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2 player game not saving to leaderboard

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Any custom game does not go on leaderboards.

It actually does.

I had 1319 downs before I started a match on Die Rise and I had 4 downs, upon checking the leaderboards my downs currently stand at 1323 downs.

@OP Regarding your match you may have to wait a while for your stats to be updated.

Also losing connection or being offline solo do not count.

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Thanks for the reply

We played about 4 nights ago but the level reached still hasn't updated, the kills downs have but not the level leaderboard!

Read that you have to get 1 or 2 others to ready up then leave before the timer ends thus leaving the final 2 players in game?

If this is true its the stupidest way of playing 2 player to count towards leaderboard!

Its nearly if not as bad as being punished for someone leaving the game and only registering from that level they left!

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Stats from custom games save, however round reached does not. Round reached only saves from online/public matches.

The only way to set up a "private match" with less than 4 players is to have you and your buddy use guest accounts, on secondary controllers, have all four of you (Yourgamertag, Yourgamertag1 (guest), BuddiesGamertag, Buddiesgamertag1 (guest)) all ready up at once, then when the count down begins, sign out both guest accounts on your separate systems (kill yourgamertag1 and buddiesgamertag1 by hitting the xbox button, and pressing x, if you're PS3 or PC then I don't know the procedure for signing out guests.)


You can find two people who are willing to back out of the lobby when the countdown begins after the four of you have readied up.

It is a terribly stupid system, and if you are too late with backing out it could cause host disconnects, or the players would actually leave in game, instead of right before, which would cancel round recording. If they leave/back out too early then new players could join before the game starts, which defeats the purpose of attempting to trick the match into starting in the first place.

I sincerely hope they either add a private match option, or someway of limiting lobby search size for public (sometimes I just want a 2 player match, why can't I search for a lone partner?).

Good luck and happy slaying.

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custom games only save stats to your LB not rounds to get a 2 player game you have 2 options get 2 friends to go in a lobby with you and your teammate everyone ready up and the 2 friends back out at the last second on the lobby timer or if you and your teammate have 2 controllers you turn your second controller on but you need to have your second name as another live or ps3 account example


GunzLikeTheArmy 2nd account


SureSmokesAlot 2nd account

Go in the lobby like that ready up both controllers and back the 2nd accounts out before the lobby timer runs out and you have a 2 player LB

Note: 2 Jay Jizzles and 2 Jads won't work they have to be a different account for your 2nd player or it will back out bothbof your names if you use guest

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