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Everything posted by Zslayer

  1. I dont mind watching it tbh, it just makes me want it more
  2. Im Playing the best game ever called...... REALITY
  3. Those crawlers look really wierd [brains] for you
  4. Don't know, that apparently what everyone thinks its called though
  5. Waw will probably keep 30,000 players like mw1 did when mw2 came out
  6. Thank you! Also, there is no proof that 115 caused the zombies in WaW! Only proof that it is in the game and also that it is in the guns like the wunderwaffle. Maybe the virus cause the nazi zombies too? Discuss! 115 would only cause it through direct contact, Ebola could spread through the air
  7. Class one Primary: Car-15 commando Secondary: Crossbow Perk 1: Hardline Perk 2: Slight Of Hand Perk 3: Ninja Class 2 Primary: Mp5k Secondary: Markov Perk 1: Scavenger Perk 2: Lightweight Perk 3: Marathon Class 3 Primary: Famas Secondary: Ballistic Knife Perk 1: Scavenger Perk 2: Slight of Hand Perk 3: Ninja
  8. Hes just back to focusing on black ops, cause he was talking about waw all day Co-op will be revealed sometime in october, or at the latest november 2
  9. Are you saying that an opinion cant be argued against?
  10. Even if they did fix the ump, you would start complaing about the new strongest gun, thats just how it works, The ump is simply the best in its class, Iw isnt going to fix it. Ex: After the 1887's were patched, everyone started complaining about the spas-12 and the AA-12 Its just proof that you just cant take dying by it so many times, quit complaing, it's a video game, why not just use it and annoy everyone else for a change?
  11. Thanks, glad to see theres one nice guy here ;)
  12. Hate: One Man Army Noobtubers Commando Scrambler Thermal SnD Hardcore Headquarters Spawn System Fuel Storm OverGrown Strike Underpass Likes: Everything else
  13. O.o theres still boosters? Blashphemy! I thought i got rid of them all
  14. Whats up, suprised how long a waited for the activation link
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