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About Steve737

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  1. You can still repair windows. The X button still works.
  2. In the code that someone posted, it said something along the lines of "If damage > 9000, then xxx" It didn't say anything about a range, just > 9000.
  3. The battery upstairs in the starting room is also next to a teddy bear with a scythe. You didn't activate the battery, you activated the teddy bear. There are a total of 3, which play the hidden song.
  4. I'm sure I'm going to get negative repped for this, but does anyone else feel kinda let down by Ascension? Other than the music easter egg, that's all there is, if you play single player. I don't play with others because I can never find a good lobby, I always get stuck with someone trying out split-screen or people without mics. Srsly, I think I've only been put in a good lobby once, and even then it was 3 people talking and trying stuff, the 4th didn't have a mic and kept going the wrong ways, going alone. I don't suck at Zombies, just wish Treyarch wouldn't have made the big easter egg a 4-player only thing. Commence flames in 3...2...1...GO!!!!!
  5. Error All stances (standing & crouching) disallowed for ?????? player. What's that other word?
  6. I need to starting adding some of you guys. There is only so much I can do playing singleplayer, and I always get stuck with randoms who never use their mics.
  7. How many traps are there in Kino? 1) Fire pit 2) Turret on stage 3) Turret in MP40 room 4) Electric in starting room 5) Electric in upstairs meteor room 6) Electric in picture room 7) Electric in dressing room Am I forgetting any?
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