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Everything posted by mohawklogan

  1. [brains] is what u get i have noticed this to thought the same thing as you :ugeek:
  2. [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] x 1000 is wht u deserve hurray for proof tht edward is richtofen
  3. mikeh i cracked the code its the numbers in black ops wean u go to numbers and press pause the numbers show up theres 50 numbers 50 letters
  4. the farthest i got was round 19 with alsomedude2 and sum random people but im hoping theres going to be a patch soon becuse im sik of the game saying i sighnd out wean i didnt its very anoying :ugeek:
  5. well then i guess that wouldent really count then would what about your high round no glitches
  6. qctually thats not roebuck its tank nikolia fichtofen and takeo but there another 1 there just sillhuet tho i wonder who it is u can find them at kino to :ugeek:
  7. But couldn't she have manifested in some way, shape, or form after exposure to the teleporters? I mean, I'm only guessing this because Der Riese seems to hint that the usage of those teleporters yields supernatural entities....kind of like how, in Doom 3, creatures from Hell attacked Mars because of the UAC's experimentation with teleportation devices. yes i guess that is possible
  8. i really dont think it could be samantha becuse she was killed by a hell hound so would she not have been just bones you know what probely not bones unless the fact becuse the hellhound was fluffy it could of gone thru some flash back thing and not of killed her but maybe she still killed dr.m becuse he put her in the teleporter :?: :ugeek:
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