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Gersch Device in real life (How Does It work?)

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I'm no expert on this topic, and I'm certainly not a physicist, but I can do my best and explain my understanding of it.


Theoretically again this is all in theory, because it has never actually happened, this device could create a gravitational singularity, which is basically a huge disruption in quantam gravity.

This is all complicated stuff, and I suppose the reason black holes like this can't be reproduced by anything we've created is because it would need to have a "big bang" effect where things just expand and blow up forever, which hasn't really been proven, even took place.


But anyway, I think that it makes something with two items (I don't know what they would be made of) that become so close to each other and have certain properties, they disrupt the universal law of gravity and would create their own "center of gravity" kind of like a black hole.

So, in a way the Gersch Device could be used to basically destroy anything that it is strong enough to attract, of course there is the issue of where does it go after it enters the center of gravity, which might be why Treyarch also gave us the quantam entaglement device, which basically can be used as a method to "teleport" items, like a door that you enter on one side of the universe and come out on the other.


Again, I'm not the best person to ask about this stuff, there are probably people here that know a lot more about this than me, but from what I understand, in real life, this will never happen, basically because of how advanced it is, unless we discover a functioning black hole and can come up with tools to investigate how it works.


As for why Treyarch used it in the game, I'm sure it was just a "life-like" way to open up a hole in the "space-time" continuum and enter the Aether dimension where, Yuri was trapped.

And it's awesome when you see zombies gettig sucked into a black hole, and a damn good escape tool when you're trapped too :mrgreen:

BlackOpsTiger / Jared

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Death by Black Hole - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Believe it or not, it is believed with the particle colliders available to humans today that "micro" black holes can be created on Earth. These black holes would instantly "evaporate" or devour themselves, however. Those are just theories and I can't be sure if there is proof of such occurrences, but a little bit of research may yield the answer.

Now, black holes exhibit the effects of gravity immensely. They are so dense that even light is unable to escape their gravitational pull (thus they are black). The gersch doesn't exactly create a black hole because it isn't black and it teleports players through unscathed(although it is theoretically possible to pass through a black hole, the chance is extremely rare and requires a specific type of black hole), but the main concept is there so I will make the comparison.

I cannot answer your question but I think I can narrow it down a little. If a device was able to create a black hole capable of drawing in great amounts of mass for many seconds; would that black hole continue to grow in size, increasing its mass and inevitably its gravitational pull or what is the minimum size/density/mass needed for a black hole to sustain itself?

Maybe that book has the answer but any answer you find will most likely be theoretical. I was actually trying to check it out from the library today because NdGT is the shiz. If you are interested in space, physics, etc. check him out, you won't be disappointed.

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Death by Black Hole - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Believe it or not, it is believed with the particle colliders available to humans today that "micro" black holes can be created on Earth. These black holes would instantly "evaporate" or devour themselves, however. Those are just theories and I can't be sure if there is proof of such occurrences, but a little bit of research may yield the answer.

Now, black holes exhibit the effects of gravity immensely. They are so dense that even light is unable to escape their gravitational pull (thus they are black). The gersch doesn't exactly create a black hole because it isn't black and it teleports players through unscathed(although it is theoretically possible to pass through a black hole, the chance is extremely rare and requires a specific type of black hole), but the main concept is there so I will make the comparison.

I cannot answer your question but I think I can narrow it down a little. If a device was able to create a black hole capable of drawing in great amounts of mass for many seconds; would that black hole continue to grow in size, increasing its mass and inevitably its gravitational pull or what is the minimum size/density/mass needed for a black hole to sustain itself?

Maybe that book has the answer but any answer you find will most likely be theoretical. I was actually trying to check it out from the library today because NdGT is the shiz. If you are interested in space, physics, etc. check him out, you won't be disappointed.

I recently heard (from CoDZ members) that he is "the sexiest physicist alive" :lol:

anyways, if you guys wanted to know why I asked, it's because what if someone wanted to, say, eliminate a military base. Would you plant a Gersch Device, activate it, and it would eventually suck up everything? Sure, it could, but then how would you stop such a thing? I guess I'll just have to find out more....thanks for all your answers guys!

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BTW, just a heads up, I don't think it will be easy to find a "gersch Device" I'm pretty sure they aren't real, I mean particle colliders have been tried, but no black hole of any significant effect is known to have been created, although the theory exists, no test on a large enough scale has been succesfful.

And when it is, i'm not so sure it would be easy to attain one, you'd probably have to know some REALLY powerful people or be a genius to find one, lol but good luck on your journey! :lol:

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Oh Carl Sagan, you beast.

Anyhow, the video gives a fairly decent explanation of black holes and their relation to teleportation closer to the end of the video, but it's Carl Sagan, so there's no need to rush.

     So although a black hole of that size may never be actually possible, and it would cause a lot more damage than just absorbing zombies, it could (theoretically) be used for teleportation, and would not be entirely unstable and probably would not consume the entire Earth :P

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