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Everything posted by Tac

  1. I thought for a while that it was an explosion, and then I looked at number 8 again and realized it was a skull and spine. I still believe the bottom image is the Moon, but who knows, maybe it's a top-down image of the same skull.
  2. Welcome to the site, if you have any questions please be sure to ask!
  3. I think if we're going to a location we've already been to, there will be minimal overlap. If they redid Der Riese, I'm sure there would be a lot of new areas that maybe we couldn't access before or something like that.
  4. Dempsey most likely didn't have a handler since we wasn't a spy, as they're the only ones you have agent handlers. But yeah, Pernell was Peter's handler and oversaw his stay with Group 935. I believe there's more to him than meets the eye, but that's for another day
  5. Not perfect, but certainly close. Good correlation!
  6. Here are the limericks regarding Smokey and John Banana from the Dreamland Server that @PINNAZ mentioned. Here's the radio regarding Tank Dempsey as the captured spy. Here's the document describing Tank as the leader of a group to retrieve Peter McCain. So this is just the evidence laying out what @PINNAZ pointed out. Is there anything else that we absolutely know about Verruckt? There's not much for me to include about the wall writings, that's more for @PINNAZ's Library I think.
  7. Reached 4000 posts! Woop!

    1. Electric Jesus

      Electric Jesus

      Congrats, you never fail to bring quality and quantity!

  8. Please please please don't call the bus driver TEDD, don't want newer members to think that name is legitimate somehow What wall on Ascension are you referring to? This image below? It's actually a famous monument in Russia, known as the Monument to the Conquerors of Space, as @MixMasterNut found.
  9. There's Smokey, John Banana, Tank Dempsey, and at least two more individuals. Tank Dempsey was captured and then we assume the other four fought off Zombies. Smokey was killed at some point, and we aren't sure if it's before or after we begin playing, and I suppose we'll never really know.
  10. June 24th, 1938 is actually the Chicora Meteor Event in Pennsylvania. These are all the writings from the wall:
  11. The word "alternate" is all relative. Origins would be in an alternate reality to Ascension, or Der Riese, or Nacht der Untoten, just as all the other maps are in an alternate reality to something else. You'd have to figure out what reality each one is in to figure out if they're even alternate, like Ascension and Origins may be different, but there may just be an alternate reality for each map, which at that point the story is as pointless as if it was all a dream. In my opinion, they're all in the same reality.
  12. This is all assuming that the date on the document actually pertains to the explosion, which we do not know. Keep that in mind. It very well may have nothing to do with Johnston Island at all.
  13. Tac

    Hello zk

    Welcome to the site, we're glad to have you! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask
  14. Do I believe that Nacht der Untoten is in Germany? Absolutely. But we don't have sufficient evidence to say that it is without a doubt, so we won't. I'll add the Level One Knowledge for Nacht in a little while, but unless anyone else has something to add, let's move to Verruckt! We know the map takes place in September of 1945, between the 10th and 20th, at the Wittenau Sanatorium in Berlin, Germany.
  15. Looks great guys, keep up the good work!
  16. Granted, no. We don't know, so I suppose it isn't knowledge, per say. Thanks!! So we could say that x amount of them died while 4 survived, if we believe these people are from the crashed plane. I want to make sure everyone is comfortable counting this as Level 1 knowledge, even though it goes against the definition we set out. Can anyone pose a good reason not to include it as such?
  17. Taken from another thread, I have to admit the similarities in the two images below. Obviously the collar is off, the the hair and cheeks match pretty well. I don't know who it is, it could be so many people... I wonder if we'll ever know haha!
  18. @FatedTitan That's probably for the best. So for Nacht der Untoten, there was a plane crash that resulted in four unnamed Marines to take refuge in a World War II bunker. We know this because the man laying on the ground is disoriented, so we can infer that he was part of the crash. There's Nazi vehicles and logos everywhere, and the DICE presentation stated "World War II bunker" so World War II is likely the time period, probably in Germany. I'm unsure if there's much else to be noted about Nacht der Untoten haha. At some point we can address if they're the same as Verruckt's soldiers, but that's for another time. @Nightmare Voyager, hopefully man! This is to find out a lot of stuff
  19. Tac


    Haha that would be awesome, I would love that. Maybe a little screen comes up that shows the songs and you can scroll, but you don't have to be next to the machine when scrolling.
  20. Post reserved for Origins version
  21. If you can I would appreciate it. I trust you, but the end of the file name says "mex" which could be the Mexican referenced in Call of the Dead, so because this is a big revelation, we need to be sure the file name is correct.
  22. Hey fellow zombie lovers, Tac here with what I believe to be an incredibly important undertaking. If you noticed the title, there’s a few things I need to point out. “They Are, They Exist” is taking a page out of the book of Rene Descartes, in which he goes through the process of doubting everything he believes in order to rebuild and find things that are absolutely true. He says that anything which can be doubted, even in the slightest, is not knowledge and therefore can not be counted. Knowledge, to him, is when it’s indubitable and can not be doubted. While I’m referring to the zombies in the title, the first piece of knowledge he finds is that he existed, which he puts as “I am, I exist”. The very goal of this thread, of this project, is to find everything about zombies that is certain and can not be doubted. This knowledge could be anything from dates to character information that are obtained in various ways, either through quotes, terminal information, and the like to create this list. I ask that you please put something that you believe we can take as absolutely certain and we will put it to the test by seeing if there’s absolutely anything that allows doubt to seep into that belief. If no such thing is found, the belief will be added, which we’d now call a fact. Remember how I said Descartes found that he existed? Well that knowledge, or absolute truth, was something that he used to build further beliefs on. We will do the same thing. Over time, we will branch out and once we find zombies knowledge, we will extend the list to things we are almost certain of, using reason and the facts. You can think of the facts as level one knowledge, in which it’s certain, and the farther out we increase, i.e. levels two, three, etc., the less certain we are of it. We, as a community can decide the cut off level as the time approaches, but let us start with level one knowledge. I want this to serve as a bibliography of sorts, and a great resource for everyone interested in the Zombies Storyline. Level One Knowledge Level Two Knowledge Level Three Knowledge Level One Knowledge Level Two Knowledge Level Three Knowledge Level One Knowledge Level Two Knowledge Level Three Knowledge
  23. I think you two are talking about entirely different things, by the way. That file name you posted, @Nightmare Voyager, is for the empty picture from Kino? Where did you find the file name, do you have the PC version?
  24. Research and Development is awesome, I love that. Good one @GRILL, this is why I love you <3
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