der Riese teleporters for more specific destinational transportation. They also build a teleporter on the moon for back and forth teleportation, so it is cheaper to send workers back and forth. But this company is unaware of the side-effects of the element and has become careless and only concerned with making more profit, since greed is usually the culprit. so the workers begin to feel sick, and wierd things start happening. The workers begin to go crazy and begin turning into the zombies and it spreads until the whole mining operation has become compromised. Right before all is lost at the base, A SOS is sent to Area 51, Hangar 18 to be exact and is picked up by the Comm. Array. It can be heard in the archives building. This message is recieved and the Military send in an Astronaut team to investigate. But they have no idea what terrors await them and are mauled by the zombies, as can be seen in the Rezurrection picture. They power down the teleporters an to prevent what ever happened from spreading to Area 51 itself via the teleporter. Now before they can think of anything to do, the Russians launch an attack on Hangar 18, stealing one of the bodies in the morgue, it likely came from the Pentagon aftermath. There was one survivor who they got back. But he was bitten and didn't tell them because he didn't want to be put down. The infection spread quick and soon he spread it throughout the whole base. Sam probably helped in sabotaging any defenses they had. So Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and the new character(Had you going for second didn't I? scratch that 'new character' part) and Richtofen make their way to Area 51. When they arrive, they are greeted by an overload of zombies. They power up the teleporter but it cannot get them there since the moon's one is deactivated (one of the members of the team sent to the moon sacrificed himself as Peter did turning off the power to prevent it from spreading, but maybe he lived as Peter did aswell). So Richtofen knowing this is why he came here, puts the vril generator in the saucer and they fly away from Area 51 to the moon. Where just their luck, there are also hundreds of freak bags waiting for them. This would be why the need to teleport to Area 51 to Pack a Punch, because the power has to be on so the moon's teleporter is active aswell. The wonder weapons are left overs from the team that was sent. They took a rocket or other spacecraft to the moon, that's who you see in the loading screen. There is something Richtofen want's on this base or that he can use, we just have to find out. He planned to go here, I'm just not sure if he planned there to be hordes of zombies, but then it wouldn't be zombies, would it? So what do you guys think? Please ask questions I can try and answer them, and find any plotholes I've got. thanks for reading :mrgreen:
  6. your welcome. lol earlier today right below this topic was 'RICHTOFEN IS NEW BOSSS?' topic. people really need to research stuff more.
  7. all of them have been confirmed to be back, richtofen is holding the death machine, takeo is looking at the space suit, nikolai is firing the wave gun(or its pack a punched version) and tank is the player we see at area 51 Actually Dempsey's holding the Death Machine, but in the gameplay from inside xbox you hear Richtofen unmistakably so that's enough proof for me. Not to mention if the other 3 are there why wouldn't Rich?
  8. Sorry if it's obvious, but there's been people saying 'ZOMG Richtofen notz 1n the trail3r s0 hez G0N3 !11!!! Just wanted to clear that up so we have no more people saying any of them are dead and such. and @yellow-card8: the FAMAS was patched because it beat every single weapon in the game in Damage per second, and compared to the others in it's class, it had far more, and all the others that could match it(certain rapid fire SMGs) had to little range to compete, in other words it could stomp every single weapon at any range with a decent user. 3-4 bullet kill firing 937.5 rpm while the next best thing is 3-4 bullet kills while firing 750 rpm. So much more damage that even when it's damage is dropped off to be 5 pts lower to 25, the fire rate still allows it to beat out the other gun when both are out of their respective ranges. And since the only gun with more range than an AR are the LMGs and Snipers in blops when 90% of players use SMG and AR, it's insanely hard to beat. /famas rant
  9. :facepalm: Richtofen IS in the the new map Moon, so enough with all the stuff saying he isn't. And if you want proof it's in this vid: knEG9u4EZH4 at around 0:20 you hear Richtofen and you see the GREEN player in the points bars, and Richtofen is ALWAYS green. All the other original characters are in it aswell. Takeo is in the first trailer looking at the helmet, Nikolai's in screenshots with the wave gun, and Dempsey with the Death Machine, so they are ALL in it Here's the first trailer Z2VhGNpElyU 1:12 is one of Takeo, he just has no hat. You can't miss Nikolai. And one of the user's here has the Tank pic as his avatar. Hopefully this will end all discussion that any of them aren't in it.
  10. true that the Shrink Ray can kill the most total of any wonder weapon, but it hurts you to kill them, literally they hit you! If you don't have jug, your fXcked! ThunderGun blows them all away instantly and has a 180 degree effective range. And the Wunderwaffe is BAD AZZ the rest are just failed attempts to recreate something as good. Idk why the Winter's Howl couldn't just be easier to kill them with, then it might be decent.
  11. The Golden Rod is an alien power generator, not a launch key, which is used to power their saucers which is why Richtofen used the actors to get him one in CotD so he could power the saucer to the moon. And of coarse LBJ is connected because the moon landing was under his authority and the moon base is American, and there's a lot of conspiracies about it.
  12. they've been trying to create Wonder weapons better than the Wunderwaffe since Der Riese, but have failed at equalling it's hype(even though I think the ThunderGun is the best, it's not as cool as the Wunderwaffe). So they should just bring it back once more for us, and not as a cheap drop.
  13. I noticed this too. I'd have to go with they're still editing because I can't think of any other good reason for it. I was thinking they blurred it out to make us wonder if we start there or must reach there, because the Pack a Punch is in the spawn on Shangri La, but we most complete and objective to open it, in that case stand on the stone(s), but on this map it's in a cage, so maybe we must do something to open it.
  14. I think he aims to become all powerful, he has made it clear through his quotes and actions. But he would probably use his power to mass produce it, since it's one of his psychopathic obsessions.
  15. I know that we all would assume that because of previous data about 115 being on the moon, it's reasonable to think that the mining going on was for 115, or was it? I just found this article on helium-3, which can be used for fuel and even nuclear fusion. Now we know that the Germans knew about 115, and the Russians were using monkeys to get it, but we do not know if the 'miners' on this map are of either of those origins, certainly not Russian, they aren't monkeys! lol. And don't appear German either, but possibly. I think that they might have originally came for Helium 3, but discovered 115 and changed their priorities. Here's the link to the full article http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/space/moon-mars/1283056 Here's the main part of the article: A sample of soil from the rim of Camelot crater slid from my scoop into a Teflon bag to begin its trip to Earth with the crew of Apollo 17. Little did I know at the time, on Dec. 13, 1972, that sample 75501, along with samples from Apollo 11 and other missions, would provide the best reason to return to the moon in the 21st century. That realization would come 13 years later. In 1985, young engineers at the University of Wisconsin discovered that lunar soil contained significant quantities of a remarkable form of helium. Known as helium-3, it is a lightweight isotope of the familiar gas that fills birthday balloons. Small quantities of helium-3 previously discovered on Earth intrigued the scientific community. The unique atomic structure of helium-3 promised to make it possible to use it as fuel for nuclear fusion, the process that powers the sun, to generate vast amounts of electrical power without creating the troublesome radioactive byproducts produced in conventional nuclear reactors. Extracting helium-3 from the moon and returning it to Earth would, of course, be difficult, but the potential rewards would be staggering for those who embarked upon this venture. Helium-3 could help free the United States--and the world--from dependence on fossil fuels. That vision seemed impossibly distant during the decades in which manned space exploration languished. Yes, Americans and others made repeated trips into Earth orbit, but humanity seemed content to send only robots into the vastness beyond. That changed on Jan. 14, 2004, when President George W. Bush challenged NASA to "explore space and extend a human presence across our solar system." It was an electrifying call to action for those of us who share the vision of Americans leading humankind into deep space, continuing the ultimate migration that began 42 years ago when President John F. Kennedy first challenged NASA to land on the moon. We can do so again. If Bush's initiative is sustained by Congress and future presidents, American leadership can take us back to the moon, then to Mars and, ultimately, beyond. Although the president's announcement did not mention it explicitly, his message implied an important role for the private sector in leading human expansion into deep space. In the past, this type of public-private cooperation produced enormous dividends. Recognizing the distinctly American entrepreneurial spirit that drives pioneers, the President's Commission on Implementation of U.S. Space Exploration Policy subsequently recommended that NASA encourage private space-related initiatives. I believe in going a step further. I believe that if government efforts lag, private enterprise should take the lead in settling space. We need look only to our past to see how well this could work. In 1862, the federal government supported the building of the transcontinental railroad with land grants. By the end of the 19th century, the private sector came to dominate the infrastructure, introducing improvements in rail transport that laid the foundation for industrial development in the 20th century. In a similar fashion, a cooperative effort in learning how to mine the moon for helium-3 will create the technological infrastructure for our inevitable journeys to Mars and beyond. The Basics of Limitless Power: Albert Einstein's famous E=MC2 equation reflects the enormous energy that can be released by fusing atoms. Hydrogen atoms fusing together to create helium powers the sun. 1. FIRST GENERATION: Scientists have duplicated solar fusion on Earth by using two "heavy" hydrogen atoms--deuterium and tritium--which fuse at lower temperatures than ordinary hydrogen. A first-generation deuterium-tritium fusion reactor operated experimentally for 15 years at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in New Jersey. 2. SECOND GENERATION: While useful for studying fusion, reactors operating with deuterium-tritium fuel are impractical for commercial use. Among other things, the reaction produces large amounts of radiation in the form of neutrons. Substituting helium-3 for tritium significantly reduces neutron production, making it safe to locate fusion plants nearer to where power is needed the most, large cities. This summer, researchers at the University of Wisconsin Fusion Technology Institute in Madison reported having successfully initiated and maintained a fusion reaction using deuterium and helium-3 fuel. 3. THIRD GENERATION: First-generation fusion reactors were never intended to produce power. And, even if they are perfected, they would still produce electricity in much the same way as it is created today. That is, the reactors would function as heat sources. Steam would then be used to spin a massive generator, just as in a coal- or oil-fired plant. Perhaps the most promising idea is to fuel a third-generation reactor solely with helium-3, which can directly yield an electric current--no generator required. As much as 70 percent of the energy in the fuels could be captured and put directly to work.--Stefano Coledan A Reason To Return Throughout history, the search for precious resources--from food to minerals to energy--inspired humanity to explore and settle ever-more-remote regions of our planet. I believe that helium-3 could be the resource that makes the settlement of our moon both feasible and desirable. Although quantities sufficient for research exist, no commercial supplies of helium-3 are present on Earth. If they were, we probably would be using them to produce electricity today. The more we learn about building fusion reactors, the more desirable a helium-3-fueled reactor becomes. Researchers have tried several approaches to harnessing the awesome power of hydrogen fusion to generate electricity. The stumbling block is finding a way to achieve the temperatures required to maintain a fusion reaction. All materials known to exist melt at these surface-of-the-sun temperatures. For this reason, the reaction can take place only within a magnetic containment field, a sort of electromagnetic Thermos bottle. Initially, scientists believed they could achieve fusion using deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen found in seawater. They soon discovered that sustaining the temperatures and pressures needed to maintain the so-called deuterium-deuterium fusion reaction for days on end exceeded the limits of the magnetic containment technology. Substituting helium-3 for tritium allows the use of electrostatic confinement, rather than needing magnets, and greatly reduces the complexity of fusion reactors as well as eliminates the production of high-level radioactive waste. These differences will make fusion a practical energy option for the first time. It is not a lack of engineering skill that prevents us from using helium-3 to meet our energy needs, but a lack of the isotope itself. Vast quantities of helium originate in the sun, a small part of which is helium-3, rather than the more common helium-4. Both types of helium are transformed as they travel toward Earth as part of the solar wind. The precious isotope never arrives because Earth's magnetic field pushes it away. Fortunately, the conditions that make helium-3 rare on Earth are absent on the moon, where it has accumulated on the surface and been mixed with the debris layer of dust and rock, or regolith, by constant meteor strikes. And there it waits for the taking. An aggressive program to mine helium-3 from the surface of the moon would not only represent an economically practical justification for permanent human settlements; it could yield enormous benefits back on Earth. Budget cuts, a public bored with space and fear of losing a crew--Apollo 13 was still a vivid memory--turned Apollo 17 into the last moon mission of the 20th century. NASA decided to get the most scientific data possible from its last lunar excursion and made a crew change: Harrison H. Schmitt became the first and only fully trained geologist to explore the moon. Schmitt was a natural choice. With a doctorate from Harvard University, he was already on the staff of the U.S. Geological Survey's astrogeology branch in Flagstaff, Ariz. His job included training astronauts during simulated lunar field trips. There was only one hole in his résumé. Schmitt had never learned to fly. In 18 months he earned his wings, and became a jet plane and lunar landing module pilot. On Dec. 11, 1972, he and Eugene Cernan landed in the moon's Taurus-Littrow Valley. On the first of three moonwalks, Schmitt's scientific knowledge became evident. So did his enthusiasm. His periodic falls stopped hearts at Mission Control, which feared he would rip his spacesuit and die instantly. Four years after returning with 244 pounds of moon rocks, Schmitt was elected U.S. senator from New Mexico. Now chairman of Albuquerque-based Interlune-Intermars Initiative, he is a leading advocate for commercializing the moon.--S.C. Lunar Mining Samples collected in 1969 by Neil Armstrong during the first lunar landing showed that helium-3 concentrations in lunar soil are at least 13 parts per billion (ppb) by weight. Levels may range from 20 to 30 ppb in undisturbed soils. Quantities as small as 20 ppb may seem too trivial to consider. But at a projected value of $40,000 per ounce, 220 pounds of helium-3 would be worth about $141 million. Because the concentration of helium-3 is extremely low, it would be necessary to process large amounts of rock and soil to isolate the material. Digging a patch of lunar surface roughly three-quarters of a square mile to a depth of about 9 ft. should yield about 220 pounds of helium-3--enough to power a city the size of Dallas or Detroit for a year. Although considerable lunar soil would have to be processed, the mining costs would not be high by terrestrial standards. Automated machines might perform the work. Extracting the isotope would not be particularly difficult. Heating and agitation release gases trapped in the soil. As the vapors are cooled to absolute zero, the various gases present sequentially separate out of the mix. In the final step, special membranes would separate helium-3 from ordinary helium. The total estimated cost for fusion development, rocket development and starting lunar operations would be about $15 billion. The International Thermonuclear Reactor Project, with a current estimated cost of $10 billion for a proof-of-concept reactor, is just a small part of the necessary development of tritium-based fusion and does not include the problems of commercialization and waste disposal. The second-generation approach to controlled fusion power involves combining deuterium and helium-3. This reaction produces a high-energy proton (positively charged hydrogen ion) and a helium-4 ion (alpha particle). The most important potential advantage of this fusion reaction for power production as well as other applications lies in its compatibility with the use of electrostatic fields to control fuel ions and the fusion protons. Protons, as positively charged particles, can be converted directly into electricity, through use of solid-state conversion materials as well as other techniques. Potential conversion efficiencies of 70 percent may be possible, as there is no need to convert proton energy to heat in order to drive turbine-powered generators. Fusion power plants operating on deuterium and helium-3 would offer lower capital and operating costs than their competitors due to less technical complexity, higher conversion efficiency, smaller size, the absence of radioactive fuel, no air or water pollution, and only low-level radioactive waste disposal requirements. Recent estimates suggest that about $6 billion in investment capital will be required to develop and construct the first helium-3 fusion power plant. Financial breakeven at today's wholesale electricity prices (5 cents per kilowatt-hour) would occur after five 1000-megawatt plants were on line, replacing old conventional plants or meeting new demand. Now this part I found interesting, about being able to make new rockets like the Saturn V, but with that could carry even more, around 2x as much. So it would be possible to carry materials to the moon with several modernized rockets, or even just a Saturn V itself engineered just for euipment carrying, it can carry 50 tons. I only say this because the game takes place in a time around when they would still be using the Saturn V, but I would be Area 51 has some alien tech. Read that passage if you would like: New Spacecraft Perhaps the most daunting challenge to mining the moon is designing the spacecraft to carry the hardware and crew to the lunar surface. The Apollo Saturn V spacecraft remains the benchmark for a reliable, heavy-lift moon rocket. Capable of lifting 50 tons to the moon, Saturn V's remain the largest spacecraft ever used. In the 40 years since the spacecraft's development, vast improvements in spacecraft technology have occurred. For an investment of about $5 billion it should be possible to develop a modernized Saturn capable of delivering 100-ton payloads to the lunar surface for less than $1500 per pound. Returning to the moon would be a worthwhile pursuit even if obtaining helium-3 were the only goal. But over time the pioneering venture would pay more valuable dividends. Settlements established for helium-3 mining would branch out into other activities that support space exploration. Even with the next generation of Saturns, it will not be economical to lift the massive quantities of oxygen, water and structural materials needed to create permanent human settlements in space. We must acquire the technical skills to extract these vital materials from locally available resources. Mining the moon for helium-3 would offer a unique opportunity to acquire those resources as byproducts. Other opportunities might be possible through the sale of low-cost access to space. These additional, launch-related businesses will include providing services for government-funded lunar and planetary exploration, astronomical observatories, national defense, and long-term, on-call protection from the impacts of asteroids and comets. Space and lunar tourism also will be enabled by the existence of low-cost, highly reliable rockets. With such tremendous business potential, the entrepreneurial private sector should support a return to the moon, this time to stay. For an investment of less than $15 billion--about the same as was required for the 1970s Trans Alaska Pipeline--private enterprise could make permanent habitation on the moon the next chapter in human history. So could this be what went on up there? An private government enterprise went up to the moon to mine for helium 3 to be used as a fuel and nuclear fusion, but instead found the dangerous element 115 and learned of it's power and decided to work with that instead. But careless and uneducated on it, workers became infected and it spread until the whole operation was ruined. What do you guys think?
  16. Nope, you hear him talk in the trailer. Takeo is shown aswell in a clip, but not play, don't know why. And Richtofen has no Golden Rod because he used it to power the Vril Saucer that took them to moon.
  17. Well for starters, proof that this is after Shangri La is if you look in the left bottom corner where it's torn you see part of the Shangri La loading screen. I'm only going to point out the zombies/suspicious stuff, not the adds like learn to draw, and such. So up in the top one from the left, it looks like a cartoon version of a hog, like the kind they had on the carts at Shangri La. Then below, there's one that says, SURPRISE MONKEY, so could there be monkeys, again somewhere on here? Maybe as a surprise since it wasn't in the trailer. Then at the bottom the little statue that says Idle Idol, reminds me of the statues that give you the Ray Gun on little resistance. Then up at the top again, it says control panel. Not sure what it is but maybe related to the Blackbird blueprints of the control panel on Hangar 18, Then below there is obviously the pack a punch machine, no legible text around it. Gun Mule, the new perk is the next ad. And at the bottom of that row there is a picture of the speed cola machine. Then back at the top left, there is what appears to be some sort of disc aircraft, showing a little resemblance to the Avrocar. The big yellow Speed Cola advertisement is next, and it says 'Speed Cola speed up your life!' at the bottom. To the left of it's bottom there is a directors chair, Romero reference? Then, SPACE ICE, not sure what it means but an image of a rocket is below it. Then there's clearly a drawing of the Vril Generator/Golden Rod, and it is labeled, V Device. To the right there's an add for the Thunder Gun, showing an image of one pointed NE. And now this next one below it was really strange to me, GAMMA RAY SPECS, so glasses that shoot laser beams? Didn't see those in the trailer And lastly an astronaut leaping away and what appears to be discs titled as USED DATA TAPES, perhaps these are the new radios? And then the bottom in orange says ------ Fudgely Co. the ----- is because Treyarch conveniantly put their symbol to block out the first word. Then the image which has already been noted, contains a spacecraft with an overview of the base with a shadow showing Sam holding her Teddy. Then below there is clearly an Aztec temple on the moon, HOW?! Maybe the Vril Ya teleporters are responsible. With 4 astronauts, 3 in a ditch on above moving along to the base. Then the last image shows the crashed craft, likely a saucer, because it couldn't be a re-entry capsule, be it isn't re-entering derp. Just a compilation of my observations.
  18. I would really doubt that. They took the saucer from Area 51 to the Moon, so why they would come back in a lander doesn't seem right. And how could he have taken the saucer if he didn't have the generator yet? I think that the maps are all in order, but there are unknown events in between. There's NO WAY they get to Ascension directly from Kino IMO. Ascension to CotD seems more plausible because both are Russian outposts. Though I know Moon is after Shangri La, you can see SL's loading screen behind it.
  19. Will we have a limited time we can spend in space, because outside of the base where there is no oxygen and space suits can only hold so much, maybe 30 minutes max. And also I noticed that there is 1 room you wouldn't need a space suit in, that giant dome. I believe their helmets were off in there, because that's actually a giant greenhouse with the trees in there. They're being very realistic to include an aspect such as that so it wouldn't surprise me if they were stricter in other things aswell. Another thing, wasn't the Bagger 288(or as most know it, the giant saw thingy) could it be that you can control it? Because it could be seen digging from 1 and then shown on another position on its axis later, so could it perhaps have something to do with an easter egg? Maybe you have to dig something up or something. And in that picture of the loading screen, I really hope that's a saucer because a typical re-entry capsule cannot land on the moon like earth, since the parachutes can't create drag since no oxygen is in space. And who's the new guy? its not Nikolai, Tank or Takeo, unless Tank or Takeo got a nice haircut. And Richtofen is blonde. And the last thing, what's with that little red light on Der Riese, someone posted a picture about and I noticed that too. Could it be part of an EE or is it just Porter's X2 shots...
  20. That's Eleanor Cross, the lady who says the numbers
  21. thanks. Anybody know how to take a blown up pic from Mac Preview to the internet?
  22. I swear the guy in the picture for Rezurrection is holding one, does that mean it will be added or is it just a tease like the attachments on guns in CotD trailer?
  23. Wait just came to my mind, what if it's in the future and people that don't know about past events, mine the moon for it's resources, and turn due to massive over exposure. And the crew teleports in time to the moon and is stuck fighting off a ravenous horde of zombichz.
  24. Now there's another picture where one has a circle logo, and there's a little red x in a doorway. I can't post it, but it's that one with the ozmbies running that room with circular doorways and containers stacekd to the right? take a look.
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