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~Inception~ Season 2: "Separation" *FULL*


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"You've seen the Children then." The Medicine Man said calmly once we were back  inside his hut. 

"What the hell were those things?" I asked, bewildered.

"They are the Children, as I said." The Medicine Man said, taking a sip of (apparently now good-tasting) soup. 

"A group of children, tainted and corrupted." He said, sadness creeping into his voice.

"By what?" I asked. 

"Me." He replied, turning his hypnotic gaze away.

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I sat emotionless. "Explain."

He sighed, a long and sorrowful sound. 

"Do you know of the Beast of Flesh and Blood?"

"No." I said.

"He also goes by Death."

I was confused. "Wait." I said. "That's impossible. Death's a metaphor. An idea. And how does this relate to those kids?"

"Sit. Listen. And I will explain."

"I was among the first of creation. Like my brothers and sisters, I was immortal. Death was a thing unheard of. We were called, the Originals. I had always had an... Ability In this Medicine  Making. One day, looking upon humanity, I wondered how they had become so corrupt. Was it a physical thing? I wondered. I attempted to see. It was then that I attempted my greatest folly. I attempted to create liquid evil. 

Drawing upon substances from the Aether, and the Void, along with some extracted from said evil humans. They still could not die, and were left scarred."

He sighed, and took a drink of water from a stone cup beside him.

"I succeeded. In a vial I had created Evil. In it's purest form. Liquid and gas. Spiritual and physical. But I held it in my hands. In that vial, was the end.

Voices emanated from the bottle, telling me to open it, screaming for release. It's voice steadily became louder, stronger. But still I resisted. There was no way to destroy it, as breaking the vial would allow the Evil to escape. It was my cross to bear.

Eventually, the Evil's power grew to the point it could extend it's influence beyond the vial it was contained in. While I slept, it tempted one of the Originals  into my hut. I was awoken by the sound of the vial shattering. A black fog rose from the ground, slinking through his mouth. In an instant, his body was torn apart. All his flesh and organs, torn up to the point of simply being blood on the floor. A skeleton stood before me, it's eyes glowing gold. 

It walked over to me, and hoisted me up by the neck. Looking up at me, it said, whispering. "Thank you, Father." And with that, he left. The next morning, the second death in the world occurred. He simply lay there, his heart no longer beating. We decided to bury him, and from then on, the humans had become mortal. They aged, died, got sick, and I knew it was all my fault. 

Stories had surfaced. A living skeleton wearing a black hooded robe, bearing a scythe roamed the earth, taking lives by means of tearing them apart. But not with his scythe, the stories said. He could do so at will. 

Eventually he was called the Beast of Flesh and Blood. He returned to me that night, wrapped in his cloak, he said thank you once more. Black wings, formed of the same black Evil that he was, formed behind him, and he flew off into the night.

Eventually, he came to be called Death, after the event he had brought to the world. I was able to track him down at one point, I sat by a man who had been sick for weeks. I say beside him for three straight days, and the Beast of Flesh and Blood came, lifted some kind of sword built of flesh, and stabbed the man. It left no wound, it simply passed through him, and his bed. But the man was dead. I lunged, but he Ran out of the house with ungodly speed and took flight once more.

That was the last I saw of him. 

As for the Children, they were young humans who had come in contact with the Evil. It corrupted their minds and boise, twisting them into those. They worshipped him. Praised him as their lord Death, and so, the beast spared them from fate. They cannot be wounded, they cannot die, for Death protects them. They can corrupt other children as well. Using the disguises of what they once looked like, they would make friends with someone, reach out to hold their hand, and their veins would be filled with the Evil. 

I hear them at night. Singing and laughing and eating human beings. They do not attack however, since they see me as their God's creator. Besides. I am under the same protection they are. The Beast insists it's a gift, but in truth it's a curse.  I wish to die. I want to leave, to suffer the fate of billions, the fate I created."

I understood completely.

"I know of the Beast of Flesh and Blood."

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"What is it?"

The boy took a tentitive step towards the mound, eyes wide with curiosity. Behind him, Victor hung back, cautiously.

"Are you sure we should be doing this? Maybe we should tell someone.."

"And have them take it away?" Adolf spoke impatiently. "We're not babies, do you want to be scare like our fathers all the time?"

With that, Einman placed a hand on the dirt mound, swinging himself over and scrambling down the crater. With a sigh, Wilhelm followed.


The old man watched as the figure tossed and turned in the bed. He had a wet cloth and bucket ready, but was merely dabbing the man's forehead. When he had come to his daughter and seem the man, he had expected him to need serious attention. But whatever had taken such a toll on his apparel had taken no such thing on him. He sighed, studying the man. His high cheekbones implied gothic descent, although he could find no answer as to why a German would be in the Russian countryside at a time like this.

"Natascha! I need you here." The man stood up as his daughter hurried into the room, she stopped at the doorway, giving a hesitative glance at the man on the bed. "I'm going to get some supplies, nothing the kolkhoz won't provide, so I won't be long." He kissed her on the head and was gone. The girl turned to gather the equipment her father had left for her and sat down to inspect the man.

She cast an eye over his form, he was beautiful in her innocent eyes, she was too young for such other notions than beauty alone and so that was what she saw. A child's mind may be seen as ignorant of many things, but their sights are merely focused to another form. She saw past his muscles to the physically - at least - long repaired scars, past his eyelids to the sorrow they tried to seal from her and past his appearance to the aura of power that flooded the room. As if sensing her understanding, the man's eyes fluttered and opened, and she saw the tear that rolled down his face.


Achim Wilhelm sat at the bar, a drink in his hand, a cigarette in his mouth and weariness in his heart. Not for the prospect of war, definately not. War had come, the battlefield awaited, glory for the dead and love and honour for the living, all in time for Christmas back home or beyond. No, he was weary from the training; officers looking down on those below them in the army's many layered oligarchy, and a lack of good friends. Of course he'd make them, but it would take a long time and he doubted they would be as close as many childhood brotherhoods he saw around him at the bar.

"Drowning your sorrows already?" A man came and sat down next to him, grinning, "You haven't even made your first kill!"

Achim looked at him, handsome, a strong bone structure and a healthy Germanic complexion. A field ranker like him, he had seen him among his platoon.

"Shouldn't that be something to celebrate though?" He replied, turning to face the newcomer.

"Ah, we shall see when it happens. no?" The mans laughter wiped away Achim's confusion and the man signalled for another bottle. "I don't think we've been formerly introduced. Sooner rather than later with us being in the same squad, I have it on good authority, according to that commanding oaf who screamed it in my face."

Chuckling, they extended an arm each.

"The names Achim."


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I watched. It had been so long since I had corrupted any Children. Sitting under a homeless Man's shelter, drained of my powers after my encounter with Victor. The girl had come to offer me money, as if she thought the man was still alive. 'No',  I thought, giggling. 'He's in my stomach!' 

She came to me that morning, blonde curled hair bouncing and her little rose-print dress flowing in the breeze. Her deep blue eyes filled with all the repugnant beauty of childhood. "Mister?" She asked, her high voice fluttering like her dress. "I brought you some more money. I had to smash piggy, but you need it more than I do." . The shadows hid my form from her as she held her hand out, two nickels held in her open palm.

"Mommy says I can't come here anymore, she says you'l set a 'bad example'."

She jostled the coins in her hand, "Don't you want them, mister? Are you sleeping?" She asked, giggling like, well, a little girl. 

I struck my talons hand out of the shadows, violently grabbing her wrist. She screamed, a sound that pierced the stupor of that hazy morning. Black roots sprouted from my talons, enveloping her small, frail, hands. The tendrils buried themselves in her flesh, and her skin became ashen and grey. It spread from her hand, all around her body the roots surfaced, and her skin was corrupted. Creeping around her fingers, the scythe-blade claws tore from the tips of her fingers, they would have bled, but my protection held it's sway. Her feminine screams soon became animalistic shrieks. Where the corruption touched her hair it fell out, as if it was shedding, and left her bald.

The tendrils reached into her face, covering her eyes and mouth. When they buried into the skin once more, her teeth became fangs, and her eyes glowed the same gold as mine. 

I gazed upon the creature. Hunched over, muttering to herself in rasping, growling tones, vertebrae exposed, tearing through her arched back like spikes. It looked upon me, where I hid in the shadows, and shrieked in an inhuman voice, "Master!" 

I whispered to my Child. "Bring me more."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Her flesh was divine. Perfect, unblemished by the scarring flames of sin. It soon would be. The pure were always the most susceptible to corruption. She would

be mine soon enough. I looked upon my Children, their mangled and distorted forms hidden in the shadows of the night, bulbous eyes glowing like golden, dirty

lanterns. I slid through the nighttime streets, the Children cackling quietly as they slinked along behind me. Some scampering across the rooftops on all fours,

others leaping from alley to corner, staying out of the street.

It was deserted, all had fallen under the Sandman's hand and were slumbering the night away. The air was cold and crisp, every movement feeling like a knife

strike through a wilting fog. I glided through the night, over the sidewalk as the moon hid it's cowardly face behind a veil of clouds.

I tracked her essence towards an apartment building, "Queenstone Apartments." A Child picked the lock with his sickle-like claw, and I slid through. A

squirrely man sat at the front desk. He giggled when he saw my appearance, wrapped in a black cloak with a hood covering my face. A Child ran over and leaped

onto his back, reaching inside and tearing out his spinal cord. He giggled with delight as he began to feast upon the man, smearing his blood upon his face

and body in the symbols the Children used as their native language. I continued through the building, reviled by how pristine the place was. I mentally

The children, sensing my hate of light and order, jumped onto the ceiling, clinging to it with their claws and destroying the lights.

I told them to silence their laughter, as they would awake the slumbering plebians in the many rooms that surrounded us. I turned the hallway corner, and I

could sense her presence within the room. The pristine one. The one that must be corrupted. I opened the door, gazing upon her form, hidden under the

blankets. Her silky raven hair gracefully strewn across the pillow.

I grabbed her neck, and her eyes opened, wide with terror and surprise. I looked for a second, two pools of blue, more beautiful than the oceans. I removed

my hood, bared my fangs, and kissed her perfect lips. She struggled, but my grasp held her to the bed. I caressed her, slowly, and came to her stomach. I

plunged my claws in, as my kiss turned to biting. I tore at her perfect face, consuming the skin and flesh as I tore out her entrails, feasting on her

intestines like sausage links, as I continued to devour her divine face. Upon finishing my meal, panting like a dog, I grabbed her leg, and began dragging

her back to my lair.

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  • 1 month later...

After explaining what had happened to the Medicine Man, about the Beast's possession of me, how I still retained some of it's power, and how it escaped, he sat motionless, his eyes closed, brow creased as If in intense thought.

And he simply sat there, for a time I could not comprehend, he simply sat. And contemplated. 

His eyes still closed, he spoke, his voice barely a whisper. 

"You were it's host?"

I nodded.

"And it's evil still resides in you?"

I nodded.

"Indeed." He stroked his white beard. "You may be the one."

"The one what?"

"The one who can slay me."

He held out his palm, and in a wisp of black energy, a long white rod appeared in his hands. He motioned for me to take it.  

I complied, and realized it wasn't a rod, it was a scythe. Human bones had been extended, twisted and disfigured to form the long, smooth shaft. Atop this, a human skull was pitted. Emerging from it's dislocated jaws a large blade emerged. Made from a metal undoubtedly forged before man existed. The entire scythe was a pristine, almost holly white, as if the weapon had cured itself of any evil that sullied it long ago.

"This was the Beast's scythe, before he created the Bloody Blade." The Medicine Man said as I gazed into it's eye sockets. "With it, and your power, you would be able to kill me, and the Children outside. Once the scythe is sullied with the blood of an immortal, it shall gain power beyond that of the Beast. "

I nodded.

"But one last thing. Any power corrupts, especially the power of the Old World. Kill too many, or use your power too often, you will be consumed by Death itself, and become a new Beast of Flesh and Blood."

"Your power is great, but with an even greater price."

I nodded once again. Absorbing every piece of wisdom slowly.

"There is a way to reverse this effect, but the method is as dark as the power itself."

"How?" I asked, hungry for information. 

"The scythe will guide you, now please, end this 'life'.

I sighed, I had come to like the Medicine Man. He had become a sort of mentor to me. 

The scythe feeling heavy in my hands, I closed my eyes and brought the weapon to his neck. Like a farmer cuts through wheat, I brought the blade through his neck. 

"Ti tsnaw drah os tsnaw taht?" A gravelly, yet velvet smooth voice said. It sounded of venom dripping from the cobra's fangs, and brought with it as much malice.

I opened my eyes and my gaze fell upon the scythe, the bones that made up it's form had become the red-brown of an ancient skeleton left to rot in it's tomb. The blade had disappeared, leaving only the skull, a single eye was left in one of the sockets. Bloodshot and yellow, it's iris was a deep, blood-red. It stared straight into mine. 

It opened it's mouth, lined with thin, razor fangs. "Htead drol no evoma gnitteg ew t'ndluohs?"

"What the hell?" I said aloud. "You can talk. Of course you can. One more frickin' voice."

"Ouy od naihcone dnatsrednu tnod 0uy?"


It sighed.

"Well, might as well try to find the others, wherever the hell they are. On that subject, where am I?" I spoke to myself as I opened the grass curtain and started into the Medicine Man's Forest, scythe in hand.

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The skies screamed as the men threw themselves forward, many slipping in the mud, few getting to their feet. Feeling the pattered kisses of droplets, whether they be mud, water or something more, it didn't register on his conscious mind. He ran. That was all to think of, all to do, willing your legs to keep up their pattern. Panting, ragged breaths piercing his lungs. Pay no heed to the man crying out for your aid, nor for the barbed metal groping your feet. If every second here was a lifetime in hell, he could not say, only that they must keep running.

Sliding down into a muddy crater, Achim turned to survey the scene. Wide eyed and misty he could only stare at the black sky, the chocked atmosphere of smoke and fire. The only escape the muddy sea below, islands of pallisade and wire, mangled shipwreaks of bodies surfacing between them. Across the sea, a trench of demons, familiars of hell who wanted to drag them down to their realm. He turned to see Zöller slide down alongside him, a look of distaste on his young features.

"So much damn mud. Disgusting."

Heidrich, his steel sniper mask hiding his emotions, was as usual silent and stoic in his reaction to all this, calmly reloading his rifle as the carnage reined around the crater. Achim was restless, waiting for the final member of their squad. In response to their sucess and their 'unique skills' as the higher command has put it, They had been pressed into a specialist unit, a 'fireteam' as the British or Canadians may have called it, though it was more to the Boer's sabotage or guerilla operations that they were directed towards. Victor had always called them, 'my little Stoßtruppen.' although what he meant my shock troops, a term none but he seemed to have heard, was anyone's guess.

A cry pulled Achim out of his reflection, looking up he saw a flaming missile launch itself over his head into the muddle pool below. After a few moments of tossing, the object pulled itself to its feet, now smoking slightly. Victor greeted them in his usual jovial mannerisms.

"My apologies, It seems it is not so good to stand next to a Kleinflammenwerfer unit when advancing." He patted Achim's padded shoulder. "Ready to follow me into Hell?"

Zöller spat out a cigarette on the ground. "With respects sir, we're already in it."

With their sergeant now present, the team made its way up and over again, towards the trech whose guns had now fallen silent.

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November 7th, 1937


Richtofen's head throbbed in man as he slowly began to regain consciousness, his eyes were heavier than the rest of his body as he struggled to even get a peak to pierce though his numb, aching skull. He could feel blood trickling down his face from the cut on his forehead, his vision was blurry, he could barely make out what looked to be sparks and smoke filling the room and the rest was fuzzy. He blinked multiple times, his vision becoming clearer, immediately realizing he was handcuffed to the railing by rebar bent around his wrists like zip ties.

"Wh..Walter? Vat are you doing?" Richtofen mumbled.

He noticed a figure standing near the table, his clothes tattered and burnt with smoke still coming off like steam, but no signs of any obvious injuries or scars. He made eye contract as he finished buttoning his uniform and slipped on his overcoat and hat.

"Ah, you're awake now, Doctor." He said menacingly with a smirk; "I was beginning to wonder if that bump on your head was enough to have killed you. Fortunately, you are here now to see your experiments worked!"

He finished, looking face on, directly into his eyes with that soulless, cold stare.

"Maxis would be proud."

Richtofen squirmed, still confused as to why he was suspended against his will;

"Gah! Why am I tied to zis damn railing, Walter? I need to see just how well the experiments worked, there could be side effects, but I'm thrilled, to see you seem better than before, Lieutenant. Now, I can tell Doctor Maxis just how - " Richtofen proclaimed, only to be abruptly cut off;

"I'm sorry to leaving you this way, doctor, but you see, I cannot allow anyone to know of your success just yet." Walter said doubtfully.

Richtofen repulsed in shock;


Walter grinned evily;

"No, Doctor Richtofen, it already has..."

"What are you ta--AHHH!"

Richtofen's head began to throb in even more pain; he could hear echoes, twisting around his brain like a knot;

"No one will no about this. There was an accident here in ze laboratory, another failure."


"And Richtofen, when the time is right, I want you to kill Doctor Maxis."

Richtofen passed out, Walter with a swift gesture, broke the rebar with his mind.

"Goodbye Doctor, and good luck on those experiments." Walter said coldly with a nod, and left the building.

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Tia looked down at her dented locket as Kasady read out the words.

I can finally get it fixed!

"Gage?", she timidly asked. He walked back into the living room. "You're a blacksmith?"

"Tis' true", he chuckled.

"Is it possible you would be able to fix this?", as she unrolled and dangled the locket from it's chain. Gage came over, and curiously examined the locket before he took it.

"I should have it done within the hour", he said.

"Really? Thank you!", and she hugged him. He smiled at this, and than walked out of the room with her locket.

-------Some time later-------

"Can I ask you something Tia?", questioned Kasady. The girls where relaxing on the couch while waiting for Gage to be done.

"Sure", she smiled.

"How exactly did you get your powers? I was experimented on, and so was Andrew and Ji-Eun. We found you in Der Riese, but you said you had just arrived there, so you couldn't have been".

"I really don't...know", replied Tia, staring off into space. "I had only just discovered my power shortly before being taken to Der Riese. My memory is kinda hazy before this whole thing".

"Really? You don't think it was Emmerich who did that to you when we were in the alley?"

"No. At least..I don't think so. While he was in my mind, he mentioned something.......about my father, like he knew him".

"Your father?!", said a shocked Kasady. "That doesn't make any sense!".

"I know!", said Tia passively. "My father use to travel a lot. I tried remembering to where he could've travelled too, but that's the thing. After a certain point, my memory is a little hazy. Like something is blocking them. So it couldn't have been Walter because I've had this for a while now".

"But you said he mentioned your father. That means there's a connection between your father and Emmerich. And if Emmerich knew your dad, than he knew who you were, though it seemed like he only just met you when he introduced himself to you".

"He said in my mind, that I looked like the little girl in the photo my father use to carry around. I think Dad use to carry around a photo on his travels..."

"This is just crazy!", exclaimed Kasady, standing up now. "It's like Emmerich is the whole reason everyone is like they are! Like he planned it or something". She went into the **** please report this topic, post **** and grabbed a glass of water for her and Tia. Tia thanked her, and they both tried not think about it. Had Walter set this all up?

"Where's your father now?", asked Kasady.

"Like I said, my memory is hazy. I remember partially that he went missing, and I had to go live with my grandparents. However there was always something fishy about it that I couldn't put my finger on. And I couldn't exactly remember the events that led up to it. I have no idea if he is alive or dead right now". This made Tia sad.

"Oh...I'm sorr-". Kasady was interrupted by the footsteps of Gage's heavy boots.

"I've fixed it for ya miss", he said with a toothy grin. She stood up and walked over to him, and he gave it to her. There was no longer a dent in it, and it looked just as new as the day her father gave it to her so many years ago.

"Oh thank you Gage!", she exclaimed, "I don't think I can ever repay you!"

"Tis' no problem", he beemed. "I'm just happy your happy. By the way, what's with the funky rock in it?"

"Huh?", said Kasady, becoming focused when Gage said that.

"What? What do you mean?", questioned Tia, unsure of what he was talking about.

"Ya do know that the locket can open and close, right?", said Gage. Tia did not know this. She looked down at her fresh looking locket. She had had it for so many years and didn't even realize it could be opened.

"I'll show ya", said Gage. He immediately grab the locket with both hands, and as if he was going to break it in half, he pushed a little golden button on the side, a button Tia thought was just part of the design and wasn't mobile. The locket springed open, and Gage gave it back to Tia.

She and Kasady looked at the newly open locket. A small stone layed in it. It faintly glowed a familiar orange colour which the girls had seen once before, back in the swamp, though it was on a meteor than.

"No...", said Kasady, stepping back. "It can't be..."

"Element 115", whispered Tia, the orange glow reflecting in her pupils greatly.

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Gage immediately became curious upon both of the girls reactions to the small glowing rock embedded inside the small locket;

"What? What is it? What's this "115"?" Gage questioned hastily;

Tia looked at it in shock and disbelief, not sure which of a thousand questions that just flooded her mind to ask herself first. Kasady briefly stood paralyzed in horror, then quickly snatched the locket from Gage's hands, snapping it shut as she did.

"It's extremely dangerous, is what it is." She began firmly, trying to cover up her obvious concern and fear for the small rock. She turned and looked at Tia;

"I think I know why your past is hazy, Tia..." Kasady claimed nervously.

"What's your fathers name?" Kasady asked anxiously; grasping the locket firmly in her hand.

Tia, still unable to move, her eyes wide open struggled to speak as she began to mutter under the sudden pressure in her paralyzed state;

"I..I...I don't understa- wh..why would my father give me a locket with... with that... stuff in it?" Tia muttered;

"For the same reason my grandfather gave me a piece of it." Kasady said allegedly in a regretful tone.

There was a moment of pause as it clicked in Kasady's mind;

"Walter wanted the meteor." She stated.

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Victor dropped into the trench. The only sound through the fog was a soft squelch as the others slid in behind him. Achim noted as always Victors attitude as he directed their advance, experienced as he was, he showed a disregard for his safety, focused more on keeping his men safe than his own safety. He imagined such was the making of a good officer and was how he had reached Sergeant so quickly. Silently they advanced down the forsaken trench. It was surprisingly longer than expected until they came across a patrol, the English perhaps slacking due to the decimating victory over the Germans - no one would expect them to be able to launch any form of assault for months, let alone that night.

Victor halted the squad, peering around the corner Achim saw a dosing Tommy, helmet nudging his rifle as his head fought the urge to loll forward. Zöller brought the working parts of the rifle forward eagerly, but Victor, still observing, held a hand out behind him to steady the eager youth.

“No one need die tonight.”

“Oh? If I might speak out of turn sir, he’s a Tommy, a Brit. You know? The guys we’re fighting - that is to say, killing?” Zöller retorted in a harsh whisper. “If you seem to be incapable of doing what soldiers do, may I ask why you are here?”

Heidrich moved his hand to his rifle, a mere gesture, but one implying his displeasure at the implication. Achim scowled, but he could understand why Zöller spoke the way he did. He did not enjoy killing, but he too understood that they were fighting for a greater good. While perhaps all the nations believed that they were fighting for freedom and repression of ‘the evil beyond their borders’, the common soldiery was not so ‘noble’ (though he preferred the term ‘not as dishonest about their aims’), usually fighting for their family, their pay and their lives. Victor didn’t. As far as he could tell the man refused to fight for anything, at least not going so far as killing. Achim mused that he had not actually seen him kill anyone during this war. Nor would he let them do the same on his watch.

“No man deserves to die Zöller. Least of all for being different to you or I.”

Zöller gave him a long stare. Eventually he conceded, spitting on the ground.

“Of course Sergeant. Just remember you can’t keep getting us to shoot to wound or taking prisoners forever. One day you’ll find someone who you will have to kill. I just hope I’m there to see it.”

With that he moved past the group, stealthily approaching the Tommy, with a fluid move he lashed out at the man’s rifle with his boot, causing it to strike the soldier squarely on the temple. Catching him in his arms he dragged him into a small clove while the others moved up. As they moved through the trench they continued to do the same, taking out the troops while incapacitating them through binds and gags. This was what they did; soon their commanding officer would be woken and told that the trench had been taken and would send German troops to occupy it, by morning it would be under their control. If anyone objected to the large number of prisoners compared to other fire teams, they accepted it as payment for the continued success far above other squads in the area.

They came across a bunker, signalling Heidrich – who silently opened it and moved inside, Victor continued down the trench with the others. Moving inside, Heidrich became aware of the surrounding layout. Even without his knowledge of the trench system he could tell from the papers and furnishings this was the officer’s bunk they had been looking for. Heidrich’s eyes narrowed beneath his mask, silently he appraised the situation. Something was wrong. He could almost taste the unsettling primordial fear the room screamed at him. An upturned chair, an absence of candle or oil light source, no noise of any kind to indicate sleep or wakeful persons present. Danger. Something had happened here. Or was happening.

Removing the safety from his rifle he scanned the scene for any form of assault, moving forward slowly and silently as he did so. Turning the last corner he found himself standing in the officer’s bedroom. The duvet sprawled across the floor, the pillowcase ripped and torn, feathers everywhere. The officer was also present, twitching as a figure covered his mouth, the other hand digging deep into his spinal cord.

Heidrich responded to this scene the only way he could, aiming his rifle upwards he fired it once, not only to alert the others to his situation but to warn the aggressor, who turned in response to the noise, letting the British officer to sprawl on the floor dead, his body in spasm.

Heidrich’s eyes widened under the mask as the abomination faced him, yet as he was he did not speak. Rather he backed away. The creature cocked his head, as if curious of his form. Taking a step away from the corpse behind him he advanced on the soldier. However rather than fleeing as it seemed to expect, as was his training and experience in the field Heidrich calmly pointed his rifle towards it and fired.

The creature reacted by lashing out, the rifle swept out of his hands and across the room. Retreating he pulled out his luger and fired point blank into the humanoid, even then with its fast reactions only managing to score a wound on its shoulder.

However this seemed enough, and with a screech it barrelled into him and for a moment he grasped the air, his sight befuddled and his balance thrown. By the time he had got to his feet it had clambered out of the doorway and was gone.

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Tia couldn't sleep that night. The major discoveries she had encountered earlier that day had shocked her to the core. Element 115, the mysterious mineral of energy that only seemed to be contained in a meteor, was found in her locket. A locket her father had given her when she was younger. Double the fact that Walter Emmerich had mentioned he knew her father the day before, and Tia knew it was no coincidence that the two were incidents could be linked.

Kasady wanted to take the stone, however what good would that do. So Tia pleaded with her until she caved, and gave it back to her. But on the condition it remained in the locket until they could investigate it further.

Though Gage was curious about the glowing stone, Tia and Kasady asked him not to worry about it, and asked him to stay one more night. He obliged, in his polite nature. The girls decided it was best to search for the Group 935 station that Walter had mentioned was in Berlin. Though they had no clue, Gage had given them a map, and had made them two napsacks, full of supplies such as water, food, etc. He crafted two sturdy wooden poles as well, so the girls could carry them with ease.

When Tia knew she would need her energy tomorrow, she desperately tried to clear her mind, and went to sleep.


Drake was exhausted. The long travel from Australia had made him tired, and all he wanted to do was get home. But he knew it would be a while before he'd return home. Homesick, he pulled out a small picture of a little girl with long silky blue hair. He smiled at the picture, and drifted off asleep with his daughter in hand.

He later awoke to the sound of everyone departing the plane. He grabbed his things, filed along the walkway, and down the stairs, out of the plane. An attendant immediately greeted him with a thick accent.

"Welcome to Germany!", she said, with a strong German accent. Drake nodded and tipped his hat to her, before preceding on into the main building to collect his luggage. There he looked around for the person who would pick him up.

"Dammit where is he?", said Drake, getting worried he may be left stranded. At last he finally saw a sign poking out above the crowd that had 'Rydia' on it. He was relieved, and strode though the crowd.

He spotted the man holding up the sign. He was German, as expected. But his clothes put Drake a little off.

Didn't think he would wear that out in public. Makes him look a little weird.

The man, dressed in a scientist coat, greeted him.

"You are Mr Rydia?", asked the man.

"Yes, Drake Rydia.", replied Drake, and he stuck his hand out to shake the other mans, hoping he would take. He did.

"Good, good", said the man, letting go as he went on. "I am Doctor Groph".

"Groph ay. That's a pretty cool name!", smirked Drake, wondering what his first name could be.

Groph gave a half-hearted smile. "If you'll please follow me, the car to Breslau is waiting for us".


Tia sat straight up, panting. The early rays of the sun were coming through the window, and she ignored that the grandfather clock struck seven.


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Kasady gripped the locket tightly in her hand, she could feel the energy of the rock pulsing inside the locket, just as it pulsed inside her before. Her mind raced at the curiosity of how Walter knew Tia's father, and more importantly, why both her and Tia we're indirectly put in charge of keeping such a dangerous glowing chunk of pure energy from their loved ones. How are they involved?!

Kasady's knuckles were white and hands starting to shake, the chain of the locket quivered as is dangled off of her palm. Tia broke her paralyzing stature, noticing Kasady's mood going unstable.

"Girls, what is that thing?" Gage asked again curiously,

Tia looked and barely managed to crack a faint smile;

"Nothing, it's alright. Just something close to both of us. I..I thought I lost it." She said nervously.

"Do you mind if we stay one more night?"

"Yes of course, stay as long as you'd like"

"We need a map, we have to leave first thing tomorrow" Kasady said strongly, still gripping the locket.

"Yes of course" Gage insisted, walking back to the shop area, "I'll get you girls some stuff to take with you tomorrow" the door shut behind him as he finished his sentence; Tia quickly approached Kasady.

"Kasady, are you alright?" Tia questioned softly, eye balling the locket.

"Who did your father work for, Tia?" Kasady asked sternly.

"I..I don't remember... it's still fuzzy I-"

"Try! I need to know who is involved and why!" Kasady repulsed angrily, staring down Tia, causing her to jump back in sudden surprised fear;

"You don't think I don't, Kasady?" she questioned in offense;

"Your father could be the reason your the way you are, Tia." Kasady snapped back, Tia gasped, noticing similar vibes from Kasady as she grew angry before;

"Kasady, give me the locket."

"No, not until you-"

"Now, Kasady..."

"Or what Tia?! Do you even know what this does?! What it CAN do?!"

"We have to find that station Walter mentioned, then we might be able to figure that out! Now please just give me the locket!"

"No we need to keep this safe!"

"I CAN keep it safe, Kasady! My father gave it to me!"

"Your father corrupted you!"

Tia stood in absolute shock as Kasady said this, pinning Tia against the wall, she stared into her eyes, Kasady's eyes glowed a faint orange color, burning around her pupil.

"Just like it corrupted you, Kasady..." Tia spoke sadly.

Tia lifted her hand, taking the locket slowly from Kasady's hand as Kasady realized what she had said and had done; Tia placed her hand of Kasady's shoulder, her hand glowing a faint green, sucking the orange from Kasady's eyes; She gasped, releasing Tia as she stepped back.

"I...I'm sorry..." Kasady said remorsefully, sloping into a chair.

Tia knelt down, grabbing Kasady's hand;

"It's okay Kasady."

Gage walked back in the room with arms full of supplies,

"Am I interrupting" He asked with a smile.

"Not at all, thanks Gage!" Tia smiled back.

"My pleasure. Good night ladies."

Gage smiled and nodded as he headed upstairs to rest for the night.

Tia looked down at the locket as it laid rested in the palm of her hand, she could feel the intense vibration slowly start to diminish from Kasady's possession. She sighed worriedly.

"We'd better get some sleep for tomorrow" Kasady insisted.

Tia nodded.

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After wandering aimlessly through the Medicine Man's swamp for what seemed like hours, I had finally had enough. I sat on a nearby rock and stuck my scythe into the dirt. 

"I suppose you don't know how to get out of here."

"Drol yaw, eht tnoip li od I yllautca."

And with the string of gibberish, it spun on it's own, pointing off into the distance with it's long blade. It winked at me, although it could have just been blinking.

"Pointing the way?" 

The scythe sounded indignant. "Ma I esruoc fo!"

I grabbed his hilt and set off, hoping this thing had a better sense of direction than I did.


With all the Children in this city mine, along with a few teens I had managed to snag, it was time to move on. Truthfully, I had not previously known I could corrupt teenagers, and even people in the early stages of human adulthood. They took on a much different form than the Children. 

Where the children all became indistinguishable imp-like creatures, my powers worked much differently on young adults. Even going as far as having different effects on genders. 

The males had the traditional black skin and glowing gold eyes, but one of their arms had become A massive, hooked blade, bristling with spines and bones bursting through the skin of the forearm. They stood upright, as well, as opposed to the children. They bore fangs as well, and when they spoke, they spoke English. Not the rambling of the children, but coherent English. In a deep, deep growl.

The females had different mutations as well. They had an otherworldly beauty about them. Traditionally, they had the same black skin, but their eyes glowed a brighter gold, and were almond shaped. From their backs, wings made of bone had sprouted. With just wisps and tears of skin hanging on to the polished white bone. It seemed as well they could retract and sprout these wings as well. Other than that, they were like the other corrupted. Fangs, claws, etc. 

Another interesting note about the Corrupted, as I will now call them, was their hair. Where the Children were bald and hairless, the Corrupted had long, straight flowing black hair. They had a grace and beauty about them I had not seen in creation in some time. 

All the Children and Corrupted from this city gathered around it's ruins. I stood upon the tallest building, and screamed down to them. 

"My Children! My brood! Tonight we are gathered to destroy what has been a thorn in your father's side for some time! Three thorns actually!

"I speak of three beings! A Swordsman, a Siren, and a Cyborg! These blashpemers are holed up inside an ancient steel temple, known as The Giant, DER RIESE!"

A discordant chorus of screams and growls erupted from my crowd. 

"Tonight, my brood! We march! We March for Germany, we march for breaslau, and we march for DEATH!" On that word, I summoned the Bloody Blade and pointed West, and my forces began to march, thousands upon thousands of Children and Corrupted, matching into Europe, and into my foes' doom. 


Berlin. Berlin FUC*ING Germany. That's what the sign said. EVERYTHING happens here doesn't it!? Walk through a mystic portal from a swamp beyond the boundaries of space and time, and end up in FU*KING GERMANY.

"Just great." I muttered as I walked along the road, into the Nazi capital of the world. 

Uoy, t'ndid pmaws, eht fo tou detnaw uoy yeh?" the scythe said. I looked at it, and it was a tiny skull that fit in my hand. It winked at me, and I stuffed it into my pocket.

I sighed.

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We had begun the traditional March of Doom. We were like a black cloud, enveloping anything we came into contact with and making it our own. We had come across many farming villages, and had managed to obtain some horses, killed and resurrected of course for our generals. And me. My wings were getting tired. 

That night, we rested. And I sent some Children to scout out the city before us. It's highest buildings just poking above the horizon. 

A few hours later, the Children returned , bringing back a few more than I sent out. They informed me the place was occupied territory, with "Nazi" troops roaming the streets and keeping the entire city under lockdown. 

"Nazi's?" I asked incredulously. With that, I laughed. "That, has to be the stupidest name I have ever heard!" "It sounds so cute and fluffy! I want to see these 'Nazis.'" 

I rose into the air above my brood. "Everyone! We march again! Expect opposition!"

More screams, and they began to move out once more. With increased vigor, I noted. 


As I walked the streets of Berlin, people stared at me with weird looks. I wondered what was so odd, until I realized. I was still wearing a straitjacket. It wasn't tied up, but it was a straight jacket nonetheless. 

I needed new attire, but alas, had no money. I new the perfect solution. I walked casually into a dark, shaded alley and waited. 

When a young man who looked about my height walked by, holding a briefcase, I set to work manipulating his body like a puppet. Moving his legs toward me, fusing his lips together so he couldn't scream. I smiled, back in my element. He walked toward me, zombie-like in the way that he moved, but hey, I wasn't a pro at this. With a quick flick of my wrist I severed his spinal cord. Immediately I removed his clothing and donned it myself.  

It was a black buisness suit, full with tie. I had always been a master of these infernal devices. Adjusting it, I opened his briefcase. Inside, there was a large amount of whatever the hell German money was called. I stuffed it into my pockets, removing Scythe and placing him in the pocket on my shirt. 

"I can't understand you, but you shouldn't suffocate under money." I said with a smile. 

Ok. I have the clothes, and money, now, if only I knew any German whatsoever.


Machine gun fire rained down upon us as we entered the city. I smiled. They had fortified around the main entrance to the city, and had men with sniper rifles, machine guns, and foot soldiers. With a slash of the Bloody Blade, I severed all their heads. 

My Brood charged into the city. Harpies (as I now called the female Corrupted, took to the skies and killed men that the males couldn't get to. Children scampered around the men, agilely avoiding shots only to climb onto their backs and corrupt them. 

They began sending in the large vehicles they were so famous for, what where they called.... Oh yes, tanks. One rolled in front of me and stopped. It lowered it's weapon, pointed at me. Before it could fire, however, I swung the Bloody Blade, slicing clean through the weak metal of their war machine. The two men inside fell with each half of the tank. I threw my Blade at one of them, skewering him and staking it into the ground. 

The other soldier began shouting in German, much like the rest of them. He grabbed a small weapon from his fallen war beast. I clenched my fist and his hands broke. The man screamed in pain and fell to his knees. Bullets flew past my face as I lifted him into the air by the neck. He stared into my glowing eyes, pleading for me to spare him. 

"Bitte." He choked out.

"Bite? With pleasure!" I yelled devlishly. I severed his legs from his body, and descended on his torso like a raven. Tearing into his chest with my fangs and claws. I ripped out his ribs to get at his vitals. They always tasted the best. I gorged myself on his blood, consuming his stomach and the contents inside. 

Then I exploded.

"feindselig unten" The SS said with grim satisfaction, setting down his Rpg. One quick shot, then back to battle, he figured. 

The Bloody Blade had no difficulty piercing the chest of the SS warrior, and no difficulty coming out. "That's for not watching your back."

I took to the skies to survey the battlefield. The Nazi's bullets had a hard time damaging my Brood. The Children and Harpies deftly avoided fire as they mutilated and corrupted, respectively. The male's tough skin was next to bulletproof, so they easily charged in and killed squads with their blades. 

Yet another rocket was fired at me, growling, I grabbed it out of the air. I turned it around and began to dive after  the main group of SS. My speed picked up to the point my vision blurred. 

"Say hi to Max for me!" I yelled, and as I threw the rocket down on them I screamed "Tell him. I'm NOT DONE WITH HIM YET!" Blood flowed like a wave, with the occasional severed arm floating through.

Landing, I began shaping the blood, clotting it, changing it. Soon a hulking golem of flesh stood before me, bleeding from every pore. Humanoid, yet featureless. No face, no hands, just a golem of pure flesh, formed of their own blood.

"GO!" I yelled, and the beast ran into the fray, crushing people with it's massive, fingerless arms.

Once again I took to the skies, flying over the battlefield once more. Except now I was looking for someone. These human commanders never went out and fought with their armies, they his in buildings, issuing orders. And these buildings always had flags on them.


I really had no idea what the point of any of this was, as I still had no idea how to find the others. But I kept walking down the street, knowing the answer would come to me soon. 

The town became increasingly poor as I ventured onward. Upon passing by a house with ferns on a roof, Scythe spoke up. 

"Ereht si devoleb! Rieht s'ehs! Rieht s'ehs!"

Shut up, you.


"Get it away from here damnit!" That flying thing with the sword had found me! The men outside had told me! 

"Hold him off!" I yelled at them.

I began running, escorted by my bodyguards into my bunker we had constructed under the city hall. I could hear him crashing through the building, causing too much destruction for any mortal man to cause.

"I'M COMING FOR YOU, COWARD!!" He screamed, his voice discordant and demonic. It only made me run faster, running past my bodyguards and into the elevator. I frantically hit the button to the basement. I was sweating profusely and this elevator wasn't going fast enough!

I tore my way through the city hall, tearing bodies apart just by flapping my wings. I crashed and slashed my way through walls and doors, leaving a constant stream of dust, debris and blood in my wake. At the end of the hall there was an elevator. Tearing open the doors, I cut the cable with the Bloody Blade, and dropped down after it. 

It had cut the cord! That thing had sent the elevator crashing down Tito the floor! Lights shattered, coating me in glass. Everything was dark.


Something had landed ontop of my fallen vessel. I hid in the corner. 



An unbearable screeching noise as sparks flew from the roof, and more metallic rattlings as a chunk was torn off.


Two golden glowing orbs peered inside, narrowing, they looked around, slowly, deliberately.


They found me.




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The girls waved goodbye to Gage, who was waving from the rooftop. Tia wondered if she would ever see him again. With one last turn, he was gone from their view.

Since they were outside again, they weren't safe. So this lead to the girls once again sneaking around again. They had no idea if Walter was still after them or not.

"Do we have any idea where we're going?", asked Tia, her knapsack resting over her shoulder while she leaned on the stick. Kasady pulled out the map Gage had given them, having not looked at it before.

Berlin was huge, bigger than Kasady remembered when seeing maps of it before all this. Gage had circled a certain part of Berlin, a bit away from where his place was. It was actually the area Tia and Kasady found each other, and subsequently, Walter. Gage mentioned that Emmerich wouldn't be in that area for no reason, so the place they were looking for would have to be near that area. Tia and Kasady described it best they could, as well as the directions they took in the sewer. Gage figured it out roughly to be 10 miles south of his area, roughly in a 500 meter radius of the alley they were in.

"I'd suggest taking the sewer again, but that would be a couple of hours at least. And lets not forget that I kind of collapsed two buildings over the manhole, so we can't use that", responded Kasady.

"But...we can't just be out in the open up here!", cried Tia. Kasady put her hand to her chin, obviously thinking. Snapping her fingers she answered.

"We'll have to take a car. It's far to dangerous and to long on foot. With a car, we can get there in about 15 minutes, as well as have some cover".

"But what if we're seen?"

"We'll have to take that chance. We can take alleys if we need to avoid anyone". Tia nodded at this, approving of Kasady's plan.

The two finally came to an alley that was connected to a main road. In it lied an old pick-up truck. Old, but in working condition. Tia looked around her, as well as up in the windows of the neighboring buildings in case the owner was around. She turned to tell Kasady it was all clear, but Kasady was already up by the car. With a movement of her right thumb and index finger, a soft click could be heard, signaling the car was unlocked. Tia jogged up to her and got in the passenger side, while Kasady got in the drivers seat, not trying to waste any time. Kasady slammed her fist on the dashboard, and the car instantly roared to life. She smirked at this, and slowly pulled out on to the main road. Trying to blend into the crowd, they hit the road.

"We're on our way!", said Kasady, with mixture of determination and happiness, feeling like they were finally getting somewhere, and would get some answers once and for all.

"Ye-", started Tia, but suddenly her eyes glowed a fiery orange. She collapsed in her seat, as if she suddenly fell unconscious. Kasady noticed this.

"Tia!", yelled Kasady. She went to touch her, but was met with an invisible force. Something was stopping her from trying to touch her. Even her powers couldn't let her. Kasady was worried for her friend, but she couldn't stop the car now. She was on a highway, in the middle of Berlin, where Nazi's were after them. She looked over once more, and could see Tia was breathing. It looked like she was sleeping. With nothing else Kasady could do, she continued on, constantly checking on Tia to make sure she was okay.

For Tia, she felt like she was asleep. Her mind clear, just like the night she had had the dream of her dad. But was it just a dream?

((Next post will be Drake. Undead, do you mind just keeping Kasady driving towards there while Tia's asleep?))

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Kasady was worried and anxious to come to a stopping point to try and help Tia, but couldn't risk drawing attention to them in the heart of Berlin in the middle of a Nazi invasion. After ten minutes of driving, Kasady noticed the cars coming to a complete stop in the middle of the freeway, with a booth at the front of the line, and several Nazi officers validating drivers.

"Shit!" Kasady whispered loudly, looking around desperately for some alternative route, but there was no where to go. Not without drawing obvious attention to herself. And with Walter out there, she may as well be a running fugitive, she thought.

Kasady rummaged through some random old boxes in the backseat of the truck, finding nothing but needles and ammunition.

"Dammit, come on!"

She shuffled everything aside, finally revealing an old Nazi uniform and an officers visor cap. Kasady sighed in relief, but shuddered at the thought of putting it on; she had no choice. Kasady quickly began to slip on the jacket and hat as well as some old aviator sunglasses that hung off the rear view mirror. She flipped down the sun panel, checking her self in the mirror. She sighed disgustedly.

"Thank god for blonde hair and blue eyes... dammit." Kasady muttered, pulling closer and closer to the booth.

They were next. Kasady pulled up slowly, parking just before the booth. She rested her arm on the door, her other hand still on the steering wheel, looking forward and not making eye contact as the officer approached the old truck.

"Good day officer, may we see your identification, sir?" He asked, leaning down to look inside, abruptly stopped by Kasady's gloved hand.

"Unnecessary, officer" Kasady said, putting on her best German accent.

"I have some important business to attend to, let me pass." She finished.

The officer stood confused, and hesitated;

"But sir, we are required to make sure-"

"I'll make sure to tell Officer Emmerich why I was late, officer." Kasady interrupted.

Officer jumped back, signaling the other soldier to open the gate;

"Yes sir, right away sir. Please proceed."

Kasady smirked as she began to pull forward.

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The car had been traveling for several hours before it reach Breslau. Though it didn't go directly into the town, it went straight past it.

"I thought Breslau was where we were going?", asked a curious Drake. Groph, who was sitting next to him, looked at him and said.

"Ze site is actually near Breslau, not long now", responded Groph. He went back to his note pad he was reading. Drake passed a sideways glance at it to see what was on it. It contained a list of names, Drake's included. They all had crosses through them, Drake's being the last crossed off. He assumed it was a list of the others he would soon be working with.

They soon pulled up to a gate. Armed guards stood by the gate, and cleared the vehicle to pass. Drake didn't show it, but he was intimidated when he saw the guns they were carrying. The car drove onwards, and it was as if he was in a small city again.

"So this is Waffenfabrik Der Riese...", said Drake in awe, looking out the window as scientists and soldiers walking around, talking to each other. The buildings were numerous, Drake hoped he wouldn't get lost here. The car pulled to a stop.

"Come", said Groph. They both left the car, and walked towards a large building. Carrying his belongings, Drake entered the building. A foyer was present, as well as multiple floors. A long expanding hall showed just how big it really was.

"Zis is just one of Der Riese's main buildings right here", continued Groph. "You'll be helping my assistant, Dr. Schuster, and myself with our work".

"Wait just me!?"

"Well ofcourse! Ze recruits are needed in all ze sectors, not just zis one. They've been spread out according to their skillset. And you, Mr. Rydia, have been chosen to work with us due to your studies in engineering. We need an engineer of your skill".

Drake didn't know what to say. When he came, he knew it was for an engineering job. He didn't know why these scientists would need an engineer like him, but he needed the money. He'd never get work like this in Australia, and it's why he traveled often. Because other people, specifically in other countries seemed to appreciate his work more than his own nation. So when this opportunity came up, he immediately took it. Even if it meant leaving his daughter for a while.

"Blast! Ze meeting is about to start!", Groph exclaimed in horror as he looked at his watch. He grabbed a scientist coat off the wall and tossed it to Drake, motioning for him to put it on.

What kind of engineer needs to wear a scientist coat?

He put it on. Fitting nicely on him, he caught up to Groph. The two walked through many hallways and paths in between buildings, until they came to what appeared to be the main courtyard of Der Riese. A large crowd were waiting before a stage with a megaphone on a pedestal. It looked everyone in Der Riese had gathered here.

That can't be all of Der Riese can it? There's so many people...Why are we gathered here?

They strode towards the crowd. As they got closer, Drake noticed two people already standing on stage, though to the sides of the pedestal. They were part of the Wehrmacht. Drake had done some research of Germany before he arrived, and remembered seeing their outfits.

The man to the right of the pedestal wore a gray-tanned officer's hat. His top was a hazel-brown colour. And he wore black gloves. The insignia on his shoulder showed he was a Major General.

The man to the left of the pedestal was dressed a little similar. He wore the same coloured top as the other man, the same coloured hat, but the symbol showed he was a Lieutenant General. A rank higher than the other man. This man wore no gloves, as opposed to the other man.

"Who are they?", asked Drake.

"You'll be given a proper introduction soon enough...", responded Groph, "but ze one on the right is Dr Edward Richtofen. Ze other is Dr Walter Emmerich. Though he isn't in a higher postion than Dr Richtofen in this place". He smirked on that last part.

"What do you mean?". Drake was curious now.

"Dr Emmerich is a Lieutenant General in the Wehrmacht, while Dr Richtofen is a Major General. Though Dr Emmerich is a rank higher than Dr Richtofen, it does not matter here. In Group 935, Dr Richtofen is Dr Maxis' personal assistant, while Dr Emmerich is just a normal scientist here. He's only up there because he is the highest ranking Wehrmacht here. Bahh!", said Groph in disgust. "He has no real talent. He brought his way in he-", and he stopped, realizing he had said to much.

As Drake was about to ask who Dr Maxis was, he didn't need too. Everyone went quiet as a man approached the stage. He wore a scientist coat like everyone else, as opposed to the two men at his sides. He picked up the megaphone, and spoke into the quiet crowd.

"Gentlemen, allow me to take this opportunity to welcome you to Group 935. This is a prestigious moment in the history of our race. You represent the future of technological advancement. You are the pioneers of human discovery. In your hands lies the destiny of mankind. In our hands is a great power and with that power comes a price. You have volunteered to be part of this great experiment and with that decision comes the responsibility of absolute secrecy. No one is to know what you do, where you work, what our research has discovered, or what our purpose will be. You will have no further contact with your governments or with your families-".

At this point Drake stopped listening, his heart dropping. He didn't know about that condition.


Tia awoke from her slumber. Her eyes focusing quickly, she realized she was in a moving vehicle. She looked at the driver, and immediately noticed the Nazi uniform, blond hair and blue eyes. She screamed, not realizing it was her friend. Kasady, surprised from the scream, looked at Tia and screamed herself, seeing that she was awake. Tia sooned realized it was Kasady.

"You're awake! What happened to you!?", said a delighted Kasady.

"Ugh...I'll explain it to you when we stop", Tia sighed, rubbing her head trying to make sense of the dream she had. "But...why are you dressed like that?"

The girls just looked at each other, and laughed.

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((Changing it to where Tia won't have to go to sleep while the past is explained. I'll write it as it is, than when it's all done, it will all come to her))

They soon arrived at the area where they had first been teleported from Shi No Numa. The army vehicles Tia saw when she spotted Walter were no longer there. Kasady slowed the truck down, and parked it adjacent to an alleyway.

"Alright", said Kasady as she turned it off. "First, things first. What was that back there? Why did you just fall unconscious? You had some invisible barrier around you..."

Tia sighed. She hadn't told Kasady about the dream when they were at Gage's. But she didn't know she would fall unconscious to experience another one like it.

"I'm sorry", said Tia weakly. "I should've told you earlier". She repositioned herself in her seat, before she spoke again. "Last night at Gage's, I had a dream... about my father...".

"What!?", said an astonished Kasady.

"It felt so real. Like, it actually happened and I experienced it. After I woke up, I...I felt like some of the haziness that plagued my memories had disappeared, like I regained memories".

"But...Tia", said an awkward Kasady. "It was just a dream".

Tia grunted in agreement. She knew it was a dream, but it felt so realistic to her. Like a vision into the past.

"Anyway, when I passed out, I dreamed about him again. Apparently...he worked with Group 935 at Der Riese. Walter Emmerich was there, as well as that Groph and Schuster".

Kasady sighed. She didn't know what to believe. It was a dream. But if it wasn't, and Tia's dad really did work for Group 935...

"Do you think that stone might have to do with it?", quizzed Kasady. Tia pulled the stone out of her breast pocket. It still faintly glowed in the palm of her hand. "It's been in your pocket, and not in the locket around your neck. Perhaps the 115 was causing the haziness since you had it for so long.

Tia looked down at her locket, and back at the stone. It was very possible that could've happened. She went into a deep thought about it, and looked out the truck window in the alley. As her mind boggled for the truth, her eye caught something in the alley.

"Kasady, look!", yelled Tia, pointing into the alley. She got out of the car, and ran into the alley.

"Tia, wait! It's dangerous!", yelled Kasady, who got out of the truck to follow her. She caught up to her, and noticed Tia staring at something.

"Look!", said Tia. Kasady inspected what Tia was pointing at. It was an out of use vending machine. It was coloured yellow/orange, and the words Double Tap Root Beer were imprinted on it.

"Wait a minute!", clicked Kasady. "I've seen that before...back at that asylum and the swamp!". She gave a huge grin to Tia upon realizing they had found the Group 935 base.


The meeting had finished. Drake walked straight up to Schuster and demanded answers.

"You didn't tell me this was a permanent position!", said an angry Drake.

"Mr Rydia!", said an angered Schuster. "Do act like that around here, or necessary precautions will be taken! You very well knew what working for this group meant. Now end of discussion!". Schuster strolled off, clearly angered by Drakes words.

Later that night, while Drake was in bed, he tossed and turned. He could not sleep, knowing he'd be here for a very long time. His thoughts fell back to Tia, his daughter. He clenched his fist around the photo, swearing he would somehow find a way out of Der Riese and Group 935. Even if he had to put up with them for a while.

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With their commanding officer dead, the "Nazi's" had fallen back quickly. We were left with almost. I casualties, aside from some children, but they were so massive in number it mattered little anyway.

Marching out from the grey rubble of this place, we continued on our way to Der Riese. It was getting quite close. I could feel the energy there. That 115. That strange alien element that's radiation enhanced my powers.


I was hungry. My feet hurt, and I was still just aimlessly walking down the streets of Berlin. I wasn't one to complain, but sheesh. 

By the time the sun went down, I swear I found this place's slums.. This area was particularly run-down. Dirt and dust covered just about every inch of the place. Anything metal had rust's tendrils envelop it completely. The entire place was brown. 

But at least there was a bench. 

It was in what hey'd have you believe was a "park", but in truth it was a few pieces of rusted metal on top of peterock. A bent and broken streetlight sat above it, which didn't work anyway. Thankfully some of the others did. 

I collapsed onto the bench, thankful for a place to sleep. I didn't worry about what kind of diseases were running rampant on it, my powers gave me immunity to such things. 

It was uncomfortable, sure, but it was more than what they gave you at most asylums. Although the padded rooms were quite comfortable. I suppose.

And on that note, I drifted into slumber.

"Silly boy, don't you remember me?"

I awoke with a start. My nightmares were a comfort, but that voice, that refined voice. I remembered it. From somewhere. No. It couldn't be...

I thought nothing of it. And went back to sleep.

My spine was being torn out vertebra by vertebra, by a python with tongue-like fingers and spiders were crawling out of the open wound on my back and in my nose. That was a new one. At least I couldn't feel it. Then these nightmares wouldn't be so relaxing. I don't know what my subconscious tries to scare me away from with, but nothing really scared me anymore, so I used these. nightmares (and the awareness that comes with them) to think. After that practice continued for a while longer, the same divine voice said,

"Oh, come now, you must remember me, silly boy." 

"I do!" I yelled as I awoke once more. In the distance, some large, drunk German men overheard me. Apparently there was a bar next to this park. 


Anyway, the man seemed to have formed the idea that... I.... Slept with their wives? I don't know. They slurred German and were pelvic thrusting a lot. 

I got up and started on my not-so-merry way, but drunks are often the persistent type. True to form, they shouted at me, and in their drunken stupor tried to pursue me. They were surprisingly fast, and were on me within minutes. 

Then one threw a pipe at my head.

"OW! I already have enough mental problems! I don't need retardation!" I shouted indignantly, turning around to them. They laughed and whooped, apparently the head was bonus points or something.

Another lifted a particularly large rock (in an "urban" area mind you) and hefted it over his shoulder. He threw it as of it were as heavy as a baseball, and even drunk, his aim was impeccable. It hit me right in my gut, knocking the wind out of me and knocking me to the ground. 

Dusting myself off, I spoke. "Fine. F*ck this pacifist stuff. I rose, and readied my hands. Twitching them I ripped the arms from one of the men. "no more throwing things for you!" I yelled. Holding his arms in the air, I tensed the muscles and strangled the other two men. I smiled as they choked their final breath and fell to the floor. 

Later, back on my bench, I noticed my hands were bleeding, thin deep cuts etched through my lifelines. I hadn't even been struck there. I closed the wounds and thought nothing of it.

Bored, and unable to sleep, I pulled Scythe out. The little one eyed skull was kind of endearing. "Any ideas, scythe? What should I do?"

"Droolb Dna Hself Taeb wen a emoceb dna trapa flesruoy pir ouy tsel devour the flesh of humans flesrouy leah ylurtot drol ym."


"Yeah. I'l try that." I said, putting him away and falling asleep.

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Ba-bump, Ba-bump, ba-bump.

Andrew could feel his heart throbbing inside, beating in steady normal paced beats, but pounding from what felt like it was in his head as he slowly began to regain consciousness, seeing only a blur clearing up in his vision. Soon realizing he was lying on a thin mattress on his stomach, he slowly turned his head, sending a jolt down though his spine, immediately greeted by what felt as though he was suddenly pierced by several dozen flaming pin needles probing his back. He grunted in pain;


"I wouldn't try that again if I were you"

Andrew's eyes burst open at the sound of an older woman's voice; with delicate short movements, he looked around, seeing a woman in what looked to be in her 60's possibly later 50's ringing out a blood-stained rag over a bucket of warm water.

"Pretty nasty cuts you got here mister, we're you out wrestling bears with your bare hands?" She said jokingly.

Andrew let out a breath and relaxed a bit as she placed the warm rag on to Andrew's back again, he looked around the best he could while laying on his stomach. The woman's accent sounded southern, he knew he couldn't be anywhere near that zombie-infested swamp.

Andrew struggled, but began to speak;

"Wh-where am I?"

"Why, you're in Roswell Georgia mister."

"How long have I been unconscious?"

"You been lying here for 2 days now," She began

The woman gestured for Andrew to sit up; Andrew carefully began to push himself up, feeling the burn of his deep wound sizzle around his tender muscles. The woman proceeded to wrap gauss around his back and waist.

"There ya are mister, good as new."

She handed him a warm cup of Coffee, if felt good in his hands. He hasn't in so much has had a clean drink of water, yet alone a fresh hot cup of coffee in ages it seemed.

"Thanks." Andrew sighed with relief, still looking confused. He was uncertain whether he should ask what year it was, but by the clothes she was wearing, and the brand of coffee sitting next to the pot, he could tell it was still sometime in the 40's

"Mind tellin' me why I found ya with wounds like that half dead in the middle of my barn mister?"

Andrew looked puzzled, even if he told her he teleported, he didn't know why here of all places... not to mention it was a bit fuzzy still.

Before Andrew could speak, she jumped in again;

"My apologies mister, I don't enough know your name yet!"

Andrew finished a sip of his coffee; at least I remember that much, he thought.


"Howdy Andrew, I'm Margrette."

She shook his hand then stood up, grabbing the bucket and pot of coffee.

"I'd better let you rest up, you'll be pretty sore for a little while. Feel free to stay as long as you'd like, supper will be ready in a couple hours, hope you like country fried steak!" She said, winking just before she left the room.

Andrew sighed, still confused by wasn't exactly complaing at the moment. He took another sip of his joe and glanced out the window out at the sunset.

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