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Ok, so HYPE! S of E looks absolutely amazing! I'm in the middle of breaking down the trailer so here's what I found so far, please help me add to the list, thanks! :) 

Weapons - Black Ops 3 basic weapons, what appears to be a British sten gun, a 38. special, the hells retriever in the form of a sword? Fire breathing riot shield :D, very big grenade of some sort, demon arm things from darkness 1 and 2? 

Perks - I didn't see any perk machines, but I did see a few "Dr. Monty's" bubblegum machines, one was glowing red (Jugg?), one was glowing purple (PHD?), one was glowing yellow (Stamin Up?), it also appeared to have a few other effects, one similar to zombie blood in origins, one could have either given the guy a power-up, revealed hidden power-ups, or granted more power ups, one made the character explode into a ball of fire killing every zombie around her and possibly teleporting her, and one turned the guy into the weird squid beast thing. UPDATE 1: I just found out the purple gumball has a quick revive symbol on it :D

Characters - A mobster, a magician, a prostitute, and a street fighter.

Boss zombies - What appeared to be a bug/sea creature of some sort, I think it could be the swamp monster that killed Gary and Brock, but that's a long shot. It looked like you had to shoot off it's heads to kill it and after, it spawned little flying bug things.

Extras/Easter Eggs - I saw a few of those cuniforms we keep seeing, my bet is they're part of the EE, also there was a sacrifice much like the one in COTD, also probably a part of the EE.

That's all I have so far, please feel free to add to the list :D 

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One thing I noticed about the gum-balls were that I don't think their effects last forever. 

I mean the purple one turned one invisible to zombies. But you can't be permanently invisible. You also can't set off a nuke every time you get slapped.... 


I think gum-balls are temporary perks, but this is concerning. Are ALL the perks temporary? I can't imagine they'd have a map this big and then require you to constantly keep buying juggernog and/or quick revive in solo. Maybe some gum-balls are permanent, others arn't? Maybe the map is just so big we don't even have any footage of perks? Maybe all the perks are in one area like a bar? We'll have to see... 


Also, I should mention there is another character, the dark man. 

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The trailer didn't offer the eerie or ominous feeling of horror I was hopping for. It appeared a bit too bright and almost a parody of former maps. My hope is that this just what the reveal portrayed and there will be more surprises on the way with The Giant.


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The trailer didn't offer the eerie or ominous feeling of horror I was hopping for. It appeared a bit too bright and almost a parody of former maps. My hope is that this just what the reveal portrayed and there will be more surprises on the way with The Giant.


I wouldn't worry. I mean, we've been given THIS much info now, marketing wise they've not even released the juiciest info yet and won't do so until late September or October. 

Everyone is here talking about Shadows of Evil while I am still playing Zeitgeist. :o

i'm still loving carrier if you can believe that! I want to do the easter egg but My internet is SO shit and keeping a zombie alive is just out of the question in solo. 

I've learned that Next-gen Consoles and wifi-connection is NOT the best combo. Too much data to transfer. 

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My friend just pointed this out. It is a regular box location with a teddy bear sitting on it, so the box is back but it could look different.

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