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What Happened? (Glitches and Oddities)


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This is a discussion thread of ghosts being weird. All games glitch out and while it can be frustrating, in the long run it makes for cool stories bro. Feel free to post any strangeness encountered, maybe we can help people avoid some.

Watch out for cp grenades: they can fall through the map or get stuck for minutes at a time between stuff, then suddenly get unstuck and your cp flies in. They often land some distance from where you call them in, so be sure to give them plenty of room. They will land on top of palm trees. If you die while calling it in, you will always spawn at the furthest spawn point from it in the map.

Fixed glitch: if you laid in your spawn, your team would only spawn by you.

Knife: start of a game, i combat-knife stab a guy, throw him to the ground; assist. 0k 0d 1a. Really game?

Playing tdm freight yesterday, i stab a guy (got this kill) and then die. The killcam shows the guy i stabbed shooting me for a gun/knife tie. Once, mw3 i think, i had the only bullet tie that I've seen.

Field orders: 3 times now i could not pick up fo, the third time it eventually let me pick it up (note that if you have field orders you can't pick up another, that isn't a glitch).

Once i hit a death barrier where the fo was (on Flooded). I killed a guy who dropped fo, ran into fo, died. Killcam showed the fo as i ran into it, kill feed called it suicide, so why did i even get a killcam?

I've been shot by hinds through buildings in ghosts (extremely common bo1 glitch, but what didn't glitch in bo1?/trash game).

Field orders: used to frequently fail to give squad points or they would show up way late, once common, i haven't seen this since the patch, so i guess it was patched.

FO; get kill with secondary weapon: kill a guy with my kastet, didn't give me completion. So I dc tube another guy, direct impact...assist. Wow, really? And...picked up guns off of the ground don't count as your secondary. Fu game, f.u. I don't recall each glitch, but probably 5-7 times i have completed them and the game didn't count it. A few times on melee kills it failed.

Lost track of kill count: common cod bug; there are calculators in this house from the 60's that can add +1 with ease, so why do modern gaming consoles fail at this easy task? Example (like you need one for this common bug): playing Stormfront as sniper (no hardline). I hit 7-0, get a sentry gun. I run to the south west end of the road, set it down, run back up into the sw building, upstairs to snipe some more in that white hall. A teammate runs through with his dog. An enemy comes up the right steps, kills my teammate, i look in time to see the dog get killed, land the kill (core-screen says +100 best friend-etta) and I'm still 7-0. I loved theater in cod so you could go back and watch these again. I assume that's one of the reasons it's gone: showcases the sloppy programming.

Hackers: bo2 and ghosts. I just wanted to laugh at this point: bo2 obviously had hackers. As an avid theater watcher, i would often double check to make sure. But nobody really cared (many lived in denial-no hackers in bo, it has theater, derp) because you ran into them, backed out and in seconds were in another match and they were forgotten. Now in ghosts, you run into hacker, leave, put back in same match, renew anger at hacker, leave, repeat 5-8 times because of ghosts retarded netcode keeps putting you in the same match, report hacker... So despite no theater, it is actually worse for the hackers. Play squad assault to find how many people are max prestige on all soldiers, all with ghillie suits...yeah. Hacked Game is hacked.

For the record, i don't really care nor report any who paid to be prestiged. I just hate the ones who cheat during games. I'm sure a round of bannings will come.

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Came across another 'ungettable' f.o.

Whiteout: I love to snipe off of the boat crane by the pier, but i notice an enemy up there. So i go to the window (with glass) just below him in the building. I look up at him, raise my thermal sniper...and he's gone. Drop the scope...he's back. So i brought up the scope and aimed and fired at nothing, for the kill. Apparently you can't see people through the thermal, through the window. I wonder if other Scopes have this issue...

Flinch...always sucks. so the guy reloading in the corner is making me flinch? That makes sense (not really). But ghosts takes it to a new level: you no longer talk to the host xbox and other players xbox in a fight, now it's just the fight winner and the host, so: i shoot the mk32 (Semtex spitter) at an enemy, get 'stuck' and a hitmarker, he kills me in the interim time it takes the Semtex to explode...and in the killcam I flinched and fired the two shots over his head... Fail mode activated. They really need some back up, so kills stop getting lost and killcams like this never happen.

Related to last: i need some eyes on this; i feel that they actually removed the 'air trails' in the killcams with this last patch, so you no longer see how ridiculously far off the killcams are. The reason is this: i noticed that since the patch all of my kastet trails never appear in killcams and it isn't lag because the killcam goes past the point where i shot, but doesn't show the trails that were always so prominent (and far off from what happened). (xbox360).

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One of my bots dogs just ran in place on a squad game on Warhawk tdm. Finally it gave up running and just stood there. He would watch and turn whenever his bot master would run by.

If you call a dog in, he appears nearby in front of you. You can call him in when an enemy is there for an instantaneous kill, but sometimes he gets called in the exact same spot which shoves your dog into the ground and he just rolls over and dies instantaneously instead.

Why are care packages trolling me? I call them in in the middle of a wide area, they fly in, land 50' away on a roof, tree, out of bounds, et cetera. Why won't they land where i call them? It's not like they get shot down.

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  • 1 month later...

I just learned:

Safeguard glitch on Bayview.

Edit: apparently the trolley eats Support Drop packages; they vanish if hit by the trolley. Also, the safeguard dogs get stuck on the trolley if they run onto it. Pretty funny.

Support drop arrives. I start to pick up crate, trolley hits the crate, crate vanishes, i have no arms/guns and can not use any buttons other than movement.

I downed myself to see if that changed anything, but it did not.

I could not stab, shoot, activate killstreak, call in squad mate, cycle through killstreaks, nothing.

You've been warned. Edit: Now you can grab another package to fix it, you could not do this originally.

Happy gaming sans glitch!

Edit: these 'no hands' glitches were mostly patched in that you can now usually recover from them.

There was a cheat with the explosive ammo. They tried to patch it, but the cheat would happen by accident, now leaving people with no hands. Then they mostly fixed that to not happen, so no ammo glitch, no 'no hands' glitch. Yea.

Climb a ladder when minigun times out, no hands, hit Y to get them back.

Get killed picking up sd drop = no hands. Grab a different sd gun drop or die/respawn to fix it. (maybe loot item as well).

Drop ims/sentry, climb immediately (like to another package above) = stuck with little remote/no hands glitch. Take another Loot item to fix it (maybe sd drop as well).

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Bayview Safeguard trolley got me again. I really wanted that Widowmaker but the trolley wanted it too...and my hands. Game over again.

Called in a c.p. on Containment, in the s.e. Lands in the back of the pick up, and ironically, i can't pick it up. Glitched package. Called one in on Strikezone into stuff, but was able to pick it up.

Join game of Fog tdm. Walk through the big house (called 'grainery' in game), i breach the floor, an enemy comes in the stairs area and starts firing on me. I'm still recovering from the breach, i start hipfiring, i see his bullets hit me, but I'm alive. I train my bullets on him, we both run out of ammo, i stab him since he closed the distance between us, then reloaded. He finished reloading, stabbed me. I wandered down the steps and left the game.

Got killed and fell through the map, death cam following me down.

Playing versus bots (tdm, 2-10), a bot gets the 'predator' killstreak and just runs into us. It doesn't try to stab or shoot us, just kept running into us. This would happen often in bo1 bots games: once or twice per night a bot would just run into us without firing/stabbing.

I spawned on an enemy i.m.s.

That's this week's weird.

More to come.

Edit: i tried to get in that sniper spot in the crawler on Ignition. I'm peering over the highest panel, standing on the one behind it, when i fall between them. You can't get out. My team (randies) destroyed the other team, i sat there alone for the rest of the game at 2-0.

And: this just happened; i spawn into a game, i realize that my teammates all have enemy-colored names, so i open fire on a guy uselessly. Then all 5 start firing at me and stabbing me add i jump and spin in circles. Wandered off and left the game.

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Frenemies glitch: i think what is happening is this; for my area, the game has suddenly changed in how it plays. Every game is a new lobby with extremely rare exceptions (assuming dedicated servers?). But a couple of times, i loaded into a match just after it starts. This appears to cause all of your teammates to have enemy names. I don't know if the actual enemies are killable, or if they have friendly names (that could be abusable).

Assumed dedicated servers: every single match is a new lobby. Half the time, I'm moved to the top of the lobby.

Once the game starts, my name is on top and nobody else is in the game. Then each player loads in and has a skull like they are dead, then they are in the lobby (i assume every player sees the same thing; their name on top). It looks like I'm host, but there are no host migrations. The games are usually really laggy with rare exceptions.

The matches tend to give you the same map again. Like play on Containment, next map choices are Freefall and Containment. I literally played Containment 7 times in a row yesterday.

Strange things are afoot at the circle G.

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Okay, got a new weird one. I save 'custom recipe' games for when my buddy comes over. If we don't play safeguard, we just fight bots 2-10 to 150 kills.

Well, i made up default classes, so we each have 10 classes and 6 default classes.

So i was looking at the default ones to see what i had made up, since it had been quite a while since i used my constructed defaults.

Well, ghosts class 6 changed perks somehow, so that i had 2 primaries on a class without Overkill. So i set the perks up, and left the 2 primaries.

Unfortunately, in an actual game, i couldn't switch to the second primary.

Strange. The Federation class 6, which was a clone of ghosts class 6, had remained unchanged. Only the one class had mysteriously changed.

Also, if i use the yellow camo on my private match classes, then play real online mp, then go back to private, all of the yellow camos are off.

I guess this is because of the 'split screen glitch' that is in this, just like mw3. Like, people are putting muzzle brakes on Honey Badgers and stuff like that.

More weird: i played for a couple of hours of online mp. After one game, all of my ghosts masks were gone and every single soldier had the default first head. Just between one game and the next it changed.

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Okay, for those of you getting the severs and issues associated with it, i have some more news on the 'frenemies' glitch; when you get this glitch, all of your teammates have red names. Enemies have no names. You cannot shoot your teammates. There will be no blue triangles on the minimap.

Once i saw a teammate other than me in the glitch. Every other time, it had been me as the 'frenemy'. I wanted to learn what i could, but i kept getting a lot of attention and didn't want to be reported for cheating. I certainly didn't do it on purpose.

Other weird: between two games, all of my ghosts heads and season pass camos turned off. I could put them back, but it was weird that they vanished between games. Camo-changes usually happen at start up, not between games.

Also, as of yesterday afternoon, i am always moved to the top half of the lobby. So all yesterday, i only played on the spawn of each map associated with the top spawn. So on Prison Break, I only spawn at the shit spawn by the river. That sucks a lot.

In one glitchy game, i fell through the map.

Random off topic: I'm a crate stealer (enemy, not teammate's). So karma had me lose like 5 Michael Myers crates to the enemy, but i finally got one without it getting stolen.

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Oh, and the other fun new glitch that they added:

Game ends. The lobby background shows the same map again during the intermission, with no map choices to vote for, then the lobby disbands at the ends of the countdown. Edit: Often it just plays the same map again, instead of disbanding the lobby, but there is never any vote.

Stop glitching out your game, derps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, this 'frenemies' glitch is fairly common in my area.

Yesterday, I'm in a game, no blue triangles on the minimap as usual, but this time all players have no name, i can shoot some but not others (teammates, i guess). But the really weird bit is that my score was zero, the enemy score (in a game in progress), was 1100, the yellow 'score bar' stretched all the way across the screen. When someone got a kill, it went up to 1200.

Once again i drew unwanted attention and left before i got reported for cheating.

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Playing Safeguard.

Round 1 ending, i have 2 sentry guns, 1 hind. Did not get a fourth item.

I call in the hind. I wait as 2 is starting; i hear the hind heading in.

I notice that i still have the hind in inventory...with my 2 sg.

Note that it is easy enough, and common, for me to call in cp's as i pick up loot crates, to get a fourth and possibly fifth crate. However, this is definitely not the case in this instance.


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In an offline s+d game, where I was testing/learning, i put an ims down in their spawn. An enemy spawned on it and it vanished. Also, when they spawned, it would take 3 ims hits to kill a newly spawned player. So remember that.

On safeguard 'no hands' glitch; i have no information on what happens when your minigun times out, in hand, while picking up a support drop or loot drop. I expect bad things, so be careful to avoid this.

On the patch to stop it: well, it doesn't always stop the glitch as i did it once by accident post patch.

But it does usually glitch your hands away. This bugs me because i have done this at least 4 times by accident in the last few days. Just fix it so it doesn't happen, don't make it punish players for 'cheating' when it is going to happen often by accident.

In the glitch information; hitting the RT gave me my pistol back once, so at least i had infinite pistol ammo. However, i could not pick up any crates. The prompts never show up. Oddly, despite the lack of prompts, i could change Support Drops by double tapping x. I still could not pick them up. Dying will reset your hands, but you will lose any loot items. But, if this happens early, you do have this fix. Usually easier to restart.

Small graphics glitch: playing split screen (s+d unlimited to check stuff out). If i moved slowly with the combat knife, from his viewpoint the knife slides down out of my hand to hover a foot below it (only when moving). Weird.

Edit: with friendly fire on, you cannot stab nor tk your dog. Same with squad mates, iirc.

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Extinction Mayday experiences;

Played a few of these, solo. Twice I had a cryptid stuck under the floor in the start room during/after the first hive battle. From boat/drill start area: nearest hive, cryptid under left floor/behind left wall.

If you try to open a red toolbox without the correct schematics, it says 'blah, need correct schematics, blah' (something like that). If you hit it again, it will pulse.

Well, i got money but couldn't pick it up because i was full. So the screen says 'too much money blah' (or similar), so i move and see the search icon and hit x to search, but it was a red box. So it glitched; it pulses the 'too much money blah' instead of telling me i did not have the correct schematic.

I was definitely at a toolbox, not still standing by the money. Minor, but mentioned. Should be easily repeatable.

Edit: it is repeatable; works with 'need locker key' statement as well.

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One i forgot on Mayday: often, whether or not i have schematics, there is a red toolbox by the second hive, near a white 'drillable' door that i open and it says 'crafting item found' but didn't say what it is and it never adds to my current schematic. If i make sure to breach the door first, it usually stops this glitch.

Otherwise, it happens almost every game. Solo, extinction, Mayday.

Edit: another. Near the hypnotrap schematics are 2 drillable doors. Again i got 2 Rhino at these doors. But this time, i guessed about where the second 1 spawned and i put the trap there. I was spot-on; the Rhino spawned on my trap which glitched him into the floor. I was able to crawl through the top half of him and look out through his face. As soon as a round started, he jumped up and functioned normally. Edit: they climb out of the floor, so with no enemies to attack, he just sat there in the floor.

I'm a walking glitch machine.

Edit: safeguard, red star, can't pick it up. Finally, while standing on it, i switch guns to my pistol and it instantly picks up. Weird.

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Visual proof of the "frenemies glitch."

Only person on my secret 3rd team in Search and Rescue. I could only see and be seen by one enemy team, did not take damage, could not kill enemy players, could not hear either team in game chat.

Sorry it's upside down, by the way. iPod camera seems to love upside down sideways photos.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Split screen, pretty much every Game one of us doesn't get the b+w screen at the beginning, during the countdown.

Safeguard: You can revive a player and pick up an SD at the same time. Not a glitch but weird. Probably works in mp games with cps.

Teammate revives me in safeguard split screen, his gun becomes ak12 (this has occurred a few times, always player 2).

After reviving in split screen (p2 reviving p1, i think) Safeguard, the announcer voice repeats a few times, then goes away for the rest of the game.

AI Melee:

Recruit: doesn't really try at all.

Regular: you stab him, he appears to stab you, both take damage.

Hardened: you will take stab damage, then he may make a stab motion after. They will win any stab fight, even if you stab their backs while they are shooting in the opposite direction.

Veteran: if near them, you have been stabbed, no attempt to make him look like he stabbed you, you were simply stabbed by his presence. Looks really shamefully bad to witness.

Safeguard shield guys work like Extinction scouts: they can be far behind you, you turn and run and they hit you somehow from way back there, despite you running away with only a pistol in hand and never less than 10 feet between you (scouts can hit you from well over 50 feet behind you, from the other side of a fence, one of the reasons that i don't play extinction often). Ultra cheaty poor programming.

I know I'm forgetting some glitches from yesterday that i witnessed...

Bayview, not a glitch; while fighting solo (i didn't see this with 2 players at all) on top of the lighthouse, the infected spawn just east of the lighthouse by the ladder, so you visually see the lightning strike where they spawn. Just a cool fyi.

Oh yeah; on Freefall Safeguard; (only map i have not beat at all...yet). I pick up a Hind....it's just gone. No more package, not in inventory, didn't call it in, other packages were still in the map and i got another one. My only teammate was in view, getting a package 30 feet away, he didn't take it while i was getting it...

This game is so glitchy that it's almost 10% as glitchy as Trollarch's least glitchy cod! That's pretty bad for iw.

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Did the grenade go off and smoke?

I've had a few hang up on cps. Then, it suddenly frees up a minute later and calls in my care package when I'm not there.

I think this may explain an issue with Safeguard; you get a gun from an SD. You get it again and it maxes ammo. You get it again and i get varying results.

I think that it gives you max ammo, plus stuns and ieds, minus any in use/on ground.

But the other day, it only gave me 1 stun grenade, which threw me off as i have never seen it give only 1 stun.

Maybe that stun had not gone off, stuck somewhere, so the game only gave me 1.

Or maybe the game is a little wonky in a different way that i haven't fogged out yet.

(accidentally posted while not done)

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Playing solo Mayday extinction.

I get to where the hypno trap schematics are.

I search, find Semtex. I have bouncing betties, so i throw them down, grab the Semtex, grab the schematics and my Semtex in reserve turn into bouncing betties. I try to throw one down, but it's a Semtex and the bb icon in inventory changes back to Semtex.

Shooting seeders used to take 6 magnum shots at point blank range. Today, it usually took 5, but often 6 hitmarkers and a few took 6 hits and had to be stabbed. All close range, neither of us moving, not being hit by anything, all to the yellow blob-back consistently. Why such discrepancies?

Hunters, 6 magnum shots. But then, i have a brand new sentry gun on the top walkway, overlooking the hive on the boxes. He climbs up 50' from my sentry. The sentry stops oscillating, faces the hunter and does nothing. The hunter walks towards it, i hit him with 6 shots from short range (i was by the hive, he was less than 100' feet away in the corner), he lives, gets on my apparently retarded sentry. I hit him with 6 more shots (all 12 hitmarkers) and he dies just as he kills my sentry. I backed out right then, 2 revives unused in reserve.

No wonder i rarely play this mode, so inconsistent.

Last night, we played bo2 cod. As much as i feel bo2 is by far the best Trollarch attempt yet, holy crap that game is one glitchy mess. It's amazing how much better of a product iw makes when it comes to cod. So today, playing extinction, it gave me a 'playing Trollarch games' feel, if you know what i mean. Ha.

Oh cod, you pathetic glitchy game franchise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A few random glitchies:

I play ss games of safeguard. Usually the second player to pick the class didn't get stuck with the b+w start screen. Edit: if you wait for the countdown to go below 15 before picking your class, you will avoid the black and white screen.

I had a Support Drop crate land in the trolley on Bayview, so it was riding back and forth. As i watched it go by, i got deaded, so i didn't get it to see of it would be further glitchy.

I got revived (safeguard) and my flashing perk stayed flashing for the rest of the game. (In safeguard, your perks flash and go away one at a time as you are bleeding out).

(Safeguard) I grab a perk (sd crate), a shield guy kills me as i get it. The second perk from the right was flashing and went away before i got revived, instead of the perk i just picked up. The reason: if you are getting an sd drop and you get downed, you continue to pick up the drop as long as you hold x. So i went down and started losing the farthest right perk, then got another perk. Once down, you cannot start to grab a package, only works if you were getting it before you got downed.

Playing tdm bots (1 vs 11, favela); i call in 2 cps, they land in each other and can't be picked up by me. Of course the bots kill me and are able to pick them up.

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Okay, so I'm just chillin' with some early afternoon coffee, figured that i would play a few bots in this newish Reinforce mode (too early to stress over real human opponents).

I play on mutiny; take flag A, run to B, but my team bots got it first, then i cap C for the immediate win, but i only have 1 capture somehow. Glitch!

Play on Pharaoh; flag A had no white circle at start. When captured, the blue circle appeared, it worked normally through all of the rounds after.

At one point i come out from C area to B, their last 3 guys are standing on a box near B, not doing anything.

At the end of the game, they didn't take a single flag. But they did a good job of holding that box down...oh wait, no they didn't, they got pooped on.

So Pharaoh probably isn't the most challenging Reinforce map versus bots today.

Silly glitchy cod games.

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Funny, i didn't know that reinforce was for 8 players, i was checking it out with bots (12 players), but i spent a lot of time playing versus humans yesterday (i need something to do until the can fix Safeguard).

Glitches galore:

Flag circles often don't appear at first.

Several times, we held all 3 flags but got no win.

Several times i was taking a flag when the enemy team took 1 and they won despite me taking a flag.

Very often capturing flags doesn't register in the stats. Example: i start at A, capture it, it counts, i run to B, capture it but still have 1 capture in my stats. Nobody was there but me. Note that it often doesn't say you captured it, nor give points.

Start game, it shows that i am ghosts and has the 1 spawn in blue, so i know where i will load. But then it puts me on the opposite side of the map from what it just showed.

The circle under B flag in Unearthed is askew; sticking up from the ground at an angle.

Safeguard: since the June update, hardly any sentries or vultures load in Loot rounds, essentially killing the game mode. Also, most Challenges are 'headshot'.

Minor Safeguard cheat: example; you have an iar at level 4.5. You get the minigun from the challenge. With the minigun in hand, you approach a Support Drop package containing an iar. If you pick it up with the minigun in hand, the iar goes to 5.5, keeping the blue bar where it was, rather that simply going to level 5.

I loved safeguard until it became glitched beyond playability. Now I'm trying out Reinforce and it's a glitchy mess too. Oh cod.

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