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Similar to my other "Moar..." posts, this post is mostly about breaking the marathon busywork ZNS map into small survival maps for quicker games, but also with a few long-game options. (2.13.2019).




Things to consider: 


GobbleGum: Maybe you want to bring Mega power to your survival map. Maybe you wish to play offline to not sully your stats, but maybe you want those Liquid Divinium too badly. Or you could skip GG altogether (or bring the whimsical Eye Candy, turn zombies into green army men and just play the game like that since EC never runs out; the monogreen spiders and thrashers amuse me). I generally use Classic GGs, or otherwise useless GGs (Slaughter slide, the Temporary PaP GG, et cetera).


Mystery Box (?box): This spawns by Propellor Trap Room or by the SoNS Altar. By leaving these doors closed, you could force reliance on wallbuys and Blue Water Reward Plants, which becomes its own new mode. Or you could use the ?box for your best guns should you so desire.


Power, PaP, Masamune (KT-4 Upgraded): If you open the Bunker and do the busywork for these, you are essentially just playing ZNS, so I'll mostly avoid them, but there will be exceptions.


Perks: Quick Revive is live for solo, and powering Lab A and/or Lab B lets you buy Stamin Up, Speed Cola, and/or Double Tap 2. Getting your real eggs in a bottle requires the Bunker opening task, and Power Switch task for longer games and slightly more open map.




Each new map basic design may start with "#(Map name)". One "#" means "real short", "##" means "short", and "###" means an hour or longer game depending on skill and fate. Some are fleshed out games, and some are just ideas for you to utilize in your own desired way. Some can be combined with others for unique gameplay.


####### Maps and Ideas #######


#Start Room: Everyone loves the Start Room challenges (Yes, you do. Shut up and like it): No doors allowed. RK5, Shieva, GGm, 1 Plant which can be watered once, 1 Spore. Short games.


Option: Open whichever Room Quick Revive falls in for bonus lives and guns. 1. Path B door for that Stone Room running area, another plant, LCAR9, and Spores. Or 2. Path A door for that Drop Room (power up room) KRM, Plant, and Spores.


Option: Fight only while swimming. This is a short but fun game. Zombies walk underwater.


Option: Can't go past Shieva (no RK5, GGm, or Plant). Horrible loads and Shieva for you tough guys.




##Box and Bottle: In B+B, open to the ?box. When QR falls (first room, either side of Start Room), open the Start Room door to it. Random guns, some unwatered Plants, Spores, GGm, and 4 lives. 1 box and 1 bottle, until box moves and perk leaves. QR always falls on the other path than the ?Box.


##B+B1; Box by Propellor Trap, QR in Stony Room. This makes a nice tiny map with a few Spores of concern, but fair training.


##B+B2; Box by SoNS Altar, QR by "drop" room (hidden power up/drop). Harder map flow, challenges option (though unlikely).


###B+B Extension: You can open both sides to each ?Box location, open Lab B Trip Mine area, Lab B upstairs, and the Bowie area, all without encountering water. So this can add training room, better guns, spores, more plant spots, Trip Mine, and another GGm location, all while still avoiding busywork of buildables and water, for a fairly short survival game still.




###Lab A, Powerless: Open Path A at start, stay right, open Lab A area. Lab A upstairs is closed. ?Box locations are closed.This is quite fun and changes up the normal zombie playstyle by utilizing Plants as your ?Box. Some planting and watering is involved, but it is minimal. With no ?Box, you have a few wallbuys, with your best possible guns coming from Plants. GGm is at start, along your planting-path, and water is in back, forcing you to utilize this whole map. Train around Lab A or camp the back steps of Lab A. Possible QR option.


Option: Open Stony Room for a cul-de-sac near Start for easier flow at this end. (Recommended). QR option.


Option: Open door between Lab A and the Bunker for VMP and Bowie Knife, and a decent training area. (Recommended).


Option: Open Lab A upstairs. This adds GGm, and M8A7. Improves the camping of rear steps by zipline. Adds Perk options with temporary power.


Option: Open Stony Room and front of Lab B (training, Trip Mines, Vesper), even open upstairs of Lab B (HVK30, GGm), and/or open this end of the Bunker area to make the map a loop, all without changing the basic game of "farm for guns, have no perks (but QR option)".


Option: Open to the ?Box Room, either side. Avoid watering at all and just run Lab A. Possible challenges option, depending on the ?Box location.




###Green Water Pit (Power on):


Just like other "Pit" maps of mine, the idea is to enter a closed off area and never leave nor open a way out.


Map rules: never open either (vine) door to Green Water behind Lab B. Get power on, get what you can on your class before entering. Then head to the KT4 Labs, and ride the sewer to the Green Water area. Don't leave.


(You cannot build nor upgrade the KT4, nor the Gas Mask due to part locations unless you plan ahead and use Anywhere But Here! GG to get the green KT4 part, Gas Mask Part, then return again for 1 bucket of rainbow water. This could be done with 2 uses of 1 ABH!).


Once ready, enter the Green Water Pit and stay until dead.


Honestly, this offers no real great fun. You can get weird zombie spawns by climbing the hill to the vine door at the highest point. The training is tough, but I know that some of you love challenge, so I posted this tidbit.




Spider Pit: You may attempt to close yourself off in any small area by having a Spider wall off the entrance(s). They only web off doors that you've opened. Results may vary, but you could theoretically create a "pit" map with Spiders for an odd game or couple of rounds.




##"Docks Pit": Turn on Power Switch, take Lab A zipline to Docks with Docks door closed. Lots of set-up for a death trap, but you can train there. Another tough small map.




Lab B thoughts; You can open and run this area as your training map, but I haven't found any real worthy builds of interest beyond "open some areas, kill zombies" so here are some thoughts on Lab B:


Vine Door to Bunker (from Lab B): Opening this gets you the Bowie and VMP, if desired, but leaving it closed is a good camp spot on the Lab B side (be wary of spore on right path), and if you stay backed up during a spider round, each spider will spawn in the center of this path, you literally shoot the ground until all spiders die, making them even easier than usual.


Vine-door by Kuda: With this door closed, and the 500 point AA Gun Room door above closed, it is a safe early camp spot. Edit: If you open the Bunker vine-door (from last paragraph), the zombies do spawn above you. I assume this load point may occur if you open the Bunker/Bowie area from Lab A (with this side's vine door closed), but I've not tested specifically for that yet.


Lab B Steps: If you go up the long front steps and leave the actual Lab B door closed, 1-2 zombies spawn on the roof, but the rest all walk up the steps. This can be used in a survival map, or in a full game. Good for after buying Bowie knife, for early camping. With the Green Water area closed, most zombies walk up from beneath you, around and up the stairs, this is kind of cool to see and hear. (You could "spider web" this closed too, but more zombies may come from roof. Untested).


Training Lab B front area: Running under the Lab B works, but don't stay under the Lab, run around by the tree hill, and the wet area, and past the rear steps (mind that spore there), only passing under the lab. Watch out if you plant a plant by the water as it can block your path. If you open the Green Water area, simply circling the entire Lab B often works best.


Green Water: Using Green Water in a survival build nets you lots of zombie-holding plants or weak rewards, which are unnecessary in this type of survival play. Much less intriguing than Blue Water for survival quick maps, but maybe it will amuse you enough to be worthy.




Purple and Rainbow waters:


You could quickly power both labs and open the Bunker to toy with Purple watered plants.


Purple: in Bunker, go to PaP room, open right side door. Purple water is in here. This can create the "Monkey Bomb Flytrap" Plants.


The Power Switch needs to be on to play with Rainbow water and you must pay 500 points each Sewer ride to get it.


Rainbow water: in Bunker, go to PaP room. Go to opposite door from entrance, go below 'yellow things' room. There is a flooded part. Go in, spend points to activate sewer to Green Water (behind B). Rushing through the tunnel you will pass 2 blue-lit areas, then after the second blue-lit area 3 tiny blue stones are floating on your right, hold X/xb1 (interact button) just before you pass them for rainbow water. Rainbow Water can make fruit plants or have other various plant rewards, if I understand correctly.




Hydrophobia (Self loathing mode): You can only kill regular zombies while swimming. By Start, KT4 Lab Sewer, Green Water Sewer, and Mule Kick tunnels.


Option: You win if you survive a complete, non-Spider round in the MK tunnels (not in the shallow water by MK, you must dive past the first air-less section).




###Shangry Labs: Open Path A and B to Labs, and open the connecting path by Bunker/Bowie from both ends to create a loop. Leave Bunker, Green Water, and the ?Box Rooms closed. Power the labs with Blue Water, get the perks. Plants and wallbuys for guns. DT2, QR, SC, and SU perks. (Purchased perks remain functional when power goes off).


Option: Open ?Box Room for guns to avoid watering busywork.


Option: Add Propellor Trap. Decide at start if you want the ?Box or not. If you do not want it, but it is in the Propellor Trap Room, restart until perfect. With no PaP, a late game trap can help.


Option: Keep 1 door closed for non-loop map.


Option: Challenge. Open SoNS Altar area, attempt challenges for Max Ammo, a Gun, or a perk slot that you can't fill.




Propellor Trap Map: Water-power Lab A, use Trap as needed. Refill power as needed. (Power Switch option as well). Without PaP or DT2, this could be your savior.




Fan Trap Map: Power Switch on, use Fan Trap of AA Gun entrance. Possibly exit through small door path to Lab B. Mix this with any other "Power Switch On" options to create a unique trap mode.




##Shield Map thoughts: Any build that has access to Labs A+B and Bowie can access the Bunker. Getting the Shield is then very simple as it only requires 1 more door purchase inside the Bunker (other Shield parts are at the open Lab areas), making a slightly larger map. 


##KT-4 and Gas Mask map thoughts:


Getting the Gas Mask necessitates Green Water area, Propellor Trap Room, and 2 additional Bunker doors, but will be worth it for the protection it grants. Don't forget to breathe your share of Spores first! Playing without gas mask helps keep the games short.


KT-4 gives access to Power Up, and Spidergawd Boss fight, as well as killing zombs. Similar map opening requirements as Gas Mask. Possible Widow's Wine option.




######## More to come, this is always a work in progress.


Happy gaming!

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