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Extinction VS Zombies: The swinging door theory

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By now I hope you all have seen the intel videos and gameplay up to the end of awakening. If not, I suggest you go look it up before ya read something you regret… 




Sense the beginning of Extenction, I have pondered the theory of multidimensional relations between the zombies world, and this one. Now, up til now I've assumed it was a multiverse theory with constants and variables. For instance, in one world the apocalypse comes from zombies, in another cryptids, both worlds hold an apocalypse, only their way of distraction is varied. Now I'm beginning to suspect something far more epic. 



In the words of the ghost busters: The door swings both ways. 


In the original world, richtofen fallowed the orders of ancients to swap souls with an all powerful child using vril technology. Up til now we've assumed that samantha was locked in the aether/argartha afterwards. Now here's a thought: What if the aether/argartha aint what we make it to be? 


What I imagine this world to look like is infact, another earth, very similar, almost a complete reflection of the original world, Samantha is placed here and, according to Robert Lutece's guide to trans-diminsional travel, her brain adapted. She became doctor cross, and grew up. Meanwhile in the real world, richtofen Lost the battle, forcing his soul back into the same realm as his captive. Here he knows one thing: He needs to take down doctor cross and her way home. He becomes David Archer, and quickly rises through the ranks. 


All is normal until the cryptids, the ancient ones of this place, come into knowledge of cross. 


See, much like the lutece's in bioshock infinite, the ancient ones simply wish to communicate with the other kind of another universe. They set up elaborate traps and manipulate the others with their psychological binds. 



Now how does one cross dimensions? Simple, We've already seen it once before. 


It's almost like a demonic recipe: Four humans, manipulated by forces beyond their control, must partake in the releasing of a demonic horde, the horde will struggle for power and eventually over run the human race and lead the planet to ashes. To perform properly one needs a host girl, and a spiral device (golden rod/cortex), with life-force-energy crammed into it. 


What I believe samantha plans to do is "Swing" the door the opposite way, instead of pushing richtofen and herself into this second world, the catastrophe will instead be pushed back by MORE life-force, eventually ejecting sam and richtofen back into the original world. 



Think of an airplane, the zombie world is pressurized, anything exposed to an opening, such as sam's soul, gets sucked out. Richtofen used this to replace his own soul with hers. MAXIS planed, and succeeded in doing the same thing, ejecting richtofen's soul into the void as well, unfortunately maxis isn't a soul, he's presumably an AI. And thus flux endures.


Maxis's soul can only hold open the gateway to argartha for so long before he breaks, sucking the presumable existence of the zombie world with him. BUT, if samantha is able to REVERSE the flow of the plane's pressure, by crashing it underwater, it becomes a sinkhole and everything flows back in. 


Once back in, it can be speculated that samantha will eject richtofen's soul from the machine again, and take control of the hordes once more. BUT my theory is something from the flux between worlds will come in with her, push her out, and take control. 



SImply put, samantha crashes the airplane into metaphorical water, everything sinks into it, water, samatha, richtofen, and whatever's else out there…. 







Also for those that say extinction has NOTHING to do with zombies:


Extenction: Zombies

Samantha- influenced by the hordes. :  Samantha- influenced by the hordes.

Cryptid apocalypse: Zombie apocalypse.

Golden rod looks just like the cortex device. 

Weapon development by a research group. 

Hordes from beneath the earth rise to kill.

Ancient technology on controlling the hordes

Scorched earth

A voice only heard by an intercom ready to scorch the earth

War-man scientist with little to no conscience. 

Big machine in low-gravity environment/ bouncy environment. 

Soul-powered devices.


Have I not convinced you yet? 


Anyway, tell me what you think, and what you think will happen!


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I love this theory.

But I think there's one issue: How can you explain that Sam's soul is in both worlds? 


When Richtofen swapped souls with her -if we follow this theory- Sam's soul is now in the Cryptid's world AND in the Real world.


This means that when the soul leaves "the airplane" doesn't really leaves but clones? Meaning the person now has two souls, one for each world.


Just a thought.

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Thought and researched long and hard about this and this is my result:


Perhaps it's in this world but the cryptids allow her to influence the richtofen of this world. because look: Without a soul in rictofen's body he's a walking soul conduit. Easily manipulated by any force. 


Now one can argue that samantha INSTANTLY came to be influencing richtofen. But then there's this: 


Many theories in quantum physics state that if two men, one stuck on earth and the other traveling to the other side of the galaxy in a 10 minute trip were to be the exact same age, by the time the traveler got back, the other would have age over 60 years in the 10 minutes he's been gone. Many time travel theories revolve around this.  


So now we have means to understand how sam could return to eddy's body at the exact moment of execution, because crossing the universe, and dimensions, changes time. But id' like to take that a step further… 


Now, lets say that dimension travel is MUCH different then space travel, and lets say sam got BACK to the zombies world YEARS before she'd even left, to the day richtofen tried to test his MPD and ended up on the moon. She could have been zapped RIGHT into the good doctor through the conduit. Meaning richtofen's madness is actually sam's consciousness, this would explain how the "voices" know everything that would happen, but sam still seems clueless. 


If this is the case, then once eddy stepped into the MPD, and ejected sam into the extinction world, the leftover consciousness (samantha) broke through and claimed his old body. 


Now lets assume this cycle of samantha, to edward , to cross, to edward again, is a constant, always moving ring. And every time the same thing happens, leaving richtofen to suffer in a zombie's body until maxis releases him and destroys the world. NOW lets say  that RICHTOFEN'S victory BREAKS the cycle, eliminating maxis, and breaking the cycle. No one can ensure samantha returns to her body, and thus a paradox endures. 


The universe, compensating for this impossible nature, forms the nightmare world: A place where the traveling entity: Samantha, is locked, immobile in a cage, who's locks are the staffs, and who's keys are the O4. 


As well, the gatekeeper, the one who must never allow samantha to leave either world, is richtofen. This is fitting because neither archer, nor Richtofen want samantha to leave, for it means destruction of the world. 


Maxis, for the best way to explain him is to go back to bioshock infinite: burial at sea part 2. (spoilers) In the DLC,

near the beginning, you find elizabeth (maxis) was killed, however she is an omnicipant being, she has knowledge of the universe and how it works, she simply wakes up in another version of herself. HOWEVER, despite the lutece's pleas, elizabeth travels BACK into the SAME world and upon entry, the universe syphons everything she is. She loses her ability to see/open tears, she loses her knowledge of the universe.. Everything…

 Maxis does the same and upon doing so loses everything he knew about the universe. 


So the metaphorical prison of Origins is just a cell. Only by restoring maxis' omnicipancy can he then break samantha out of her prison. Edward is simply the key to the lock to let her out. 


Now what happens next is a complete mystery for me… 

IN THEORY the paradox resides with richtofen killing maxis or maxis destroying the world, neither of these events can happen, SO by breaking samantha out in origins. We're left with a paradox that must resolve it's self, IM GUESSING it's a way for maxis to survive richotfen's destruction.  MEANING in the next game, Richtofen should be the DA, but maxis should be alive, with his daughter. 


Universe remains balanced, paradoxes resolved, Origins still is just as useless. 


Just a recap of samantha's chronological life: 


Birth ------> Enter MTD manually-----> gets thrown into cryptid universe by richtofen----> as samantha cross, uses crypt id's mass slaughter to return to this world despite archer's attempts at stoping her, just as richtofen sent her into the abyss too----> Samantha returns as richtofen's madness thank's to maxis's influence--->Samantha is released back into richtofen's body----> She waits with O4 in argartha, for richtofen to be kicked out of the MPD----> Maxis becomes controller and destroys the earth to break a paradox in which samantha can not return to richtofen's body. ----> Universe re-collects it's self, so now richtofen wins, banishing maxis---> Universe falls apart because maxis must save samantha----> Paradox endures with no other alternative, leaving richtofen, maxis, and samantha stuck in Origins---> Maxis escapes, freeing samantha intentionally, and richtofen because he has too---> Universe balances out---> Samantha is wherever maxis left her, maxis is alive, richtofen is controller. OR maxis is controller, richtofen and maxis have their correct bodies. 



VERY confusing I know...

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Wow, this is in-depth even for a zombie theory! Although it's a very interesting idea I don't think Infinity ward would be bothered making such a confusing timeline, hence the inclusion of Intel instead of Easter eggs and secrets.


A good theory none the less!

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