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RedDeadRiot last won the day on October 2 2018

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  1. Weekly thought: IRL; Everytime you kill a zombie, 100 gallons of water disappear from the earth. Do you make yourself a survivalist, or take on the onslaught and hope for the best?

    1. MegaAfroMan


      You do realize that there at 3.86 x 10^20 gallons of water on Earth, right?

      We could kill 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 zombies before we used it all up, and 96% of that water, would be salt water, or ground water anyways and wouldn't effect us much.

      With that many zombies (3 x 10^18) we could kill at one zombie a second, a zombie every second for the next 95,100,000,000 years.

      The planet will probably not last that long, as we are roughly half way through at 4.5 billion down 4.5 billion to go, so with 100 gallons of water disappearing with each zombie death, we could kill about 21.5 zombies a second, every second for the next 4.5 billion years, before we ran out of water from that process.

      So, I'll slaughter as many zombies as I'd like if this was a real life zombie apocalypse, as I have more pressing concerns than the stability of the oceans a few thousand years in the future, which is likely to be ruined anyways if a zombie apocalypse has occured.

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