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Everything posted by Cremkie

  1. Either way, it looks amazing and I can't wait to play it tomorrow. Thumbs up to whatever dev team produced this.
  2. I watched numerous videos on youtube and in a few of them they say its obvious that Treyarch allowed another team (potentially campaign devs) to either develop or help develop MOTD as its kind of a zombies spin off. If you remember COTD from Bops 1, that DLC still had the main 4 characters and includes more storyline. MOTD could be a completely separate zombies experience.
  3. Was this developed by the actual zombies team or was it the campaign guys?
  4. That same cry can be heard upstairs in the bar or just outside the door to jug in town
  5. Guys has anyone tried deflecting the beam with the shields? There are more pylons around Green Run, do they all need to be connected?
  6. I agree that we MUST keep searching, don't give up yet guys. There has to be more.
  7. I've updated the original post to include the image.
  8. The beam to the upper level of bank goes beyond bridge, I ran across bridge and scoured the place but didn't really find anything except cars. The beam from behind pylon may go to Nachter/Farm/Diner or maybe another pylon, not sure? I was able to stand on glass outside laundrette and reproduce the beam but maybe its an angle related thing???
  9. I'm thinking the same thing. The directions change, alternating between ground and first level of bank, laundrette room and different directions from pylon itself. I think the beam to the ground level of bank ends at bookshelf (maybe even a particular book) and also there is glass there again. The beam through laundrette ends outside the window beside the alley where the ground is raised. I definitely think its pointing out locations for players to do something.
  10. Guys I've more observations: Apparently only players that have done the tower of babble can see it The beam of light switches from ground level to first level of bank Beam also appears to go straight through the laundrette I can get the beam to appear when I stand on the broken glass in front of the laundrette I've seen the beam going past pylon to something else I've also seen it going in completely different directions (maybe power room and Nacht) There is broken glass in certain parts of the map The loading screen has broken glass in the the top right corner I spent all last night trying to uncover more.
  11. Just tried on solo and here are the results: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=111771826 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=111771698 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=111771483 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=111771580
  12. Are custom zombies not recorded??? I can't find the match from last night for the red beam proof
  13. As I said I lost my connection before I could try the other door, I too believe that there is something we are missing. I will try knifing both doors simultaneously, using turbines, etc Even the locks on those doors look odd even out of place.
  14. The same Orange orb can be seen in the window opposite where the bus stops at the Bus Depot. Is it a coincidence or not???
  15. I will check in theatre mode to see if that beam shows up. This is the first time I've heard anyone talk about the 2nd floor of the bank as that is exactly where the beam was going/coming from.
  16. Myself and a few others completed Maxis's side of the Tower of Babble last night. After we completed it we attempted to complete Richtofens side so we turned back on the power. I went into town to build the jet gun and decided to look into some of the theories that have been discussed recently. I ended up knifing the lock on the door to the laundrette....I knifed it a few times and nothing happened but I thought I saw a beam of light when I turned around so I knifed it some more and voila a beam of red light appeared from the tower straight into the bank, I repeated this and every time the beam would appear from the tower to the bank, I was just about to ask one of the other guys to knife the other door in the alley where the box spawns but lost my bloody connection to Black Ops 2 servers. Has anyone else seen this???
  17. How are things guys? I've been playing zombies on the 360 for too long, really just another zombie player obsessed with the zombies storyline, slaying the undead, hitting high rounds and doing all the easter eggs. I've moved to PC recently (Custom maps/Mods are awesome) and can't wait to unravel all mysteries embedded in the zombies portion of COD. Should see me lingering around here every so often. Keep it real, over and out. Steam: DC_Cremkie
  18. Yes you can see zombies sliding off the roof of the diner in the Zombies trailer
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