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PS3 Zombies Menu Store?

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Basically is there a reason why the PS3 version doesn't have a link to the store from the zombies menu? I know I can just go to the MP menu but it's just easier if it was there lol, and feels incomplete in a sense without it.

Wasn't there something posted about how there would be more than 24 zombies out at a time? Maybe I am imagining it but I've always counted 24 and I guess cause it's the same engine but from time to time when I mass kill them it lags a bit like in BO1.

Also, isn't there only one song in Green Run? I remember hearing that the other two by Skrillex and A7X were removed. I tried all three combinations multiple times with multiple Chars and only ever get Carrion.

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No no, there are no such things as stupid questions - only stupid answers. ;)

I know nothing about the PS3 menu, unfortunately. Perhaps someone would care to fill you in on that one soon.

The max number of zombies allowed in a given instance is 24. This is regardless what round you are on; it can never exceed the amount. Better information regarding this can be found here:


There is only one song in Green Run (Tranzit mode), which is Carrion by Kevin Sherwood. Treyarch removed Avenged Sevenfold's "Carry On" to instead be used as a surprise ending upon completing the Campaign. I believe Skrillex's "Imma Try It Out" was quickly removed due to it being not popular for zombies. You can still hear it when doing the Karma mission in Campaign and playing on the Plaza multiplayer map.

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Thank you :) Ya I was hoping I wasn't the only one with the store option not being there, afraid I may have missed something along the way lol. I'm not to unhappy about the songs being removed but would be nice to have a replay option, something I was hoping they would patch in BO1 :D

Ya I remember there being 24 at a time just maybe I had a dream where there would be more than 24 lol idk anyways thanks for clearing some things up for me!

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Thank you :) Ya I was hoping I wasn't the only one with the store option not being there, afraid I may have missed something along the way lol. I'm not to unhappy about the songs being removed but would be nice to have a replay option, something I was hoping they would patch in BO1 :D

Ya I remember there being 24 at a time just maybe I had a dream where there would be more than 24 lol idk anyways thanks for clearing some things up for me!

Ironically, Black Ops iOS has a replay feature for the songs. You Save & Quit after you have activated the song. After continuing the game, the song starts playing from the start immediately. I thought it was a great feature to get me back into that awesome feeling.

Yet I was disappointed this was never added to the main games.

Also disappointed that they didn't patch Beauty of Annihilation or The One to end properly. They just cut off. The thing is we know they can do it, by the removal of Skrillex, we know things can be changed with the music.

What would be even better is if they added music to the Survial maps to make them less boring. It's possible for them to do it, but they won't.

Anyway that went off-topic lol. I normally don't use the Store option anyway, so it's not a problem for me.

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Thank you :) Ya I was hoping I wasn't the only one with the store option not being there, afraid I may have missed something along the way lol. I'm not to unhappy about the songs being removed but would be nice to have a replay option, something I was hoping they would patch in BO1 :D

Ya I remember there being 24 at a time just maybe I had a dream where there would be more than 24 lol idk anyways thanks for clearing some things up for me!

Ironically, Black Ops iOS has a replay feature for the songs. You Save & Quit after you have activated the song. After continuing the game, the song starts playing from the start immediately. I thought it was a great feature to get me back into that awesome feeling.

Yet I was disappointed this was never added to the main games.

Also disappointed that they didn't patch Beauty of Annihilation or The One to end properly. They just cut off. The thing is we know they can do it, by the removal of Skrillex, we know things can be changed with the music.

What would be even better is if they added music to the Survial maps to make them less boring. It's possible for them to do it, but they won't.

Anyway that went off-topic lol. I normally don't use the Store option anyway, so it's not a problem for me.

Ah so no store option for you then? Ok well ya as far as the survival mode in Bo2 goes, I can actually deal with not worrying about the power and I can ALMOST deal with there not being as much to do in them, but what I cannot deal with is the utter silence, I mean what made Zombies fresh to me was the comical and somewhat serious tone of the characters dialogue about w/e and themselves. The music is something that could have EASILY been put in there and to me that just spells LAZY lol.

I mean how hard would it have been to patch over like 10 lines per character (with the tranzit team) or RECORD 10 lines or so for the CDC and CIA???? to me that is something that would take probably around 2 days max lol.

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