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Everything posted by putridANDpurple

  1. im down~ whatever dates. putridANDpurple culled some old friends, should have room for a decent amount of requests~ like the idea of fast4, i prefer teams of two, but its all gravy~
  2. ^totally agree the bridge helps so much, although bowie knife and semtex are also a must. I'm trying different methods/ rooms/ etc. Solo , the 74u is good in the beginning, ammo can be bought and usually the box is there. I try to get the mpl by round one, great for head shots Keep the spawn area rebuilt, frag em, rebuild, drop down when shit hits the fan, semtex, then flush em, run back to bridge, chill there for a bit. Stil havent gotten the ray gun or shrink ray :\ Edit: 20 with 4, and 8 solo, lol the box hates me& juggs never want to be on the same side as the box Forgot to put my rounds lol
  3. ^In solo only one stone is spinning, you can PaP.... Anyway, just did another run, round 8 used up my revives lol, 13720\\117\\15 . Buys: mpl, box: cz75, sniper(w/clip), monkey bomb, ballistic knife Mpl path to power on. My plan on this run was to let dummies ALL spawn out before I started grouping them together and have them funnel towards the spikes/cart or next to olympia.... no perks from monkeys :(
  4. Id figure they were still gonna do the ee and limit the revive to 3, or each time you down you lose a perk can't get it back, untl maybe 3 then buy a 4th, I dunno, I want to see wht the button on top of quick revive does in solo....
  5. bit off topic, pressure plate locations? by the bridge, above where the rail car dropsoff by the revive by juggernog in the recess in the tunnel goin to the ak74u and i think i saw one downstaris but i get lost :/ and the plates all depressed i was told in a match last night brought the eclipse but we had one dude who never listened.... so i dunno so yea, i think the best plan is stick to the right path, priorities being ak74 bowie knife semtex then juggernog, save the left path til last or o bail out...
  6. :mrgreen: 360 gt is my coDz handle glad to be here, looking forward to helping people get achievements if need be, i am starting to build up my zombie ones, kinda tough all alone ya know so yea, see yall around
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