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How to beat the first panzer soldat round?

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Ok so I'm looking for some advice on beating this round. So far I've only got past it once. He always comes on round 12, and at this point I'm still getting set up with weapons, perks, bow, gumballs etc. What are your ways of dealing with this guy I just panic because I'm trying to concentrate on lots of zombies too. He doesn't come that often so I feel that if I can beat round 12 I'll be able to get properly set up and reach a high round.

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Try and upgrade a bow before round 12. If you use your zombies wisely, when feeding the dragons, you can have your bow for round 3/4. Especially if you can get a x2 from the gondola or a drop. That should leave plenty of rounds to upgrade a bow. If not, try using a PaP'ed weapon. And when shooting at him try and aim for his face. 

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By round 12, you can have a LOT done already if you know what you're doing and you're using your points wisely. This post will be less "How to kill the Panzer Soldat" and more how to get a good start so you can be prepared for it:

- Use your starting pistol for the first 2 rounds, but make sure to kill with the knife. Shoot a zombie 4-5 times in the chest (I usually only go 4 to be safe) on round 1, and 5-6 on round 2 then finish them with the knife. That'll maximize your points for those rounds. If you run out of ammo on round 2, just knife them twice.

- Wallbuy the RK5 on either round 1 or 2. It's amazing for early rounds, just don't use it before round 3, or it will kill the zombies in one burst, yielding less points than a knife kill. On round 3-4 you can hit a zombie with one burst then finish them with a knife (just be careful you don't get downed going in for a knife on a zombie with a posse).

- Always head to power from the lower door so you can do the first dragon in the lower courtyard asap. It can be done as soon as you reach it. Also, do the other dragons as soon as power is on and grab the bow. Remember that you have to wait for the dragons to swallow the zombies before you can feed it another. Only kills after or shortly before the dragon finishes swallowing will be picked up. Patience and proper zombie training skills are the keys to getting the bow early on.

- BUILD THE SHIELD. As soon as power is on, you should be turning on anti-gravity and building the shield. Leave a last zombie and do it before the end of that very round.

- Lastly, avoid the box until you already have a decent set-up. That means the bow in one hand, a good wallbuy in the other, Jug, quick-revive if playing solo, and a gobblegum. Unless you absolutely must have the Ray-gun, the box is a double-edged sword that's not worth playing with unless you can afford to lose.

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I swap between two methods. Either try to get a pop shocks before he shows up and then just knife him or get an upgraded bow before 12 and use the death ray to trap him and then just unload on his core. You don't want to aim for his face you want to aim for the yellow core on his chest. 

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