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Everything posted by ZeMrDark

  1. Oh that!! Yes.. I know what you're referring to.. as you're getting closer to completion it triggers a new vox.. The computer states system over load followed by yuri saying, "You're almost there, hurry!!" And power critical or what ever... Maybe you do need to get it to a POINT then investigate BEFORE you set him free...
  2. I think it's just late and Im tired.. but im unclear what you mean? Do you mean STOP SHOOTING BEFORE it overloads? So that way the power isn't destroyed but brought to JUST the right lvl, as maybe the power is used for other things as well?
  3. Well the way that Trey has designed the COD campaigns.. they are deep and rich with story, the cut scenes are always amazing and imperative to the story... Now imagine taking the same linear design of the COD games (campaign) and recreated from the beginning of when the experiments with 115 went wrong, our placement into the game and playing directly thru the story of what occured... When we find clues such as audio and video files, they cut to scene for a cinematic that gives us a visual of everything we;ve already learned and more.. It would be phenominal and I certainly would pay 59.99 for a copy of Nazi Zombies by Treyarch if it were a full campaign with the same multiplayer capabilities as they stand... Obviously with the depth they could create it as a series, Nazi Zombies Veruk+im a tired and am forgetting the name / Nazi Zombies 2 Der Reise+Shino / Nazi Zombies 3 Kino+Ascen (Five fits no where, I never wanna play as Nixon again)
  4. ZeMrDark

    Fly Trap

    I'd agree.. except the audio files that continue and how it directly involves a now present character in the story and experiments in 115... If it were irrelevant, then they completly mislead the community and Treyarch knows and respects the communities existance.. I doubt they'd intend to EVER mislead us in the story in anyway... as the structure of the story so far put together by them is also important to them.
  5. It's not confirmed.. but it's solid speculation and completly possible... but I'm not sure... One thing I'll be pissed about is if Samantha is NEVER seen nor killed in any map... This all HAS to have a conclusion at some point, personally.. I'd like for them to release a campaign that follows thru this entire story... Co-Op campaign... who wouldn't love that?! It would EASILY be the next Resident Evil..... and THEN SOME
  6. Well lets, see words with oo in it... Mooo? Loon? Spoon? to many letters.. Roof? Woof? Wool? .. hmm I dunno, maybe if I focus on a few things, like the word luna as an easter egg... or the large moon with the supposed paw print... Nah I got nothing, no idea what it could spell? Hahaha... Guy, it's Moon... Keep in mind, Unless it's sam saying Booo!! or Fluffy saying Woof! It's moon...
  7. A week ago I tried that Elm, nothing occured.. less maybe i tonly works on a specific lander, again refering to loc leading to the action of the function "black hole/hold" ? I tried it on the one by PHD Flopper... tried it pre-easter egg though... *shrugs* EDIT: What if you cooked the gersch, and thru it infront of the flight path of the lander, while on it..?
  8. Winters Howl is a great weapon, but it's only consistant for so long.. if you played it on the clasisc maps ported to Black Ops you'll find it IS veyr worthless after a period of time, other than to help escape... However, when it's upgraded, it's a phenominal weapon to freeze and destroy a mass of zombeis.. think Thundergun, except instead of blowing them backwards and knocking them to the walls and floor, it freezes them in place and they shatter.. good gun IMO.. wish it had been better placed...
  9. Good assumption, give it a whirl!! update us pls.. as that should be easy, you could get the gersch by round 4 or 5 hahaha.. Should be an easy test!!
  10. Seeing how no one is around to be alive, the code would have been to protect from unauthorized personel from using it, implying it's either access to a top seceret area or highly destructive item and in the case of an emergency as everyone is being turned into zombies, it would have been used as a last resort to escape or kill the zombies.. In either way, the person was either dying and needed to escape for help implying he/she may have been bleeding out, leading to lighter to darker OR It was a last stand attempt, meaning the person probably already took personal damage, again bleeding light to dark.. As why would someone type the code in to get away from a clearly unsurvived zombie map.. Logic would best say, Lighter to Darker... Treyarch may be clever, but I don't think they would have put as much thought into creating that clever of an egg.. "Lets make it so it's actually someone just killed a zombie and as they type th ecode the blood wears off the hand..." As those sort of complex thoughts would have bred other complexing easter eggs, and from what I see... easter eggs in this came have never been that complex, just interesting...
  11. follow up, not sure what they use "loc" for... I'd need to read more of that code jap posted.. but, in many games loc is actually for determing location, such as a lot of games you could open a console to, or had open source capabilties by entering in the command .loc you would be given a grid coordinate, such as 100.300.230 / A.B.C A + B = Long/Lat, C = Elevation Not sure if this is relevant but, thats what I've observed from previous games in my time..
  12. I see where you're going with this, the questions is, is it time sensitive to certain steps, or sensitive to certain areas... Good looks..
  13. That script still proves nothing, as hitsam and hyena are still irellevant.. despite the arguing of code, it's already been explained by multiple people now that hitsam and hyena are placeholders for a so for inactive item, if you scroll thru you find the place holders for the teddies and the dolls as well as what occurs when you activate all of them, play vox(audio file).... which have NOTHING to do with hitsam and hyena.. if anything now having read thru that, it still furthers the idea of an upcoming hotfix or patch.. You also see the script involving Luna and what occurs post spelling, samanthat angry vox and the minigun powerup... Hyena and hitsam are not explained in there.... So japattack... you may as well have put the bible infront of us and never read it, then saying.. "This proves god doesn't exist, so stop your faith"... L2RD the structure of C++ / Java and many of the more unique forms of HTML and you'll easily discern that posting the script explains nothing, that we already knew.. Hitsam and Hyena are left in question whilst the steps to the minigun are clear as day... Ty ;)
  14. It does.. but that doesnt negate the fact that the match making sucks... takes forever and then I gotta back out 70% of the time to avoid bad players..
  15. Because the poster also advertises the Zombie Game period.. The DG2 is available in LE Copies of Black Ops... and is able to be copied.. So ya, there.. :P
  16. Thats speculated but not proven, much so possible.. I can see Treyarch now... "ZOMG ZERO G ZOMBIE BODIES!!! COOLEST IDEA EVER"
  17. I understand your logic and it's reasonable i just want an explanation.. As from what I see, (h,i,t,s,a,m) is not HIT = (s,a,m) each leader being associated with a bear. HIT being the operative for Hold X, let alone with the Dolls, that would mean it would have to be (h,i,t,h,y,e,n,a) as in order to active the dolls you also have to hold X... Why would the developers create multiple strings of code that all mean the same thing, Hit X... in which case for reloading windows, it would also be a string that followed with 'if' representing when a window piece is missing, then 'hit' to replace window followed by a code to activate the graphic to demonstrate the wood raising and being replaced. Or even if your theory is right we still have l,u,n,a.. I understand the line before it says passkey, so to spell.. meaning very much so that spelling Hyena and Hitsam is not possible less, it's in reference to 'if' luna is spelt, then h,i,t,s,a,m and or h,y,n,e,a ... Im not doubting you, but code has logic and it is illogical sounding, as if it were teddies it should JUST be S,A,M Unless Both H and I are associated with one Teddy T and S another and the 3rd A and M, which that would be plausible... My goal is to understand your conclusion, as i see 0 relation..
  18. Well look at it this way, regardless to rolling restarts on boards... if you stop playing Zombies someone WILL pass you.. such as.. If you make it to 36 and rank 1,444 you grow weary of zombies not making it beyond 36 so you stop playing for 2 weeks. With in two weeks it's conceivable, that neary 600 players or more could pass or reach that level with more points.. Lowering your rank to 2,044+ Maybe 3,000 players beat you.. 4,444 Maybe 10,000 11,444... Restarts or not, unless you play with intentions of reaching rank 1-20, you're going to lose rank every day you DO NOT play... So restart or not, your # goes down and you have to work for it again and again and again and again.. I've played way to many games that had rolling restarts Annually, and or Quarterly... Due to possible glitching, hacking and also to maintain the competitive nature of the player.. but obviously this isn't the case I just wish the boards or player cards broke down more.. Such as precision, fav weapon, kills, K/D Ratio... etc etc etc... As I've played with random players that according to the leader board made it to 22-23... come to find out, the # meant nothing as they happen to be with a group that didn't mind picking them up 32 times :/
  19. There are 4 dolls.... explain how you came to the conclusion as each line of text is similar to the other minus spelling, beyond that I see 0 relation to teddies or laughing..??
  20. What kind of friends are those? Pfft... they don't play Zombies.. sounds like a bunch of losers.. You better find new friends!! Hahaha!! Interesting find though.. When a game is designed with redundant items to be used for aesthetic purposes, they usually hold the same physical properties thru out a game. With Treyarchs knowledge of us always scouring for clues, I doubt that would be an oversight... It could be related to something, or it could be an oversight.. We'll certainly have to evaluate that as a possibility leading to SOMETHING.. but what? Unsure... the theory of the DM I like it, the reason being that if the makers assumed you may have the possibility of playing whilst in the midst of a round of zombies, it would be considered a challenge to get to that point of the map while on the complete opposite side.. Of course NOW knowing that we do NOT need all these upgraded weapons to complete the steps, maybe you also do not need 4 people to destroy the gersch @ once.. maybe one can stand by the Lander near the sickle and summon people the instant it occurs.. reducing the time it would have taken to run there... Hmm... I like this..
  21. Im not familiar with the groups cipher.. But it doesn't look Russian... the papers are the research papers from GK, but that piece you zoomed in on is a small scrap of something clearly completely different, the means to determine if it's just aesthetic or relative, is to determine if the same exact graphic is used in the locations of the other strewn papers.. if you find DIFFERENT symbols, or different order to the symbols, or NO symbole it may be relative, if you find the SAME in other paper stacks, then it's just a graphic used to add to the scenery..
  22. To shoot the winged beast?
  23. WIsh I had time to play, but it's 7:11am where I am and i JUST got home from work not long ago, need sleep :(
  24. Pad First.. but here's a question, as I never bothered to check... is the glowing orb near claymore there BEFORE you spell luna or after? Hyena and Hitsam.. what if you spelt one of those instead, would the orb appear and if so, when you destroy the gersch's then.. would it end with a different result? I dunno.. im tired.. *shrugs*
  25. Keep us posted! Could be in relation to step 7 or 8 ... or Could be completely different and new.. such as the radios and phones are of their own easter egg.. Either way if it ends up being a find, then good looks!! :)
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