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My zombies create-a-class idea.

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Since zombies will be on the MP engine, lots of multiplayer features will be in zombies and not all of them people will like, personally i think being able to customize a class and use that straight at round 1 is stupid, but this is my idea that i think is decent still.

When you spawn, you spawn still with the pistol and 4 frags, however you have 2 extra empty classes. In a class you have 2 weapon slots, x perk slots (x being whatever the perk limit is in BO2 zombies) a tactical slot, a lethal slot, and 3 killstreaks slot.

Yes yes, i know people don't want killstreaks that much, but i think they will be included since everything else from MP is.

How to edit your classes

So, you spawn with a pistol and 4 frags in 1 class, and 2 classes empty, so how do you build up these classes? Well when you go to buy a gun of the wall, buy a perk, buy claymores/frags or use the mystery box 2 options will appear. option1= ''press square to buy this weapon/perk/equipment into your current class'' the current class being the class your using, and option2= ''Hold Square to buy this weapon/perk/equipment into a different class'' Holding square will then bring up your 3 classes and your able to select which one you would like the perk/weapon/equipment to go into. To remove an item from a class, simply press start and go into 'classes' and select which class you want to delete something from and then you can scroll through the stuff in that class and press some button to delete it.

Killstreaks in custom classses

1 class holds 3 killstreaks, killstreaks are available for purchase at the killstreaks laptop (some form of mysterybox for killstreaks, i dunno) You unlock new killstreaks as you go up in rank (introducing the rank system)here are some ideas for killstreaks

20 kills= A random drop

40 kills= Airstrike, call in a airstrike on a designated area

50 kills= Ammo re-fill, re fill all Ammo and grandes, lethal+tactical

50 kills= Sentry gun, deploy a sentry gun to attack zombies with its minigun

60 kills= Attack Helicopter, call in a attack heli on a designated area, the chopper will use minigun and rockets to attack

70 kills= Overwatch, call in a AH-6 to hover over you and protect you

80 kills= Drone Airdrop, call in a carepackage witch will contain a drone you can control. The drones include, Assault drone quad-rotor and some others

100 Kills= Nuke, end the round.

Obviously they were just ideas of the top of my head so not very good, but you get my meaning. The higher the KS the higher the level it takes to unlock

Changing classes during game

To change class during game, you must wait until the round ends or keep a crawler so your not in danger. This also apply's for editing classes, its advised not to add different equipment to other classes during rounds as you will be vulnerable to zombie attacks and will most likely down since editing classes is a lengthy process

What will happen to my classes when the game endsWell, when the came ends your classes will be gone, meaning when you start a new game you will have to build them up again. I think this keeps the originality of zombies being using the mysterbox and such.

How to upgrade my perks to pro in my class

(Im assuming you will be able to PaP perks) If you packapunch Juggernaut and get Juggernaut pro, you can apply this to all your classes if you had regular Juggernaut on already, PaP'ing a perk will cost 5000 but applying them to all your classes is free.

So that is my zombies create a class idea.

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Hmm...Even though I like to think something like this might be able to be used, it is hard for me to accept all of the menu and inventory time it would take. It starts blending into a Fallout type of inventory. Zombie matches that are considered successes are normally about 20-30 rounds for the normal gamer when playing online. If you add the amount of time it takes to decide your classes and rearranging everything, it would take forever.

I like the idea of killstreaks as well, but again, I just can't wrap my head around the idea. We already have turrets, traps, and what-not in-game. If they were to add killstreaks, it would take away from all of the things that are already in zombies. Also, how would it work? Is it if you go down, your killstreak resets? Or is it if you get hit? I see it being a little too much for zombies.

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I like the idea of killstreaks, except I think the kills would be by the hundreds for drops. I'd say something like 50 kills gets a Carpenter, 100 kills gets a nuke, 200 gets a Max Ammo, and so on. But the issue that one runs into is the fact that almost every player would be able to reach that end power drop, but then what happens? I mean generally the killstreak system works that it only resets when you die, and it can take a while for a player to die which would mean not very many drops, but if they reset before death, that would mean a lot of drops, see what I'm saying? Like where do you think the balance would be?

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I like your idea, but I only think that killstreaks, perks and a creat-a-class should be in the new versus modes. Let them make a new survival mode to make room for an addition of these things, but not in classic zombies. The only reason why I'm saying this is because you didn't specify in what game mode in which you want your new innovations.

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If they were to add killstreaks, it would take away from all of the things that are already in zombies. Also, how would it work? Is it if you go down, your killstreak resets? Or is it if you get hit? I see it being a little too much for zombies.


Lol I don't know if you realize this or not, but I just said this above likke two posts above this one.

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