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Everything posted by AlphaSnake

  1. Did you mean this:- I heard some where that HAARP ties into MKULTRA and mind control ala GKNOVA6 documents. Regards Alpha.
  2. My guess on the crystal is that they were experimenting in resonance frequency technology. They would direct a resonance frequency specfically tuned to the target frequency and would literally vibrate you into your base molecules, just as if they had turned to vapour. The best example of this sort of weapon would be from War of the Worlds, as the Tripods evaporate their targets. Scary stuff I think you'll agree. Regards Alpha. Also:- Oscillation Destruction Devices, I'm sure Mythbusters tried this on a bridge once. I think it was one of Teslas devices not 100% on that though. I'm sure as well that HAARP conspiracies would tie into this.
  3. The Brotherhood of Death 322:- Origins Author’s notes:- To be honest I don’t really have a clue where to start on this project. All I know for now is that I have a desire to put finger to key and type this down. For the last few years I have been obsessed with occult conspiracies of our world. Most of all the Nazi German occult conspiracies of both history and fiction. To that end I would like to base this off a conspiracy that involved many weird and horrifying experiments that could have been a reality. Of course this story is a work of fiction, so anything is possible. Prologue:- June 30, 1908 07:14 am, Russia, the skies over the Tunguska forest:- It was a cold crisp summer morning; a bitter northern wind swept the forest gently swaying the great pines, it was the kind of wind that chills you to your very core. Petra was out hunting in the forest, he didn’t mind the cold, he liked to hunt, nothing more than he needed, he respected the forest as it was his means of survival, he felt blessed that he had a life of simplicity. Alone in the forest free to do as he wished, not like those crowded cities full of smog and people to busy to look you in the eye as they bumped you out of the way. Life was good Petra thought to himself with a smug sense of satisfaction. Petra walked lightly down a well beaten hunting trail he’d used hundreds of times, treading lightly not to break any small twigs and alert any near by game. Petra only ever hunted with his grandfather’s old bow & arrow; he also carried a well balanced hunter’s axe, razor shape and ready to cleave at any wounded prey he might snare. As he crept silently down the trail; a flash of brown and white in the foliage caught his eye at the corner. Instinctively he froze, he slowly swept his bow along the tree line, not thirty yards ahead of him was a fully grown stag, it was staring right at him frozen in terror or so Petra thought to himself. He pulled the bow into striking position and aimed for the stag’s heart, he breathed deep and prepared to loose his arrow into the mighty stag. Just as he was about to release he felt a strange rumbling beneath his feet, turning wildly looking in all directions surprised by this unexpected event, he looked up in the sky. A deafening roar was upon him, Petra was terrified, and he did not know what on earth was going on. Just as he thought his eardrums would burst under the almighty noise which quickly became a screeching noise like nothing he had ever heard in his entire life, he looked to the sky once more, this time there was a streak of fire in the sky moving faster that any object he had witnessed before. Standing upright in amazement he had forgotten the pain caused by the noise. All of a sudden the object exploded into a massive fireball sending out shockwaves in all directions. Petra was thrown from the trail, twenty maybe thirty feet backwards into the forest. Dazed and confused Petra tried to get to his feet. As he was regaining his balance, debris from the explosion started to rain down all around him, he turned and ran as fasts as his legs would carry him. Dodging in different directions as debris fell into his path; all the trees of the forest had been totally flattened by the blast and blocked his path at every turn. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw a piece maybe six feet wide heading right for him. He dived and rolled to his left barely clearing the path of the falling rock which impacted seconds later with tremendous force, Petra blackout as the situation took its toll on his frail body and mind. Petra awoke to strange glow and a deep humming sound, he had no idea of how much time had passed, it was night already and the full moon was high in the star filled sky. Petra rolled over to try and prop himself up so he could get a better look at his surroundings. The forest was completely destroyed. The glow was emanating from the fragment that almost killed him, he approached the fragment, he felt warm in its presence the humming was deep in his chest, pulsing slowly. He reached out to touch the rock, just as he was about to make contact he was suddenly thrown back with a sharp pain to his ribs, he just had enough time to see a military officer dressed in a black and red uniform with a strange symbols he’d never seen before, a boot smashed into the side of his head and his vision blurred to almost complete blackness, the pain almost knocked Petra out clean. “Pick that piece of shit up, and shoot him in the head,” Said the dark figure that had kicked him in the ribs. Petra started at the words, but he had no time to react, the soldier executed his orders without a second thought, mechanically reacting to the order to kill. The soldiers aim was good; Petra’s life was over in a split second as the bullet did its work. “Colonel Vostavic, prepare the sample for transport, leave that poor bastard to the forest, or what’s left of it, the wolves and carrion will take care of him now. Comrades, it time to rap this up and move out.” “Polenski, contact high command, tell them we have a surprise for them” Said the menacing figure, as he circled the meteorite fragment illuminated by the ember like glow of their discovery. The light seemed to make him almost demonic looking in the carnage of the destroyed forest. “Doctor, all readings are above the requested specifications.” Polenski bark across the scene. “Excellent, this should do very nicely for what we have planned; tell them the item has been obtained.” The doctor turned and walked back to the truck” The remaining soldiers loaded up as many of the fragments as they could find and set off back down the trail they had cut in the chaos of the destroyed forest. Chapter One:- The Giant Rising 32 years later, 1940 Germany, the Reichstag. “Sir, an update from the tech guys at research and development has just arrived, it’s coded urgent. Get this to Dr. Mortis as soon as possible.” Said the radio operator who was manning the Morse code station, a clerk took the message and ran off down the corridor at pace. Dr. Mortis was in his lab as always, he was heading the Nazi occult science unit, tagged with the responsibility of winning the war by all means necessary. The project was code named “The Giant”. Dr. Mortis looked at the papers covering his desk and let out a loud sigh, he was stumped. With no way to replicate the rare meteorite element, his research could go no further. He needed a miracle if he was to deliver on his promises of advancements of the likes which the world had never seen. Himmler was a beast of a task master and demanded regular breakthroughs; he always sent that dog of his Kammler to enforce his will, “God I hate that bastard” Mortis said aloud not even realizing he had done so. He was tired, he hadn’t slept well for months, and he was missing his family. A knock at the door tore him from his daydreams of home and back into cold hard reality, “Enter” He said with the authority of his military rank, he was a colonel, but he preferred doctor over his token military rank. The clerk entered into the room and saluted, “Sir, message from the project has arrived”. “Very well, leave it on the desk and return to your station” Mortis gestured towards his desk, the clerk did as he was told and left Mortis to view the document in privacy. Dr. Mortis scanned the message, his eyes drawn to the urgent message stamped on the top left corner. He picked it up and started to read the communication. “Doctor we have acquired what we seek, please would you join us at the facility as soon as possible. End of transmission”. Could it be? Mortis thought to himself, He grabbed his cloak and case and left for the motor pool, it was time for the giant to rise. Mortis headed for his secret facility as fast as he could. There was a storm raging over head. The rain was coming down fast; the road was more like a river making driving conditions difficult. On several occasions Dr. Mortis thought he wasn’t going to make it to his destination. Typical, all these years waiting for this moment, it was just like destiny to have him die on the road to what could only be described as the greatest discovery of all mankind. He felt his excitement building in anticipation of his arrival; he could finally deliver on his promises to the high commander. Those fools, little did they know what they had in their grasp, he thought wryly to himself. “I’ll win this war if it kills me” he whispered to himself. This got a curious look from his driver. “Watch the damned road you idiot” Mortis cried, “You’ll have me dead on this bloody road! How far out are we?” Mortis questioned nervously. “About an hour, Sir” the drive said cautiously. “Well then, I think I shall close my eye for a moment, wake me when we are almost to the facility, I don’t want to arrive half wake now, do I?” Said Mortis with an air of sarcasms, “No sir” replied the driver. Mortis closed his eyes and was quickly gripped by an overwhelming urge to sleep. The driver was glad that his passenger had finally drifted off to sleep, this doctor made him very nervous. He was part of that ss group, and there were all kinds of rumors about what went on at the facility he was going too. There was this one doctor called Edward in particular that freaked him out. He promised himself to make as quick an exit as possible and get back to his comfortable barracks back at head quarters. “Sir, we have arrived” Said the driver while poking Mortis in the arm. Mortis opened his eyes and yawned “Good, about time I have important work to begin”. “Yes sir” the driver said not wanting to prolong any conversation with the creepy doctor. They approached the facility’s main gates, watch towers stood either sided with heavily armed soldiers casting a watchful eye on the new arrivals. The perimeter fence was electrified and the place had a menace all of its own. It was still raining and the storm was getting worse. Lightening lit the scene for a split second quickly follow by a crack of thunder that made the ground tremble. They pulled up to the main barricade just in front of two very heavy iron doors that made up the entry to the motor pool courtyard. “Papers, please” Said the guard as he shined his torch into the driver’s eyes. Mortis leaned forward to reveal himself to the guard. Once the guard saw Dr. Mortis he instantly recognized him. “Sorry colonel, I didn’t see you there. No need for paper sir. Open the gates” cried the guard, and with that the iron gates silently opened out so they could continue inside the courtyard. They slowly drove between the two giant gate, Dr. Mortis watched the gates close silently behind them. The courtyard was filled with mud from the passing of vehicles from the courtyard coupled with the heavy rain. Dr. Mortis used his briefcase to shelter from the torrents of wind & rain, he made his way over to the main entrance of the facility which was mostly underground in an old mine which had been converted for wartime uses. Above the heavy iron doors was a plaque which read "Waffenfabrik Der Riese", Dr. Mortis marvelled at the speed at which the factory had been built. He stood before a new machine with several researchers in a heated conversation over details pertaining to the device they we're working on. Dr. Mortis hadn't noticed the approach of Hans Kammler, "Shouldn't we be paying attention to our own work Dr. Mortis?" Kammler said making Dr. Mortis jump with fright, he didn't like Kammler at the best of times, "You Pig" he thought to himself as he regained his composure. "The others are waiting for you in Dr. Maxis office" Hans chuckled and slapped Dr. Mortis on the shoulder, "We are about to make history my old friend, I would have thought you of all people would be happy to know this" Hans said with pride. "We shall see" Snorted Dr. Mortis as he headed towards Dr. Maxis office. When Dr. Mortis arrived at Dr. Maxis office it was empty, the soldier guarding the door pointed Dr. Mortis to the meeting hall, where Dr. Maxis was to make a speech. Dr. Mortis grumbled to himself annoyed by the fact he would be seen entering late. He knew Hitler himself could be present as this discovery could very well win the war if they played their cards right. Dr. Mortis peaked around the door to the meeting hall and the lights had already been lowered and there was a spotlight centered on Dr. Maxis as he was about to begin his anouncement, Dr. Mortis breathed a sigh of relief as his entry would go undetected, he made his way swiftly to an empty seat near the back of the room. "Gentleman, Allow me to take this opportunity to welcome you into group nine three five. This is a prestigious moment in the history of our race for you represents the future of technological advancement. You are the pioneers of human discovery. In your hands lies the destiny of mankind. In our hands is a great power and with that power comes a price. You have volunteered to be part of this great experiment and with that decision comes the responsibility of absolute secrecy. No one is to know what you do where you work what our research has discovered or what our purpose will be. You will have no further contact with your governments or your families. Your decision to fully dedicate your lives to group nine three five is absolute. In your lockers you will find your field ops manual which will direct you should our manifest get compromised. We cannot afford to let this power fall into the wrong hands and therefore the field ops manual should be considered your bible. Make your preparations now, a new dawn is beginning for mankind." Said Dr. Maxis, the man had such a presence that the audience watched and listen in absolute silence, before erupting in cheers of enjoy. Dr. Maxis caught sight of the high command, Hitler, Himmler & Kammler we're on their feet applauding loudly, he also noticed high ranking members of the Thule & Vril societies who had kept their composure and remained seated. Dr. Mortis's thoughts turned to what Maxis had said about never seeing his family again & his heart felt very heavy at that point. How will I live without my family, he thought to himself. Dr. Maxis had now noticed Dr. Mortis and waved to him, Mortis bowed his head in respect, Maxis exited the stage and joined the German high command, Mortis made his way to the bathroom where he could clean himself up before attending the after speech diner that was arranged for the higher ranking officers, it looked like he would be dining with Hitler himself which made him even more nervous. He put on his SS uniform and made straight for the Dining area.
  4. Wow, awesome find here carbon. See that chalkboard has been talking to us for a long time, all we had to do was listen to it. The material for treyarch to play with is truly EPIC. So could we see ufo/Vril like craft transporting a horde of zombified soldiers to the battlefield that requires clearing? Like I said before, imagine the possibillities if group 935 managed to weaponize the source of the zombie outbreaks. Regards Snake. P.s Thanks for the translation Robash420. Brains for you mate. [brains]
  5. AlphaSnake


    This is begging to be hacked. Anyone know how? Only joking or am I? Just blame Treyarch for making a puzzle thats got people doing strange things they wouldn't do normally. Regards Snake. :)
  6. Hey all. mick saints sent me a funny message on Ps3 the other day. He said DG-3, DG-2, DG-1?????? When I asked him where it might be, he replied "Right in front of us"... This got me thinking he's right. Where the hell is the DG-1 Prototype. Anyone care to speculate on the matter. Regards Alpha.
  7. Really? I used the one I posted no problems. Seems there is more than one code then.
  8. Wish they'd add these achievements to the Ps3 versions, it's only a small update. They should have put a ton more than they did.
  9. It's covered in the GKnova section. Not sure that it means Alien Zombies. Alien is always assumed to be extraterrestrial in it's origins. Alien can mean anything that is outside of our realm of perception. I.e "He was an illegal alien" the statement does not mean that the guy is an extraterrestrial, it just means he's from outside our cultural boundaries. Alla, we fear what we do not understand. Not sure this helps, but what the hell I'll post it anyways. Regards Snake.
  10. 1146340 Try that. Plenty of info here about what you will find. But I won't spoil it if you haven't been through it yet... Hope this help mate. Regards Snake.
  11. Hmmm, "Fentna" is an anagram for "enfant" or in english "child". Does anyone find this interesting? Regards Snake.
  12. lol, I just posted something to that effect. haha Great minds think alike, as they say.
  13. A lot of bad things happened at that castle. It was considered to be the Nazi center of the world. Treyarch must have picked up on this, for the same location to be both games is no mere coincidence for me. I've said before that some one at Treyarch really knows their Nazi conspiracy theories. If GK was involved with the Nazis on a high level, then whom ever was in control of GK would have certainly been to the castle of Wewelsburg at some point. Backed up of course by the quote from GKNOVA6 Transmission 2. Also, why would Treyarch choose people who are obessed with Zombies to do the live drops with? It should be quite obvious really, why would they do this if zombies weren't involved? They are catering to us, making our wishes come true, and doing very well I might add.
  14. Am I the only one who noticed the PHI symbol on some of these documents?
  15. Just testing. Seriously, you are one lucky dude Carbon. I wonder how much you'd get for that case on Ebay? Did you ever cut open the lining in the case? How come Josh was there? Did he contact you and tell you to be there? Sorry if this has been covered already, I'm new to the Gk materials. Regards Snake.
  16. Like an entire game on Nazi Zombies? A Fresh Perspective This is my thread dedicate to the idea of a independant Nazi Zombies game. You last comments echo some of my own thoughts in the above thread. I'm I getting warm? Regards Snake.
  17. Whats up with the audio cutting out? My spidey sense is tingling with the presence of Josh Olin like jtg said above. Carbon you wouldn't be hiding anything from us, would you? Regards Snake.
  18. Maybe the chernobyl story was a cover up? Maybe they were doing other kinds of experiments?
  19. Another user on here mentioned that they could see the GK logo in the Schwarze Sonne symbol:- I can see it now I know what I'm looking for. The black sun will lead you to the castle of Wewelsburg, a Renaissance castle located in the northwest of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Quote from Transmission 2:- On the Lower Rhine and in Westphalia, he commanded for the League I got to this from the Schwarze sonne writen on the chalkboards from Der Riese, I have a thread on it. I believe this is one of the links between Der Riese & GKNOVA6. Regards Snake.
  20. GeneID: 29881 & Lentiviral Particles: sc-37887-V. Just probing for information from this Fentna fellow. Keeping my fingers crossed for a link here. Don't want to say to much as I could be very wrong. lol.
  21. A mutated virus perhaps? Anything to do with 37887 & 29881?
  22. Yeah, I think he means the ones that are standing on end outside Verruckt. I have a screenshot of under Der Riese that wasn't found by noclipping, I'll see if I can find it. Regards Snake.
  23. If your downed you won't get it. It still counts as a revive at the new round, I think. Best to do it on solo I think, watch this video for a good stratergy on getting it:- Shi No Numa All Achievements In One Run - Part 1 of 6 Credit to Convergency on Youtube for the videos. He has other guides that you may find useful. Hope this helps mate. Regards Snake.
  24. Mason is one of the characters in Black Ops Yep, that's the guy I was talkin' about. Each masonic degree from 1 to 33 does not know what the degree above them actually does, so 1 doesn't know what 2 is up and 2 doesn't know what 3 is doing either and so on. So when you get to 33 to whom do they serve? The Illuminati is the usual suspect. Under the structure of the Illuminati the Freemasons are used as pawns, not knowing where their orders are coming from. Where you find the Masons, The Illuminati are sure to be close by. Yes lots of NWO, Masonic & Illuminati over tones here, It's Assassins Creed all over again. Good to know really, puzzles will become predictable knowing this information. Just typing out loud here. Regards Snake. P.s. has anyone seen my GKNOVA6 Linked to Der Riese? You should I think I'm on to something big.
  25. [center:2t75h270]Transmission 2 Here is the second GKNOVA6 transmission. The code says... On the Lower Rhine and in Westphalia, he commanded for the League... 8-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to the Der Riese chalkboard where you can see Schwarze Sonne. From Wiki on the schwarze Sonne:- Schwarze Sonne - black sun, Nazi Occult symbol, technology, weapon, black magic rituals. The shape of the symbol as it is used within Germanic mysticist esotericism and Neo-Nazism today is based primarily on the design of a floor mosaic at the castle of Wewelsburg (built 1603), a Renaissance castle located in the northwest of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. We arrive at Wewelsburg Castle. It is shaped like a triangle, a yellow-stone structure with two towers topped by bell-like domes and one wider fortified tower, sitting on a hill overlooking fields spreading towards the airport. There are leaded windows with curtains drawn inside, dark dirt stains spreading across the yellow-stone walls from gutters, thin sprinklings of snow on the northern faces of the bell towers, plus a definite sense of menace. Kirsten, my guide, is a bright-eyed thirtysomething, with trendy dark-framed glasses, a multicoloured scarf, red jumper, and bright red lipstick. We enter the guard house museum, a two-storey stone building with an aubergine tiled roof. Inside, schoolchildren are being shown round a series of displays explaining the freakish plans Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, had in mind at Wewelsburg. There’s a grainy black and white picture of Himmler taken at the castle, with his pudgy gerbil face, glasses, thin moustache and double chin. "He wanted to make Wewelsburg the centre of the SS world," says Kirsten, as we pause by a sturdy medieval-looking chair whose leather back is inscribed with a jagged 'SS'. "He had a plan for a huge ring of buildings on the slopes above the castle. We don’t know exactly what he wanted to do with them. But it appears he wanted to make the north tower of the castle into an SS shrine of some sort. Where people could remember the SS dead. It would be at the centre of a new SS village. This would be where the Germanic elite group would live. Himmler wanted to create the cult of ideology here." The architect’s plans, on a large yellowing piece of paper, are in a glass cabinet. They show the castle’s isosceles triangle shape, which the architect extended outwards into a large semi-circular structure that would have curved around the castle like some kind of Roman encampment. Not shown on the plans is Wewelsburg’s concentration camp, on a plot of land just to the east of the castle, where it is believed 1,285 (possibly more) people died. "There were 3,900 prisoners. Some were Jewish, and there were German and Russian prisoners as well," says a subdued Kirsten. "It was a small concentration camp, but there were a lot of dead people. There were very bad conditions. Even worse than at some other camps. The SS did a lot of torture. And prisoners had to work long hours in the quarries." Kirsten tells me that the castle was camouflaged during the war, but in 1945 the SS tried to blow it up, to prevent the Allies taking it. Himmler had collected a lot of valuables in the occupied territories, which he tried, with some success, to hide. After the war, the camp was turned into temporary accommodation for Germans who had left land reallocated to Poland - conceivably people moved from Szczecin - as well as villagers who had "given their land and homes to the SS and got bigger ones in occupied territories", but who returned as refugees. We stop at a cabinet with a copy of an SS "death head" ring ("most real ones were taken by American troops… it’s easier to find originals in America than here"), an SS belt buckle with the phrase "My honour is my faith" written on it in German, and a copy of a letter written by Himmler signed off with "Heil Hitler!" The crypt at the base of the north tower is one spooky place. We walk down a snow-trampled path, open a big metal door, and descend a few steps to a door of iron bars. Kirsten reaches into her pocket, pulls out a bunch of keys and opens the cage-door. We enter a damp circular room, with a central pit and a swastika engraved in ochre stone in the ceiling. We step into the echoing chamber. "Normally tours can’t come into the crypt," says Kirsten. "We are a little afraid of what might happen." What do you mean, I ask. "Well, people from the right scene – neo Nazis – might come for celebrations or for demonstrations. There are some neo Nazis who come here – every weekend you get a few. You get four or five each day at the weekend – out of 200 or so visitors. Some of them have shaved heads – but you can generally spot them. Many ask to go in the crypt – which we will allow if people ask permission in advance. The neo Nazis that come here see it as a cult place. We will do special guided tours, but before we show them this place, they have to learn about the concentration camps first. They don’t cause any trouble. They know that if they did, they would not be able to see these rooms." Kirsten gestures for me to step in the middle of the pit, with the swastika directly above me. "Say something," she says. And I do. It’s very, very strange. It’s also very, very disconcerting. It feels as though my voice is being swallowed up by the building, like it’s disappearing straight upwards into the small air vents surrounding the swastika. I don’t like to think that Himmler and, quite possibly Hitler, once stood here, experiencing the same sensation. Upstairs is the "representation hall" or Hall of Supreme Leaders - another neo-Nazi haunt. The room is again protected by a cage-door, although entry will be granted if you ask ahead. The SS, apparently, regarded this as the centre of the world – and in the centre of the room, cut in green and black marble on the floor, is a symbol with 12 jagged arms branching off a black circle. This symbol is very important to neo-Nazis. It is their symbol. It’s called the ‘black sun’ these days. The esoteric groups, they want to see it. This room and the crypt only survived because the man who was told to blow up the castle at the end of the war did not destroy the north tower. He didn’t know why he’d been asked to destroy the castle, so he just put dynamite in the other two towers,” says Kirsten, still wrapped in her scarf, peering out of her trendy dark-framed glasses. We stare at the symbol for a while and head out. The tour is over. I thank Kirsten. That was how a tour should be: no information overload, just stories and straightforward answers - about a very un-straightforward past. THIS IS THE LINK FROM DER RIESE TO GKNOVA6 TRANSMISSIONS Regards Snake. P.s. Some early speculation on this find:- On the Lower Rhine and in Westphalia, he (Edward Richtofen) commanded for the League (Illuminati) Nova = element Ununpentium 115 think about it!!! GK connection to the Nazis here:- This clipping is from Doc3 in the live drop. They refer to a German chemical factory, and how they were so advanced (In one of the emails), massive indications here for WonderWaffles, Ununpentium 115 & Xerum 525 maybe GK found documents & samples left over from the Giant Project, or maybe GK has been involved from the very beginning, making the original chemicals & materials for the Giant Project. Der Riese was a vast operation, surely somethings had to be outsourced, not everything can be produced on site. What does that mean then? A paper trail!!! Documents, diagrams, schematics, diaries etc etc... What do you think? [/center:2t75h270]
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