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MotD BIG Video Analysis - All of it + Many Theories!

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Mob of the Dead: Behind the Scenes Video!


Video from chris552299.

and of course, time to analyze, theorize, and inform!

A Brief Introduction

Hello all,

So obviously we have been given a ridiculously large amount of info regarding the upcoming map, Mob of the Dead. So big, that after reviewing everything, I feel like I have already played the map, disregarding the actual layout and such. Note that I am aware there have been other analysis threads. After I worked a few hours on this, I saw them, and didn't want mine to go to waste after all the work I had done. SO, I've pushed in many theories and ideas with underlining evidence about the map as well. 40+ Images coming at ya, with so much info that your going to need a little time to get through this. I do make a few very obvious points, so for those of you pretty familiar with everything, I'd just skim. For example, I do give some basic things under Afterlife, but I also have theories I'd like input on. The bigger paragraphs are where the majority of my theories/ideas are, and section # 10 has my biggest one. Of course there is going to be info in here that is also in other threads, so if I pretty much summarize a complete thread, please let me know, and I'll be more than happy to link/cite to keep things fair. But enough of that.

Here we go.

1. Welcome to Alcatraz! + New HUD

We have a brand new HUD featured in MotD, and I'd like to point a few things out.

-Of course it looks cool, but what else? We now have the ability to choose our characters when we spawn. We spawn in Afterlife/Purgatory mode, (which I shall get into soon,) and you run in your soul form to the body you want. After this, the name of the character you've chosen will appear next to your points.

-We now have a new tomahawk that I am assuming you spawn with! You can through it at drops to have them boomeranged directly to you. They are also flaming, and throwing it at zombies seems somewhat effective, but it did not appear to ricochet back when thrown at a zombie.

-As you can see, we have new PaP camos! Ooo, very lava-y! But, I'm pretty sure they only come with PaP'd guns that are new to the map, like the Tommy Gun and AK47. (YAY! More on it later.)

-Traps make a reappearance, but I'll be into that later. The map seems very classically made.

-There appears to be a new Inventory slot in the top left, where you will hold either keys, what appears to be a ring, and some white object. I have no idea what for. Maybe where you now hold your parts? Or maybe parts specific to the sidequest? (I'll be into that soon enough.)

-There appears to be the symbol for Afterlife Mode above the ammo counter, which I will get into later.

2. Our New Characters!

1. Billy Hansem

-Voiced by Ray Liotta.

-A psychopath from the mob, bent on killing people in interesting ways.

2. "Sal" DeLuca

-Voiced by Chazz Palmentari.

-Former Mob boss.

3. Finn O'Leary

-Voiced by Michael Madsen.

-Worked his way up from the streets in the Mob.

-"Has had his hands dirty from the blood and the guts a couple of times."

4. Arthur "the Weasel" Arlington

-Voiced by Joe *Pantiolano?* (can someone give me the correct spelling?)

-Not as much info on him. Probably was disliked or a sneak, based on his nickname.

3. *BRAND NEW* Afterlife/Purgatory Mode!

-Afterlife/Purgatory mode is a new feature added in that allows you to go around as a ghost of sorts, and you are seemingly indestructible while in it.

-Throughout the trailer, the devs spoke of how we will be using this mode to find more of the story in the map.

-You spawn in Afterlife mode, with your characters sitting on the ground. You appear to be able to choose who you play as via this mode.

-Note the symbol at the bottom of the screen. This seems to represent the new mode. (Or should I be saying feature?)

-It appears as though throughout the game you are able to enter this mode. During the process, it looks like your character will just plop down on the ground, and the zombies will run wherever, ignoring your former body.

-It also seems like the bar at the bottom of the screen shows how long you may be in the new feature/mode. My belief is that if you are in it too long without returning to your body, you return to your body, and are downed.

-Photo creds to Grupo935. Hope you're ok with it.

-Remember that new symbol above your points in the HUD? Well, maybe this is where you come to get more goes at Afterlife. It's at the base of a guard tower, and there is a small switch in the bottom left.

-You are able to shock the zombies in this new mode, and it does serious damage. Reminds me of "Him."

-I believe that you lose time off of your little counter at the bottom every time you zap.

-There are portals only available to you while you are in Afterlife. You can pass through them and zap these little switches that I don't know what to make of yet, shown in the picture. Perhaps it has to do with progression of the Sidequest. And I'm pretty sure they are used to unlock stuff, like perk machines and possibly jail cells.

-Appears to mark where your teammate let his body down when he went into Afterlife. I don't think you can revive it until your teammate runs out of time in Afterlife.

-I think you may actually be able to switch bodies with a teammate if you are both in afterlife. Seems like something to make an achievement/trophy out of.

4. Buldables, Switches + Such!

1. Zombie Shield=Confirmed + Back!

-See that thing sitting on the floor on the left? That's a planted, new zombie shield! It appears to me as a combination of a cell gate and a dolly.

-The guy on the right is sending them flying!

2. Acid Trap!

-This new trap costs 1000 points.

-Sprays Acid down from the ceiling. Probably not a good idea to run through it.

3. Fan Trap!

-SLICE AND DICE BABY! Costs 1000 points.

-Again, probably shouldn't walk through that.

4. Gondola!

-Quick escape route from the zombies. Costs 750 points.

5. Possibly the Wonder Weapon! (see next section.)

5. New Weapons!

1. Tommy Gun!

-Big ammo capacity! Holds 50 per drum mag, and I'd assume 350 shots in reserve.

-Pretty fast fire rate. Never got to see that puppy upgraded, hopefully it can be.

2. AK47!

-I never got to see the AK from the 1st person perspective, just the upgraded version.

-Upgraded, it becomes Reznov's Revenge!

-Mag of 30, OK fire rate. But who cares. It's frikin' Reznov's!

4. The new Wonder Weapon: The Blundergat!

-Has a backstory: The warden of the prison collected Civil War weaponry. This was among them. (Hmm, I wonder where we'll find it... Perhaps the warden's office?) It may or may not be a buildable. It doesn't really look like one.

-QUADROUPLE barreled shotty. Hip fire or ADS to tear through hoards.

-Dang. That's round 11. Appears to hold mags of 1 with around 20 reserved.

-They've said it's upgradable "in some way." And here's what it turns into:

-Turns into a completely different gun.

-Now holds what looks to be mags of 3, with either 9 or 12 in reserve.

-Appears to fire a burst of green balls which stick to the zombies, and act almost like an Awful Lawton, but with a MUCH bigger explosion, but shorter time.

-I wonder how we shall upgrade if not through PaP?

6. Let's Talk Perks!

1. New Perk: Electric Cherry!

-A delicious new beverage of 115. This new perk has an interesting feature: It emits a shock around you whenever you are reloading, stunning and damaging zombies around you!

-The room from which it is found.

-That bad boy costs 2000 points. Notice the voltage meter on top right of the image. That's one of those thing you can shock during Afterlife! My theory on it is that you are able to shock it during Afterlife and be able to access the perk early, without the power on. Also, I think you may be able to unlock perk machines after the Boss has locked it faster this way. (I'll get to it soon.)

-Drinkin' it. This appears to be the perk that was in Weasel's hand in the preview picture of our characters. The emblem appears blue-ish purple-ish.

-That bad boy in action. One of the zombies died after being shot a few times, then zapped by the perk. Very cool.

-The emblem is a white cherry, but the stem is a fuse. The background is blue. (I know, you have eyes :P )

2. Confirmed Perks: Jug and Speed

-There's your Speed Cola, with the zapper next to it. Ignore the fire, the boss had locked it down, which will also be explained.

-Jug in bottom left, and this is the effects of someone else using Electric Cherry.

-Though it's expected to have all the O4 perks, you never know. We lost Double Tap at Ascension.

7. New Zombie Boss + Hell Hound Head!

1. The Boss: Guard, or Warden?

-We have a new George Romero type zombie boss with the new map. He appears as a pretty big man, with a helmet, body armor, a flashlight on his chest, a fiery baton in one hand, and what appears to be a set of keys in the other.

-Around the forum, we've seen arguments about this guy being a warden or a guard. Well, look just above his flashlight. That's a tie! Look at his legs. Pants under his armor! There's that bad boy's badge on his left shoulder! We appear to have pissed this guy off by entering his prison alive. So, my theory is that in the cutscene, we will see this guy scream at us, run to a nearby armory, and suit up to be this boss. Is he the Warden, or a Guard? Prison Guards tend to wear that type of apparel. However, we have such a history on the warden. He must come into play sometime, undead or alive. We also see other zombies in the same outfit running around. But, guards would probably be the ones with the keys and batons. This zombie must be smarter than the others, for who knows why. We'll find out soon enough.

-This jerkface now has the ability to lock up perk machines and the mystery box. Makes me recommend sticking to wall weapons, considering nothing was said about them. He's locking up Speed Cola in the pic.

-This is the after effects of the lock up. The machine is darkened, with fire on the floor. I bet we can unlock if fast by shooting the voltage device in Afterlife!

-Here he is being slain. The Insta-Kill has no effect on him, like George, but he seems to be much weaker. In the trailer, he was killed with the Remington w/out Double Tap, and I'm assuming it took almost all of its ammo to take him down. He falls to his knees, then flops face first into the floor, with a small explosion of fire.

-This is another good pic to look at him from.

The Hellhound's Head! (or, as I call 'em, the portal pooch[es].)

-This guy has his head sticking out of the wall, but no body! (called it ;) ) He thrashes around, and chews on a mannequin looking thing.

-You receive points from shooting him, which makes me think he'd have as much health as a normal hellhound. Otherwise, you could easily point boost off of him.

-I also think therecould be more than one that comes. I find the idea of simply one being killed instantly stupid, and I refuse to accept it.

-THEORY! Maybe what we are looking at is teleported Fluffy, after she tried to kill Sam and Dr. Maxis in the MTD at Der Riese. That would explain why it's head would be sticking through a wall. Perhaps this is just before Sam got into the MPD, and took over the zombies. Maybe when you're abut to kill her, she teleports away, and returns after a while. Maybe we'll even see the zombies' eyes change at 20+.

8. Plan of Escape: Sidequest? Map ending? + More!

-This is the general overview of the journal/blueprint. There are many HUGE things I'd like to point out on it.

-The most obvious thing to everyone is the objectives in the top left of the left page.

1. Find the Warden's key.

---Will it be in his office, or maybe on the boss himself? I bet it's the key we see in the Inventory slot of the HUD.

2. Get the plane parts.

---Check the drawings in top right of the right page. They look to be dirty laundry as the wing, PVC pipes as the exterior, a container of something, (IDK, napalm?) and an engine/muffler of sorts.

3. Build the plane on the roof.

---Obviously we're going to the roof for the "workbench." There, we shall build our plane that will go off a ramp (shown in the drawing in the top left) and ultimately...

4. ...Get the hell off the island!

---Will this be what the ultimate sidequest is? Will we actually be able to "beat" zombies? Who knows.

-I'd really study the drawings on the top of the left page. That's what our plane will look like, showing where the parts will go as well.

-Look at the sketches on the bottom left. Remember that tower I showed earlier from Afterlife?

-Here it is again for you all. That is definitely the tower sketched in the bottom left, and it has the Afterlife symbol all over it! Maybe this is where you go to "buy" more afterlives, or be sent to afterlife mode. And that whole "That cat has 9 lives" thing may mean limit 9 per person. Total. I wonder what the importance of the tower itself shall be? I'd focus on getting to that room at the top...

-Zoomed images of the right page. Obviously the Afterlife portals will have something to do with sidequest progression. I don't know what to make of the text, nor the numbers. Perhaps something to decrypt? If anyone knows, please let me know.

-Next to the Voltage thing, there is a bit of writing. I can make out the first few words as "Come to think of it," then nothing until the fourth line. There I see the word "Lock." A little after that, I see "Could haven something to do with its _____ purpose." Can't make out the blank.

-The drawings remind me of Verruckt's wall.

10. Red Eyes: Who's in charge? + Eye Color Theory

-Well, I am honestly starting to think Samantha is in charge here. Firstly, when we get towards hearing about the map, we hear a demonic laugh. You hear it around the point ypu see the pic up there^^. But this laugh is not Richtofen's weird one. It's Sam's old one from when we get a teddy bear in the box! Also, there's another part in the video that sounds like Samantha. Skip to around 4:18 in the video, and listen carefully for the player to pick up the Max Ammo. Is that the classic voice from WaW - BO, announcing "Max Ammo!"? Sounds like it to me.

-Most people at this point are probably going "Wait. When Samantha was in control, those eyes were orange." Well, we weren't exactly with Samantha from the beginning, were we? The initial outbreak occurred at Shi No Numa if I'm not mistaken. However, Samantha was in control of the zombies before this occurred. How do we know the eyes weren't red before this outbreak? This now leads me to my next idea on why the zombies eye color is the way it is.

-When we see the zombies eye color, we are too quick to assume that it's just a way of identifying who's in charge. Well, what proof do we have to show of this? That the color changed when Richtofen took control? Well, let me give a fresh perspective on this. What if the zombies eyes were changing to explain what the intent of their master was? For example, Richtofen wanted power, right? Let's say the zombies blue eyes show this, because electricity = blueish white light in zombies. Now how about the color red? This color is blood red. And why? Perhaps because Sam has a desire for blood out of vengeance. It signifies her anger at Group 935 and the rest of the world, and how she wants to kill them all, as her daddy told her to. It was so strong, the box light changed colors. Now, as her desires were being fulfilled, let's say the color faded to orange. Richtofen was all that she needed to take down now, so it never turned all the way to yellow, or maybe white.

-Just my two cents on the eye color. Of course, if Samantha isn't in control, then I guess all that's wrong. But as of now, I'm pretty confident she is ;)

11. Misc. Things

1. The Electric Chairs

-Very creepy. I don't know if this is actual gameplay, but it sure is spooky. Maybe it's a way to get into Afterlife w/out it counting as a down? Maybe just something to scare us? I dunno.

2. Verruckt-ish Walls

-The wall behind him has the psychotic writing that reminds me of Verruckt. Not to mention the operation chair. The brain and the body drawings are weird.

-Also note the zombies. They have spikes in them. Another zombie back in Finn O'Leary's pic had barbed wire wrapped around him. Anyone have ideas why?

Conclusion (finally.)

Well, there you have it. An analyzed clip plus my ideas. Now I want to hear yours. If you have any counter theories/ideas, pleasepleasePLEASE bring them up. Again, if you have a thread with something I heavily touched up on, bring it up so I can cite your thread. This way it'd fair, and I haven't stolen your audience. Thanks everyone.

bagel_, out.


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