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"Wrath of the Ancients" Question...


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I've got a question regarding the "Wrath of the Ancients". I'm sure a lot of you guys/gals here could answer for me.

This goes back to the "Apothicon Servant" and a lot of people saying it can't be upgraded because of some "GobbleGum" that no longer upgrades it

My question is, does this same "GobbleGum" (forgive me I don't know the name) upgrade the "Wrath of the Ancients".


The only reason I even ask, is because we don't actually PaP these particular Wunder Weapons. We go through a series of steps in order to "Upgrade" them.

Maybe it's just me, I like how Treyarch have implemented this "Upgrade Process" in order to wield such powerful Weapons, as opposed to being able to just throw it in the PaP. Makes it all the more rewarding once you finally obtain it.


Please let me know your thoughts & opinions. I don't expect too see another Wunder Weapon, where this "Upgrade Process" is NOT used.

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I don't know about the wrath of the ancients, but I agree with what you are saying about the upgrade process. I have seen a lot of people suggest that the Apothicon Servant pack-a-punch was patched out because it was too OP, but if you look at the way people were upgrading it, I don't think it was ever designed to be upgraded this way. Same probably can be said for using the ephemeral enhancement gobblegum. That's why I believe it was patched/fixed. 

I don't think that reflects the upgrade process being removed from the game. They just removed a bug that allowed players to bypass the designed upgrade process. Based on the mechanics of the staffs in Origins and the bows in Der Eisendrache, I think if there is an upgrade process for the Apothicon Servant, it will not involve the pack-a-punch machine.

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I agree.

Honestly I believe the "Upgrade Process" still exists and can be obtained right now. From what I've heard the complexity of the Coding for the "Plague Pods" & "Cocoons" are far more complicated & in-depth, than that of the Main Quest or any other Easter Egg in Shadows.

Hell, I would almost go as far, as to say Treyarch left that shit in on purpose (the PaP Glitch) simply because without it, we never would've known such a thing exists.

They (Treyarch) had 3 years to make this map, I highly doubt after all that time, with the addition of Next-Gen consoles, now not being limited to outdated hardware, they would've F****d up this bad.

Then again we are talking about "Trollarch".

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12 hours ago, Ragdo11706 said:

I've got a question regarding the "Wrath of the Ancients". I'm sure a lot of you guys/gals here could answer for me.

This goes back to the "Apothicon Servant" and a lot of people saying it can't be upgraded because of some "GobbleGum" that no longer upgrades it

My question is, does this same "GobbleGum" (forgive me I don't know the name) upgrade the "Wrath of the Ancients".


The only reason I even ask, is because we don't actually PaP these particular Wunder Weapons. We go through a series of steps in order to "Upgrade" them.

Maybe it's just me, I like how Treyarch have implemented this "Upgrade Process" in order to wield such powerful Weapons, as opposed to being able to just throw it in the PaP. Makes it all the more rewarding once you finally obtain it.


Please let me know your thoughts & opinions. I don't expect too see another Wunder Weapon, where this "Upgrade Process" is NOT used.

No you cant upgrade the bow with the gg... you need to do the steps for upgrading..

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Thank you for answering that for me.


See this is my point though. I think being able to "Trick" the PaP into accepting the "Apothicon Servant" is what has F****d everyone up.

Now instead of thinking logically, like needing to go through a series of events in order to "Upgrade" it, similar to Origins "Staves" & now Der Eisendraches "Wrath of the Ancients". 

A lot of people are trying to figure out how to make the "PaP" machine accept it. When this was never the intended way (Pack-a-Punch).


This explains why the "GobbleGum" Does NOT work on either the "Apothicon Servant" nor the "Wrath of the Ancients", and if it were available, I'd be willing to bet, In Origins, it wouldn't work on any of the "Staves" either. All of these "Ancient" weapons are "Upgraded" not "Pack-a-Punched". 

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