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Divergent History

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I just thought I'd bring this up early. In the storyline, many members of this site personally know that analyzers of the Zombies storyline is heavily influence by history. We have the Tunguska Event, the Vril novel, and Nazis in general as mere examples. However, this new game, Black Ops 2, is taking place in the 2020's, no? This will be the first confirmed time that the story takes place in the future. This can cause some problems.

First, one source claims that the President is a woman. I'll assume it is correct. We must not be misguided by our history. There will now be a clear split in history. From thousands of years B.C.E. to 2011, we will use our history. However, from 2011 to the 2020's, we MUST use the Call of Duty history. I use the woman as an example, because 2020's is the near future. We might still be playing this game by that time. And by that time, we may never get a female president. It's a branching history. Here's another way to put it.

Our most recent US presidents occur in this order:

Ronald Reagan

George H.W. Bush

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Barack Obama

However, by 2020, the recent list of US president might be:

Ronald Reagan

George H.W. Bush

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Barack Obama

Jim Buckaroo

Oswald Brown

Sim Simpson

But in the Call of Duty universe, the US president might be:

Ronald Reagan

George H.W. Bush

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Barack Obama

Bob Bobswald

Peter Peterson

Morgan Smith

In such a predicament where real history contradicts CoD history, we should always choose CoD history. And this difference really begins at 2011, the time of Call of the Dead, the last confirmed date. The presidential difference is a small one, but there might be unforeseen complications such as this in the future.

I just wanted to bring light to it.

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I thought they said zombies was completely separate from campaign this time around? I believe they only took elements from BO campaign for the purpose of establishing a world to put zombies in, and since Rezurrection did so well, they now have the permission to do whatever the hell they want with zombies.

Thank you for saying this. So many people aren't informed - they haven't seen the interviews with the Treyarch employees or read articles about those interviews. So to everyone who sees this thread and still doesn't know, zombies is NOT taking place in the same time as the campaign. The maps dates will follow the current timeline accordingly.

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