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Everything posted by Tac

  1. In Der Riese, Kino, and Shangri-La, he has the same cut under his right eye. He has a new cut on his left cheek in Ascension
  2. I seen double tap. No way? So that leaves PhD Flopper, so maybe no new perk?
  3. well actually its a mix of different clips, i think the first person clip is from takeos pespective, showing richofen, but then if this is richtofen showing ricthofen showing ricthofen... Richtofception! It's tank by the looks of things, looks like clean hands, takeo has bandages round his. But Richtofception, oh wow, this has to be made. Idk, that just didn't make sense to me, but of course, I make a thread and get trolled on it. But anyways, Stamin-Up is back, I think I saw Jug and Speed Cola somewhere, I remember QR, and deadshot as said
  4. Tac

    TWO Richtofen's?

    Ya because that's always f***ing necessary.
  5. I'm not sure if anyone caught this, but in the "In The Jungle" trailer, they show Richtofen talking while going down the minecart and he's got an MPL I think, then they switch to first-person view, and Richtofen is on the ground with an M16, then they switch back to Richtofen thrid person on the minecart and he has his MPL. Maybe THIS is what the stone does! Because I don't think they would do that on accident. Z34RTO2BKM4 Skip to 1:10
  6. well actually its a mix of different clips, i think the first person clip is from takeos pespective, showing richofen, but then if this is richtofen showing ricthofen showing ricthofen... Richtofception! They show Richtofen on the cart talking, switch to first-person, you see Richtofen on the ground, then they switch back to Richtofen on the cart
  7. No he hasn't, I already checked Alpha's thread has two clear pics of Richtofen in S-L. If you meant in Der Riese just google Richtofen in Der Riese and you will see it. He has a clear cut or scar under his right eye. Ya but the one on Ascension is his left cheek
  8. Also, in the jungle trailer, they show Richtofen riding the cart, then first-person shooting from the cart, but Richtofen is on the cart :P
  9. I agree, they look great. But it is the apple, Vahn was even making a floating motion with his hands.
  10. Lol I was the first person to call it, great times.
  11. He said they will sneak Annihilation in there, so because he said that map pack in general, its safe to assume it will include Shangri-La
  12. Check my reply on the other thread this is in, and that must be why Maxis stopped with the dg2
  13. Hey, that facepalm isn't necessary. He might have been gone for a while or just wasn't aware.
  14. Well they could have, and I believe they did, but it doesn't explain their clothing.
  15. Well we dont know that those zombies are round specific eitheR
  16. You have the right idea, and it was a black ops Shi no Numa radio, but that's a very strong possibility.
  17. Haven't a clue what it does, but according to Richtofen's quotes in CoTD, he plans to rule world.
  18. Actually, it's 31-79 JGb215 In 1337, or leet (what he described as letter form) The gun's name would be what he said. Its regular name is 31-79 JGb215, however. I didn't catch the leet speak analogy, my apologies.
  19. GASP! Gosh darned I love Zombies. So do you think that the minecart could be part of the egg?
  20. Sorry, this was the first time I saw the thread, thought it was new. Didn't look at the date. I = :facepalm:
  21. Other than the Shangri-la part, I am having trouble seeing the connection between the motor and the stone.
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