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  1. Buat kalian yang suka bermain Bola Gelinding Boleh mencoba mendaftar dan melihat Video Terbaru kami Disini : http://dthf.2.vu/3


    Untuk Informasi lain mengenai Daftar Bola Gelinding melalui Gopay bisa ke Whatsapp :: http://96a0.2.vu/9

  2. Looking for zombies in spaceland players! My friend and I know how to do the Easter egg in spaceland and need some extra help if you’ve beat it before please message me or find my on Xbox! My gamer tag is WorryMcflurry52! Thanks!

  3. skype me now= live:eliza_cameron23

  4. Thought of my people over here at codz during this outbreak. Thought you'd all appreciate a puzzle to solve. What is Q.

  5. Sup brother? Signs of life here or what?

  6. The Anonymous german staff member is in control of codz? Who is admin these days where is Hellswarrior?

    1. Lenne


      Are you serious?

    2. NaBrZHunter


      Respect your superiors, AlphaSaturn. 

  7. Censored on Codz by a german. How Ironic.

    1. anonymous


      Heard you used to be staff member, so act like one. Be serious mate, your post is considered spam or advertising by the very Code of Conduct we handle here. Get over it

    2. AlphaSnake


      At one time I wrote the code of conduct for CODZ.


  8. Dare you to censor my personal profile.

  9. Where did my thread go?


  10. I don't want to rule or conquer anyone.
    I should like to help everyone if possible.
    We all want to help one another, human beings are like that.
    We want to live by each other's happiness., not by each other's misery.
    We don't want to hate and despise one another.

    We think too much, and feel too little.

    You, the people have the power - the power to create machines.
    The power to create happiness!
    You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.

    A wonderful adventure

    A wonderful adventure

    1. RadZakpak


      I love this speech and The Great Dictator!

    2. Lenne


      same and also:


      Oh, I think I landed
      In a world I hadn't seen
      When I'm feeling ordinary
      When I don't know what I mean
      Oh, I think I landed
      Where there are miracles at work
      For the thirst and for the hunger
      Come the conference of birds

      Saying it's true, it's not what it seems
      Leave your broken windows open
      And in the light just streams
      And you get a head, a head full of dreams
      You can see the change you wanted
      Be what you want to be
      And you get a head, a head full of dreams
      Into life, I’ve just been spoken
      With a head full, a head full of dreams

      Oh, I think I landed
      Where there are miracles at work
      When you got me open-handed
      When you got me lost for words
      I sing oh-oh-oh

      A head full of dreams
      A head full of dreams
      Into life I’ve just been woken
      With a head full, a head full of dreams



    3. anonymous


      You're my man Len!


      Ooooooh whohohooooh ohohooooh ohohooooh ooh!

  11. Can we all agree that we need a better system to communicate what we want implemented in our game. We pay good money to play these games and end up disappointed when the devs take out things like the juggernog machine.  

  12. Y’all so I’m being quarantined where I live and everyone in my college I go to went home. I’m really bored and want to know if anyone is down to play some bo3 zombies. I have all the maps but I haven’t played in a min (I usually don’t have that much free time till Recently). If anyone is down to run through some ee while the world is going to shit add me: iamironman768 

  13. "Feast little ones, FEAST! Oh, I mean, on mein way Dempsey!"

    "You're sick, Richtofen"


  14. ? https://t.co/JEYs2KouLx

  15. Shoutout for the admins for getting the site back on track again!

  16. Anyone interested in doing the Black Ops Shangri La Easter Egg on PS3. If interested, make sure you add my gamertag: SMG_GAMES013


    Note: the communications will be in Discord since I don’t have a mic

  17. January is almost over. How did y'all enjoy or not enjoy the first month of the new decade?

    1. anonymous


      In all honesty, I used to live happy but always with a small ball of sadness lurking somewhere in my heart, but last month it just disappeared. I'm finally free of it!

    2. Lenne


      Yeah, the last time I felt like that was with the first half of 2013. Truly a magical experience the whole concept of time.

      That is some great news, Anon. Just keep in mind, it will most likely be back, maybe even tomorrow already, but the thing is, now you know for a fact, it will always be better again as well. :)

  18. Yesterday was a bad day. From January 28, 2020 on, the Activision Community Forums stopped existing. That place was the very start of the Zombies community as we know it, the start of discussing about story and strategy. The cradle of communities like ours. May it rest in peace

    1. Douglas Wickline

      Douglas Wickline

      RIP Activision Community Forums.

    2. RadZakpak


      A damn shame.

    3. Lenne


      I went on there a couple of times, for technical problems etc. a bummer.

  19. What happened with my profile picture? Seems like someone touched my account. Anyone else has this?

  20. Looking for someone to do the moon Easter egg on original black ops, my gamertag is Zrof

    1. anonymous


      Sorry buddy, I cannot reach my xbox with BO1 at the moment. I can help you with Moon in BO3, though.

  21. Poor Tesla, Edison was an asshole of the worst kind.

  22. Does anyone know that feeling when you suddenly have multiple new theories in your head, but you have to study for exams soon though you are constantly distracted by the theories you wanna write?

    1. Lenne


      nope got no theories in my head.

      Also we should yell at Boomy or Festo to make status updates more prominent again, cause I only catched this by testing out the activity stream. haha

      Good luck and much success for your exams. <3

    2. anonymous


      Muchas gracias amigo!

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